Xu Wenwu also disliked this narrow-eyed Katie.

If he had followed his previous habits, he would have sent this narrow-eyed Katie to death as soon as he saw her.


Yingli told him to be tolerant to his children and to take good care of his children.

So Xu Wenwu allowed Shang Qi to disobey him again and again, and even blamed himself more than once for harming their mother.

But who is he.

Xu Wenwu!

The legendary Mandarin.

The real master of the Ten Commandments Gang.

If Shangqi hadn't been his and Yingli's cub, it could be said that Shangqi would have died more than once or twice.

The reason why Shang Qi was able to be arrogant in front of him was not because Shang Qi had the capital to be arrogant, but just because his mother was called Yingli.

But that doesn't include other people.

Like this squinty-eyed Katie.

Xu Wenwu had not killed this narrow-eyed Katie before, just because Katie was just a fly to him.

He may or may not kill.

But for now.

Luke gave him a reason.


Katie is dead.

No exceptions.

As for Shang Qi, who fell to the floor after seeing this scene, roaring, roaring, and trying to stand up from the floor, Xu Wenwu was not in the mood to pay attention to it at the moment.

Whether it's Shang Qi or Xu Xia Ling.

This pair of children were able to gain his doting simply because their mother was named Yingli.

Because Xu Wenwu liked Yingli, he loved Wujiwu and the children Yingli gave birth to for him.


Xu Wenwu let go of his right hand, glanced at the body of Katie with narrowed eyes, whose neck was crushed and fell to the ground, and said to Razor Fist: "Take Shang-Chi back to the room and lock it up, and then get ready. airplane."

Razorfist nodded in response.

Xu Xialing on the side turned to look at her brother Shangqi who was pulled up from the ground by two members, and then said to Xu Wenwu: "I'll go too."

She also wants to know the truth about her mother Yingli's death.

Xu Wenwu walked towards the outside of the data room expressionlessly.

Seeing this, Xu Xialing quickly followed, ignoring her brother Shangqi who was still yelling at her and Xu Wenwu.

Forty minutes later.

When Xu Wenwu took his daughter to find Lu Ke, Lu Ke was taking Seve to taste the local specialties of Yunnan.

"Two bowls of rice noodles."


The owner of the rice noodle shop looked at the Dongguo people and a beautiful blond foreigner who came in, nodded, turned around and started to work.

Luke took off his sunglasses and led Seve to sit at an outdoor table in front of the store.

Not far away, five Hydra agents wearing sunglasses stood like statues.

Luke had no intention of bringing the Hydra agents down.

But Seve pressed hard.

In her words, Lu Ke is powerful, but sometimes, being powerful also requires pomp and circumstance.

When Luke heard this, he simply followed Seve.

After the two sat down.

Luke looked at Seve who was sitting opposite with a smile: "It just so happens that I still have time to try some local specialties."

Seve didn't care what he ate, because he had already eaten enough in the Sky Fortress.

Her attention was entirely on the tablet in her hand.

Seve glanced at the data analysis of the forest not far away on the tablet, then looked up at Luke: "The analysis shows that there seems to be nothing special. Is that Tarot really here?"

Luke was not surprised by this: "Well, if the entrance can be discovered casually, can it still be called a dimension?"

If you look at the dimensions of the hips, they are also dimensions.

It's like the difference between two dimensions and three dimensions.

Also like the hell dimension.

People cannot easily find the entrance to the hell dimension on the earth, even if they dig through the earth, they cannot find it. The same is true for the entrance to the Tarot dimension.

The entrance to the dimension cannot be found casually by scanning or analyzing with some scientific equipment.

"But can Wenwu find it?"

"His wife belongs to Tarot."

Luke smiled and said: "At least his understanding of the Tarot dimension must be above ours."

Sever nodded thoughtfully.

at this time.

The rice noodle boss had already walked out of the restaurant with two bowls of fresh and hot rice noodles.

"You two are welcome."


Lu Ke took the rice noodles from the rice noodle boss and said thank you. Then he seemed to think of something. He looked at the boss and pointed to the endless forest just outside the town: "By the way, boss, what's in that forest?" Is it special, because we just came from that way, and the entrance to the forest seems to be sealed."

Moreover, the entrance to the forest is not only sealed, there are even several surveillance cameras placed on the big trees at the entrance of the forest facing the entrance of the forest.

The boss glanced in the direction of Luke's finger, and then let out a sudden sigh.

"You mean Shenlong Lin?"

"The place has been sealed off for a long time and has been included in a nature reserve."

