A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 217 Blowing rainbow farts at birds

Jiang Xiuran, who was tied to the tree, couldn't bear the loneliness and turned his neck back hard to see what Shen Yinghuan was doing. He was so panicked when he was left here surrounded by a flock of birds!

When I was panicking, I couldn't help but want to find something to say to ease my tense mood, and the only one who could speak wisely here was Qian Hongxiang.

"Tell me, can little sister Huanhuan hatch the eggs? There's been no movement for so long."

Qian Hongxiang, who was grinning and fighting against the thorn vines, twisted her pale face in pain, and said viciously in a trembling voice, "It definitely won't hatch. Didn't you hear that mean-mouthed starling scolding you? Just wait, maybe it will happen soon." There was news that she was killed by those birds and dragged out to be used as flower fertilizer."

Jiang Xiuran was shocked, "This is impossible. You just stole a bird's egg and you were not directly killed by these birds. Little sister Huanhuan just didn't hatch the egg. It's impossible for these birds to be so cruel and unreasonable." .”

Qian Hongxiang: "Oh, I didn't expect you still have some brains."

Jiang Xiuran: It seemed like he had no brain before.

He felt very depressed, and then began to reflect on why the girls he fell in love with were always unreliable. Couldn't he be given an innocent, lively, and lovely girl from the sky?

Just as he was thinking about it, Qian Hongxiang finally reached her right hand near her left hand. Her eyes flashed with a malicious light, and she stabbed Jiang Xiuran's thigh next door with a cold blade hidden in her hand. One stroke.

Blood spurted out instantly.

Jiang Xiuran's face turned pale and he screamed in pain. This must have cut a major artery, otherwise how could the blood spurt out so happily.

Qian Hongxiang, a poisonous woman, if she had not been tied up and her hands and feet were flexible, the knife would probably not have been cut on his leg but on his neck.

He gritted his teeth angrily, and saw that her sharp blade was about to hit him a second time. His pupils shrank, and he quickly raised his voice and screamed to the birds on the tree, "There is a person here." She wants to escape from prison, and she also wants to kill me, an innocent inmate. Come and tie her up—"

The birds that were leisurely preening their feathers with their beaks on the tree suddenly became alert, turning their heads, and then flew towards Qian Hongxiang aggressively, chirping and pecking at her face.

Qian Hongxiang's expression was ferocious, she struggled and shook her head, and screamed in pain, "Jiang Xiuran, you are fucking mentally retarded, you are not a man, what are you doing to report? Come and kill me yourself if you have the ability."

Jiang Xiuran endured the pain of the blood spurting, bared his teeth and snorted, "Screen me, scold me, you did it first, I made a mistake in reporting it."

After finishing speaking, he pitifully flattered the birds, "I'm handsome, beautiful bird brother and sister bird, can you treat my leg? How about it be considered as a reward for reporting my report?" Like? If I don’t get treatment, I will lose too much blood and many people will die.”

Originally, he just planned to treat a dead horse as a living doctor, but he didn't expect that it actually worked.

One of the petite, pretty and cute green-feathered birds flew over and took a few mouthfuls at his thigh, which was still bleeding. After a white light flashed, the blood stopped flowing immediately.

Jiang Xiuran, who felt that he would not die for the time being if he saved the dog's life, smiled widely.

After he recalled what he had just said, he was clever enough to grasp the key point, and then he sweetly praised the green-feathered bird. Of course, he did not forget the other birds.

After a burst of sweet words, the birds all puffed up their little chests and felt happy.

They don't want to talk to this stinky human man, but why do he tell the truth so well? Birds like to be praised by the truth.

Qian Hongxiang's chest was rising and falling after being pecked by a group of birds. He was so angry that he almost couldn't carry it. He didn't expect that this damn man Jiang Xiuran not only survived, but also got a good relationship with those birds as a blessing in disguise.

Her smart mind immediately understood the weakness of the birds, but she had just been pecked and her face was disfigured. She really couldn't hold back the breath to praise the birds.

Ke Ren had to lower her head under the eaves. From being unable to swallow to holding her breath and lowering her body, it only took her three seconds to prepare herself mentally. Then she opened her mouth and imitated Jiang Xiuran's way of praising birds.

When Shen Yinghuan came back, she saw Jiang Xiuran and Qian Hongxiang blowing rainbow farts to a group of birds. They said good words one after another, and their rich and gorgeous rhetoric was amazing. You could tell that they had read books.

And the birds on the tree all held their heads high, their chests puffed out, their little wings akimbo, but they were so proud!

Shen Yinghuan:

"What are you doing?"

She asked as she walked. When she got closer, she was shocked by Qian Hongxiang's miserable state again. She looked at Qian Hongxiang's face, which was bloody and bloody like a female ghost, and the broken bird that was hanging down and tied up. The right hand among thorns and vines.

Shen Yinghuan looked at Jiang Xiuran, the other person on the tree, with obvious surprise in her eyes.

"I'll just leave for a while. What happened to her? Is she so miserable? I haven't even taken action yet."

Qian Hongxiang's flattering voice suddenly stopped, and a sense of shame arose spontaneously. Her eyes that were still intact glared at Shen Yinghuan resentfully.

Compared to Jiang Xiuran, he was much more natural. After he finished blowing the rainbow fart in his mouth, he stopped with something to say, and then excitedly told Shen Yinghuan about what happened just now.

Shen Yinghuan raised the corners of her lips in gloating, her eyes fell on Qian Hongxiang's bloody face and she cursed that she deserved it.

Then she continued to listen to Jiang Xiuran's story, and the gloating on her face gradually turned to surprise, "You said they like to hear rainbow farts?"

Jiang Xiuran nodded decisively, "Yes, so Qian Hongxiang just wanted to blow a rainbow fart to make these birds let her go."

Qian Hongxiang looked over with hateful eyes, "You're the only one who talks too much."

The corners of Shen Yinghuan's mouth raised, and her smiling eyes fell on Qian Hongxiang, "Let it go, you can let it go, but it's not for your sake, but for my sake."

With that said, before they could react, she asked the little blue bird to loosen the thorn vines that bound them.

After Jiang Xiuran escaped from the trap, he immediately raised his face with joy. Because he had never thought about escaping from prison when he was tied up, the thorns on the thorn vines did not penetrate deep, and there were only some small blood spots on his thighs. His injuries were also treated, and he was still alive and kicking as soon as he landed.

But Qian Hongxiang was much more miserable. Because she wanted to escape, she gritted her teeth and endured the pain while moving. Countless thorns pierced her flesh and blood, and along with her movements, deep blood marks were drawn. The blood flow continued. It shows how cruel she is, even to herself.

Such a person will definitely have high achievements in the future, but it is a pity that she is from the Qian family and has no future.

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