A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 474: Storm is coming!

With that said, Mei Renjie reached for the bag on Peanut's shoulder.

Peanut was startled and hugged the bag tightly, "No, Shennong ordered me to hand it over to Senior Nong Wang with my own hands, and I can't give it to you."

Mei Renjie said, "Little Master, if you don't take it out, everyone will die. If you die, it's better than if everyone dies, right?"

Peanut's face turned red, and he was holding a life-saving straw in his arms, "No, I can't give you anything..."

He was obviously scared to death. If he took the Shennong Order, these people could still protect him to Shennong Valley. If he handed over the Shennong Order and these people ran away, would he still be able to survive? These birds He must be eaten in the air.

After all, he is still young and cannot compare with those eminent monks. He has not yet seen through life and death.

"Okay, stop teasing him."

Several old men were all snickering. Chen Muyu also couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't look at what was going on. Is this the time to joke?

There were tens of thousands of birds around, much more powerful than the group of monkeys we encountered before.

If you are tough, there is no problem in rushing through the blockade, but Peanut is right, these birds are driven, and many of them are protected. It is not good to kill too many animals.

Pulling out the system to scan, there were so many birds around that it was difficult for Chen Muyu to find out where the leaders of these birds were hiding.

"It's not that far away from Shennong Valley. Let's go down first. Once we enter the forest, these birds won't be able to use them."

Chen Muyu said, then lowered his cloud head and entered the forest below.


The flock of birds chased wildly and swooped down one after another. When they saw Chen Muyu and others entering the woods, they did not give up and hovered above the forest, observing the movements of Chen Muyu and others from all directions.


Bird droppings fell from the sky like raindrops.

The mountain forest was dyed white almost instantly.


Chen Muyu couldn't help but curse. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and hid under a big banyan tree, he might have been soaked all over.

Even so, a lot of them were stuck on their clothes, and Xie Jinkui and the others were the same, cursing and cursing non-stop.

The worst thing was the peanuts. There were so many peanuts dotted on his bald head. Some of them even fell to his mouth and he almost went inside.

It was so disgusting that Peanut kept chanting Amitabha.

If you can't beat it, just play this, biological and chemical attacks are coming.

Although everyone was angry, there was nothing they could do about the birds. After all, there were too many. If you can control one butt, how can you control thousands of them?

The birds had been hovering over the forest, showing no intention of leaving. As soon as Chen Muyu and others showed up, they were bombarded with a stream of feces, which made everyone lose their temper.

"They are stalling for time." Lu Wanli said abruptly.

Chen Muyu took out his phone and saw that it had taken so long. It was already almost six o'clock.

It was supposed to take an hour and a half at most to get there, but now it actually took me nearly three hours to get here.

Looking at the horizon, the sun was already going down. Chen Muyu frowned slightly. These birds were surrounding them but not attacking, which was obviously delaying their time.

Nong Jiansheng had said before that Shennong's order must be delivered before dark, otherwise, at night, Shennong Valley would be in danger.

Judging from the current situation, Nong Jiansheng's premonition seems to be correct. Something big will happen in Shennong Valley tonight. Otherwise, this journey will not be so difficult.


In the surrounding mountains and forests, herds of beasts are gathering rapidly. Wolves, foxes, poisonous snakes, wild boars, bears, leopards, and tigers are surrounding them from all directions. The numbers are staggering.

Peanut has never seen such a battle before, and his calves have already become weak.

For those who didn’t know, I thought I had angered the mountain god!

Because there were too many birds and beasts, it was very difficult and time-consuming to find the leader driving the beasts from behind like the monkey group before. Therefore, the only thing Chen Muyu could think of at the moment was to force a breakout.

"Everyone rush out together!"

Chen Muyu gave an order and immediately jumped into the air, followed by everyone, rushing directly towards the barrier formed by countless flying birds.

Directly use the plasma freezing hand cannon to create a gap, and the silver shadow flying board passes through at full speed.

Anyone who dares to block it from above will be killed no matter what kind of bird you are.

Even Peanut, no longer Amitabha at this time, stood behind Chen Muyu and raised his Vajra Palm, crackling like a glaring Vajra.

Compared with the thousands of human lives lost in Shennong Valley, these birds are nothing.

Although there are many birds, it would be a bit naive to want to block everyone's path. A group of strong people in the Golden Core Realm are looking for speed, how can they stop them?

As long as they break through the blockade, it is impossible for most of the birds to keep up with them. As for the group of beasts on the ground, let them run slowly.

Ten minutes later, we finally got rid of the blockade of the birds. Seeing that the sun was about to set, everyone did not dare to stop and moved forward at full speed.

Half an hour later, we finally arrived at Shennong Valley.

At this time, around Shennong Valley, more beasts had completely surrounded the entire Shennong Valley. Outside the village, there were all the beasts gathered, each guarding one place in an organized and disciplined manner, and the number was astonishing.

For some unknown reason, the beasts did not enter the village, as if they were waiting for someone's order.

The villagers have all gathered in the Burial Sword Valley. Nong Jiansheng has set up a protective formation outside the Burial Sword Valley, but he knows in his heart that if there is a real fight, this protective formation will not have much effect at all.

Standing on the Abandoned Sword Cliff, Nong Jiansheng looked into the distance. It was dark, like black clouds looming over the city, and the roar of beasts could be heard endlessly. This was the first time in his more than 100-year-old career that he had experienced such a battle.

Looking at the clansmen gathered at his feet, Nong Jiansheng took a deep breath and looked at the sky in the distance. The sun was already leaning on the horizon and would set soon.

The monster doesn't dare to come out during the day. Once it's night, it's hard to say. The fact that he can control so many birds and beasts shows how powerful he is.

If the Shennong Order cannot be retrieved in time, Shennong Valley may be really in danger.

For the first time in his life, Nong Jiansheng felt his scalp numb.

At this moment, the beasts outside the village suddenly became restless.

Nong Jiansheng took a look and saw a few small black dots appearing in the sky under the setting sun, approaching quickly.

I was immediately happy.

The black dot cut through the sky, entered the village, and headed straight for the Sword Burial Valley. Within a moment, it landed on the Abandoned Sword Cliff.

It was Chen Muyu and his party.

"Senior, how is the situation?"

Running back all the way, my body was somewhat embarrassed, and my brothers were more or less stained with bird droppings.

But that's not important. What's important is that we got back in time.

Nong Jiansheng hurriedly came over and said, "Fortunately, you came back in time. The clansmen are ready. We are just waiting for the barrier to be opened. Have you retrieved the Shennong Order?"

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