A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 324 Civil and military changes in education methods

Lu Ke gave up his previous plan of secretly entering the village and shooting guns, and instead cooperated with Xu Wenwu, the local snake of the Eastern Kingdom, to plot Tarot.


This doesn't mean that he has forgotten that Xu Wenwu's narrow-eyed daughter-in-law is an undercover SHIELD agent.

According to the intelligence, Xu Wenwu not only brought back his rebellious son Shangqi and daughter Xu Xialing this time, he also brought back the squinting Katie.

In other words.

Xu Wenwu thought he was bringing back Squinty Eyes Katie, but Luke knew that this guy was bringing back an informant from SHIELD.

As for SHIELD, it is a cooperative ally with the Spear Bureau of the East Kingdom.

This also means one thing.

If Luke went to Xu Wenwu's base camp to find Xu Wenwu at this time, it might not matter if he was discovered by SHIELD, but it would be too bad if he was discovered by someone from SHIELD.

As everyone knows.

He made a new friend last Christmas.

The new friend's name...is Zheng Xian.

Zheng Xian, the director of the Divine Spear Bureau.


Luke asked curiously: "Wenwu, I'm very curious, about Katie, don't you know she has a problem?"

Xu Wenwu on the other end of the phone reacted.

"I know, but obviously you know more than me."

"So be it."

Luke smiled, adhering to the principle of frank cooperation, and directly told Xu Wenwu that after he left, agents from SHIELD came to ask him about something.

And his speculation about the identity of Katie.

Lu Ke clicked his tongue and shook his head: "It seems that you have failed in your son's education. Your son has not inherited even one-tenth of your view of women."

Xu Wenwu took a deep breath and did not answer, but said in a deep voice: "Then tell me how we can meet."

Luke smiled and looked up at Seve sitting opposite.

Seve turned his tablet over and showed Luke the coordinates he found on the tablet that were more suitable for meeting.

Lu Ke nodded and reported the coordinates to Xu Wenwu.

Xu Wenwu wrote down the coordinates.

"I'll be there in an hour."


Lu Ke nodded when he heard this, and then when he hung up the phone with Xu Wenwu, he thought for a while and said in a calm tone: "It's better to kill that narrow-eyed man. Although the fly is not harmful, just existing is a very big thing." Disgusting things.”

Xu Wenwu did not respond, but hung up the phone expressionlessly.

Razor Fist, who was standing not far away, watched his boss hang up the phone in his hand and quickly walked over respectfully.

"grown ups."

"Where is the woman I brought back?"

"With the young master and the young lady, we are in the lounge in the backyard."

"Bring her here."


Razor Fist nodded, turned around, and walked towards the lounge in the backyard.


Accompanied by the noises of Shang Qi and Xu Xialing, and the loud screams of pain from the narrow-eyed Katie, two members of the Ten Rings Gang directly dragged Katie, escorted by boning knives, to where Xu Wenwu was. in the data room.

Xu Wenwu crossed his hands behind his back and stared at the dragon-shaped mural in front of him.

Shang Qi came in and cursed.

"Walter Fuck."

"What are you going to do to Katie..."

"When you two ran away from home, my only reliance was to contact your mother through the psychic at the foot of the mountain."

Xu Wenwu directly interrupted Shang Qi who was cursing, turned around, ignored Katie who was being dragged by two members of the Ten Rings Gang, and set his eyes on the traitor Shang Qi and his daughter Xia Ling.

"I really hope your mother can give me guidance."

"I want your mother to tell me what I did wrong."

"Feel sorry."

"I am a father for the first time, and I don't know how to raise my own children."

"Your mother guided me. She told me through a psychic that I must be patient and loving when dealing with my children."

"There has never been any hatred between father and son and father and daughter. If there is, it is because I, the father, lack understanding and care for you."

"I followed the guidance your mother gave me."

"You want to leave here and go to the Federation, okay, I'll let you go to the Federation."

Xu Wenwu spoke quietly, looking at the angry Shang Qi, showing a smile, and then turned his eyes to his daughter Xu Xialing beside him: "So, after your brother left, I spent almost all my time Spent spending time with you.”

Xu Xialing looked at the expression on Xu Wenwu's face and couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart.

There is no better way to know your father than your daughter.

When Xu Xialing saw the expression on Xu Wenwu's face, and now Xu Wenwu's words, he instantly understood something.

Their father is going to kill someone!

Xu Wenwu looked at the expression on his daughter's face and smiled.

"But you also found an opportunity to run away."

"But it's better for you than your brother to leave without saying goodbye and leave me a letter."

