A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2568 The magical effect of the ring!

Chapter 2569 The magical effect of the ring!

Qiang Ling said, "Fellow Taoist, that golden pagoda belongs to its owner. When using it, you must be prepared to avoid having its location inquired by its host and causing unnecessary trouble."


There was no need for the Spear Spirit to remind him that the golden pagoda belonged to Kui Feng, so Kui Feng could easily discern its whereabouts.

Chen Muyu didn't dare to use it easily, and usually hid it in his mind.


Head space.

Chen Muyu came to Wanjie Station, and two boxes were placed on the table in front of him.

The golden light is shining and quite dazzling.

The seal on the box has been opened.

In one of the boxes, there was a ring, and in the other box, there was a jade key.

Chen Muyu studied the key for a long time, but didn't see anything strange about it.

He simply threw it back into the box and then picked up the ring.

These two things were obtained by him in the Tianhong Secret Realm.

The so-called inheritance of Holy Lord Tianhong.

He chose two of the three gold boxes Biyou took out.

As a result, these two things were prescribed.


What kind of inheritance can these two things be regarded as?

Now, he was very suspicious of whether the woman named Biyou was deliberately trying to mess with him.

Cheating, giving him the two worst things.

After all, he is not the inheritor of Hongmeng, nor is he from the lineage of Holy Master Tianhong.

It makes sense that the other party doesn't want to pass on the true inheritance to him.

If this is the case, then the remaining box should be the true inheritance of Holy Lord Tianhong?

Wouldn’t that still give Yang Ming an advantage?

Thinking of this, Chen Muyu felt vaguely depressed.

Pulled out the system and scanned the ring.

There is no information at all.

It can be guessed that this ring should be an incredible treasure.

At least he has entered the super-grade ranks.

Unfortunately, he had been studying for a long time and tried various methods, but he could not make the ring belong to its owner.

Since it is the shape of a ring, it naturally reminds people of a storage ring.

If it is a storage ring, it will naturally make people think about what is hidden inside.

In addition, this is something left by Holy Lord Tianhong, which leaves even more room for imagination.

Chen Muyu took a deep breath, feeling anxious and anxious.

It's like a top-notch beauty standing in front of you, but your mother tells you that she is your biological sister.



Chen Muyu, who was depressed, couldn't help but cursed.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a warmth flash through the ring.

Although it was fleeting, with Chen Muyu's sensitivity, the feeling was extremely clear.

"Ah, this..."

Got a reaction?

Chen Muyu immediately checked and saw that the ring had returned to its previous aloofness.

What's going on?

He couldn't help but be a little confused. The ring just reacted. Is there anything wrong with it? Why didn't you respond suddenly?


With a flash of inspiration, Chen Muyu seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly cursed at the ring tentatively.

Sure enough, after Chen Muyu's scolding, he clearly felt that there was a trace of warmth flowing through the ring.


Chen Muyu was stunned.

Is there such an operation?

Is the way to open this ring so weird?

Do you have to scold it to react?

Is it possible that there is a spirit in this ring, and that this thing has a habit of being tortured?

Although he complained in his heart, now that he had found a method, Chen Muyu immediately became interested.

After closing the office door, Chen Muyu pointed at the ring he was wearing and cursed.

"You little cutie..."



Cursing is a matter of as long as you have a mouth.

Chen Muyu hadn't cursed anyone for a long time. He was a little embarrassed at first, fearing that people would hear him and doubt his quality. But after he gradually got into the mood, he became more and more comfortable with his curses.

The more he curses, the filthier he gets, and the more he curses, the more unpleasant he sounds.

The effect is significant.

It was clearly visible that the golden ring glowed with golden-red light, as if it was about to melt.

As Chen Muyu cursed, warm currents flowed from the ring into his body.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of information also poured into his mind.

"Thousands of fingers!"

This ring is the matching ring of Holy Master Tianhong.

Contrary to Chen Muyu's imagination, this thing is not a storage ring, but an auxiliary treasure.

It can absorb negative emotions and use it to strengthen the host's strength, giving the host a huge increase in strength.

The increase can reach thousands of times.

A thousand times!

This is an incredible number.

It is enough for the host to achieve cross-level victory.

But there's a problem.

This ring cannot be owned by anyone.

In other words, no matter who wears this ring, they can easily gain an increase.

Of course, this is not a big problem for Chen Muyu.

If you don’t recognize the Lord, then you don’t recognize the Lord.

Just like the Hongmeng Spear and the Heavenly Punishment Gourd, they don't recognize their master, as long as they can be used by me.

A thought came to my mind.

Chen Muyu instantly felt that he had entered a semi-ethereal state.

There was a vague and vague sound of insults in my ears.

It seems that there are many, many people criticizing.

The ring doesn't know how much negative energy it has absorbed.

Following Chen Muyu's thoughts, a huge force poured directly into Chen Muyu's body.

At that moment, Chen Muyu felt like an inflated balloon, his whole body inflated.

He couldn't help but straighten his back, and the momentum in his body rose instantly, and he couldn't stop it at all.

"Good guy."

Chen Muyu was so excited that his face turned red.

After a rough estimate, although the realm has not improved, the strength has indeed increased a lot.

Saying less is hundreds of times more.

I don’t know if this kind of power can compete with a strong person in the five-star perfection realm.

Chen Muyu thought in his heart.

However, now there is nowhere to find a strong person in the five-star perfection realm, so he can only give up.

A finger flicked over the ring, as if a switch had been touched, and the increase in the ring immediately disappeared.

The terrifying aura on Chen Muyu's body also quickly subsided.

"Yes, it's a good thing."

The excitement on Chen Muyu's face has not subsided. Having such a treasure is a good way to catch him by surprise.

The things left behind by Holy Lord Tianhong are truly extraordinary.

It can be seen that Chen Muyu is very satisfied with this Thousand Finger.

He consciously took back most of his previous complaints.

This thing is of extremely high value to him.

The only key left.

Chen Muyu studied for another long time, trying every method he could think of, but still couldn't figure out the reason.

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