A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 147 Is this a spoiler? 【First update】

No matter how long he can live, anyway, he is short of people during this period, so he is the perfect one. The key is that this guy has an awesome younger brother. If he can trick Wu Song into coming to the station to help, then Isn’t it wonderful?

Thinking of this, Chen Muyu added a clause in the contract that if Wu Zhi suffered an accident and could no longer continue working, a family member would have to take over the job.

This is considered an overbearing clause. However, as a boss, the first thing that comes to mind is your own interests. Employees need protection, and you also need protection. Anyway, it is a consensual matter. If you don't agree, you can choose not to sign.

As for Wu Song's thoughts and whether he is willing to take over Wu Dalang's job, we can only wait until he contacts Wu Song.

This Wu Dalang is just a fool. Even though Chen Muyu added this overlord clause, he still didn't even frown and directly pressed his fingerprints.

This man really regarded Chen Muyu as a god.

With a press of his fingerprint, the third employee of the scrap station finally returned to his post.

He looked Wu Dalang up and down, and he looked like this guy. Not only was his brain not very bright, but his body was not good either. If he encountered a fight, he would definitely be the one who got beaten. If he was doing things for himself, he might not be able to send any dangerous orders to him. Him, otherwise, before his wife could feed him medicine, I'm afraid he would have to hang on the road to collect waste.

Among the lithographs I collected before, there should be a set of "Water Margin".

Chen Muyu hesitated for a moment, then found the set of Water Margin and handed it to Wu Dalang, "Take it back and read it carefully."


Wu Dalang held the book and said yes repeatedly.

Is this a spoiler?

Chen Muyu felt a little regretful in his heart, and he didn't know whether his actions would bring any changes to the world of Water Margin.

But now that Wu Dalang has become his employee, he can't just watch him die. Whether he can be saved or not is one thing, but if he obviously has the ability to save but chooses not to save him, that is a bit unreasonable.

After a while, Wu Dalang left in a hurry, holding the two books, thinking that Chen Muyu had given him some secret book from heaven.

However, this book should indeed be regarded as a heavenly book for the Water Margin world.

Wu Dalang got it. If he could look at it carefully, how could Ximen Qing harm him?

I'm afraid he can just put up a brand and act as a magic stick for predicting the future.

Now that there are more employees, Chen Muyu has gradually handed over the task of dispatching orders to Ah Rong. Only for some more important or special orders, Ah Rong will ask Chen Muyu for instructions. In this way, for Chen Muyu, work is The pressure is much lighter.

Now, Chen Muyu can focus entirely on making money and ensure that his wealth is sufficient at all times, so as to ensure the normal operation and continued expansion of the Wanjie Waste Collection Station.

After all, every time employees go on a business trip, they need to consume wealth, and these wealth values ​​are directly deducted from Chen Muyu's account.


That night, Wu Xiaobao found a hotel in the town. Although the conditions were not very good, they were at least better than sleeping outdoors.

After dealing with it all night, Chen Muyu went to school again early the next morning, looked at Liang Zhichao from a distance, and then left, heading for the provincial capital.

On the way, Chen Muyu was still thinking about the two remaining stone gates in the underground palace.

Although using money is the simplest and crudest method, it is obviously irrational to pay 200 million in one transaction or 20 billion in one transaction.

But if you don’t need money...

Then the only way is to take the formal route, unlock the seal on the stone door, and the door will naturally open.

The system gave a reminder that the only way to unlock the seal on the stone door was to use blood.

And it's not just one point or two points, one drop or two drops, but it has to be calculated in liters.

There are two doors left, one requires 1,000 liters of blood, and the other requires 100,000 liters.

How much blood is this? It can probably fill a large pool, right?

If it were human blood, it would be too difficult.

However, the system didn't say what kind of blood was used. Maybe other blood would work.

Maybe try finding a slaughterhouse.

"Xiaobao, the price of pig blood shouldn't be much higher now, right?"

On the highway, Chen Muyu suddenly asked inexplicably.

Wu Xiaobao looked stunned, what kind of fairy question is this?

"Brother Yu, do you want to eat pig blood? I know there is a very good Maoxuewang in the provincial capital. It is in the alley behind a building on Jiubao Street. It is a fly restaurant. It will be around noon when we go back soon, which is just right. Let me take you to have a taste." Wu Xiaobao said.

A black line was drawn on Chen Muyu's forehead, "Brother, I'm asking about the price of pig blood."

"Well, I didn't know that. That thing shouldn't be expensive."

Wu Xiaobao said coquettishly, "When we go to eat Maoxuewang later, we can just ask the boss."

A little after eleven o'clock, I returned to the provincial capital and went to the fly restaurant Wu Xiaobao mentioned.

Although the restaurant is small and located in an old residential building, it does not affect the business. It was only after 11 o'clock and there was already a queue outside. Many of them were office workers working nearby.

The so-called aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. This should be the truth. I haven't seen any publicity, but the business is so good. What they do is word of mouth.

The meal cost less than 100 yuan for two people, which is not a good deal in a provincial capital. The most important thing is that the taste is really good.

While eating, I asked the boss about it.

The pig blood in this store is purchased directly from the slaughterhouse every day. The price of pigs slaughtered on the same day is more than one pound per catty, and the minimum price is two hundred catties.

The boss didn't say how much more a piece would cost.

Chen Muyu thought that the boss might not be telling the truth. After all, he was in business. In front of so many customers, it was impossible to make his raw materials cheaper, so the real price should be discounted.

A pound of pig blood shouldn't cost more than one yuan.

I made a rough estimate in my mind.

One liter of water is two kilograms, and blood should not be much different. One hundred thousand liters is about two hundred thousand kilograms.

Two hundred thousand kilograms of pig blood, that's two hundred thousand yuan, doesn't seem to be that expensive, so I can give it a try.

But, for 200,000 kilograms of pig blood, how many pigs must be killed?

A 200-pound pig counts 20 pounds of blood, so 10,000 pigs have to be dealt with at one time.

Thinking of this, Chen Muyu was scratching his head a little. He didn't know much about this industry. Is there any slaughterhouse that can produce 10,000 animals a day?

It seems that collecting 100,000 liters of pig blood is not as simple as I thought.

"Brother Yu, I'm not lying to you. Doesn't it taste good?" When he came out of the restaurant, Wu Xiaobao held a toothpick in his mouth, patted his belly, and burped.

Chen Muyu nodded in response, "Xiaobao, I have a task for you."

"Huh?" Wu Xiaobao turned his face and looked at Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu said, "Do me a favor, see if you have any acquaintances in the slaughterhouse, and help me get some fresh pig blood."

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