A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 475 The token is lost!

Chen Muyu smiled and said, "Is there anything you can't do with the tasks assigned to me?"

As he spoke, he patted Peanut on the shoulder and pushed Peanut forward. If it hadn't been for this little bald head who wanted to follow, they would have brought Shennong Ling back long ago. Why would there be any need to wait until now?

Although Peanut has never met Nong Jiansheng, the old man's temperament is so dazzling that he will naturally know his identity at a glance.

He bowed down respectfully, "Disciple Peanut, pay my respects to the senior farmer!"

Although Peanut is young, his master, Master Xingshan, and Nong Jiansheng are of the same generation, so he is naturally a disciple.

Nong Jiansheng raised his hand and said, "No need for courtesy. It's been a hard journey. The situation is critical now, so there's no need for these courtesy..."

Peanut also knew how powerful it was, and quickly took off the shoulder bag, "Disciple, as ordered by Master, return the original Shennong Order. Please..."

As he spoke, he opened his satchel and reached into it, but soon, the expression on Peanut's face froze.

What can I do?

The bag is empty. Where is the Shennong Order?

Chen Muyu and others next to him also turned green instantly. A hole was torn out at the bottom of the satchel, and Peanut's hands stretched out from the hole.

"Where is I, Shennong Ling?"

Hua Hua was anxious. He turned over his bag several times and looked up at Chen Muyu and others.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"You ask us, how can we know, haven't you always carried it with you?" Mei Renjie said angrily, they have never seen what Shennong Ling looks like.


Peanut was sweating profusely and felt a little at a loss for a moment, as if he had gotten into a huge disaster.


Tang Wuliang pounded his fist and was a little annoyed, "I asked you to take out the Shennong Order at the airport. You have to take it with you. This is a good thing. We made our trip in vain!"

"It's not a wasted trip, isn't it because I'm covered in bird droppings?" Huang Qizheng said.

It was so weird that everyone wanted to blame him.

No need to ask, the bag must have been torn apart by a flock of birds when I was running away.

At that time, everyone was focused on breaking out, and no one would care whether his satchel was broken.

No wonder the flock of birds stopped chasing after him. It turned out that Shennong's order had been lost.

"Senior Nong, I..."

Peanut's face was bruised and purple, and he was so anxious that he almost cried.


Nong Jiansheng closed his eyes and sighed, "Forget it, maybe this is life!"

Looking at his appearance, he seemed a little resigned to his fate.

After finally waiting for Chen Muyu and others to come back, they thought that the arrival of the Shennong Order would at least ensure the safety of the clan members, but they did not expect that it would be such a result.

"Senior, I'll go back and look for him right away..." Peanut quickly jumped off the Abandoned Sword Cliff, wanting to go back to find Shennong Ling.

But he was caught by Chen Muyu.

"If it's lost, it's lost. Do you know where it was lost?"

Chen Muyu shook his head. The forest outside was so big that trying to find the Shennong Order would undoubtedly be like looking for a needle in a haystack, not to mention there were so many birds and beasts guarding it. I was afraid that the Shennong Order would have been found by those beasts long ago.

"Let's find a way to remedy it!"

Chen Muyu looked at the Shennong Valley tribesmen below, and felt that one head was as big as two, "Senior, can you move all the tribesmen into the inner valley first?"

Nong Jiansheng nodded. The barrier could not be opened, so he could only prepare for the worst. He gave an order and led all the tribesmen into the inner valley. The inner valley has four cliffs as natural barriers, which is much safer.

In addition, there are more than fifty large and small caves used for retreat in the inner valley. One cave can accommodate twenty or thirty people, and it can accommodate thousands of people. The elderly, women and children are all arranged to enter the cave, and those with a certain fighting ability stay outside.

To say that Shennong Valley is the top force in the country, apart from a few deacons and twenty-four solar terms envoys, there are also many people who can fight.

There are thousands of people who have reached the Condensation Realm and up. After experiencing the Great Fortune Day, there can also be hundreds of people who have reached the Condensation Realm. It can be said that the overall strength cannot be underestimated.

However, no matter how strong you are, it still depends on what kind of opponent you are facing.

Not to mention anything else, if they were to face Chen Muyu, if it weren't for a head-to-head confrontation with Nong Jiansheng, Chen Muyu would be 60 to 70% sure that he would be able to defeat Shennong Valley, not to mention that they were now facing an unknown person with unknown strength. The old demon.

The sun sets, the sky gradually becomes dark, and bonfires are lit in the valley. This forbidden land has become the last resort of Shennong Valley.

The thunder leopard meat shared during the day was roasted and shared among everyone.

Although it doesn't taste very good, it's woody and hard, it's powerful enough. The essence of Thunder Leopard's body can replenish everyone's physical strength. Those with low strength can even faintly increase their skills by a few points, making them more energetic when the time comes.

Under the night cover in the distance, the woods are dense and shadowy, like devils. The roars of jackals, tigers and leopards, and the roars of eagles, vultures and cranes make people feel numb.

"Everyone, I'm afraid it's going to be hard tonight."

Nong Jiansheng sighed, and after a rare courtesy with Chen Muyu and others, he took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out a dozen snow-white pills from it, and gave one to Chen Muyu and others.

"This medicine is the secret divine elixir of Shennong Valley, the Qingfeng Jade Dew Pill. It is suitable for Golden Elixir Realm monks. It has the effect of quickly replenishing Qi and nourishing blood. If there is a battle soon, I have to trouble you all to help protect our people." Nong Jiansheng said.

Everyone looked at Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu used the system to identify it, and nodded slightly to Xie Jinkui and others, and everyone accepted it with peace of mind.

This elixir is indeed as Nong Jiansheng said, it is considered to be the top grade among the golden elixir realm elixirs. Nong Jiansheng can easily take out ten of them. The foundation of Shennong Valley is still very strong.

Xie Jinkui said, "Brother Jian Sheng, don't worry too much. This old monster just drives wild beasts to surround the village without showing up. I'm afraid he doesn't have much ability..."

Nong Jiansheng waved his hand, "We must not take it lightly. Even if he really cannot show up, his ability to control all beasts is enough for us to eat..."

It’s not just about eating a pot. You have to know how many wild beasts and birds there are in Shennongjia, and how many golden elixir giant beasts like that giant ape are there. These are not clear. If the willow monster can control all these birds and beasts, just by relying on If the Nongjian is promoted to one person, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Sooner or later, Shennong Valley will be flattened.


Peanut lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking. It could be seen that he was very nervous and not calm at all. Maybe he would have to confess here today.

"Is there such a big hatred that you can't let go of after so many years?"

When he just listened to everyone's talk, he already vaguely understood the story of some things, the origin of cause and effect, and he also knew the seriousness of the matter. He never thought that he would be involved in such a terrifying thing when he went down the mountain to deliver a token. In the incident, I remember that when he was going down the mountain, his master, Master Xingshan, told him that there would be benefits from this trip.

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