In the world of Death God, Kyonyaku.

For Aizen, country, justice, fate, prophecy, and justice are all important....This series of concepts is insignificant, like a figment of the imagination, it cannot restrain him at all, and can even be easily broken!

After all...He is truly a man who dares to trample all living things under his feet and dares to challenge the gods! Therefore, even if he can recognize the will and spirit of Furninna who used her mortal body to resist the ravages of five hundred years, he cannot empathize with her and just watches it for fun....Aizen never tires of speculating and calculating the evil in people's hearts.

So when he saw the people whom Fenina had protected for five hundred years, now using increasingly sarcastic words, they turned into extremely sharp blades and stabbed Fenina....

The corners of Aizen's mouth raised in a very sarcastic arc, and he commented with great amusement:

"Yeah yeah..."

"When the guardian stabs you with a sharp blade, how desperate you must be, girl named Funina~"

"real...The tragedy caused by human inferiority is really interesting and never gets boring to watch!"......

In the world of spells, in the Tagore domain.

Looking at everything that happened on the screen, Louhu's big eyes were full of ridicule and disgust, and his tone was particularly sarcastic:

"One side concealed this hardship and deceived everyone, while the other side completely forgot the past and turned its back on people...."

"Human beings are really full of lies and hypocrisy!"

"Knew it..."

"Negative emotions, hatred, and murderous intent are the irrefutable truth!"

"We, the"curses" born from it, are the pure...The real"human」!"......

FGO world, the end of the Age of Gods, Mesopotamia

"snort...Fininna, this imposter who is not doing well, is actually suppressed like this, what a fool she is!"

Although King Gilgamesh is in the"wise king flash" stage at this moment, he couldn't help but gnashing his teeth when he saw Fininna suppressing him like this.

However...Gilgamesh is like this not because he is a...

It's the opposite....

Gilgamesh really despised Furninha, even though her spirit and will were indeed worthy of praise.

As for why he despised her? He said that she had been cursed and bound by the so-called gods, and had been manipulated for five hundred years....

King Gilgamesh, the"Heavenly Wedge" who hates gods the most, would never have thought highly of Fernina!...

So why was Gilgamesh so excited when he saw Fernina being suppressed?...

King Gilgamesh is the king who promulgated the first human code, the Code of Hammurabi, in pan-human history....No one is more strict and respectful of the law and the court than him.

Anyone who breaks the law and commits a crime, even if he is a king or a god, will undoubtedly be judged!


Gilgamesh still fully agrees with Ying and his group's desire to judge Furninna, regardless of other factors....The accusations made by Ying and his party in the court were fundamentally wrong in principle, which made Gilgamesh extremely disgusted....This is the disgusting part!

And this mistake was definitely not noticed by some people.

After all, other people were either confused by the situation, or worried about the whole process and didn't pay attention to the trial itself, or they had a preconceived idea and subconsciously believed that Funina would lose this trial.

Only someone like Gilgamesh who is extremely objective and respects the law and court can realize it!

As for what is this principled mistake?!

You know,...

「"Innocent until proven guilty" is the most basic principle of litigation and defense in court!


The accuser must have the most direct evidence to prove the suspect's crime in order to convict him. Otherwise, he will be acquitted.

The most important point is...Suspects do not need to prove their innocence....

The current trial against Funina does not follow the principle of"innocent until proven guilty".

So far, Funina has been asked to prove her innocence, but there is a serious lack of decisive direct evidence to prove Funina's guilt.

If Ying and his team do not have decisive direct evidence next......There is no problem in declaring Funina not guilty in court....Furninha was still so guilty and panicked!

How could Gilgamesh not curse her? How could he not call her"unpromising"? How could he not call her"idiot"


King Gilgamesh also seemed to be unaware of...

Teyvat...It is not pan-human history, nor is it a Lostbelt or a Singularity!

It is a real other world!

Do the legal litigation principles of pan-human history apply to the continent of Teyvat, and do they apply to Fontainebleau?...It is still unknown!


Regardless of whether the principle of"innocent until proven guilty" is applicable to trials in another world,...In other words, the principle of"innocent until proven guilty" also applies to this trial....Even King Gilgamesh himself will be the one to take the stand!

There will be no reversal in this trial.

Because in the next scene...

Ying and his group still got the evidence that proved that Funina was not a god....Direct evidence!......

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