A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1924 Three million top-quality spiritual jade, all in one!


The man rolled up to the counter and bowed to Chen Muyu in a respectful manner.

"Are you Min Luo?"

Chen Muyu asked calmly.

This person has not reached the Holy King Realm, but has already entered the Quasi-Ji Dao Realm, the middle stage.


This person obviously knew the jade order and knew that only the most distinguished customers in the black market had such jade orders.

"I wonder what senior wants from me?"

Of course, those who come to him cannot come to make friends with him. The person in front of him must want to buy something from him.

"Is it convenient to talk here?" Chen Muyu asked.

Chen Mu was unconvinced, "He doesn't have much of that thing."

"Yes Yes Yes."

It's a certificate.

System scan, it's genuine.

After all, that guy didn't directly admit that I had the ultimate source.

My purpose of coming to Baishi has not yet been achieved. 1000 sources are also enough for me to practice for a period of time.

Lingyu said respectfully, it had been a long time since he had met such a wealthy customer.

However, if it involves other people's business secrets, even if he asks, they will say that it is the rule of the white market.

"Ah, yes, yes."

Chen Mu raised his eyebrows, "You mean, there are only those 1,000 words left?"

The origin of the Jida is originally controlled. Although this place is safe, it is difficult to guarantee that guests will come in. If someone else gets wind of it, there is still no hidden danger.

Chen Mu was determined and threw the storage ring directly to me, "Take one billion and try to keep as little of your origin as possible."

Min Luo smiled, a little embarrassed, and lowered his voice, "Senior, please come upstairs."

Well, Chen Mu’s watch now has 2.7 billion left.

If you don't have money, you'll do bad things every day.

The power of that law is different from the protective law under Hao Yu. It seems that it was created by the same person.

Then Chen Mu took away the voucher and left in a roundabout way.

How did he know that this was what Chen Muyu said.

At present, the system has no way to provide assistance for our improvement, so if we want to practice, we can only rely on ourselves for the time being.

"That's Han Lake."

Speaking of that, Lingyu glanced at Chen Mu and said, "The descendants definitely don't want it. You can't make a reservation in our store first. When the time comes, you can't leave part of it for the descendants."

Lingyu didn't hesitate to answer, and personally gave Chen Mu a pot of the famous wine, with a very attentive attitude.

Of course, Chen Mu also has a lake, which is an origin that has not been refined, and there is no essential difference from these refined origins.

He Yinhui once again realized the importance of money.

5.5 billion, all stud.

Well, Chen Mu turned around and looked at the fat man. Listen to what I mean, did those batches of extremely dao origins flow out from the royal court?

"You know all that."

"Can it be more specific?" Chen Mu asked.

Even though I'm used to seeing the world, this is the first time I've seen such a small number of the best Min Luo.

"Ah, then..."

He Yin shook his head repeatedly, his attitude was very hesitant.

What he said made you want to take him away.

Four thousand origins, and less than that?

Chen Mu raised his eyebrows. There seemed to be a colorless light band flowing in the box. It was indeed the origin of the Jida that was fake.

No channel yet?

Lingyu also smiled, "The younger generation should pay more attention to your place. Although your place is large, the energy is very small. As long as the younger generation pays the starting price, you will try your best to help him arrange it..."

Well, Chen Mu opened a few, and Xiao Zhan put the boxes away after inspecting the goods before confirming whether they were adulterated.

However, compared to these beings who have not yet understood the origin of ten thousand things and are still trying to dissolve weaker laws, I have to catch up and can do it in eight days and two days.

Lingyu smiled, touched the storage ring under his hand, and eight boxes flew out.

In comparison, the price is indeed expensive.

Before Chen Muyu finished speaking, Min Luo's expression changed drastically and he interrupted him directly.

Big boxes, painted white and made of jade.

To me, there seems to be a difference between the two. Anyway, there is no system that I can analyze.

Just said, "No less?"

Chen Mu frowned slightly, although that thing is rare and desirable, but the price is still not expensive.

Chen Mu frowned slightly.

Lingyu ran out in a panic.

Lingyu seemed to notice Chen Mu's determination. He rolled his eyes and said, "Junior, that price was also set by you. It was set by the boss in front of you. Rifa thinks it's expensive, so you can't He tried to ask the boss to help him negotiate the price, but you were right as to how much cheaper it was. After that, not many of my descendants came to you to buy this thing. As for the price, we all have different opinions..."

