In the queen's palace.

"Why is it so noisy outside?"

Queen Min Yu dragged her bloated body to the door and looked out from a distance. She could not help but frown when she saw the figure outside the palace shaking.

She and her son Hao Jie had been inexplicably confined in this palace for three months. At first, she was naturally very unhappy.

But as time went by, she gradually calmed down from her initial anger.

She knew that King Taihao must have gone to find her father, and she also knew that her father's rise would definitely make King Taihao feel threatened.

Therefore, she was very worried.

She is not worried about what King Taihao will do to her father. After all, her father's background is there, unless King Taihao can ignore the threat from the powerful kingdom of God in the Eastern Continent.

There will definitely be a negotiation between the two, and what she is worried about is the content of the negotiation.

In recent years, relying on the relationship between her father and King Taihao, the queen line headed by Min Yu can be said to be unscrupulous, covering the sky with one hand in Taihao Divine Kingdom. She did not think there was anything wrong in the past, but... Now that I think about it, it's not that King Taihao doesn't care. In fact, he cares a lot.

Looking from left to right, talking loudly, Shaohao, who was giving instructions just now, now knew where he was running.

Although the ban was attacked, Chen Muyu did not return.

Standing next to Shaohao, like Xiang Zhen, he was at the tenth level of transcendence.

As long as he admits his mistake in front of Chen Muyu and reflects on his subsequent actions, as long as Chen Muyu reaches an agreement with his father, the throne of King Duhao will be taken over in minutes.

Hao Jie did not speak again.

"If King Duohao is ruined, he will really look down on me in the future."

He said that it would be understandable if Shaohao found someone to break the ban when Chen Muyu just banned you.

bad thing?

I can't say, I was furious.

Now, something like this has happened in Prince Duohao's palace. Is it difficult or not? No one wants to seize power?

Chen Muyu is here. Logically speaking, the only person who can command us is King Duohao, who is the prince of the prison.

After all, it was a ban placed by a weak person in the extreme realm. Even if it was just placed casually, it would be easily broken by a group of Saint King Realm people.

Chile snorted loudly, "The first crime is stealing the holy book of origins and plotting against King Jiehao; the seventh crime is trading huge amounts of prohibited origins on the white market. Do you think those two are enough?" In the past three months, I have calmed down. After coming down, she also reflected a lot.

The ultimate power of women.

Min Meng looked around and saw Shaohao at the scene.

At this time, in the palace.

At this juncture, that guy suddenly found someone to break the seal and rescue us. Such an operation is really hard to understand.

Even though Chen Muyu made me the crown prince, Min Meng never looked at me.

Hao Jie exclaimed.

The seven figures of mother and son flashed before appearing at the palace gate.


"Mother, I have been here."

Almost all of them are demons with human heads and snake bodies.

Hao Jie looked happy, but at the same time he was not worried.

I was just thinking about how to explain to Xiao Wang, how to admit my mistake to Xiao Wang. Those guys were bad, so were they adding fuel to the fire?

Even if they are banned, they can still mobilize so few people, and they are all people from the Enshrinement Institute.

At that time, the worshipers were attacking the ban with one punch after another.

This guy has clearly not agreed to surrender to him, so how could he trick him again?

Immediately afterwards, few figures appeared.

To be honest, you have never ignored King Duhao.

In addition, there are two fourth level, two fourth level, and the rest are basically below seventh level.

"Hey, where's Brother Shaohao?"

The seal shook and cracks opened. Did anyone notice that a white shadow seeped through the cracks and retreated while the seal shook.

Seeing everyone leaving, Wang Qian breathed a sigh of relief and cursed bitterly.

You lent me the Holy Scripture of Origin.

A group of people with confusion written all over their faces.

Can the king remember our faults?

I think it makes sense, but I actually think it makes sense.

Min Meng's face was clear. You understand why Shaohao did what he did.

That person was able to hide it from the eyes of so few weak people, and come and go freely in the king's palace where there were no weak people in the Holy Lord realm. One can imagine his strength.

"King Duohao."

"Whatever they are doing, stop it."

"Oh? The king wants to see you?"

After a while, Haojie came to his senses and seemed to have thought of something.

How come the source holy scripture appears there?

Everyone shouted in low voices, and everyone showed their loyalty.

The king's face was covered with frost, and he turned around and walked out of the palace, "Let someone come and guard there to prevent anyone from getting closer."

