A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1925 The banquet is open!

In the past half month, Chen Muyu did not expect to comprehend all the 1,600 origins. He only wanted to comprehend 500, so that the number of comprehended origins would reach 3,000.

As for condensing the origin, since the last attempt failed and he lost dozens of origins, Chen Muyu no longer wants to try it easily.

Even if you want to try, you have to wait until the number of comprehended origins exceeds 10,000. It will not be too late to try again at that time.


The time for cultivation passes very quickly.

Half a month is like taking a nap.

After successfully comprehending the 3000 origins, Chen Muyu came out of seclusion.

King Taihao's birthday is approaching, and he has important things to do, so he naturally doesn't dare to delay.

At this moment, Chen Muyu still has 1,235 unappreciated origins left in his hand.

King Duohao and Lao Qi Haorui walked side by side. After arriving at the seat, Haorui nodded to King Taihao and immediately took my seat.

King Duohao nodded and took that matter to heart again.

Strange eyes, strange figure.

King Taihao was accompanying King Duohao as an enshrinement.

At that time, a heavy groan came from behind.

When the two heard this, they smiled slightly.

King Duohao said, "It's just a defeat in my hand. It's a small matter to compete again. As long as I win you, my father will only be unhappy. How can I come to Taiwan?"

Haolin was also looking at King Taihao, and I was examining him.

That wait was not a full two hours.

Isn't that a weak person?

When I turned around, I saw Hao Lin and Hao Hu. They had not yet turned around to queue up.

"Envoy Nan Yu has already entered the super realm, and I heard that his strength is quite ordinary. Anyone who can beat you will naturally be in the super realm."

Very early in the morning, King Duohao put on what I thought was the most gorgeous clothes, tidied up his clothes, and lined up behind the gate of his brother's palace just like the other people I had invited to attend his birthday.

"Fourteenth brother, are you saying nice things to me behind your back?" Hao Hu looked at King Duo Hao with a smile.

When Hao Lin heard this, he also felt embarrassed, "How you behave is important. The key depends on what my father and I hate?"


Zhang Hourui found Duhao and Wang Haoyuan's seat and sat next to him.

Haolin's face was full of smiles. It seemed that his relationship with King Duohao was really wrong. He reached out and patted King Duohao on the shoulder, "Brother Fourteen, are you ready? How about you prepare to show up in front of your father later?" Show off?"

I would like to understand everything, but I don’t have the time.

King Duohao shook his head, "You are talking bad about Brother Bage. If Brother Bage knows what my father is going to do today, please inform my eldest brother."

"Fourteenth brother, he must be careful. The envoy from Tiannan Kingdom is a troublemaker. It will be bad if Shoudai attacks him soon and asks his father to come to Taiwan." Hao Hu said.

King Duohao replied with a smile on his face, which was reluctant but cold.

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, "Tell me, brother Yanshan, what bad things have been prepared for you."

Basically, they are all in the Saint King realm, and there are many low-grade ones among them.

Everyone's eyes converged, and a yellow-orange stone, the size of a goose egg, appeared in my hand. King Taihao followed King Duohao and followed suit.

At that time, not a single woman as strong as a white bear stood up among the envoys from various countries.

The entire Taihao City is under martial law.

King Duohao sat down and King Taihao asked.

The other princes, princes, and grandsons didn’t even look at me, but Hao Hu dared to make a joke about it. If people really believe King Duo Hao, then even if I am lucky on my birthday, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do anything. When people stand up, they are convinced.

It must be said that Zhang Hourui is still rich and stingy enough to win over people's hearts.

Judging from Hao Hu's tone, he must have inquired about his return date a long time ago.

If that man has such a weak desire for revenge, he will definitely cause trouble for me.

He only brought King Taihao with him.

What Chen Muyu wants is probably not just a show.

King Taihao looked up.

"Haha, Fourteenth Brother, you came early."

It turned out that that person was the first brother of King Duohao, Haolin.

"Yi Shaohao, he seems to be earlier."

The momentum is magnificent and surging.

Hao Hu shook his head, "But you dare to talk nonsense. Who can delay knowing the proposition of the father?"

"This and that matter is considered to have been revealed."

King Taihao bowed his hand as a courtesy.

That was the first time King Taihao saw a real weak person in the extreme realm.

King Taihao's face was covered with white lines. Sure enough, the news had spread.

The birthday has not yet begun, but the royal court has already given pills for three consecutive days.

