A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 202 Visitors from the backyard! 【Second update】

Did Hongze hurt it that day?

A closer look revealed that the injuries on the bear were not gunshot wounds, but horizontal and vertical wounds. In some places, the wounds were so outward that bones could be seen.

"Knife wound?" Chen Muyu frowned slightly.

It was obvious that the wounds were caused by sharp weapons, not by other beasts.

Hearing Chen Muyu's words, Mr. Niu raised his head and glanced at him, then lowered his head again, "It's not a knife wound, it's a sword wound!"


Chen Muyu was a little surprised, "Second Master, can you even see this?"

Mr. Niu also remained calm and said, "A few people will come and carry it to the consulting room first."

After all, Mr. Niu was once a famous veterinarian in the village before he healed people. Doesn’t he have such a sharp eye?

In the village, Mr. Niu still has some prestige. As soon as he finished speaking, several people who had just carried the bear down the mountain gathered around and helped carry the big black bear into the nearby consulting room.

It was snowing outside and it was too cold. The big black bear was seriously injured. Even if it didn't bleed to death, it would probably freeze to death.

The big black bear was placed on the ground, and the air conditioner was turned on in the consulting room. Mr. Niu called everyone else out, leaving only two people inside to help, one was Chen Jianfu and the other was Chen Muyu.

He took a rope and threw it to Chen Muyu, who asked him to tie the big black bear's feet.

After all, he is a wild beast, and if he goes crazy, he may not be able to be cured.

Chen Muyu did as he was told. Niu Erye had already prepared the injection and took out a huge thick needle. He didn't know what to inject into the big black bear.

After a while, the big black bear's body relaxed obviously, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Niu cut off the big black bear's hair and began to treat and suture the wounds of the big black bear.

Despite his age, Mr. Niu is still quite agile in his skills.

Chen Muyu and Chen Jianfu stood nearby, handing him something from time to time, watching him holding a big needle and sewing cloth to treat the big black bear's injuries. Both of them grinned and couldn't bear to look at him.

After working for almost an hour, Mr. Niu finally finished his work and gave the black bear another fluid.

As expected of a professional veterinarian, this set of operations might not be possible for anyone else.

I found some paper shells and cotton wool and spread them on the ground.

"Come on, move this guy over!" Mr. Niu wiped the sweat from his forehead and faced Chen Muyu and the others.

This black bear weighs several hundred kilograms at least, and it's hard for two people to move it.

Chen Jianfu was about to go out and call someone, but when he turned around, he saw Chen Muyu dragging the big black bear's feet onto the pile of cotton wool in the corner.

"Oh, it's really strong!" Mr. Niu also looked at Chen Muyu in surprise.

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Chen Muyu laughed sarcastically and followed Mr. Niu to the backyard to wash his hands.

"Second Master, you just said that the injury on that bear was a sword wound?" Chen Muyu asked.

Mr. Niu Erye nodded slightly, "It's a sword, and it's a very fast and sharp sword. This bear has been hit by forty-eight swords, but none of them are fatal. The person who hurt this bear is obviously a practitioner." Family!"

"Lian Jiazi?" Chen Muyu frowned.

"You don't understand!" Mr. Niu shook his head, "Don't be blindly curious. I'll report it to the officials later. This thing is a protected animal. Let the officials handle it!"

Chen Muyu nodded slightly. In this era, few people know how to use swords. Those who use swords are mostly martial arts practitioners.

Are there people practicing martial arts in Longtan Mountain?

But why would this man vent his anger on a bear when he has nothing to do?

It has been snowing heavily for a while, with no intention of stopping. The snow on the road has already accumulated two fingers thick.

I took a video and showed it to Xu Meng. She thought Chen Muyu was fooling her, but she finally believed it after watching the video for a while. She wanted to play in the snow, but the road was blocked due to heavy snow, unless Chen Muyu took the Silver Shadow Flyboard to pick her up. She did.

At night, Chen Muyu thought about the black bear during the day. He didn't know who injured the black bear like that. Did he also come here because of the cave?

It's a pity that the things in the cave have been taken away by Chen Muyu, and others have nothing to think about.

It was after ten o'clock at night, everything was quiet, and the snow outside seemed to be getting worse.

Chen Muyu was meditating when he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the backyard.

At first I thought it was a mouse, but then I thought, how cold is the weather, do mice still dare to come out and move around?

Could it be that he has recruited a thief?

Quietly getting up, Chen Muyu came to the backyard.

Under the weak skylight, a dark figure stood by the well, as if he had just come up from the well. After looking around, he poked his head inside again, wondering what he was looking at!

Judging from the body shape, he is quite tall, he must be a man!


Chen Muyu immediately shouted.

The man was obviously startled, but he did not respond to Chen Muyu. He just jumped into the well.

Chen Muyu quickly ran over and took a look to see if there was anyone in the well.

He immediately jumped into the well. Needless to say, the man must have entered the passage.


In the passage, several iron doors had been opened by Chen Muyu a long time ago. It can be said that the passage was unimpeded. After a day and night, the temperature in the passage had risen a lot. Although Chen Muyu was not wearing a space suit, he did not feel too much. Discomfort.

"Hey, friend, what are you running for?"

After chasing for a few minutes, Chen Muyu saw the man not far behind the fifth door.

When the man heard Chen Muyu's shouting, he slowly turned his head, wearing an infrared night vision goggle, and didn't know what was going on, so he stopped walking forward.

Chen Muyu also put on night vision goggles. The man's face was not very clear, but he looked older.

"Boy, who are you?" came a slightly older voice.

Chen Muyu was not familiar with it.

"Oh, you ask me who I am? You came into my well, and you ask me who I am?" Chen Muyu felt a little funny.

"your home?"

The man's voice dropped and he was silent for a while, then slowly approached Chen Muyu, "The house outside belongs to your family. So, have you ever been to this passage?"

This tone is not friendly.

"It has nothing to do with you. Tell me, who are you and why are you here?" If you are not friendly, then I will definitely not be friendly to you.


The man suddenly laughed, lunged forward, and reached out to grab Chen Muyu's neck.

Skilled and experienced, no ambiguity at all.

Chen Muyu was on guard for a long time. He stepped on the sunflower steps and took two steps with his hind legs to easily avoid it.


The man let out a light sigh, obviously a little surprised, "Boy, are you still a practicing master?"

"This place is too small, why don't we go out and compare notes?"

Chen Muyu asked calmly.


You can see that man is smiling!

In the backyard of the old house, in the woods.

The two are in opposition.

"You dare to fight with me even though you are only in the realm of energy concentration. You are brave enough, little brat!"

The old man looked at Chen Muyu calmly, "You are young and have such a level of cultivation. Are you a Shao'e or a Qingshen?"

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