A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 416 Breaking the Illusion

Shen Yinghuan then went to other houses in the family courtyard and found several zombies transformed by the elders who were locked in the door. She cremated them in the same way, and then buried them in the flower garden, giving them a life of death. A place of burial where you can rest in peace.

As for the elders who are not here, they should have escaped and gone to the base.

After she went to the base in her previous life, there were not many familiar elders left. Several died on the way to the base. Some were attacked by zombies and could not escape. Some saved people because of their kindness, but became farmers. The real version of the snake was pushed into the zombie crowd and killed by those people.

In the apocalypse, some people's hearts are more terrifying than zombies, and she understands this very well.

Then Shen Yinghuan cremated the corpses of other zombies in the family compound. They were also people from the same compound. They should have been admirable people who served the country and the people during their lifetimes. Even if there were other zombies that accidentally entered, they would probably be small. , cremated them all together, and then dug a big pit and buried them together.

After cleaning up the family home, Shen Yinghuan felt that most of her spiritual power had been lost. As for her spiritual power, she couldn't use it at the moment.

We may have to wait until tomorrow, after the acid rain passes, zombies evolve brain cores, and humans awaken to their supernatural powers on a large scale before they can regain their spiritual power.

However, in order to catch up with the elders on the way to the base and see them again, Shen Yinghuan did not intend to stay. After collecting some food in the family courtyard, she left the family courtyard and drove wildly outside the city.

On the other side, Tan Mengfei was blown away by Rainbow Fart. As soon as he met a zombie, he jumped on the zombies amidst the praises of Rainbow Fart. He helped the escape team to loot a lot of food, and the escape team was very happy. There are little secrets on people’s faces, but they are scolding idiots in their hearts.

And Tan Mengfei also enjoyed the praise very much. Until night, his spiritual power was almost exhausted, and the speed of fighting zombies became slower and slower. After the flashy things like fireballs, water arrows, etc. became visible to the naked eye, he ran away harmoniously. The calm within the team was finally broken, and dark thoughts gradually emerged.

Tan Mengfei is indeed good at fighting, and indeed powerful, but he can't resist his stupidity and his harsh words. So after the team members made another mistake in attracting zombies, causing all the zombies in the mall to gather, Tan Mengfei They were still protecting them from escaping, but the escape team cruelly closed the door to survival at the last moment, leaving Tan Mengfei to stay in the room alone to deal with the densely packed zombies.

Tan Mengfei was furious, banging the door in disbelief, shouting urgently, "Open the door, open the door quickly, you people are so brave to lock me out, open the door for me quickly, or I will get away later." , I will kill you."

This action of the escape team really hit the point of anger in Tan Mengfei's little belly, and he was about to go crazy with anger.

But I could only hear the sounds of the people at the door dragging heavy objects to block the door, and their thankful words such as "I finally got rid of this narcissist" and "Now all the food is ours."

Tan Mengfei stared angrily, and was so angry that he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

What the hell is this place, the human heart is so sinister!

Even more hateful than that woman Shen Yinghuan.

Seeing that the exit was blocked, Tan Mengfei could only use up his last spiritual power to kill all the zombies explosively, and then escaped.

But at this time, he was exhausted. He originally planned to use the power of nightmare tonight to influence the illusion, find Shen Yinghuan and enter her dream, and his plan to kill her in the dream was also suspended.

Moreover, Tan Mengfei was so angry that the first thing he thought about at this moment was not how to kill Shen Yinghuan, but how to kill the people in the escape team.

This is the first time in his life that he has suffered such a big loss at the hands of ordinary people who are weaker than him. How can he swallow this breath without avenging his revenge?

So Tan Mengfei, who was holding his breath, started to collect the younger members again and spread the search to find those few members of the escape team who had disappeared like little mice.

This little brother kept it in check, and his power gradually grew. After finding and killing the few members of the escape team, his power had expanded to the point where it was difficult to disband. Tan Mengfei simply didn't care. Their rainbow farts were so good that he couldn't bear to disband.

As a result, Tan Mengfei gradually lost himself in the pleasure of being the king in the apocalypse, and even became less active in looking for Shen Yinghuan.

But fortunately, he still has a trace of reason and knows that this is an illusion. He needs to break the illusion, and the way he thinks of breaking the illusion is to become a savior.

But after he recruited troops, built a base, built a safe haven for humans, and summoned scientists to develop a serum that could eliminate the zombie virus, the illusion was still not broken.

So he began to re-establish the human order, restore productivity, and build a new society, but he still did not break the illusion.

Running wildly in the wrong direction, Tan Mengfei's body, which had been depleted of spiritual energy, was gradually eroded by the illusion, and his vitality drained away rapidly.

When Tan Mengfei became successful and famous, Shen Yinghuan noticed his existence, but she did not show up. She relied on her strong mental power to avoid Tan Mengfei's men looking for her many times, and only continued to look for her elders secretly. .

I don't know if it was due to the influence of the illusion, but she missed her elders every time. What she saw was either the zombies transformed by the elders, or their corpses, not even the few elders she saw alive in the base in her previous life. Even though he knew the reason, he died before finding them.

Then all she could do was help them collect the body, and finally bring it back to the family's courtyard to be buried with Aunt Pearl and the others.

Perhaps her last regret in her previous life was not being able to help collect the bodies of her elders and bury them together. If she really found the living elders, she might have even more regrets.

This is fine, this is also the best ending.

After sighing softly and kowtowing three times in front of the burial slope in the family courtyard, the dilapidated scene around him gradually dispersed.

The eyes turned into a dense green bamboo forest, the bamboo leaves were rustling in the ears, and the clear aroma of wine floated in the air and entered the nose and mouth, giving people a faint feeling of being drunk.

This is the real drunken bamboo forest after the illusion has been broken.

Shen Yinghuan turned her head and looked around in wonder, but remained calm and made no move.

There cannot be only one illusion in the Drunk Bamboo Forest. It is no exaggeration to say that almost every ten steps lead to an illusion. On the Hongmeng Academy intranet, some seniors complained that a certain unlucky guy who entered the Drunken Bamboo Secret Land happened to be in five illusions. At the intersection, no matter which direction you take a step, you will enter the illusion again. In the end, you will be tortured to the point of dying, and you won't even dig up a bamboo shoot. It is really sad and pitiful.

The most important thing is that there is more than one unlucky guy like this!

Therefore, you need to be careful when walking in the Drunken Bamboo Forest.

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