A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1696 It’s you who entered my dream!

Master actually thinks of me so much.

Yang Lin was moved again and insisted on taking Chen Muyu to the Jidao Pagoda again. In front of the Jidao tablet, he cried and screamed, knelt three times and kowtowed for a long time.


At the dinner party, as expected, none of the three palace owners of Tianjie Palace, Tianshui Palace, and Tianyun Palace came, and none of the disciples of the three palaces came.

All other lineages have come. Although it is said that all disciples above the heaven level are here, there are actually not many people. In the vast square, there are scattered, and there are less than a thousand heaven level experts.

The Jidao Palace now has only a handful of disciples, and is no longer as grand as it used to be, not to mention that there are still fewer disciples from the Three Palaces.

But if you want to be lively, it's not that simple.

There are not many disciples at the heaven level, but there are still a lot of disciples below the heaven level.

Those who have broken off their inheritance will send some prefectural-level disciples as representatives. Since it is the Jida Palace, there must be no one left in the Eight Palaces and Nineteen Peaks. Of course, those rebels are not included.

With the participation of prefecture-level disciples, the dinner party immediately became lively.

Yang Lin announced Chen Muyu's official appointment at the meeting, and Chen Muyu accepted the congratulations next.

Those disciples also have eyes and can see the situation clearly. Yang Lin's move is actually announcing to everyone in the sect that the current Jidao Palace is no longer the Jidao Palace before. Disciples with evil thoughts , please sit down straight. I, Yang Lin, am the orthodox and the leader of the sect.

The dinner lasted until midnight. Chen Muyu drank a lot of spiritual wine and nectar, many of which were Yang Lin's private collection.

strong enough.

A bit over the top.

Chen Muyu was so drunk that he stayed at Jidao Peak instead of returning to Tianquan Palace.

"Senior brother, aren't you ready to talk to the leaders of each line about the situation our sect is facing now?"

Yang Lin sent Chen Muyu to his residence and was about to leave, but Chen Muyu stopped him.

Originally, Chen Muyu thought that at today's banquet, Yang Lin would let everyone know about the energy crisis faced by the sect.

In this way, everyone will know better, and those who are lavish will know to restrain themselves. After he takes over the Tianquan Palace, he can also legitimately increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and deduct the supply of spiritual stones from each peak.

But until the banquet was over, Yang Lin didn't mention it.

Yang Lin stopped and smiled bitterly, "Junior brother, you just took over the Tianquan Palace and announced this immediately. Brother, I am worried that some people don't believe it, but think that we are looking for excuses to deduct the supplies of various veins. After all, after so many years, we have not I have never worried about spiritual stones, but suddenly it happened like this, haha..."

"In addition, I am also afraid of trouble. Spiritual stone resources are a big problem. I'm afraid what the various channels will think if they know this news. Hey, it's better to hide this news. After all, it can still be used for a while. Let's think of a solution. .”

Yang Lin's worries were not unnecessary.

This is like a company that is short of funds. As a senior executive, if you dare to reveal this news to the employees below, let the employees know that the company will probably go bankrupt soon and they will not be able to pay their wages.

How many people can work with peace of mind?

I'm afraid they just dispersed.

For many people, we can share wealth and wealth, but too few can share adversity.

Originally, the company could still be saved, but if it was done like this, it would most likely be lost.

Chen Muyu thought for a while and said nothing more. Yang Lin was also in a difficult position.

Since there is still time, just put it off as long as you can, maybe there will be a turn for the better.

As Yang Lin said, if it really doesn't work, just ask Master.

Chen Muyu suddenly sympathized with Ji Dao.

"That's right, junior brother!"

Yang Lin rubbed his head, which was also a little drunk, and seemed to remember something, "Hu Tiehan and the others may not just give up. After today's meeting, these three people have been silent. I'm afraid they are brewing something bad." , you must be careful in your daily behavior, as my brother cannot take care of you all the time..."

When Chen Muyu heard this, his expression became serious and he nodded slightly, "Senior brother, don't worry, I know the severity."

Yang Lin said nothing more.

After Yang Lin left, Chen Muyu lay on the bed, his head resting on his arms, and his drunkenness had dissipated a bit.

Hu Tiehan, Mo Yijie, Dong Yiwen.

The names of these three people were murmured in his mouth.

All three of them are at the peak of the ninth level, which is indeed a big hidden danger.

Although he has Nan Ming as his personal bodyguard, it is easy to hide from open guns and hard to guard against hidden arrows. He cannot always be on guard. God knows when these two people will suddenly come out and bite him?

Still have to find a way to solve it.

Either use the system to collect it, or just scrap it.

Chen Muyu didn't like the feeling that the enemy was in the dark and we were in the open.

However, I don’t have much money now.

What can you do with a wealth worth 100 billion?

During this time, money is really flowing like water.

Hu Tiehan and the three of them should be quite fat, right?

Let's discuss it with Nan Ming tomorrow. Well, Zhang Yuling and the others will also come. Let's all evaluate it together to see if it has worked out, and then formulate a plan.

As he thought about it, Chen Muyu became drunk again, his eyelids were fighting, and Chen Muyu didn't know when he fell asleep.


In a daze, there was a feeling of weightlessness, like falling into an abyss.

Suddenly, the falling feeling disappeared, and Chen Muyu felt like he was being pulled into an unknown space.

The surrounding looks like a cave.

The cave was poorly furnished, with only an earthen bed, a futon on the bed, and one person sitting on the futon.

A young man, he looked to be in his thirties or forties.

Wearing a shirt, his temperament is mysterious and elegant.

Looking up, the man's face seemed to be obscured by a mist. Chen Muyu tried hard to see what he looked like, but it was always in vain.

However, this figure made Chen Muyu feel a little familiar.

The Jida is the Jida whom I saw in my dream before.

Did he fall into his dream again while he was drunk?


Unable to tell whether it was a dream or not, Chen Muyu still screamed uneasily.

The man was as motionless as a statue. When he heard Chen Muyu's call, he slowly raised his head, "Are you here?"

Sure enough, it is the ultimate way.

Chen Muyu's heart was beating wildly. At his level, it was almost impossible to sleep and dream. The Jida could break into his dream so easily and casually.

As strong as he is, will he discover the useless system in his mind?

After the system is upgraded, can it withstand the Jida's detection?

"I wonder if Master has any instructions when he enters the disciple's dream?" Chen Muyu quickly asked respectfully.

Although he couldn't see the Jidao's appearance clearly, Chen Muyu could feel that those eyes were staring at him.

"Disciple, it's not that my master has entered your dream, but my disciple that you have repeatedly entered your master's dream."

Jidao's abrupt words made Chen Muyu stunned.

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