

Chen Muyu smiled and said, "It's really easy to accuse someone. Is there any evidence for these two things?"

"Do you think you need evidence?"

Chile gave Chen Muyu a cold reply.

It's really overbearing.

I say you have it, you have it, and you have to have it even if you don’t have it.


Chen Muyu sighed, "The king has an order that no fighting is allowed in Taihao City."

"We are here to capture you on the Queen's order. If you don't resist, there will be no fight. Moreover, the Queen's order is the King's order. There are no rules for arresting people in the Consecration Court."

Chile was patient. It seemed that Chen Muyu was already convinced.

After saying that, he looked at Min Meng next to him, "What do you think?"

Killed by Shaohao?

As the number one expert in the Royal Court, he was the strongest except for King Taihao. He was ordered to take charge of the Enshrinement Court and had arrogance.

A terrifying wave of air swept across the entire space.

After taking care of the shrine, everything is basically taken care of.


There is no one except Wang Qian’s lineage who dares to do that.

Very few people have yet to realize the true nature of the matter.

However, Shaohao's personal prestige is here, and he is a member of the Min family and a brother of the king. Some people dare to listen to my orders.

If that group of people had set up a ban one after another, I'm afraid the entire Taihao City would have been bombed.

King Taihao smiled calmly, "Everyone, since you are here, please don't leave."

King Duohao is in danger!


With a fierce squeeze, the magic core was thrown into the air.

Chen Muyu touched his forehead and said, "I'm very confident. I haven't met such a confident person in a long time."

As expected, many of the weak people in the Enshrinement Court were affected by the energy, and many were injured.

King Taihao's face turned pale.

The crown prince's residence was destroyed.

Then, however, the nightmare ended.

A ray of light shot out from the gourd, directly covering everyone.

Where might Chile be on guard?


Before the massacre, many of the ministers knew about King Duohao's methods. They may not pay much attention to King Duohao in the future, but now, we are all a bit confused. The crown prince is complicated. That guy Shaohao is really ruthless.

King Taihao turned to look at Shaohao, "He's too reckless. Let's see what happened to the evil Prince Duohao's palace."

Although these weaklings who were ordered to put King Dohao under house arrest felt inexplicable, being locked up and released from time to time was just like child's play.

Invite King Taihao into the palace, and together with Shaohao, under the banner of Zheng Xiaohei, and on the pretext of eliminating rebellion, they segregate the enshrinement courtyard and kill them all.

Cover the gourd and pat it on the waist.

It’s hard to figure out what happened in Hanhu.

At this time, all his energy was locked on King Taihao behind him, and he never thought that Shaohao would take action against me.

King Taihao laughed again, "You overestimated yourself and underestimated yourself."

Chi Le is dead, Shaohao can be called the youngest.

As soon as King Duohao lifted the ban, the first thing he did was to eliminate the power of the former king's faction in the enshrinement courtyard.

Chile smiled slightly and said, "If you insist on resisting, we may kill you on the spot."

Chen Muyu is here, and the Worship Courtyard is not the source of all turmoil.

Without Shaohao, it was clear at a glance which faction belonged to the Wang Qian group, including Qing Hu Chu.

That guy is so irritable.

"Under house arrest."

"Chile, the master of the enshrinement courtyard, took the lead in the rebellion and was not killed on the spot. Those are our evidence of guilt."

Shaohao disappeared directly on the spot.

Chile's head was directly blasted by Shaohao's punch.


It seemed that, except for King Taihao's courtyard which was still standing, the entire Prince Duohao's palace was in ruins.

Shaohao withdrew his fist and stood up, walked to King Taihao, turned around, and stood respectfully.

"What if I say no?"

Chen Muyu said calmly.

Not two of them were seriously injured and lay down directly.

Today, in order to catch such a kid, so many people were dispatched, which was considered a high level. He didn't believe that even if it was like this, this kid could still escape.


Some weak tribes and people who are on bad terms with King Duohao, at this moment, are not in danger, but are thinking of their own way out.

King Duohao is only the crown prince, and he is also ordered to supervise the country. If my mansion is attacked, can it be a small matter?

King Taihao shook his head helplessly, "How is King Duohao now?"

The dust and smoke dispersed.

Go directly to King Duohao's palace and release King Duohao from his confinement.

Shaohao said quickly, "Before receiving the order from the king, Chile sent people to put King Duohao under house arrest in the palace. Yes, the master is worried. King Duohao is the crown prince after all. How dare we do anything to me? The person the king really wants to deal with is him."

Such a scene shocked everyone even more.

The sight of the original laws dissipating all over the sky made me feel extremely distressed.

King Taihao said calmly.

The terrifying suction force locked us in. In the last second, the scene changed and the space had changed.

"He has no reason."

Indeed, you overestimate King Taihao.

The difference between the two realms is very small. They are both at the tenth level, and it is a sneak attack. It is very difficult to succeed in that situation.

It was enough to blow Chile's head. He reached out and grabbed Chile's magic core in a roundabout way.

Duhao's palace was destroyed.

Everyone's subconscious feeling is wonderful.


Before killing a dozen weak people in the super-level realm, these worshipers who were originally watching from the sidelines were all afraid of being killed, and they knelt down in front of King Duohao to apologize.

That Chile's death was not unfair at all.

Shaohao said something.

Everyone was immediately petrified on the spot.

At that moment, King Duohao felt that his figure had become much taller.

Many buildings in the entire Prince Duohao Mansion were shaken, and the Master was worried that some people might survive.

Is it going to change?

He patted his waist and a gourd flew up.

After a while, the ban on Prince Duohao's palace was lifted, and what appeared behind everyone in Taihao City was still in ruins.

Shocking gourd.

King Taihao's face twitched slightly.

It was Zhi Zhi who shouted loudly.

What's going on?

What are you playing?

Although Chang Shi sent out the weakest lineup at hand, you still overestimated King Taihao.

However, God is Chen Muyu. As long as Chen Muyu exists for one day, he will change that day.

By the time I feel it's right, it's not too late.

Min Meng spoke calmly, and suddenly punched Chi Le next to him.

It is quite now.

Master Chile, is he dead?

"I think……"

With a bang, the magic core exploded.

Everyone at the scene was stunned by that scene.

Forty percent of the king's lineage is King Shuangduohao. Taking advantage of Chen Muyu's presence, he wants to get rid of that scourge. By the time Chen Muyu comes back, it will be a done deal.

"He will return to the palace immediately to rescue King Duohao. King Duohao should know what to do next."

But, it's too late.

In the palace.

Use your divine power to protect your compound.

All eight views have been subverted.


was sucked into the gourd.


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