A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 415 Collecting corpses for relatives

Tan Mengfei was full of resentment, and his curses were full of anger and dissatisfaction with Shen Yinghuan.

But little did he know that as he cursed more and more vigorously and viciously, the people who were running with him looked at him differently, and one or two of them all moved away from him in a subtle way.

However, Tan Mengfei, who was always used to being praised, didn't hear it. In addition, because of his good physical strength, high level of spiritual master, and ability to follow closely, the few people couldn't get rid of him at all and could only run with him.

It wasn't until another string of zombies surged out from the front and attacked them from both sides that Tan Mengfei had to use his strength. He operated as fiercely as a tiger and sprayed flames from his hands for thirty meters. The surrounding zombies turned into charred corpses. Seventy-eight He fell and lay on the ground.

The members of the escape team suddenly showed excitement and looked at him excitedly, "So brother, you are so powerful."

One of the charming women even cast an adoring and sultry look at him, moving her graceful body against him, "I don't know what the name of this eldest brother is, I have never seen a man as powerful and brave as you. "

"Yes, yes, no wonder the clothes on your body are so fresh and clean, brother. It turns out that you are hiding it. It's because we were blind to the truth before."

Tan Mengfei enjoyed these compliments very much. Since the last time in the Icefield Secret Realm, Ning Xian and the others have turned their backs on each other. The people who used to praise him have all turned into venomous tongues, ridiculing and belittling him. He has been living in these past few days. It's really frustrating.

So he soon became addicted to these long-lost rainbow farts, while making noises in his mouth.

"Don't be in love with me, I'm just a legend."

"You can just call me Brother Meng. What's wrong with you, a woman? You don't care how many days you haven't showered. You smell so bad. Don't stick to me."

"Your eyes were indeed a little lame before, but now that you have changed your ways, I will forgive you."

After saying this, the faces of the escape team became uglier one by one, but they still had to force their smiles and looked at Tan Mengfei as if they wanted to stab him, but they held back for the time being.

Shen Yinghuan, who didn't know that there was an uninvited guest in the fantasy world, stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the gate of the special forces family compound where she lived in her previous life.

This was her regret in her previous life. To be honest, it must have been her failure to save the elders in her family's courtyard who had watched her grow up, and her failure to properly collect their bodies after their deaths.

When the apocalypse broke out in her previous life, she was still a graduate student studying with her teacher at school. Although the school and the family home were in the same city, they were located in the south and north, with a canal across the middle. It would take two or three hours to get back. What's more, at that time, the apocalypse broke out, order was disordered, the subway was shut down, and the canal bridge collapsed. She didn't discover her superpower at the first time. It was difficult to even save herself, let alone rush back.

By the time she rushed back to the family home, it was already more than twenty days later. She didn't know what had happened. It had turned into a tragedy scene, with countless blood stains, and several familiar elders had turned into zombies and wandered around.

Shen Yinghuan looked at the broken iron gate in front of her and the dried blood on the ground, and her heart skipped a beat.

Although I don't want to admit it, it's still too late. From the destroyed shops on the street just now, it can be seen that this is not the time when the apocalypse just broke out, but a long time has passed.

Looking at the zombies chasing out after smelling human scent in front of her, her face turned cold and her heart boiled with anger. She subconsciously wanted to take out the machete from the spatial spiritual weapon, but she seemed to be unable to contact them.

When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw that the space spirit ring on his hand had turned into a decoration. Even if he input the spiritual energy into it, there would be no response at all, and the spiritual power in his body would even decrease.

Shen Yinghuan frowned. It seemed that there were quite a lot of restrictions in this illusion. Feeling the surrounding air again, it was turbid and smelly, and there was no spiritual energy at all.

In other words, after the spiritual energy stored in her body is used up, the spiritual master's ability will no longer be available.

The sense of urgency to survive suddenly came up.

After taking a look at the zombies in front of her, she was unwilling to give in. She broke off an iron rod from the iron gate and killed them all the way. The iron rod was swung like a tiger with wind. Even though she didn't use her spiritual power, she was in good physical condition now. , coupled with the proficiency in killing zombies, he broke into the compound in a short time.

Familiar building, familiar courtyard, but this time period may be a little earlier than when she came back in her previous life. There are not that many zombies, and there are not that many blood stains remaining on the ground.

A glimmer of hope arose in her heart and she went straight to Aunt Pearl's house. Aunt Pearl was the one who took care of her the most since she was a child. Because Aunt Pearl came late to give birth to a child, she had never been pregnant before and thought she would never have a child in her life, so she was very concerned about Shen Yinghuan's child. She takes special care, and every time she makes delicious pastries, she will leave a large portion for her.


The closed door was kicked open by Shen Yinghuan, but it was already a mess inside. The zombie transformed by Aunt Pearl was wandering around the house. When she heard any movement, her rotten face that had no trace of appearance bared her teeth and roared. , rushed towards her.

Shen Yinghuan's nose felt sore, and the tears in her eyes couldn't be restrained from spewing out. A fine pain came from her heart. She was still late, one step too late.

A feeling of powerlessness suddenly enveloped her whole body, and feelings of guilt and bitterness also came one after another, clenching her heart so densely that she almost lost the strength to avoid it.

But the instinct of the body flashed aside when danger approached, and it hit the corner of the table hard. A sharp stinging sensation came from the arm. The moldy plum blossom cake on the table crashed together with the plate. On the ground, torn apart.

It also made Shen Yinghuan wake up immediately, and she was also shocked. It seemed that this illusion had a great impact on the person who created it.

Shen Yinghuan, who had regained her senses, looked at Aunt Pearl's zombies that were rushing towards her again, pursed her lips, and her eyes were dark. In the end, just like in her previous life, she was killed with a stick.

This time she had spiritual power, so she didn't have to rush to escape and regret that she couldn't collect the body. Now she had the ability to cremate Aunt Pearl on the spot, and then bury her in the flower garden of the yard with her ashes.

Although this flowerbed has declined due to the end of the world, it was a favorite place for Aunt Pearl and other female elders in her family’s courtyard before the end of the world. Being buried here is in line with Aunt Pearl’s original wish to stay here for the rest of her life. .

After kneeling down and kowtowing twice in front of the little earthbag, Shen Yinghuan felt that the confinement in her body was lessened. This also made her certain that the final way to break this illusion was not to be a savior, but to collect the corpses of her relatives.

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