【The people that I protect are now stabbing me in the back with the coldest eyes and the most cruel words.】

【Even someone as strong as Funina was almost broken at this moment:】

【"Enough! Enough!"】

【"So let’s say, if I am not a god, then where is the real water god?"】

【"Now you have no evidence of the existence of a real water god, and no one else claims to be the"water god", so who else could the"water god" be except me?"】

【"There is such logic...Damn it, how can I refute her now? It seems that Funina really won't give up!"】

【Compared to Paimon, Ying was very calm in the face of Furninna's unreasonable arguments, as if she had expected this.】

【Indeed, the whereabouts of the real water god are unknown, or whether it exists at all....That's still an unknown.】

【I have no direct evidence to prove that Funina is not the water god....】

【Let’s change our thinking - if we can’t prove that Funina is not a water goddess, then just prove that Funina is a human being!】

【So...It’s time for the final killer to appear!】

【Ying nodded to Navia in the audience, and Navia suddenly stood up and said loudly:】

【"Since you insist on claiming that you are a god, not a human, there is a way to at least eliminate the suspicion that you are an ordinary person in Fontaine."】

【Navia's words made Finina feel quite uneasy, as if someone had dug a big hole in front of her and was waiting for her to jump in.】

【However, before Furninna could speak, the deep, serious voice of Navrette in the center sounded in everyone's ears:】

【"Next time you speak in court, please apply first. Even if you are a traveler's partner, you need to obtain temporary agent qualification first."】

One person's world, Nadutong Company

"Wow! ~ It doesn't look like Villette is a good person at first glance!"

"This preemptive move is really good!"

Zhang Chulan sneered after hearing the so-called warning from Villette!

In a one-man world.

Zhang Chulan's combat power may not be the best among the younger generation

, but in terms of dealing with people and calculating... let alone the younger generation, even those old fox-level figures may not be able to beat him! He is simply a Tongtian-level existence, and his combat record can be checked!


Zhang Chulan saw through Villette's actions!

On the surface, it was a warning from the highest judge, but it was just a warning. In fact, it was just to shut Furnin's mouth. There was no obstruction at all, and it let Navia take the next action quite naturally.

It can be seen from this...

The role played by the chief judge of Fontaine in this trial...

But he is not a kind character....

There are many people in the world who think the same as Zhang Chulan!

Especially the fans of Fu, who are secretly cursing in their hearts at this moment - damn old Deng, what a piece of shit!......

Teyvat continent, Fontaine.

Navelette, who looked ashamed at the moment and didn't know how to face Fernina, trembled, and her majestic eyes shrank into pinholes in an instant, as if she had been frightened by something.


It's just a moment...

Villette's complexion returned to normal, but the doubt in his eyes did not disappear....

(This murderous aura coming from all directions...Is it my illusion?!)......

Screen continues...

【"I'm sorry, Your Excellency the Inquisitor. This is the last time I'll offend you."】

【"I brought some seawater from Baisong Town. Everyone knows the disaster that Baisong Town just encountered. Many people dissolved in this seawater....Including my closest friends..."】

【"So Miss Funina, do you dare to touch the sea water of Baisong Town?"】

【"According to your own statement, as a god, touching such sea water should not have any impact, but will only win strong evidence to prove yourself!"】

【"But if you don’t dare, some lies will be exposed by themselves, right?"】

【"By the way, I think I must remind you that no one should ever see anyone dissolving in sea water again...."】

【"I hope you won't be reckless. It's often easier to admit your guilt."】

Sure enough!

It was just as Zhang Chulan and the others had expected.

After Villette's warning, Navia didn't give Furninna a chance to speak, and immediately took over the conversation, and then took action.

This set of small combos was really linked together, so smooth!

At the same time...

When Navia said what kind of action would be taken next...

Everyone is hanging their hearts...Finally dead!

Use the"Original Fetal Sea" to determine whether Funina is human...

This is another conspiracy after the duel before the trial!...

It is indeed a"killer weapon"...

A top-notch conspiracy!......

New book, please provide data! Please add to collection!

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