"A bunch of useful stuff."

Walking out of the main hall of the dormitory, Hao Jie suddenly stopped.

Shaohao is a member of your clan and can be considered a peer. He is the son of my father's cousin.

King Taihao's worries seemed to be unnecessary.

When did Wang Qian's lineage become so embarrassing? They were ignored by others.

Because we know that this matter has nothing to do with Wang Qian.

The entire Duhao Palace was enveloped in several astonishing auras.

Hao Jie's face was full of surprise, and he seemed to have no idea about the life of a woman.

Min Meng shouted sharply.

Those guys are crazy.

I also know whether what those people said is true or false.

It's really bad.

A farce in the palace before the king.

I just thought it made sense, this King Duhao is nothing bad?

But my father also said that bygones are bygones.

Chen Muyu had been away for several months, and King Duohao had always been in charge of the country.

"Everyone, since you are here, show up and see me."

The masters in the mansion were all lying on the ground, trembling and panicking.

There was a bang.

Only then did everyone vaguely realize that Hao Jie's words just now seemed to be a test of our loyalty, but he actually got angry.

Everyone was submissive and looked at each other.

He hurriedly rushed out of the small hall, dispersed his spiritual thoughts, and searched carelessly in the palace.

A stone book.


The ban was shaking, and even the king's palace was shaking with it.

But the fact is that King Duohao is under house arrest, and it is Wang Qian who obeys the orders of those people.

What did I see?

Not long after King Taihao returned from the palace, Shaohao sent me a message, saying that an order came from the palace in front of the king and that he was causing trouble for me.

This man has a white beard on his face and looks very young.

"It seems like it's Min Meng and the others."

Hao Jie is now very worried that in the eyes of his father, he will become a capable person who lies constantly.


The king's eyes flashed coldly.

Hao Jie snorted warmly from the side, "This guy in my hand can also be looked down upon. He eats yours, uses yours, and puts you in front of him. There are really many women."

But now that the Holy Code of Origin has returned to its original owner, my subsequent remarks in front of Chen Muyu were not self-defeating.

Hao Jie stood nearby and frowned slightly.

King Taihao's face revealed a trace of meaning, "You are so young, did Chen commit any crime?"

"For the sake of King Qian and King Jiehao, you are afraid of death."

Hao Jie almost fainted.

"There are not eight yet, come out together, stop hiding."

The two quickly came behind the table.

Chile spoke calmly, and his words were filled with weak confidence, as if I could catch him if I took action.

He could only sense it, so what can he do now? Just wait for his father to come back and ask for punishment. At most, this is still the worst outcome.

Min Meng shouted sharply, his face turning red.

Min Meng's face turned pale, "Did his father say that he just wanted him to find the original holy scripture? Now, it should be a bad thing to find the holy scripture."


If so few people attacked and banned him just now, if it was unintentional, then it was this person's fault.

At that time, the Xiao family all wanted to get closer to Wang Qian's lineage, so that Wang Qian would understand that we are all our own.

"It's not bad. The ban has not been broken. It has passed. My father shouldn't have noticed it, right?"

Look in the direction of the original fluctuation.

Is there no place where I can compare to myself? In other words, I can give less than what I give.

The worshipers in the palace were not responsible for guarding Min Yu, but when they knew that Prince Duohao's palace was under siege, no one dared to act rashly.

Still think things are messy enough?

Dozens of super-level weaklings rushed to Prince Duohao's palace in the palace to arrest Xiang Zhenyin.

Min Meng gave a sharp shout and drank everyone in.

Because of the blockade, we could only see people, but our voices could not be heard.

However, no discovery was made.

Those guys, one by one, gathered behind the mother's bedroom, eager to do something?

The original holy scripture.

"It's Brother Xiangzhen!"

"Shall your Majesty capture him without hesitation, or will you wait and take him to the king?"

That scene obviously alarmed many weak people in Taihao City.

Maybe Xiang Zhenyin was tied up by something.

One, seven, eight, seven, seven...

If no one returns.

One of them shouted something, and everyone around him also echoed.

How can it be noticeable that such a small Duhao Palace disappeared out of thin air?

I sensed the power of origin.

I counted eleven people.


However, now, Min Meng felt that perhaps he should get to know King Duohao, whom he valued, again.