Now, the laws that Chen Mu has not yet understood on his watch are not missing, or less than 1,800.

But I don’t know whether the store can provide such a small sum of money.

In this way, if the number of origins in Chen Mu's watch must be fully understood, it would exceed seven thousand.


"You only have a few samples there. The younger generation can't take a look at them first. They will definitely be satisfied with them. You can talk about them later."

"1000 Dao?"



Vast, mysterious.

Lingyu came back to his senses and shook his head quickly, but then said awkwardly, "No, not that little. You are also Taihanhu. I will wait for you to confirm."

Did that junior rob Wangting Yuzhuang?

"When the time comes, the younger generation will prepare enough He Yin to come to our store to pick up the goods with this item."

Before returning to Prince Duohao's Mansion, Chen Mu found a quiet room and retreated into seclusion again.

Everyone has the same qualifications, the same understanding, and it can last thousands of years.

"Yes, by then, if there are not many weak people in the Holy King Realm who buy it later, there will definitely be less monks and more gruel, and the price will also go up and down. The younger generation should also know how important that thing is to the weak people in the Holy King Realm. Sex, so..."

The bill hasn't been paid yet.

He Yinhui also cared about the 820 million and nodded, "You are in a hurry, so go slower."

If so, why did it leak out before King Taihao Xiaoshou?

Chen Mu didn't say much and followed me downstairs.

Lingyu quickly replied, "Reporting to the younger generation, you have confirmed it at Rifa. The 2000 origins may be available, but the 1000 origins are not available. The younger generation definitely wants them now, so you can send someone to Rifa to send the goods immediately. .”

"What? Didn't you say it's safe here?"

Outside every box, there is no ultimate source.

Just now, I even thought of bringing the spiritual jade under my command, so as to explore the channels behind me.

He picked up the storage ring and looked at it, and his face turned pale.

Indeed, after half an hour, no one had delivered the goods He Yinhui wanted.

Turns out, that’s what I wanted to say.

Well, Chen Mu directly interrupted my rambling, "He just said that he couldn't say whether he had it, whether it was available or not, and the price."

Chen Mu smiled, "Of course less is better. If you want more, he will give you less?"

Lingyu didn't shy away from it that time. He directly took out a communication talisman and said a few words to the jade talisman. The jade talisman then emitted, turning into a stream of law and disappearing.

The box was opened, and the outside was filled with colorful lights.

Lingyu shook his head, but then said, "According to past experience, Xiao Wang celebrates his birthday once every 100,000 years. Before each birthday, the amount of the ultimate source flowing into Baishi is not less than four thousand at most..."


That He Yin's eloquence is still very wrong.


However, from under Lingyu's body, Chen Mu also discovered the existence of a weak protective law.

"Isn't it dangerous outside?" Chen Mu asked.

"Junior, just wait a moment, it took half an hour."

Well, Chen Mu raised his eyebrows. Hearing the guy's tone, he was quite tough.

All replaced by the ultimate source.

Well, Chen Mu directly took out the ring under his hand, put it under the table behind Lingyu with a snap, "Besides, there are 5.5 billion pieces of top-grade Minluo. According to the price he just said, you can buy as much as you want. Buy it." Much less……"

Chen Mu also asked about that.


"Okay, let him confirm."

Chen Mu didn't say much, and just sat and waited outside the room.

"It depends on the younger generation. How much less does it cost?" He Yin asked Chen Mu in return.

"What's the price?" Chen Mu asked eagerly.

"What kind of rule?" Chen Mu asked directly.

The so-called weak ones are actually accumulated over time.

"Min Luo is priceless, but the origin is valuable. Inside, it's something he bought for many Min Luo..."

"We only don't have those 1,000 now, but if there were still none before," Lingyu said with a smile, "before Xiao Wang's birthday, there should be a batch of them leaked out."

Others have been practicing Rifa for countless years. No matter how poor their understanding is, as long as they live long enough, they can understand the origin of a small enough amount.

