In order to fight against the prophecy, save the entire Fontaine...


Or the body is dead and the soul is destroyed.

Seeing this scene...

All the beings in the heavens and the worlds were silent!

Tears welled up in their eyes....What's more...I am already in tears!


Most people don't feel too sad!

Especially those fans of Shuangfu in the world....

Although the tears never stopped, my heart was filled with pride....

And happy for Fernina and Furkalos...

I am glad that they have always followed their beliefs! I am glad that they have stood shoulder to shoulder with the gods and completed the great cause of saving Fontaine!...Completely freed and happy!

Happy from the bottom of my heart!

As for why everyone is like this?

Because when facing the moment when the execution sword fell, Fukaros's expression...

Everyone saw it...

See it clearly!......

Do you fear death?

That's right, it's something that's inscribed in the genes of every living being!

No one can avoid it, including gods....

When facing death, Fukaros actually felt more relieved and liberated!...

Over the past five hundred years...

Finina, in her human form, played the role of a god, enduring pain and suffering that mortals could never endure!

The same was true for Fukaros.

In order to deceive"heavenly principles"! In order to be able to move around in her perspective and accumulate strength.

She was unknown in the"Cardinal of Oracles"....They had spent five hundred years in a cage-like space!

Everything was like a curse and shackles, binding the twins!

And now......

The time to end it all has finally come!


For Fukaros... die...

Isn't it a liberation?......

【Gods fall, thrones shattered】

【all of these...Villette saw it all.】

【On his face...Unable to restrain his expression, which he had not shown in the past hundreds of years.】

【A heavy, sad complex filled his chest.】

【This feeling...This made Villette very uncomfortable.】

【To know...】

【Before entering the human world, the"emotions" that are unique to humans」】

【That Villette never had...I don't even know what"emotion" is.」】

【But now...】

【Since becoming the Supreme Judge of Fontaine, Villette has officially entered human society.】

【Having lived with the weak but extremely special race"humans" for hundreds of years】

【During these hundreds of years of getting along, Villette gradually understood human thinking and emotions.】


【The emotion called"sadness" would overwhelm the heart so violently and make Villette so heartbroken and painful!】

【While in pain...】

【The figures of Fukaros and Funina kept flashing and overlapping in my mind....】

【The memories still stung him madly!】


【I don't know since when...】

【The water elemental force, as powerful as a"rule", turned into drops of water-colored light, floating around Villette.】

【It was at this time...】

【Villette seemed to realize something.】

【Looking at the water-colored light floating around him, his eyes were extremely complicated.】

【Then he subconsciously stretched out his hand...】

【At the moment of reaching out, the condensed water elements seemed to recognize their master.】

【After Villette's palm stayed for a moment, it surged into every inch of his body.】

【no doubt】

【The law of"water" in this world has finally been returned to its original owner】

【This is what Fukaros said...「The return of the"Ancient Dragon Power"!】

【And at the moment when the power of water elements was completely integrated into Villette's body, he felt completely complete!】

【as well as...A qualitative leap in strength and power!】


【The Water Dragon King, who had returned to his prime, did not feel the slightest bit of joy at regaining his"power"!】

【He just stared blankly at the empty stage.】

【He still seems unable to let go...】

【His complete"Ancient Dragon Power" was obtained at the cost of Fukaros' life....】

【This fact】

【Can't calm down for a long time!】

【at the same time...】

【On the opera house's bench】

【Furninha lost hope, her eyes were empty and she was as numb as a puppet....】

【There is still a tear of sadness in the corner of my eye】

【At that moment...】

【Tears of sorrow and the brilliance of the water element that appeared out of nowhere...】

【It resonated!】

【Some obscure lights suddenly appeared!】

【Like a stream of light, it penetrated into Funina's mind.】

【The light gathered into a paragraph of words in Furninna's mind:——】

【「Thank you for your hard work, Funina.」】

【「Please be as I wish...As a human being...Live happily!」】

【This is...】

【After our first meeting five hundred years ago...】

【Fukaros gave Fernina her first...This is also the last time」!】


【The water elements in the sky slowly disappeared, and the light gradually faded】

【As the last"words" fell, Fukaros's consciousness also completely disappeared....】

【It was at this moment!】

【Just like...It was as if it sensed the fall of the ruling god of this land and was crying bitterly!】

【The entire land of Fontaine suddenly began to rain without any warning.】

【This sudden heavy rain】

【It seems more violent and tragic than any other time in the past five hundred years.】


【Now that Navelette possesses the complete power of"water", she has already noticed the disappearance of Fucaros's last consciousness!】

【This heavy rain...】

【Just for Fukaros to die completely...And the tears of the Dragon King shed!】

【yes...The Water Dragon King’s cry!】


【Even if you are sad or in pain, you can't stop!】

【Fukaros's Plan...】

【The final step to resist the prophecy and save the entire Fontaine...】

【Not finished!】

【After realizing this, Villette wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes!】

【That Villette instantly turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky!】

【Suspended in mid-air!】

【Looking at the Fontaine covered by rain...】

【He suppressed his sadness, gritted his teeth, and spoke word by word:】

【"Supreme Judge...Navilette"】

【"Declare here..."】

【Talking Room...】

【Navilette slowly raised his arms forward.】

【at this moment】

【The world seemed to feel the powerful aura coming from the"Perfect Dragon"】

【When the throne of water element fills in the missing corner】

【All the water elemental forces in this world seem to be roaring in a low voice】

【The palm of his hand is condensed with the indescribable power of law.】

【The ancient and solemn force field slowly unfolds】

【From the Ancient Water Elemental Dragon King...No...It should be from the Supreme Judge of Fontaine...The Last Judgment!】

【The verdict is——】

【"I will forgive all your sins in Fontaineland!"】

【Declare no guilt!】

【Finally done!】......

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