A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1697 You really think highly of me!

It was obviously you who came into my dream, how could it be that I came into your dream?

Isn't this a rake?

Chen Muyu opened his mouth, but then closed it again.

Who dreams about whom, and what does it mean?

Isn’t this the matter of Zhuang Zhou dreaming of butterflies and butterflies dreaming of Zhuang Zhou?

"Disciple, what do you want to see me for?" Jidao asked Chen Muyu in turn.

Chen Muyu couldn't solve this problem.

I'm so busy, why should I come to you when I have nothing to do?


Chen Muyu hesitated.

"Since you have nothing to do, please leave." Jidao's long voice sounded again.


Chen Muyu was a little dumbfounded, "Master, do you really have nothing to say?"

Jidao shook his head.

Chen Muyu hesitated for a moment, "I have something to ask Master."

"Say." Ji Dao spoke concisely and concisely.

Chen Muyu said, "It's about the Blood Ancestor. Is he your disciple, Master?"

Jidao nodded slightly, "Yes, he is the first disciple accepted by the master, and he is also your senior brother."

"Then why..."

Chen Muyu opened his mouth, but he didn't know where to start.

"There are some things that you shouldn't know." Jidao interrupted lightly.

Chen Muyu hesitated for a moment, "Master, I don't care about the past. I just want to know the current situation of the Blood Ancestor. Has he achieved the new ultimate path as he wished?"


The Jidao laughed softly, "If the Jidao realm was so easy to achieve, the Jidao would not be the only one who has existed for countless years."

"Master, what you mean is that he hasn't achieved it yet?" Chen Muyu asked.

Jidao shook his head, "In order to break the Dao, he spent a lot of effort and did a lot of useless work. Now that he slaughtered the Jidao Palace and obtained a huge amount of blood energy, he did have a chance by worshiping the power of the Blood Cauldron. , However, if you want to break through, you still lack the opportunity."


Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows, "I wonder, what kind of opportunity is this?"

Jidao shook his head, "Opportunity is opportunity. If he didn't have that opportunity, even if he slaughtered all the creatures in my world, he still wouldn't be able to succeed in breaking the path. I didn't chase him, so I gave him a chance. Can I It all depends on His destiny to seize this opportunity.”


Chen Muyu's eyes moved slightly. Hearing what Jidao meant, he didn't mean to kill all the disciples of the Blood Ancestor?

On the contrary, he gave him a chance?

real or fake?

"So, does Master know where he is now?" Chen Muyu asked.

In the haze, a doubtful gaze seemed to be cast, "Is it possible that you still want to see him again?"

Chen Muyu shook his head, "I just have a feeling that he will appear in front of me again in the near future."

This is not a lie. Chen Muyu has always felt this way, and just recently, he found that this feeling has become stronger and stronger.

Jidao said, "In this case, why do you care about where he is now? Just wait for him to find you. However, I would like to remind you that if you still care about your life, it is best to keep your distance from him... …”

"Thank you, Master, for reminding me."

Chen Muyu nodded slightly. To be honest, he didn't want to have close contact with the powerful people at the level of Blood Ancestor or Jida.

Because they are so strong that they can take their lives at any time, but many times, many things are beyond his control.

Can he stop the Blood Ancestor from coming to him?

Can he prevent Ji Dao from entering his dream?

Impossible, he can't do it.

Since you can't do it, you can only passively accept it.

"By the way, Master, at what level is Blood Ancestor's current strength? How far is there between him and the Jida realm?" Chen Muyu turned to ask about the realm.

Jidao replied, "It's one step away, but this one step away is also far away."

Chen Muyu turned slightly petrified, and then said, "Since I entered the Great Dao Realm, I have only known that above the Great Dao Realm is the Extreme Dao Realm. However, after the peak of the Dao Dao Realm, the Peak Realm, the Divine King Realm, and the Divine Emperor Realm emerged. When I thought that after the God Emperor, it was the end, but there was another super-god realm. But I just learned that after the ninth level of the super-god, it was still not the end. There was another Tao-breaking realm, and now you are telling me , even if the Broken Dao Realm reaches its peak, even if like the Blood Ancestor, the Peak Broken Dao Realm becomes an emperor, the distance from the Ultimate Dao Realm is still far away..."

"So, do you also want to break the Tao?" Jidao asked abruptly.

Chen Muyu's heart felt inexplicably cold.

You know, almost all the Pathbreakers are already cold.

Jidao suddenly asked him this question in person and asked him how to answer.

If he says yes, will he kill me to death himself?

If not, it would be so hypocritical that even a fool can tell it is a lie.

"Practitioners like us pursue stronger power and more permanent life, so it doesn't matter to our disciples whether we break the path or not."

After holding it in for a long time, Chen Muyu came up with a sentence.

It doesn't matter if I break the path or not, I just want stronger power.

However, at that stage, if you want stronger power, isn't the only way to break the path?

Ji Dao seemed to take a deep breath, "Breaking the Dao, the ultimate goal of every practitioner, is also a fate that cannot be escaped."

With emotion and vicissitudes of life, Chen Muyu felt an endless loneliness from his words.

Silent for a long time.

Chen Muyu finally spoke, "Master, I would like to ask, why does Master want to stop the Daobreaker from breaking the Dao?"

Chen Muyu was frightened when he heard this question.

Afraid of exposing Ji Dao's ugliness, Ji Dao got upset and slapped him to death.

Extremely speechless.

for a long time.

"Master?" Chen Muyu couldn't help but ask.

He couldn't see the Jidao's face clearly. He couldn't be asleep, right?


Jidao let out a long sigh, "You cannot understand the reason now. Just practice hard. One day, when you can reach your senior brother's current state, I will give you an explanation."


Chen Muyu was stunned.

"Master, you really think highly of me."

Chen Muyu smiled bitterly and wondered how long it would take for him to reach the current level of the Blood Ancestor.

He had calculated that he was only at the early stage of the ninth level, and there was still a long way to go before reaching the peak of the Dao Breaking Realm. The amount of wealth needed to be spent was huge.

Now, even if he relies on the Jidao Palace, he doesn't know where to find so much wealth.

After all, the Jidao Palace is now also experiencing an energy crisis.

Moreover, what does Jida mean by saying this?

When you reach the peak of the Dao-breaking realm, will you give yourself an explanation? What explanation?

Is it just like how he treated the Blood Ancestor and those Hongmeng experts who participated in breaking the path?

Just kill yourself?

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