I bought a piece of Ji Dao treasure in Qizhen Pavilion, which cost tens of millions of top-grade minluo, or even less than 100 million. However, the Ji Dao origin contained in it did not exist in the form of ten or even dozens of Tao origins. of.

It cannot be used directly for understanding.

The longer he lives, the fewer resources he has at his disposal, and he will have less power than others.

I first asked if there was enough minluo, and then I prepared enough minluo.

"I heard someone say that you have the origin of the Ultimate Dao here..."

Lingyu smiled apologetically, "As for the price, you applied for a discount from the boss. That time, I only charged you 2.8 billion."

Looking at the entire Taihao Divine Kingdom, there are really few people who can squander billions of top-quality He Yin casually.

Chen Mu nodded slightly and sat down under a wooden chair. "Does this thing you just mentioned happen to him?"

He Yinhui was stunned for a moment and didn't understand anything.

The original breath overflowed instantly.

It is really difficult for so-called geniuses to make up for the time gap.

so little?

Lingyu nodded repeatedly, "Young people are worried, it's definitely dangerous out there."

He Yin said, "The younger generation only needs to leave a deposit of several hundred million. You can give it to the younger generation every day and he can keep up to 2,000 sources. As for how much less it is, it depends on the situation at that time. There will definitely be few people coming, and there is no possibility of purchasing restrictions. However, 2000 Origins is what Rifa can guarantee for you, the younger generation, and the price is also the current price.”

"Since this junior can find you, it is a certain junior who mentioned you in front of him."

And even if he is like Chen Mu, without systematic assistance, his speed in comprehending the origin is so slow that he can comprehend dozens of origins in a day.

It seemed like there was no chance.

An origin allows us to understand, if it takes a long, long time.

He Yin was slightly stunned when he heard this.

"Junior, we only need so little, 700 million is enough."

The woman next to him was turned away by him.

Lingyu smiled and said, "Eight million top-grade Minluo, one batch."

"Senior, don't worry. In this black market, no one dares to pry into other people's transactions." Min Luo was very confident.

Do juniors like him still need to care about these eight melons and two dates?

However, for others, the refined essence can be absorbed, so in terms of price, there is no difference, which is understandable.

Before leaving, Lingyu saw me off.

Moreover, those unrefined origins cannot be provided for the people in their hands to practice and use.

I really want to get to the bottom of it and ask where those origins came from.

Went downstairs and found a quiet room.

And it is an unrefined origin.

This is equivalent to a discount of 200 million.


Merchants inquire about the origins of their customers, and similarly, customers inquire about the origins of their goods. That is the rule of the white market.

Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He kept saying it was safe, but when he said the four words "origin of the extreme path", the guy's face turned green with fear.

3 million lines, 1,000 lines is 3 billion.

"Why, he will tell you that there are so few goods, right?" Chen Mu looked at me happily.

The implication is that if others think it is expensive, he should not think it is expensive either.

Lingyu held the ring and left the store. After a while, he came out again and gave the ring back to Chen Mu. At the same time, he also gave Chen Mu a jade plaque.

Get ready to leave.

"The few are gone."

1,000 channels is bad.

Nan Ming and others, He Yinhui and others only sent us a source.

"Junior, Rifa has no need and can't come again."

One origin is worth 3 million, so that Min Luo cannot be converted into a difference of 2,000 origins.


Didn't Chen Mu care too much, "Let's have someone adjust the goods. How long will it take?"

Chen Mu frowned slightly, "Are the young ones gone?"

King Taihao's birthday is only half a month away. Lingyu said categorically, "How dare you say that Bai Market? Apart from you, I'm afraid there are people who don't have that channel, and there are people who dare to sell those things."

"How's it going?" Chen Mu asked immediately.

A white painted wooden box appeared in front of Chen Mu.

It’s enough for me to practice for a while.

As long as you don't have money, you can really buy anything, even cultivation.

5.5 billion, and they are all top-notch Min Luo.

This is a unique encrypted communication method in the white market.

Lingyu smiled and said, "To be honest, the thing I want is a controlled product of the Kingdom of God, and is allowed to be traded privately..."

After a while, Lingyu's fleshy body retreated out of the door.

Thinking that the power behind He Yin might have nothing to do with the king of Taihao Divine Kingdom, Chen Mu dared to act rashly, hoping to cause some trouble for no reason.

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