Got cheated.

The same guy who just entered the low-level Holy King Realm is now joining forces with Haolin.

King Duohao shook his head, "You and the greedy manager just have a special friendship. In terms of deep friendship, Ba Zhanghou should be deeper..."

If you offend, just offend. There is nothing to be afraid of. Have you not offended me a long time ago?

But Chen Muyu didn't seem interested at that time.

As soon as they found their spot, no one came over laughing.

In one sentence, he kicked the ball back.

Throughout Taihao City, tens of millions of people were immersed in the joy of anticipation.

"Today, the King of Japan, Xiaoshou, doesn't have many friends who can stand being noisy. I heard that they even sent gifts to me and put on some programs to make me feel depressed. I can enjoy it all to myself, so I can just enjoy it with you all."

King Duohao smiled and said less.

A little further in, there were only one or two hundred people sitting there.

After thinking for a while, King Taihao showed a smile.

Let’s be clear, these two people didn’t see Nan Yu and deliberately led me to say this.

Haohu smiled and said, "Did that story spread? The envoy of Tiannan Kingdom was beaten by the friend of the fourteenth brother on the seventh day after he came..."

King Taihao was really interested in chatting, so he took advantage of that opportunity to analyze and understand the three origins.

If he says this, is it possible that you can let him go?

When King Taihao heard this, he suddenly realized.

As soon as Chen Muyu appeared, everyone at the scene stood up and shouted in unison.

Those guys are no longer scary.

There is no complacency in my heart.

The teams brought by the special envoys from various countries, as well as the people brought by some other weak nobles, were arranged on the opposite side.

King Duohao nodded, "It's not bad, it's just that when Tiannan Kingdom returned its tribute, my father asked Nanyu what happened that day. Yes, Nanyu was weird. He just said it was a competition back in the day. My father will take action."

One after another, King Duohao also said that he would recommend Chen Muyu to recruit him to take up the position of brother king.

Hao Lin said, "I remember the last birthday of my father. At least, it was not a martial arts competition between the queens. Unfortunately, our strength was enough at this time, and we were always embarrassed in front of our father. As for that time, what problem will my father have? This can be said to be accurate..."

King Duohao said, "According to past practice, the masters of the Kingdom of God will send us something and pose problems for us. It is a joke among us weaklings to save each other's face."

Today, those who can retreat into the palace to congratulate Chen Muyu on his birthday are all extremely noble beings.

Immediately, everyone in the hall entered the hall. Hundreds of people, like running water, hurriedly flowed out of the hall, walked up the stone steps, and scattered in seven directions, looking for their seats.

A middle-aged woman had not arrived yet.

The birthday celebration was held in the small central hall of Zhang Hou.

Presumably, those are Brother Wang’s offerings, right?

At this time, the sound of bells came from the palace.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, King Taihao used the system to scan the surrounding area.

Suddenly, King Duohao felt like he was nodding his head. Why did he talk so little?


Looking at the woman under the throne who looks thin and has two pigtails, she looks to be in her seventies.

"Thank you, Xiao Wang!"

At this time, the seats under the square had already been arranged, and no one from the palace was there to guide them.

It turned into a streak of white air and instantly appeared in the open space in the middle of the square.

It's depressing, but it gives people a sense of distance.

King Duohao and we, together with the special envoys from various countries and some weak nobles, entered the palace immediately to congratulate Chen Muyu on his birthday. We had to wait for a while before we could come out.

It doesn’t matter what Nanyu thinks. When His Highness asked me, you said that if you brought it up beforehand, it would be very kind.

King Duhao smiled bitterly. In the future, I might care about it, but now, I always feel that there is a thorn in his words.

The eighth prince, Haohu.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, they were full of beauty. They must not have full confidence and wanted to have a little fight on their birthday.

There are not so many excellent ones.

Haohu's eyes fell on King Taihao next to King Duohao, "The fourteenth brother who returned to Japan invited me to help in the battle. I heard that he has not yet entered the super-level realm, which is really rare..."

King Taihao said loudly.

You forget to practice all the time. I’m afraid no one can compare as hard as you, right?

The woman stood up and spread her left hand.

Immediately, a figure appeared under the throne.

Having said that, Haolin raised his eyebrows, "Did the Fourteenth Brother have a wrong relationship with Manager Tan Shang? Is there any news about it?"


The face is rough and somewhat majestic.

"Shaohao is joking."

The seats are on both sides of the square, with an open space in the middle.

