After looking around the stone chamber, I didn't find anything useful, and finally I could only focus on the huge sarcophagus.

Chen Muyu was somewhat resistant to digging graves and coffins.

But now that we have reached this point, no matter how hard we resist, we still have to open it and take a look. Maybe something good is in the sarcophagus?

At that moment, Chen Muyu came to the sarcophagus and slapped the lid of the sarcophagus away with a palm in the air.

At the same time, Chen Muyu retreated to the stone door, holding the jade talisman given to him by Zhan in his hand, ready to escape immediately if anything went wrong.

Various horrific scenes appeared in his mind, and he even imagined that a big, rotten and ugly rice dumpling with a withered face would crawl out of the sarcophagus.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

Are you scaring yourself?

Chen Muyu did not approach, but probed over with his spiritual sense.

There was a huge humanoid skeleton lying in the sarcophagus, but otherwise it was empty.

Is this the skeleton of the ninth-level heaven-level expert?

Not feeling any danger, Chen Muyu walked over and came to the sarcophagus again.

Looking inside, I saw that the bones were already rotten and would probably turn into ashes when touched, making them worthless for recycling.

Because it is a skeleton, I can't imagine what it looked like in life. However, the skeleton is exactly the same as a human skeleton, so it doesn't look weird at all.

Chen Muyu touched it with his mind, and sure enough, with a bang, the bones instantly collapsed and turned into powder.

"Sorry, sorry."

Chen Muyu said sarcastically, "If there is something strange, don't blame me."

At this time, he suddenly saw what seemed to be a bulge at the bottom of the sarcophagus. It was covered up by the bone powder, but it became very obvious.

Chen Muyu dug around with his hands and took out three jade-looking stones from the bottom of the sarcophagus.

The shape is irregular, one is slightly rounded, and the other two are strangely shaped. The texture is very round, with a white jade skin, vaguely mixed with some blood lines.

It was very hard, and Chen Muyu's strength could not leave any trace on it.

I scanned it through the system, but there was no feedback.

The things that fell off the bones couldn't be relics, right?

Chen Muyu's eyes moved slightly. Lying here was a strong man from the ancient Buddhist clan. As seen in the formation just now, there must be some connection between the ancient Buddhist clan and the Buddhism of later generations. Those who practiced Buddhism in later generations could cultivate relics. This ancient Buddhist It should not be difficult to understand that a strong Buddhist man could cultivate relics.

Just because this is a relic cultivated by a ninth-level expert, the system cannot scan its information for the time being.

He had seen relics before, and the three stones in his hand did look similar, but the relics he had seen were not as smooth in texture.

Forget it, put it away and talk about it later.

The lid of the sarcophagus was closed again, and Chen Muyu looked around again. It had to be said that the Demon Ancestor Cemetery was a bit shabby.

In the ninth major formation outside, so many gods and demons have fallen, and it took so much effort to get in, but in the end, there are only three relic-like things, and I don’t know if they are of any use.

Chen Muyu even suspected that some powerful person had come in and robbed it a long time ago, right?

Of course, he also got a golden bowl.

But this is still not enough to match the identity of this Demon Ancestor Cemetery.

After searching for a long time and finding nothing else, Chen Muyu couldn't help but take a deep breath and count the time. He was afraid that Nanming Tianzun and the others were about to break out of the formation. If these people saw him here, , when the time comes, the yellow mud will definitely get into your crotch, it will either fly or fly, and you can’t wash it off even if you jump into the Yellow River. If you insist that you took the valuable treasure in the tomb, where are you going to get it?

At that moment, Chen Muyu exited the tomb and passed through the ninth level formation again. Because the golden bowl had been taken away, the battle puppets could no longer be generated in the formation, so this time he had an unimpeded journey.

Passing through the ninth level formation, we arrived at the spacious corridor. At this time, there were many people in the corridor.

They were all sixth-level experts who had entered the battle before.

All of them were disgraced. They obviously failed to break the formation and were beaten badly by the war puppets. They could barely escape. Many gods and demons were meditating on the spot to heal their injuries.

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At a rough glance, there were thirty or fifty people.

When the gods and demons saw Chen Muyu coming out, they thought that Chen Muyu had lost to the puppets in the formation and escaped, so no one looked at him. The formation was not broken, so they didn't think anyone could get through first.

Chen Muyu also looked like he was exhausted, came to a corner, sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breathing.

The eight Heavenly Lords are still in the formation, and no one has left the formation. In addition, there are more than 500 sixth-level experts in the formation. Of course, some must have fallen, but there should be many still alive.

The formation has lost its subsequent power replenishment. When they survive this wave, the formation will be broken.

Chen Muyu looked at the formation light screen in front of him and couldn't help but sigh. He still overestimated these people. Until now, they haven't broken through it yet.

After waiting for two hours, people came out one after another from the formation. Each one was haggard, either missing arms or legs, or with injuries on his body, with a look of defeat. When they left the formation, they remained silent and looked for themselves. Places to heal.

Obviously, he had never escaped from the battle puppets in the formation.

More than sixty people have gathered outside the formation. These people have no intention of entering the formation again. It seems that they are frightened by the horror in the formation. Of course, they may also be thinking about waiting for others to break the formation so that they can follow. Go straight in.

But no matter what idea I have, I am waiting for it in a tacit understanding at the moment.

This wait took another half a day.

The formation is still not broken.

More and more people came out of the formation.

Among them were even several powerful people in the Tianzun realm. Delei Tianzun, Qingmang Tianzun and others had already withdrawn. Some people came up to ask about the situation, and the Tianzun shook their heads.

The expression on his face was indescribably bitter.

After entering the battle, like everyone else, they also encountered attacks from war puppets. At first, there was only one of them. They were able to deal with it easily and quickly killed the opponent. But then something went wrong. After the first wave, another attack was launched. The second wave came. The second wave consisted of two war puppets of equal strength. After they used all their strength to kill the second wave, the third wave came again.

Under the attack of four war puppets, it was impossible for them to resist. After persisting to no avail, Zhao Yu withdrew.

Basically, these strong players who quit lasted until the third wave, that is to say, one against four.

If Chen Muyu had taken away the golden bowl earlier, they might still have a chance of winning one on one, one on two, but facing the siege of a strong man four times their size, their chances of winning were slim.

More and more people came out. After one day, there were nearly 300 sixth-level experts gathered in the corridor. Without exception, they all failed to pass the barrier. As for the others, I'm afraid the situation is already in dire straits.

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