Duo Hao and Wang Haoyuan, both in terms of birth and strength, are a little behind his own son. Everyone should know that Hao Jie is better than Hao Yuan.

"Where is the person? Were they still there just now?"

Min Meng stood beside me, "Don't waste your efforts. That person is complicated."

"Even if you are afraid of death, you and your mother are still afraid of death. They..." Hao Jie pointed at the group of people and spoke angrily.


Something happened.

However, in the current situation, our actions of showing loyalty seem to have gone too far.

Enshrining Courtyard, this is Chen Muyu’s team.

That was the ban left by Xiao Wang, and they dared to attack.

On the contrary, King Taihao didn't panic at all. He picked up a wicker chair and sat outside the courtyard.

Everyone is watching from the sidelines.

That means something is going to happen.

All the worshipers were stunned for a moment, and when they saw the king and the little prince, they all stopped.

King Taihao said calmly.

The stone book was placed quietly.

"You can leave quickly and come back later."

They are all at the super level.

Feeling the dozens of ultra-weak auras around him, King Taihao couldn't help but smile bitterly. That's because he thinks too highly of you.

When I left, no one was still thinking about it.

Duhao Palace.

Hao Jie scolded, "That's the ban left by my father. How dare you break the ban? Are you afraid of death?"

There are so few weaklings, which is really good enough.

It is the original sacred scripture.

Thinking of Wang Qian and the little prince being banned by Chen Muyu, few people even speculated that it was Wang Qian's lineage who wanted to seize power from King Duohao.

For a few minutes.

King Taihao was still indifferent.

I am already preparing to wait for King Taihao to come back and apologize to him properly. Firstly, there is a relationship between husband and wife. Secondly, King Taihao is too powerful. If he does not confront him, sooner or later he will provoke a fight between him and his father. By then, It's not good for anyone.

"Don't panic before the king, you will come to save him later."

Take advantage of the chaos to retreat and fish in troubled waters.

Is that guy so evil-minded?

But it was eight months ago.

Because he joined Chen Mu Yuting, no matter what his original identity was, before he joined Min Yu, his appearance had to be basically consistent with Min Yu's image.

Everyone was angry, and they dared to leave without the king's order.

The source holy scriptures will appear there for a reason.

Hao Jie's face twitched slightly.

"Who asked them to come?" Min Meng stood beside him, his face blank the whole time.

In the last second, figures appeared one by one.

"Slow, stop us."

Because of your relationship, I retired to serve in Zhenyin Court, and I can be regarded as your die-hard loyalist.

At the same time, Min Meng also saw it.

Hao Jie said, "Mother, we can just sit back and wait for death."

Laws rose up one after another, shrouding Prince Duohao's palace, completely isolating it from the inner world.


After scanning around with the system, I probably know all the information.

It was a decree issued by the king himself, and the manpower was transferred from the enshrinement courtyard.

Whether it's less or more, in total, it makes seventy-eight people good or bad.

Just express that I am satisfied with you.

I saw something placed under a table directly behind the small hall.

After that, Hao Jie was able to kill the source of the holy scripture because of the man under King Duo Hao's command. He implicated King Du Hao in that matter. Although Chen Muyu suspected it was suspicion, he could pull King Du Hao back anyway. Sheung Shui.

Including Min Meng and Hao Jie, neither found anything normal.

But the aura is vaguely weaker than Shaohao's.

Min Mengre snorted.

It must be quite far from the 11th level.


For a time, people were panicked.

Those guys did it on purpose, right?

Xiang Zhen took a deep breath. You know who owns the original holy scripture. So, it is difficult to guess who the person who broke into the palace to return the holy scripture is.

There are only two people who are at the 10th level of the super realm, and one of them is my new eldest brother, Shaohao.

Princess Dohao was mostly under house arrest.

At that point, no one had finished the attack ban.


Hao Jie also understood the minor nature of the incident and turned to look at his mother.

Hao Jie looked up and saw that although he was attacked inexplicably by the group, the ban was still firm.

That scene made both Wang Qian and Hao Jie change their expressions.

Counting them one by one, looking at the aura, there were seventy-eight people in total.

The reason why Xiang Zhenyin established Haoyuan as the crown prince alongside his own son, in Min Meng's view, was definitely just to give you a warning.

There is a mistake, it is not the original holy scripture.

The king is not the king, and his actions are not vigorous and resolute.

The leader was named Chile.

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