A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 94 The second level of the Overlord’s Heart Sutra!

"Yesterday afternoon, I met Xiaomeng's aunt and discussed the recycling price. I calculated that if we sell this batch of nanmu, we can probably make a net profit of about 3.5 million to 4 million."

The father and son walked to the lounge. Chen Muyu gave an overview of the situation. It was almost time for dinner. Brother Shui and the others went to the Xiao Tang restaurant next door and brought the food over. They set up their posture and were about to start eating.

"so much?"

Chen Jianzhong was startled and very surprised.

It's not like he has never seen three or four million before, but just one business trip can make so much money. To be honest, he has never encountered this in all his years in this business.

When Brother Shui and the others heard the figures revealed by Chen Muyu, their faces were full of surprise.

"This is a conservative estimate. The price at Xiaomeng's aunt's side may fluctuate slightly, and it may be even higher by then."

Chen Muyu took the meal handed over by Brother Shui, "Over at Ganquan Village, it may take two or three days to complete the demolition, and materials will come one after another, so we have to work hard these days to wait for the wood to be sold. Go out and I’ll give everyone a big red envelope.”


Yu Dashan and the others liked hearing this and were very motivated.

Dad didn’t know where to take out a few bottles of Maotai. He was so happy that it would be too embarrassing not to drink some wine.


In the evening, Chen Muyu prepared to attack the second level of the Overlord's Heart Sutra.

In the past two days, he had clearly felt that he was about to break through. The internal energy in his body was very restless, like a herd of bison, running rampant, trying to break out of the fence that bound them to find a more open grassland world.

The Overlord's Heart Sutra is an excellent internal martial art, but it is different in concept from other internal martial arts.

Other exercises cultivate the inner Dantian, which stores the internal energy cultivated in the body in the Dantian and meridians and can be accessed at any time.

The Overlord's Heart Sutra cultivates the outer Dantian. The so-called outer Dantian means placing the Dantian outside, using the external world as the Dantian, and drawing power from the outside world at any time, which is the so-called drawing of the power of heaven and earth.

This sounds a bit incredible, but the fact is that the method of opening the inner Dantian is not recorded in the Overlord's Heart Sutra. Until now, the internal force in Chen Muyu's body has only been free in the meridians.

You must know that the energy between heaven and earth is extremely complex and mixed. To absorb the natural power of heaven and earth, let alone whether it can be done, even if it can be done, the body will not be able to bear it. The mixed energy enters the body, It can easily cause harm to the body.

Of course, to solve this problem, the Overlord’s Heart Sutra has its own tricks.

The first level of exercises is for body training. Its purpose is to increase the strength of the physical body and make it tough enough. When you reach the highest level of cultivation in the future, you can even use any part of the body as a Dantian to store the influx of energy from the outside world. energy.

After reaching the second level, part of the internal energy in the body will escape from the meridians and naturally float on the surface of the body. On the one hand, it protects itself, and on the other hand, it serves as a filter layer that can automatically filter out harmful substances in the air.

After reaching the second level, you will be able to initially perceive the free energy in the surrounding space and have the ability to access it to a certain extent.

There were still 3 Qi Condensing Pills left in his hand. Chen Muyu didn't hesitate at all. He locked the door of the room and took out the drug-taking talk before. He was suffocated in one gulp. He held the piece of beeswax in his arms and crossed his legs. Sit on the bed.


This sitting lasted all night.

He exhaled a breath of turbid air far away. The moment he opened his eyes, boundless sparks seemed to flash in his bright eyes. The curtains were opened, and he came to the balcony. The morning breeze blew, and he felt extra energetic. The world seemed to him in his eyes. Changed.

Chen Muyu can already sense the faint, dissociated energy within ten meters around him, like little elves who like to hide and seek.

With a thought, those little elves seemed to have been summoned and quickly gathered towards him. A protective film formed by internal energy naturally floated on the surface of the body, automatically removing some harmful substances.

Energy poured into his body, and Chen Muyu instantly felt a burning pain from his skin to his internal organs.

However, the pain is still within the bearable range.

Chen Muyu was also prepared. After all, foreign energy entering the body will definitely cause some damage to the body. As long as you practice regularly, the body will have a stress response. This is also a kind of training for the physical body. After getting used to it, the body will Become more tenacious and stronger.

With this inhalation, the energy in the surrounding space flowed, creating a strong wind that lifted the curtains behind him.

However, the energy absorbed was not much. This energy, like internal energy, traveled in a circle through Chen Muyu's meridians, poured directly into the Taiyin Lung Meridian of his hand, and traveled down to the index finger of his right hand.

The inner energy is wrapped up, like a bullet, shot out instantly.


Chen Muyu shouted and pointed outward.

A ray of sword energy passed through, stirring the air, causing a visible line with the naked eye, and the sound was like cracking silk.


More than ten meters away, a bamboo as big as the mouth of a bowl broke directly from the middle, fell down with a crash, and was crushed on the road.


Chen Muyu was surprised that his power had increased so much?

You know, before he used the Taiyi Sword Finger, he could only have such great lethality within two meters. Now it has increased five or six times.

More importantly, after reaching the second level of the Overlord's Heart Sutra, using these moves consumes less internal energy and more of the free energy absorbed from the outside world.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the body can bear it and the free internal energy filtering protective layer on the body surface is not exhausted, these moves can be used again.

It’s really high-end!

Chen Muyu was so happy that he took three pills in a row and stayed up all night at the risk of being strangled to death.

It's a pity that the current level is still too low. The capacity of the outer Dantian is only about ten meters of space around the body, and the energy he can absorb is limited. Think about it, if one day, he can reach a space of hundreds of miles or even larger, then he will be If you don't become a god, you can probably destroy the world with just a wave of your hand, right?

While he was daydreaming, several security guards heard the noise and ran over. Chen Muyu quickly retreated into the room.

In the afternoon, Chen Muyu was shopping with his mother and sister in the shopping mall next to the community. Teng Hu suddenly called and said that Qin Hong had something urgent and asked him to come over.

It was really tiring to go shopping with a woman, especially with an old man and a young child. Chen Muyu quickly told his mother about the situation and slipped out directly.

He was still thinking about Li Yuanshan's internal energy cultivation. During this period, he had not found a suitable reason to go to Qin Hong. Now that Qin Hong took the initiative to find him, he couldn't wait any longer.

Without asking Teng Hu to pick him up, Chen Muyu directly called a car and ran to the western suburbs.

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