A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2569 Are you so good at it?

Chapter 2570 Are you such good people?

Since it is a key, there must be a lock.

There was no hint in the gold box as to where it was used, and he had no way of figuring it out.

Perhaps, if there is a chance in the future, we can go to Tianhong Secret Realm again and meet Biyou.

She should know the use of this thing.

Since she gave the items, she should naturally do a good job in after-sales service.


"Fellow Taoist, how many secrets do you have hidden in you?"

Golden Pagoda, first floor.

Both the Hongmeng Spear and the Divine Punishment Gourd followed Chen Muyu. This time, they had to play a big game.

Both of them saw the Qianfuzhi on Chen Muyu's hand. They were obviously knowledgeable people and recognized its origin at a glance.

This guy got this thing quietly, and they all wondered how this kid avoided their eyes.

"You two know this thing?" Chen Muyu shook his right hand, and the ring on his index finger was dazzling.

"We know each other, how can we not know each other?"

Spear Spirit has been with Holy Master Tianhong, so how could he not recognize this treasure of Holy Master Tianhong.

"Back then, Tianhong relied on this treasure to conquer the Nine Star Realm when he was in the Eight Star Realm. The power of this treasure is extraordinary. I didn't expect that you got it. It should be one of the inheritance he left behind, right?" Gunling said.

Chen Muyu nodded without denying it, "Across the nine-star realm? Isn't Holy Master Tianhong the only strong man who has reached the nine-star perfection realm?"


The gun spirit couldn't help but laugh, "Who told you that there has only been one nine-star person in this five-realm world?"

"Isn't it?"

Chen Muyu recalled it and didn't know if anyone had told him this. Anyway, he acquiesced in this matter.

Qiang Ling said, "In that era, strong men were everywhere, and there were so many six stars and seven stars. It was an era when the cultivation civilization was at its peak. Oh, although there were very few strong men in the nine-star realm, Tianhong was not the only one. one."

"Otherwise, it would have been so difficult for Tianhong to unify the primitive continent back then. If he had absolute strength, would he have fallen in the end?" Hu Yichun also added next to him.

Chen Muyu thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was also the case.

I couldn't help but have a little bit of reverie and longing for the era that the two of them talked about.

"Tianhong back then was indeed an unparalleled powerhouse. It was this ring that made his strength unparalleled among the nine-star realm powerhouses. It was almost impossible to find an opponent..." The gunman was filled with emotion. It seemed that He remembered the turbulent years when Tianhong led him to conquer all directions.

Chen Muyu touched the surface of the ring and heard what the gun spirit said. The value of the ring seemed to be higher than he imagined.

The gun spirit smiled and said, "Just right, I was worried at first that we wouldn't gain much from this trip, but now that you have this ring, with your fighting power, you should be able to fight against the strong men in the Five Star Realm, right?" "

"I haven't tried it, so I'm not sure."

Chen Muyu shook his head. In fact, he was a little worried in his heart.

He had no idea how strong the Five Star Realm experts were.

Although the Qianfuzhi can increase his strength hundreds of times, he himself cannot guarantee whether it can reach the level of five stars.

You know, in the Four Realms World, the strongest ones were only a few four-stars such as Mu Jia and others.

"Okay, don't underestimate this ring."

Gun Spirit talked eloquently, "This ring increases its strength by absorbing negative energy. Haha, unfortunately, there are so many powerful beasts gathered in this tower, and negative energy is everywhere. If we kill them all, the increase will definitely be greater." It can be improved a lot..."

"With the help of Gourd and I, if nothing else, we might be able to go to the top of the tower."

Gun Spirit grinned, his eyes filled with heat just like Hu Yichun's.

Top of the tower?

Chen Muyu looked up and saw nothing but emptiness.

This golden pagoda has seven floors, and the top of the seventh floor is probably already guarded by a six-star perfectionist.

With Chen Muyu's current fighting power, the five-star level is probably the limit. If he wants to fight against the six-star level, even with the help of these two, I'm afraid it will be a bit reluctant.

"What, are you scared?" Gunling glanced at him sideways.

Chen Muyu shook his head, "No matter what fellow Taoist said, if you are afraid, I may not be afraid. What I cultivate is the method of breaking the Tao with force. When encountering strength, I will become stronger. I use strength to break the method. How can I succeed if I shrink back?" road?"

"That's good."

The gun spirit was very satisfied, "Let's go to the sixth floor first."

On the sixth floor, there should be a five-star powerhouse in charge.

It's possible to have a chance.

Chen Muyu also wanted to test his current combat power.

If he could defeat a strong person in the Five Star Realm, he would not be afraid to take the risk to explore the seventh level.

At the moment, Chen Muyu held the Hongmeng Spear and the Divine Punishment Gourd hanging on his waist, and climbed onto the Golden Pagoda.

In this world in the tower, the Hongmeng Spear and the Scourge Gourd have been here before.

They were not interested in the low-level beasts, but Chen Muyu had not allowed them to touch the high-level beasts that had reached the Perfection realm, so they just picked some Holy Lord realm beasts to kill.

And the benefits these strange beasts bring to them are really low. If they want to improve their realm, they still have a long way to go.

As a result, both of them lost interest at that time. They just waited for Chen Muyu to come in together and then stared at the killing of those strange beasts in the Perfection Realm.

This time, with Chen Muyu on his side, he is really going to have a big game.

There are countless strange beasts in the tower, tens of billions in number.

These strange beasts are inherently violent, and after being locked up in the tower for a long time, their negative emotions have already exploded.

It was true that Chen Muyu couldn't sense this energy, but Qian Fu Zhi felt strange as soon as he entered the tower.

He could clearly feel that Thousand Finger was rapidly absorbing a certain energy, and this energy was accumulating extremely quickly, strengthening itself.

With his current strength, he doesn't even need to activate the Thousand Fingers amplification.

With a spear, he reached the fifth floor in less than an hour.

The Hongmeng Spear has been baptized by battle, and like the Gourd of Divine Punishment, it has absorbed countless origin bodies.

The Gourd of Divine Punishment has already entered dormancy, and the Hongmeng Spear is also red all over, like a soldering iron.

At this time, Chen Muyu also felt that his whole body was full of strength, his mind was a little erratic, and he was about to enter a state of enlightenment at any time.

Is he about to enter the one-star perfection state?

"No, are you so good at it?"

Chen Muyu joked.

As early as the fourth level, the Gourd of Divine Punishment could no longer bear it and entered dormancy.

It has accumulated enough energy and needs to be upgraded.

In the current situation of the Hongmeng Gun, I am afraid that it is also eagerly waiting to be upgraded.

We promised to go to the top of the tower, but we haven't even reached the sixth floor yet.

"Oh, you're still talking about me, aren't you going to break through too?" Gun Spirit said.

The voice was a little erratic, as if he had eaten too much.

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