Sometimes, reality is extremely cruel!

There is no reversal!

Follow-up...It developed in the direction that everyone expected and did not want to see.......

【Ying's eyes lit up instantly. They actually had the evidence that could prove that"The Cardinal of Oracle Judgment" and"The Mixed Power of Law Compensation" were not created by Finina!】

【The next second, Ying and Paimeng looked at each other, and Paimeng immediately understood what he meant and began to argue:】

【"However, even you don’t know the reason why"Young Master" was inexplicably convicted at that time, right?"】

【"Otherwise, why can't I come up with a reason to explain it until now?"】

【"Regarding this, I said very clearly at the time that the decision of the gods is not something that mortals can understand, nor does it need to be explained...."】

【This time, Funina's answer was somewhat weak, and was immediately rejected by Villette:】

【"No, Ms. Furninna, I must remind you to recognize the current situation."】

【"In the court, the trial itself is above all else...Before you become a god, you should first」"】

【"If you do not truthfully state what you know according to the trial rules, the situation will be very unfavorable to you."】

【Furninna:"...Use this rhetoric..."】

【Navillatte:"This is not an excuse, Ms. Funina. It is the rule of the Inquisition that everyone should respect!"】


【From this moment on, Funina began to decline!】

【Paimon began to press on and said,"So you don't actually know why the"Young Master" is guilty, and you don't even know the structure and principle of the"Cardinal of Oracle and Judgment"..."】

【"Those so-called miracles you mentioned should all belong to the"real water god", right?"】

【"Where can I find a real water god?..."】

【Furninna still looked like she was not justified but still strong, and said in a very arrogant manner:】

【"I really don't know what happened to"Young Master""】

【"The Prince's guilt was determined unilaterally by the"Cardinal of Instructions and Judgments", which has been operating independently since its birth...."】

【"cannot...We cannot say that God is fake just because there is something wrong with His creation...."】

It's over, it's basically over!

At this moment, no matter who it is, no matter which world they come from, if they hear this, as long as they are not fools, they should realize that Funina is at the end of her strength and what she said is just specious!

It is foreseeable....

This trial...It's Funina who lost.......

【Seeing that Fu Nina was still quibbling and still making her final struggle, Ying was not annoyed, but silently took out another killer move, and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner:】

【"Let's not talk about those miracles for now, can you demonstrate the power of the gods?"】

Good fellow!

Proving that"Cardinal of Oracle" was not created by Funina has already cost Funina half her life!

Now Ying has taken out this killer move again, how can Funina deal with it?! It's really a direct attack in the face, there is no way to avoid it!

It's no exaggeration to say...

Next Steps...What Furninha can do...Only the last"useless struggle" remains..........

【Fu Nina said in a panic,"Eh?! God's power? There are so many ordinary people in the audience. I can't rashly use the power of God...."】

【Navilet:"If necessary, I will go to the audience to provide protection."】

【Furninna:"This...This is not necessary...."】

【Ying:"Just show the power of water element a little bit. This is something that all humans with divine eyes can do."】


【Paimon:"As the God of Water, let alone divine power, you can't even use the elemental power of water?"】

【Furninna:"Yes...It is"Law Compensation Chaos". Yes, it is"Law Compensation Chaos". The power of God comes from faith, and the faith of the people of Fontaine in justice has been transformed into"Law Compensation Chaos". In order to bring energy to everyone's life, I gave up all my divine power. Look, what a selfless God I am!"】

【Under the aggressive pressure of Villette, Ying and Paimon...】

【Funina was really getting more and more overwhelmed, but she did not give up and continued to make efforts to try to turn the situation around.】

【only...The audience didn't buy into Funina's efforts....】

【"This is...Isn’t that a bit far-fetched?"】

【"Yes, no matter how selfless one is, it is impossible for him to be completely powerless, right? Can a god without any power still be called a god?"】

【And with the discussions and doubts from the audience, the balance of"decreeing the cardinal" tilted again!】

【but...This time it's towards Ying!】

【"Hey, everyone, stop looking at me with such suspicion...."】

【"Don’t you all like me? I’m still the same Funina, you should stand by me!"】

【"Stand by me..."】

【"If what the accuser said is true, it is indeed serious...."】

【"Not only us, but also our parents, even our deceased grandfather, and those elders before that, were all deceived by Funina?"】


【People have begun to recognize...The accusation that Furninna is not the"Water Goddess"】

【That is the moment of acceptance....】

【「"Lady Furninna" has become"Furninna"!】

【The voices of doubt became more intense and filled with anger after being deceived!】

【They turned into extremely sharp blades and stabbed towards Funina's heart!】

【ruthless...And cruel!】......

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