A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 95 Let you be the leader!

In the yard, Qin Hong was waiting, looking a little anxious.

"What's wrong, Third Master? You're so anxious to call me over."

Looking at Qin Hong's face, there seemed to be a bit of sadness. Chen Muyu could already guess that the last time he saw the old man Li Yuanshan, he was already seriously injured. Qin Hong's expression was probably a sign of sadness. That's related to the old man.

Qin Hong pulled Chen Muyu to the backyard and in front of a closed door.

"Go in, no matter what senior brother says for a while, Xiaoyu, just agree." Qin Hong said something to Chen Muyu inexplicably, and then pointed to the door.

Chen Muyu looked confused.

Just as he was about to ask more questions, Qin Hong pushed him on the back.

Arriving in front of the door, Chen Muyu turned back and glanced at Qin Hong.

Qin Hong waved his hand, signaling him to hurry in.

The person in the room must be Li Yuanshan.

After calming down, Chen Muyu reached out and gently pushed the door open and walked in carefully.

He didn't know what was waiting for him in the room.

The room was very simple, with just a bed and a set of tables and chairs.

It was eerily quiet, and the air seemed frozen.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed was an old man wearing a gray gown. His beard and hair were all white and his hair was unkempt. Chen Muyu couldn't help but be shocked. He hadn't seen him for a few days, and Li Yuanshan seemed to have aged ten years.


Name: Li Yuanshan [Near Death State]

Available list:

1. Internal power is trapped in the meridians. The rampant internal power can cause fatal damage to the practitioner. The recommended purchase price is 10,000 wealth value/wisp!

2. Shaoyang Kung Fu, Shao'e Mountain's unique inner martial art, the 6th level, with a recommended purchase price of 100 million yuan worth of wealth!

Note that the host must obtain the consent of the other party before conducting acquisition operations. If a forced acquisition is conducted without the consent of the other party, 10 times the wealth value will be required.


Chen Muyu took a breath of cold air. Last time he saw him, he was only seriously injured. Why is he on the verge of death now?


On the bed, Li Yuanshan lowered his head slightly. If his chest hadn't been rising and falling slightly, Chen Muyu would have even doubted whether he was still alive.

Chen Muyu's call broke the silence in the room.

Li Yuanshan moved, raised his head slightly, and looked at Chen Muyu with his tired and old eyes.

"Xiaoyu, don't be afraid, come and sit."

Raising his hand slightly and pointing to the stool in front of him, Li Yuanshan smiled hard.

To be honest, Chen Muyu had never seen this kind of battle before. Even in the days when his grandfather passed away, the elders in the family did not allow them, the younger ones, to accompany them. Maybe it was some kind of custom and they didn't want the children to be with them. See death.

The Li Yuanshan in front of him was already on the verge of death. At this age, Chen Muyu had never seen a dead person with his own eyes. At this time, he naturally felt a little weak.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

Although Chen Muyu had some guesses in his mind, he was not an old Jianghu, so he was not sure.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired."

Li Yuanshan smiled reluctantly and glanced at Chen Muyu, suddenly glowing with energy, "Xiaoyu, it's been a few days since I last saw you. Your skills seem to have improved again?"

Chen Muyu nodded nervously, "To tell you my senior, I meditated all night last night and made some small progress."


Li Yuanshan laughed when he heard this. His laughter lacked a bit of vitality, but it was a very sincere smile. "It is indeed a good piece of material. It seems that God is not kind to our Shao'eshan. Ahem..."

Speaking of which, I felt a little out of breath and coughed violently.


Chen Muyu stood up quickly, fearing that he would cough directly, so he quickly poured a glass of water next to him.

After taking a sip of water, Li Yuanshan waved his hand and motioned for Chen Muyu to sit down, "Good boy, I want to ask you a favor, do you agree?"

Chen Muyu said sarcastically, "Senior, you are serious. If anything happens, just say it."

Li Yuanshan clumsily took out something from his clothes and handed it to Chen Muyu tremblingly, "Here, take this first."

Chen Muyu reached out and took it.

That's a wrench.

A lake-green jade ring still has some warmth.


Holding the ring in his hand, Chen Muyu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. The ring looked familiar.

Why does the ring finger I picked up from the bottom of Meieryan Reservoir some time ago look so similar to this one? The only difference is that the word "you" is engraved on this wrench.

Chen Muyu wondered, could the withered bones in the reservoir be related to Shao'e Mountain?

The thought just passed by, and now was obviously not the time to think about it.

Holding the ring in his hand, Chen Muyu raised his head and looked at Li Yuanshan, "Senior, what do you mean by giving me this?"

There was a slight smile on Li Yuanshan's face, "This is the letter of the leader of our Shao'e Mountain. I will pass it on to you now. From now on, you will be the 49th generation leader of Shao'e Mountain..."


Chen Muyu was stunned and shook his head quickly, "Senior, are you kidding me? I have nothing to do with Shao'eshan, how can I be the leader?"

In what age are we now, are we still doing this?

He quickly returned the finger.

Just now, when he was at home getting ready to take a nap, he rushed over and suddenly said that he wanted to be the leader of something. This made people not mentally prepared at all, and Chen Muyu couldn't think straight.


Li Yuanshan smiled bitterly and reached out to touch the white hair on his forehead, "You can also see that I am about to die. What I am most worried about is the thousand-year inheritance of Shao'e Mountain. I have talked with your third grandfather in the past two days. I made this decision after thinking about it many times..."

Chen Muyu's face twitched slightly, "Senior, you and the Third Master are not alone in Shao'e Mountain. You should also have disciples. Why do you want to find me?"


Li Yuanshan smiled with some vicissitudes of life, "I have more than a dozen disciples under my sect, but none of them are useful. As for why I chose you, it's because you are different from them."

"It's different? Why am I different?" Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"First, you are more talented than them. You can cultivate your inner strength at this age by just thinking about it alone. If there is someone to guide you, your future will be limitless; second, and most importantly, you and my junior brother There is a constant relationship. If you become the leader, he will naturally help you with all his strength. After I leave, he will be the only one in Shao'e Mountain who can hold on to the situation..."

Li Yuanshan was talking to himself, and Chen Muyu finally understood. It was probably Li Yuanshan who wanted to pass the throne to Qin Hong, but Qin Hong didn't want to, so Li Yuanshan thought of a way to push Chen Muyu to the position of leader, which is also good. Qin Hong had to contribute to Shao'e Mountain because of Chen Muyu.

In this way, the thousand-year heritage of Shao'e Mountain is preserved.


ps: Thank you to Brother Ou for the reward. Gui Gu kowtows. Please add it to your favorites and vote for recommendation!

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