"It should be 1992."

The boss thought for a while: "That year, on the first day of the new year, it was said that a dragon appeared in the sky above the Shenlong Forest, and it was very vivid. As a result, many people came the next day and sealed it up. Until now, let alone say Outsiders, even us locals, can’t get in.”

When Lu Ke heard this, he looked at the five black SUVs that were driving in the direction not far away from the corner of his eye. He nodded towards the boss and said thank you.

The boss said you're welcome, then turned around and walked into the store again.

Five black SUVs stopped in front of the hotel.

Xu Wenwu walked out of the car with his daughter Xu Xialing.

The five Hydra agents standing at the door took a glance, and after confirming that Luke and Seve had no orders, they watched Xu Wenwu and Xu Xialing walking toward them with expressionless expressions.

Lu Ke smiled and greeted Xu Wenwu who came over.

"Here you go, do you want some rice noodles?"


Xu Wenwu sat down with his daughter Xu Xialing beside him, then raised his head and shouted to the boss of the store: "Boss, two more bowls of rice noodles."

The owner of the store responded quickly.

after awhile.

The boss once again brought out two bowls of rice noodles, and then returned to the store again without looking back.

no way.

Counting the five Hydra agents outside just now, plus the ten newly added members of the Ten Rings Gang this time, the aura is so strong that the boss feels like Alexander.

The four parties involved had no pressure at all.


The rice noodles have bottomed out.

After Lu Ke put down his chopsticks, he looked at Xu Wenwu who also put down his chopsticks. They stood up and walked aside. Then, he set his sights outside the town, which has been listed as a protected area since 1992. Shenlong Forest.

"Where is the Tarot entrance?"


Xu Wenwu was also looking at the Shenlong Forest outside the town, recalling in his mind every detail of his encounter with Yingli in the depths of the Shenlong Forest: "The entrance to the Tarot is changing every moment. Today's entrance, Maybe the entrance location is different from yesterday.”

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu: "But you should be able to find it."

Xu Wenwu smiled and did not answer the question, but looked at Lu Ke: "You said before that Yingli was assassinated by Tarot people. I hope you have evidence."

Lu Ke smiled and said, "I told you, Yingnan's daughter told me."

Xu Wenwu nodded.

"Where is she."



Xu Wenwu looked at Luke expressionlessly and said nothing.

Lu Ke smiled and said: "I didn't know it at first. I only found out after I killed her. However, if you really want to know, it's not impossible."

Xu Wenwu looked at Luke.

"I would like to know."

"Do you believe me?"


Xu Wenwu smiled and did not answer the question, but looked at Luke: "Well, Luke, do you believe me?"

Luke shook his head frankly.

"I don't really believe it."

"me too."

"But if you want to see this Yingnan's daughter, you must trust me."


"Her daughter's soul is now in my Hades. If you want to see it, you can only die once."

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu with a smile: "No living person can go there. If you want to find the answer yourself, you will have no choice but to die."

Xu Wenwu caught the key words in Lu Ke's words, his eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Lu Ke with a low tone.

"Your Hades?"


Lu Ke said bluntly: "Otherwise, why do you think I could know where your clone, Lord Mandarin, was at that time? Your younger brothers were indeed quite loyal to you. It's a pity that they could do something to me when they were alive." Hidden, but after death, they will have no secrets from me.”

When Xu Wenwu heard this, his heart moved.


He figured out why Luke was able to find the Mandarin's location so quickly and accurately, and why he could even be so clear about his plan.


Xu Wenwu frowned and looked at Lu Ke: "Is it necessary to die?"

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu expressionlessly, and then said in a deep voice: "You don't have to die."

The expression on Xu Wenwu's face paused.

The corners of Luke's mouth raised, revealing a bright smile: "For someone like you, you should be able to experience out-of-body experiences, but do you dare to trust me and take your soul to my underworld?"

There was a pause.

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu with a smile: "Aren't you afraid of me? After taking your soul to Hades, won't you bring it back?"

Hel Hades is now sealed by Odin.

Luke is able to enter and exit freely due to the bug.

It is true that he can bring the soul into the Hell of Hell, but if the soul he brings back does not have his guidance, there is no way to escape on his own.

Xu Wenwu smiled and met Luke's gaze: "How to get there."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you afraid that I will leave you in Hades?"


Xu Wenwu nodded, then looked at Luke: "Without my help, even if you turned the Shenlong Forest upside down like the Divine Spear Bureau, you would not be able to find the Tarot dimension."

Luke raised his eyebrows.

...(End of chapter)

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