The eternal hall.

The golden plaque above the palace door reads these four characters.

They are all ancient texts from the Hongmeng era. Chen Muyu learned them from Tuo Gu, a junior employee at Wanjie Station. Otherwise, he would have become illiterate now that he was here.

This should be the main hall.

Chen Muyu felt a little excited. After searching for so long, he finally found the place.


The moment he walked into the treasure hall, the golden light in front of his eyes and the Sanskrit singing in his ears suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings instantly became strangely quiet. Chen Muyu's heart tightened, and he subconsciously wanted to take his feet back.

However, nothing happened in the next second, and Chen Muyu took a step forward with some anxiety.

The main hall was empty.

The spacious hall was neatly filled with futons, probably hundreds of them.

Vaguely, Chen Muyu seemed to see many shadows of monks disappearing from the futon.

It's not so real. It seems that one second there were many people here singing Sanskrit chants and doing morning lessons, and the next second, Chen Muyu's intrusion broke a certain balance here, causing all of it to disappear.

The system scanned, but no information was left. It seemed that what I just saw was just a frame of images left over from ancient times.

"anyone there?"

Chen Muyu shouted.

No one responded.

The hall was extremely quiet.

It was so quiet that Chen Muyu felt a little hairy.

After walking inside for a while, Chen Muyu saw a two-meter-high platform. There was also a futon on the platform, and a golden bowl was placed on the futon.

Chen Muyu came to the stage and picked up the golden bowl.

It's cold, I don't know what kind of material it is made of, and it's unusually precipitated.

For a moment, Chen Muyu felt as if he was blessed, and he stretched out his hand to rub the golden bowl a few times.

A buzzing sound.

A golden light suddenly appeared in the alms bowl, startling him.

The boundless Sanskrit singing came from the alms bowl, and it was so humming that Chen Muyu's thoughts were somewhat frozen.

The moment the sound appeared, shadows appeared on the futon below.

The shadow quickly solidified, and in the next second, he left the table, walked out of the hall, and stepped into the vortexes that appeared out of thin air.

War puppet?

Chen Muyu was startled. Many of the figures that appeared on the futon were familiar to Chen Muyu. He even saw Zhan.

Four Zhan puppets who looked exactly like Zhan left immediately as soon as they were born.

Soon, the golden light dimmed, the Sanskrit singing ended, and Jinbo returned to calm, and the newly generated war puppets all left as if they had not seen Chen Muyu.

At this moment, Chen Muyu was shocked, completely shocked.

Sure enough, he was still in the ninth major formation.

He did not break the formation.

Four war puppets who looked exactly like Zhan had just gone out, which meant that Zhan was still fighting, and this time he would face a force four times his own.

At the same time, Chen Muyu also came to his senses, this should be the formation of the ninth major formation.

And the source of all the power of this heart array should be the golden bowl he is holding in his hand.

Chen Muyu took a deep breath. Does that mean that as long as this golden bowl is destroyed, the formation will collapse?

The system scanned the golden bowl, and as expected, there was no information.

What dominates the formation is the Jida Law. This golden bowl must be the Jida treasure that carries the Jida Law. With Chen Muyu's ability, it is absolutely impossible to destroy the Jida treasure.

I took out the sky-opening ax and tried it, but couldn't even leave a mark on it.

Although the Sky-Opening Ax is also a spiritual treasure of the Ultimate Way, the Ultimate Principles contained in it are very shallow. It is the companion treasure of the Ancient Emperor. The Ancient Emperor's strength is comparable to the eighth level, but he has been exposed to very few of the Ultimate Principles and has little understanding of them. There are few, and there is no way to compare with the ninth level powerhouse.

Recognize the Lord by shedding blood?

Chen Muyu tried it, but the bowl was almost filled with blood, and the golden bowl did not recognize its owner.


Chen Muyu cursed and put the golden bowl into his mind.


In an instant, the entire hall shook.

In a second, the hall collapsed and became a ruin.

Because his power was suppressed, Chen Muyu was unable to defend himself and was crushed under the rubble.

When he crawled out from under the ruins, he found that the entire Amitabha Palace had collapsed.

Damn it, there’s no need for this, right?

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Chen Muyu's face twitched slightly, and he didn't realize what was going on for a moment.

I just accepted a golden bowl, why did I destroy Amitabha Palace?

At the same time, Chen Muyu discovered that the suppression of him by the formation also disappeared.


The entire Mount Sumeru also began to shake, and spiderweb-like cracks appeared in the sky, like squeezed glass. Golden light was transmitted through the cracks. The originally peaceful world was now a doomsday scene.

Is the formation going to break?

Chen Muyu's face trembled.

The world collapsed, and the scenery in front of him was like fragments of a canvas.

Tear, fall, disappear...

The next second, Chen Muyu found himself in a spacious and bright corridor.

Sure enough, is the formation broken?

Chen Muyu's heart moved slightly.

No, if the ninth major formation has been broken, then Zhan and the others should also be here at this moment.

Looking back, there was no one around, only a curtain of light covering the sky behind him could be seen.

The ninth major formation had not been broken, Zhan and the others were still in the formation, it was just that he had passed through the formation alone.

Chen Muyu didn't quite understand, but he soon figured it out.

He collected the golden bowl that was the foundation of the formation. There is no doubt that the formation has lost the subsequent energy blessing and can no longer generate war puppets. However, the war puppets that have been generated will not disappear out of thin air. They should Will continue to fight.

It can be understood as the last wave of attacks. If the breaker wins this battle, he should be able to pass through the formation like him.

"Brother, come on."

Chen Muyu muttered silently in his heart, if nothing else happens, the battle should be one versus four now, how difficult it is.

The situation of others is probably not much better.

However, this bought Chen Muyu some more time, so he could continue to look inside.

Without wasting time, Chen Muyu quickly swept forward.

The tenth level formation that he imagined did not appear. A few miles away, what appeared in front of Chen Muyu was only a huge coffin.

It was a huge tomb, with a 100-foot-tall sarcophagus in the middle.

Chen Muyu used his magic power to enlarge his figure, and scanned it with his spiritual thoughts, but found no danger. Now he came to the sarcophagus, thinking that what was sealed in it should be the body of the ninth-level powerhouse. ?

If there is blood essence and blood from the Demon Ancestor, it is probably in this sarcophagus.

But, is it that simple?

The Demon Ancestor Cemetery was advertised as so terrifying, but this time he entered, it was extremely smooth, almost unbelievably smooth.

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