A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 201 Something happened! 【First update】

Out of consideration for the identity of this physical body, Chen Muyu did not rush to thaw and repair him, but had to wait until his identity was clear.

If it was really an ancestor of his family, Chen Muyu would have to discuss with his family to invite him to his ancestral grave, not to mention that his physical body could not be used.

I looked at the training auxiliary pot next to me and saw that there were still more than twenty days left in the countdown.

I don’t know if Guzheng can survive this test. This is all I can do. After more than twenty days, I will know whether I am alive or dead.

It was already bright, and my uncle came to ask Chen Muyu to have breakfast again.

I got up and went out, and it actually started snowing outside.

The snow is quite heavy.

Snowflakes fell on the clothes, making a swishing sound. The ground and roof were already covered with snow, which should be half a finger thick.

Looking at the cold mountains in the distance, they are covered in silver.

I took a deep breath, feeling indescribably comfortable.

I wonder if this snow might be related to what I did in the mountains last night.

It has entered the twelfth lunar month and the New Year is approaching. In the past few days, the villagers who have worked outside have been returning one after another, and the village has gradually become lively. The distance from the old house to my uncle's house is only about two hundred meters. I slept with several uncles and uncles.

“It hasn’t snowed this much in years!”

My uncle sighed with emotion. Chenjiayan Village is located on Longtan Mountain. The temperature in winter is quite cold. It snows almost every year, but it is rare to see such heavy snow.


Snowy days are very calming and bring back memories. The last heavy snowfall in Chenjiagou Village in my memory was the year my grandfather passed away. “I originally wanted to go back today!”

"The roads are icy and it's difficult to walk. It's hard for you to come back. Please stay a few more days!" said my uncle.

Chen Muyu smiled and said, "Uncle, did aunt tell you? I want to take away the bowl set left by grandma..."

The uncle smiled and waved his hand carelessly, "If you like it, just take it. I sold that set of bowls a long time ago. You bought it with money, so there is no need to discuss it with me."

Although my brother-in-law is a lazy man, he is still very reasonable. Although he knows that he has suffered a loss, he is not embarrassed to argue with this nephew.

[Read books and get cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base Camp] and read books and get cash!

Chen Muyu said, "I'm going to buy you a house in the city!"

The uncle was stunned for a moment, "Buy a house?"

Chen Muyu nodded, "Uncle, buying a house can be regarded as an investment. I have made a little money recently, so it is my honor to honor you. In the future, it doesn't matter whether you live in it yourself or sell it, it will be fine!"

"do not!"

The uncle shook his head, "Why buy a house? I don't want to live in the city. Isn't it nice to live in the mountains? You might as well give me the money directly..."

At this point, the uncle laughed dryly. Apparently, he had also come back to his senses and knew the reason why Chen Muyu didn't give him cash and instead used it to buy a house. He was simply afraid that he would squander the money!

"Brother-in-law, it's not like I, a junior, am telling you that your Buddhist attitude towards life makes people anxious. After the Chinese New Year, why don't you go to the city to find a job?" Chen Muyu advised.

He shouldn't have said this, but he couldn't help it.

The uncle said, "Xiaoyu, I understand what you mean. It's not that you don't know who I am, your uncle. I'm naturally lazy and I just get by. I think my life is pretty good now, but I really can't adapt to life in the city..." …”

Chen Muyu shrugged. He was a junior, so words like this should be stopped in moderation, lest he would have a grudge in his heart. If he wanted to educate him, it was his mother who should do it.

After breakfast, my uncle found two people to play mahjong and invited Chen Muyu to join them.

Both of them were my uncle's old friends. They had just returned from working. Maybe they had made some money. They were wearing new clothes and they were eager to show off in front of their uncle.

How could they win against Chen Muyu? After playing for less than half an hour, all three of them lost their temper.

"Xiaoyu, you are so lucky!" My uncle scratched his hair and held a card in his hand, wondering whether he should play it or not.

In front of Chen Muyu, three-bar tiles had been placed, all with ten thousand characters, which made them tremble with fear, fearing that they would fire.

At this time, there was a noise from Mr. Niu's house next door.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

The three of them didn't know if they were just pretending, but they all stood up and ran to the next door.

Chen Muyu rolled his eyes, these people couldn't afford to lose.

Next door, Mr. Niu’s house.

There were a lot of people, and except for a few young people watching the fun, the others were all elders in the village.

In the middle of the courtyard, there was a simple stretcher made of wooden sticks. Lying on the stretcher was something dark and furry.


When Chen Muyu saw it, his heart skipped a beat. Isn't this the black bear he saw in Longtouling that day?

The black bear was lying in the courtyard, dying. There seemed to be many wounds on his body, and blood flowed from the wounds, dyeing the surrounding snow a lot red.

Mr. Niu, wrapped in a military coat, came out of the house and was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Where are they from? Did you fight?"

Mr. Niu looked shocked and looked up at a man in his fifties next to the stretcher.

This man's name is Chen Jianfu, from Chen Muyu's father's generation. When meeting Chen Muyu, he has to call him uncle.

Chen Jianfu is a well-known bachelor in the village. He is very hard-working. However, despite his hard work and strength, he has not achieved much.

He once got involved with Brother Shui's mother, but later he couldn't bear the gossip in the village and was afraid of Brother Shui's mother's fate, so he finally gave up.

Otherwise, Brother Shui's current father should probably be this one.

"There, do we dare to fight this thing?" Chen Jianfu waved his hand quickly, "Didn't the ground move last night? I was thinking about going to the fields to take a look this morning. Don't destroy the forest for me. I just walked up the mountain for a short time. I heard some movement over at Xiaziping. I went over and saw that this thing was already lying on the ground, covered in injuries. I quickly went back to the village and called a few people to lift it down together. "Second Master, you are an expert, hurry up and get it." Take a look, is there any cure?"

"Yes, Second Master, I heard that this thing is a protected animal, so don't let us get sued!"

"This thing is so new. How many years have we not seen this thing on our mountain?"

"There were wild boars a few days ago, and bears again today. It seems that the environment in our village is indeed much better than in previous years..."

"What do you think can hurt this thing like this? There aren't any powerful beasts on Longtan Mountain, right?"

Everyone expressed their opinions, which was a new thing.

Mr. Niu didn't say anything. He squatted next to the bear and inspected it.

Chen Muyu also walked over. He remembered that when he went down the mountain that day, the bear was still alive and kicking.

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