A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 148 Repair the machine man! 【Second update】


Wu Xiaobao was stunned for a moment, "Brother Yu, do you still need to find an acquaintance for that thing? Isn't there a vegetable market?"

"I want 200,000 catties." Chen Muyu said astonishingly.


I just took a bottle of mineral water to rinse my mouth, and now I spit it out.

"Two hundred thousand catties?"

Wu Xiaobao turned to look at Chen Muyu, dumbfounded, almost thinking that he heard wrongly.

Chen Muyu smiled faintly and said, "You heard me right, I want two hundred thousand jins, can you do it?"

Wu Xiaobao quickly pulled up the paper and wiped his mouth, "Brother Yu, why did you get so much pig blood?"

He really couldn't understand that you said you could only get one or two kilograms of that thing, but you want two hundred thousand kilograms. Do you know how much that is?

Drinking one pound a day is enough for you to drink for most of your life.

This question was so fresh that it even stopped Chen Muyu from asking, why do you use pig blood? I don’t dare to do anything with key human blood.

"Don't worry about so much, just help me do it. Just tell me how much it costs when the time comes." Chen Muyu patted Wu Xiaobao on the shoulder, "Remember, it must be fresh."

Wu Xiaobao nodded subconsciously, and the two of them got into the car, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Brother Yu, are you practicing some evil technique?"

Wu Xiaobao thought about it and thought it was wrong. Why would Chen Muyu need so much pig blood? Some evil monks in the TV series like to use blood to practice. Could it be that Chen Muyu is that kind of person?

"Have you watched too many TV series?"

Chen Muyu rolled his eyes at him, "Can you do it? If not, I'll find someone else."

"It can be done, it can be done."

Wu Xiaobao laughed dryly, how could he dare to talk back to Chen Muyu? He counted on his fingers, "In our provincial capital alone, there are 20 million people. If one person eats 2 taels of meat, he will consume 4 million kilograms a day, and a pig will consume 200 kilograms." Jin, that is to say, the slaughterhouse has to kill 20,000 pigs a day to have enough. One pig produces 10% blood, which is 20 jins of blood. Twenty thousand pigs, that is 400,000 jins of blood. Brother Yu, this The matter doesn’t seem to be particularly difficult, so I’ll contact someone first when I come down.”

"You kid, you are quite good at settling accounts."

Chen Muyu was a little impressed by this boy.


Wu Xiaobao chuckled, "I'm trying my best to help Brother Yu with your affairs. Brother Yu, point east, I will never go west. Anyway, what's the point? Brother Yu, just point to me."

"Don't worry, I can't do anything wrong to you."

Chen Muyu thought for a while, "You have done it for me. I can make you a wish and fulfill it within my ability."

Hearing this, Wu Xiaobao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother Yu, I have remembered this. I don't have any other ideas for the moment. I just watched you compete with that guy from Youjia that day. You were so handsome and awesome. I I just thought, can you teach me two moves?"

Chen Muyu tilted his head and glanced at him, "Didn't you become a disciple of Mr. Qian? You are also a disciple of the Shao'e sect. You should ask Mr. Qian for this matter."

Wu Xiaobao laughed dryly, "Brother Yu, it's not like you don't know that my master can teach me my skills? He accepted me as his disciple one day and disappeared the next day. I don't count on him at all, and neither do you." It’s not that I don’t know, I am afraid of hardship and fatigue, otherwise I would have been a master by now if I had stayed in Qingshen Mountain.”


Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This boy was really frank. He was afraid of hardship and tiredness, and he still practiced chicken-feather skills.

"Okay, this is my promise to you."

Chen Muyu waved his hand, "I will find a way to make you better, but you will have to pay for the cost."

"Thank you, Brother Yu."

Wu Xiaobao smiled and couldn't be too happy.


Luhu Villa had no place to live in the provincial capital, so she had to stay at Wang Defa's place. After two days, Xu Meng finished her school affairs and then they returned to Qingshan together.

The pig blood matter may not be solved for a while, so let Wu Xiaobao take care of it slowly.

Item: General puppet!

Introduction: The fighting machine refined by Zhuge Liang himself has strong combat effectiveness, comparable to a seventh-level ordinary martial artist. It is a wooden machine driven by energy stones. It is ignorant and indomitable, and has simple intelligence and loyalty.

Completeness: 75%.

Acquisition: Items without owners do not need to be acquired.

Recycling: The system recycles and you can get a wealth value of 10 million.

Repair: It requires 25 million wealth points.


In the room, the machine man brought back from the underground palace stood quietly in front of Chen Muyu.

This thing is 75% complete and costs 25 million to repair, which means its value is around 100 million.

Chen Muyu could still afford 25 million, so he repaired it first, so he could take a powerful bodyguard with him.

Chen Muyu had already experienced the power of this machine man. When he was in the underground palace that day, if the energy of this thing hadn't suddenly run out, he might not have been able to take it down so easily.

Wealth value -25 million.

Now, Chen Muyu doesn't seem to have much idea about money. It's just a number anyway.

A ball of soft light enveloped the machine puppet. After a while, after the light faded, a complete machine man with a bright appearance appeared in front of Chen Muyu.

The wooden body is tall and burly, wearing gleaming bronze armor, holding a two-meter-long long knife, just standing there, giving people a vague pressure and full of domineering power.

Could it be that Zhuge Liang imitated Guan Yu's image?

Looking at the machine man in front of me, this image, let alone, is quite similar.

The breastplate on the chest was opened, and there was a hole inside. You could see that there were many mysterious lines carved inside.

Chen Muyu couldn't understand it. He originally wanted to study the movement principle of this thing, but now it seems that this thing is beyond his understanding. He guessed that it should be Qimen Dunjia, the power of runes.

I took out a fire element stone and stuffed it in. It was just right.

The light visible to the naked eye flowed out from the fire element stone and flowed all over the body of the machine man along the lines. The light disappeared, and then only a cry was heard. The machine man raised his head suddenly, and the long knife in his hand was also cut. It lifted.

It really moved.

However, this time, the agency man did not attack Chen Muyu.

It seemed that this thing had recognized its owner again, and it stood quietly, waiting for Chen Muyu's instructions.

"Go left."

The agency man walked to the left.

"Go right."

The agency man went right.

"The Golden Rooster is independent."

"Get up on your knees."


Needless to say, this thing is indeed quite intelligent. It can do whatever it wants. Chen Muyu seems to have discovered a new world.

At night when no one was around, Chen Muyu took the trapper out and had sex with him several times in the park behind Luhu Lake.

As a result, Chen Muyu couldn't do it at all. Although this thing was not very intelligent, it was really ruthless in a fight. Chen Muyu didn't even make three moves in its hands.

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