A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 218 Qian Hongxiang is dead

As soon as the thorn vine was loosened, Qian Hongxiang stumbled unsteadily and fell down. Fortunately, she accidentally fell on the thorn vine that had just been loosened and fell to the ground, so she immediately gained a lot of blood. There was a hole, and a groan of pain escaped from her mouth.

Shen Yinghuan raised her eyebrows and walked over with cold eyes, then took out a sharp sword and swung it lightly under Qian Hongxiang's horrified eyes.

Suddenly there was a deep blood line on Qian Hongxiang's neck.

Blood spurted out, and Qian Hongxiang raised her hands to cover her throat in pain, trying to block the blood that was constantly flowing out, but it was to no avail. She could not stop the flow of life at all, and could only struggle like a dehydrated fish, but in the end He still lost all his strength and died.

Only those unblinking eyes were still wide open, retaining the fear and unwillingness before his death.

Jiang Xiuran pursed his lips and stood calmly watching from a distance. It wasn't until he felt Qian Hongxiang's breath disappearing that he walked over with a slightly heavy heart, squatted down and stretched out his hand to lift her eyelids for her. Let her rest in peace.

Seeing that she was really dead, Shen Yinghuan stood there for a moment, with a surprised look in her eyes.

When she played Qian Hongxiang before, she learned from Qian Hongtao that Qian Hongxiang not only had a specially bred and highly toxic black widow, but also had a ninth-level defensive spirit pattern on her body, but now the black widow did not appear. The ninth-level defensive spirit patterns were nowhere to be seen, not to mention the other ordinary defensive spirit patterns that even adventurers from ordinary family backgrounds would wear.

What's the matter?

It would be too easy to die.

Isn't it a fake Qian Hongxiang?

While she was frowning in thought, the other birds, who already knew that the little bluebird's chicks had hatched, couldn't hold back and rushed over enthusiastically.

[Human, human, can you take a look at my bird eggs? ]

[It’s been three days since my baby bird hatched. Is there something wrong with it? ]

[Human, this is my favorite red vermilion fruit. Here it is for you. You can take a look at it first for my birdie. ]

Shen Yinghuan had no choice but to put aside her doubts and deal with these birds first.

Jiang Xiuran looked at Shen Yinghuan who was surrounded enthusiastically by the birds, and felt envious in his heart. He had blown so many rainbow farts just now that he had dried his saliva, but he had never seen a bird be so enthusiastic to him. It seemed that in his soul, In the animal world, there is no future at all in trying to please a younger brother, but being an egg incubator is really popular!

He was secretly thinking that after leaving the Xuanyue Secret Realm, he would need to enroll in an egg hatching class for training. Maybe it would come in handy in the future.

However, there is no elective course on egg hatching in Zixiao College. How about suggesting to the teacher that we open an elective course on egg hatching?

After Shen Yinghuan finished dealing with the enthusiastic mother birds and father birds and asked them to go back and bring their own eggs, she could finally take a breath, and then she saw Jiang Xiuran sitting on the tree vine with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"What are you thinking so obsessed with? Don't you need treatment for your injuries?"

She walked over and sat down on the tree vine next door, tilting her head and asking.

Jiang Xiuran came back to his senses and looked at her with bright eyes, "I was wondering if the college could offer an elective course on egg hatching. I want to learn it carefully. This major seems to be very popular among the spirit beasts."

Shen Yinghuan raised her eyebrows and smiled. She found inspiration from her!

Then she rolled her eyes and analyzed carefully, "The elective courses in the college have been passed down for hundreds of years. It is difficult for them to suddenly add another elective course."

Jiang Xiuran's originally high-spirited head dropped instantly.

"But..." Shen Yinghuan continued, "But I can run training classes. As long as the money is available, I will be happy to teach a few more students."

Jiang Xiuran suddenly became nervous again, his eyes were shining, and he patted his thigh, "Yes, the ready-made teacher is right here!"

Jiang Xiuran licked his face and came over eagerly, "Teacher, when do you plan to start classes and how much tuition will you charge?"

Shen Yinghuan was reserved for a moment and said, "Based on the class time, one class is forty-five minutes, and one class is two thousand small spirit coins. I will start with two classes. If there are more people in the future, I will give a few more classes."

Jiang Xiuran's bright smile dimmed a little, his eyebrows twisted into caterpillar shapes, and he said tangledly, "Isn't the tuition a bit too much? The one-on-one training at the Star Online Spirit Master Monastery is only 999."

Shen Yinghuan was unhappy, "You have to read the lecture content. The courses at the Spirit Master Monastery only teach beginners how to use spiritual power and help them formulate a training plan. It saves time and effort. My egg hatching course is different. First of all I am the only one here with no other branches. Secondly, the teachings I teach are full of useful knowledge points, and some knowledge points and tips are not available even if you want to buy them outside. I charge 2,000 Xiaoling I’ve lost money, but knowledge is priceless.”

Jiang Xiuran was immediately stunned. Yes, knowledge is priceless, and he earned 2,000 Xiaoling coins.

So he was afraid that Shen Yinghuan would regret not starting the class, so he immediately transferred money and wanted to cover all the courses. Unfortunately, Shen Yinghuan only planned to start two classes, so he had no choice but to settle for two classes.

After the transfer, the training courses at the spiritual master monastery that Xingwang cooperated with Aunt Hua had not yet started, but the egg hatching training course had been established first.

Just wait for the birds to bring their eggs and the class can officially start.

But before that, Jiang Xiuran looked at the body still lying on the ground and asked Shen Yinghuan for advice, "Should we bury her? It doesn't look good lying like this."

Shen Yinghuan frowned and hesitated, "Let me check first. She died too simply."

Jiang Xiuran waved his hands with a clear face, "Hey, don't check. She died so simply because all the things on her body were taken away by those birds. At that time, she stole the eggs and hid them, and those birds chased her. He came up and besieged her while the chicken thieves took the opportunity to get close and steal the eggs back quietly.

Who knew that the birds not only stole the eggs back, but also took away her space spirit weapon, the defensive spirit patterns she wore with her, and even personal weapons such as daggers and weapons were also taken away by them with their keenness.

Later, Qian Hongxiang realized something was wrong and summoned her highly poisonous black widow spider. It really hurt a lot of birds at first, but birds are the natural enemies of black spiders. When the high-level birds come, No matter how poisonous the black spider was, it couldn't withstand the birds' aerial attacks and dimensionality-reducing blows, and it died soon after.

In the end, Qian Hongxiang was like a beast that had its fangs and claws pulled out. It was fierce, but it didn't have much attack power anymore. In addition, she was tortured by thorn vines and was later attacked by a bird, which injured her. It's normal to get injured and die easily. "

Shen Yinghuan fell silent after hearing this. It turned out that Qian Hongxiang's death was her own fault. If she had not been greedy and stolen the eggs, she would not have triggered the subsequent series of bad luck, and she was finally picked up by her. Too cheap to kill. (End of chapter)

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