"Not crooked."


Xu Xialing opened her mouth and looked at Xu Wenwu.


“I’m going to Saint-Loduo this time!”

Xu Wenwu once again interrupted his daughter's hesitant words and raised his voice slightly.

"After he learned about my family, he didn't make any excuses and pointed out my problems to the point."

“The way I was educating was wrong.”

"In his words, after your mother was killed by the gangster, I should have killed you too. There is no need to force you to learn various attack methods to protect yourself."

"After all, I only have one wife, but as for me, I can have countless children."


Xu Xialing was completely shocked when she heard this.



Xu Wenwu looked at his daughter, who seemed a little excited, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Did he say something wrong?"

Xu Xialing nodded in disbelief.

"Of course, he must be wrong."

"I think he's quite right."

Xu Wenwu put his hands in his pockets and looked to the side. Shang Qi, who was still glaring at him, said to his daughter Xia Ling: "Your mother was killed by a gangster. I am..."

At this time, Shang Qi interrupted Xu Wenwu's words, glared at Xu Wenwu, and said directly: "My mother was killed by you."

Xu Wenwu smiled and looked at Shang Qi.

Xu Xialing on the side quickly winked at her brother Shang Qi.

Shang Qi ignored Xu Xialing, but continued to output his paranoid thoughts like a virgin bitch towards Xu Wenwu: "If it weren't for you, how could those people find us, how could they kill mother, mother's death ,it was all your fault."

Xu Wenwu laughed.

The laughter was so loud that it seemed that the entire data room was shaking under the laughter.

The next second.

Xu Wenwu stopped talking and looked at Shang Qi: "That friend of mine told me another thing when he was in Saint Luodu."

Shang Qi looked at Xu Wenwu unconvinced: "Oh, really, what's the matter?"

Xu Wenwu's expression was gloomy, thinking of what Lu Ke said when he parted with Lu Ke: "The tradition of the Eastern Kingdom is actually very good. For example, filial sons emerge from under the stick."

The words fell.

Shang-Chi seemed to react, his eyes shrinking.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Xu Wenwu had disappeared. When Shang Qi reacted, Xu Wenwu had appeared in front of him, and then pressed his right palm heavily on Shang Qi's chest.


Shang Qi instantly flew backwards and hit the wall of the data room with a bang.


The walls cracked.

Katie, who was held down by two members of the Ten Rings Gang, was stunned. She looked at Shang Qi falling from the wall and shouted: "Shang..."

The words didn't quite come out of her mouth.

Because her mouth has been pinched by a hand.

Xu Wenwu's hand.

Katie, with squinted eyes, was under Xu Wenwu's hand, pouting and looking at Xu Wenwu in fear.

Shang Qi, who fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood, struggled and tried to get up from the ground while watching this scene.


He struggled a few times, but still couldn't get up from the floor.

Xu Wenwu squinted his eyes and looked at Katie, whose mouth was pinched in his hand: "In addition to telling me how to correctly educate a filial son, my friend also told me three other things."

As Xu Wenwu spoke, his eyes fell on Xu Xialing, the daughter of his brother who was stopped by two members of the Ten Rings Gang: "Xia Ling, do you know what these three things are?"

Xu Xialing looked at her brother who was struggling on the ground and tried unsuccessfully to get up. Then after hearing these words, she looked at her father.


"Where is your mother's soul now, who killed your mother, and the true identity of this Katie."


Shang Qi, who was struggling on the floor, roared: "Let Katie go."

When Xu Xialing heard this, she trembled and looked at her father: "Mother... who killed mother?"


Luke is right.

A son who is raised must belong to someone else, but a daughter must belong to one’s own family.

Xu Wenwu listened to Shang Qi and Xia Ling's concerns and thought in his heart, and said to Xu Xia Ling: "I will go to him to verify the first two later, but I don't need to verify the third one anymore. "

Xu Xialing heard this and said quickly: "I'll go too."

She doesn't care who Katie is. After all, no matter what Katie's identity is, there is only one identity for her.

That was Bichi who robbed his brother.

That's all.


Xu Wenwu looked at his daughter who was concerned about the truth about his mother's death, and said with a smile. Then, he cast his eyes on Katie's face in his hand, and said in a calm tone: "Thanks to my friend, I I know, it turns out you are an informant for SHIELD."

Katie, who was struggling fiercely in Xu Wenwu's hands, was stunned when she heard this.

The next second.

Katie's struggles became more intense.


Katie's violent movement only lasted for two seconds and ended.


Xu Wenwu used his right hand hard enough to break Katie's neck.

...(End of chapter)

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