Sometimes, a bad premonition is often the most accurate!

The knife is coming!.......

【As Villette's eyes became more and more reluctant,...】

【The Sword of Damocles, which contains the power of water element that can destroy the throne of God」!】

【Sudden riot!】

【The sword began to rotate, and the light it emitted became stronger and more dazzling.】

【For a time...】

【The whole space was filled with a suffocating feeling of oppression!】

【On stage...】

【Fukaros, who had been watching Villette, seemed to have sensed the changes in the giant sword above his head....】

【The whole person trembled slightly】

【But she still had that heartbreaking smile on her face.】

【With a relieved tone:】


【"It looks like the time for execution is coming soon."】

【"I am a sinner」...It's time to prepare for the curtain call"】

【Talking Room】

【Fukaros slowly put his hands together at his waist and looked up at the giant sword that was about to execute him.】

【His voice was trembling:】

【��But facing death, I am still a little scared...."】

【"This is the rare commonality between God and man...."】


【After taking a final deep breath, Fukaros took a step forward, looked directly at Villette once again, and said his final farewell:】

【"Haha, bye, Villette"】

【"I hope you enjoy your role in these five hundred years."】

【After saying this, Fukaros tilted his head slightly and gave Villette a final smile.】

【That Villette:"You..."】

This smile...

Not only did Villette in the picture feel a bucket of anger, but it also gave a heavy blow to the heavens and the worlds!...

Appreciate, admire, like...Even those who worship Fernina and Furkalos...

They all stared at Fukaros's"last" smile... in silence...

But tears...I don't know when it started...

The final moment of farewell has finally come..........

【Next second...】

【The whole space suddenly rang with an elegant and sad waltz....】

【Fukaros moves with the music!】

【And for some reason, Funina's figure also appeared at this moment, and Fukaros' figure...】


【Only she and her...】

【One dances gracefully, the other steps lightly....】

【White dress dancing lightly, blue dress swaying...】

【The elegant posture under the holy white dress...The brisk figure under the lively blue coat...】

【On stage】

【Spin, jump, swing...】

【Every action...】

【They are all intertwined, integrated and complement each other!】

【They are all so beautiful that they make people intoxicated, so beautiful that they make people heartbroken, and so beautiful that they make people cry!】

【that's all...】

【On this empty, unknown stage...】

【She and she, man and God, herself and herself staged the final...「Curtain Dance」!】

It hurts!

It hurts so much!

I didn’t even notice the tears falling!

It hurts so much that even my breathing becomes difficult!......

Fernina and Fukaros...The two's final"Final Dance".

From the moment it started!

The people of the heavens and the worlds were so uncomfortable!

But even if they were in tears and their hearts were so painful that they couldn't breathe, they still stared at the light screen!

Not moving!

After all...

No one wants to miss...

The final"Farewell Dance" of the Twin Water Gods」...

The final great achievement!......

【I don't know how long it took...】

【Belongs to the water god...Last...「Curtain Dance」!】

【Countless people are unwilling to see it end soon, but what is coming will come....】

【As the song ended...】

【Fukaros ended her"Farewell Dance" with the most standard farewell ceremony.」】

【The curtain call ended, and the whole space was instantly silent.】

【but...This silence didn't last long.】

【Just count your breaths...】

【The scene that made countless people tear their eyes out has finally come!】

【Above Fukaros' head, the giant water element sword that was originally spinning slowly suddenly stopped.】

【The light is restrained!】

【The murderous atmosphere is getting stronger!】

【And at the moment when the murderous atmosphere reached its peak】

【The water elemental giant sword that can punish gods and destroy their thrones...】

【Come down with a loud bang!】

【Don't give anyone a chance to react!】

【Villette's eyes were wide open with anger, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to stop all this from happening!】

【but...It's too late!】

【This was planned by Fukaros himself....「"Destined" execution!】

【No one can stop it!】


【With a loud bang, the giant sword smashed into the ground completely!】


【In that indescribable atmosphere of sadness...】


【Water Throne...Totally crushed!】

【The final"Final Dance"」——The sinner dances!】


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