Later, Jidao Yang Ming, because his strength was damaged, King Taihao had not returned to his peak when he saw me, so the feeling given to Zhang Hourui was not real.

They are all top-grade elixirs. Many low-level gods and demons rely on these elixirs given once in a hundred thousand years to survive, and their realms have increased rapidly.

That was the first time I saw Chen Muyu in person, and it gave me the feeling.

King Taihao nodded slightly. Since Chen Muyu hasn't asked about it yet, this matter can be considered in the past.

The clothes are not gorgeous, but they give people a sense of nobility.

For a moment, the whole audience could hear the needle drop.

In Taihao Divine Kingdom, that clan is also the most noble existence.

Those sitting around were basically the offerings brought by other princes, one person from each family, as few as two or eight.

The narrow-minded meaning is even more obvious.

The princes, princes and grandsons did not have corresponding formations.

King Taihao was so confused after hearing this, he really thought that Chen Muyu was going to bring out some kind of gift to share with Xiaojia, but looking at the situation, it seemed that nothing was wrong.

King Taihao was calm, eating the fruits and nectar under the table next to his seat, and waited quickly.

All ethnic groups in the city have a share, and the elixirs from the royal court are distributed according to the realm of all ethnic groups.


I even felt that Chen Muyu asked that on purpose, obviously towards me.

But the person behind him is a real weakling.

There are not many bad hands.

A golden throne appeared behind the small hall.

Among them, the Taihao clan, with the head of a human and the body of a snake, was the least numerous and the most conspicuous.

The princes, princes and grandsons from various places, as well as some special envoys from the friendly kingdom of God, have all arrived.

"You Wang Shengshou!"

Zhang Hourui also stood up and shouted a few times indiscriminately.

"How did Shaohao know about it?" King Duohao didn't mean to introduce it to me.

Before everyone prayed, they sat down one after another.

King Duohao was among the first batch to come out. Along with the young masters who were crowned kings, some of them looked solemn, but some of them were neither talking nor laughing.

At that time, the bell rang.

Music was played in the palace, and the sound of bells was loud.

At the gate of Brother Wang's Palace, all kinds of gods and demons gathered together, with all kinds of strange shapes, as if they were in a devil's cave.

King Taihao was brought by King Duohao and was enshrined in the palace. If he was not qualified to go down to the palace, he stayed under the square behind the palace before retreating to the palace.

The King's birthday, which happens once every 100,000 years, can be regarded as the most important event in the Kingdom of Taihao.

"Oh, I guess Shaohao has done enough homework, right?" Prince Duohao smiled without any trace of skin.

Chen Muyu said calmly, looking at the camp of the envoys from various countries, "It's already early, come on, let's see what the Holy Lords have prepared for me this year?"

King Duhao frowned slightly, and I could hear the narrowness in his words.

"How dare you show your embarrassment in front of your father with your meager skills and little tricks?" King Duohao shook his head and said very perfunctorily, "Shaohao, what about him, how is he going to behave?"


At this time, he looked in front of Haolin.

King Duohao's face changed slightly, and he felt a little relieved.

Super weak people are really lacking in Chen Muyu's hands.

At that time, King Duohao was worried because he was afraid that Nan Yu would directly cause trouble for me, or list my crimes in front of my father, which was related to the relationship between the two countries. At this time, Zhang Hourui's face was filled with worry. He will definitely show nothing to King Duohao.

It was someone else, none other than Nan Yu.

The area over there belongs to the crowned kings and other members of my brother brother. The seats are still very empty, except for those of us who were brought back as offerings and some important members of our brother king.

King Taihao was not afraid of that man Yu.

That man looked gentle and elegant, but when King Duohao saw me, a strange look flashed through his eyes.

Thousands of gods and demons entered the palace in a mighty procession.

"Everyone, take a seat."

The woman respectfully bowed to Chen Muyu below.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] All of them are in the super-grade realm, and some of them, judging from their aura, their realm is below that of King Taihao.

"In Yanshan Divine Kingdom, Xiong Kun pays homage to Holy Lord Taihao."


Now it seems that Chen Muyu is interested in me for no reason.

Tan Shang stood beside the throne, respectful and respectful, even daring to raise his head.

Tan Shang came out with a group of guards and called everyone in the palace to enter.

King Duohao looked back, and saw a pair of eyes looking in the distance.

The majestic voice came, striking everyone's heart.

"How about it?"

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