A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 473 Singles are all responsible for this

A group of people enjoyed themselves happily, and after having a lively meal in the ruins of the Wu family, they began to discuss with those who had been arrested how to deal with them.

"What's there to discuss? Just kill it. The ancestor of the Wu family, named Wu Wu, dares to deliberately raise spiritual insects. The Bai family, Tan family, and Wu family are helping him do evil. This is harmful to our entire family." Everyone in the interstellar world, let them waste spiritual energy and food, and prevent them from harboring vengeful intentions, so it would be best to eradicate them."

"Yes, yes, that Wuwu is also ambitious to plot against Dean Panyao, trying to control the Origin Star and become the master of the interstellar. The people left behind by this disaster are not at ease. Who knows if there is a back-up plan."

The other families who came to help knew clearly what Wu Wu had done before, and they were all frightened, so they also hated the three families he left behind.

What's more important is that the Wu family and the Tan family are the upper-class families in the Upper Star Territory, and the Bai family should not be underestimated. If these three families are gone, they will not be able to get an extra piece of the pie.

Furthermore, all the families in the Upper Star Territory have conflicts with each other. None of them has conflicts with these three families. Now that the opportunity has come, we must seize the opportunity to trample these three families into the mud. go.

Everyone pushed down the wall, so few people spoke for the people of these three families.

The captives from the three families were so panicked that they wanted to beg for mercy, but they had no choice but to watch these people and let these people discuss their life and death in front of them. It was killing people and killing them. .

Fortunately, Pan Yao still had a kind heart, so he did not agree to exterminate these three families. He only used secret methods to investigate and interrogate, and determined that some of these people had done evil things, and those who were heinous were either helping Wu Wu and Wu Huan to help the emperor. He wanted to kill the talented people, but as for those who were unaware and rushed over, he planned to spare them.

However, the people who planned to let go were divided into two groups. One group had bad intentions and had done some bad things but could not die. Panyao took the initiative and found a small small stone from the Wu family's territory. The affiliated planet serves as a place of imprisonment, sealing off the entire planet and preventing them from leaving here for the rest of their lives, which is equivalent to a life-long prison sentence;

The other group, mostly Haitong or old, weak women and children who were completely unaware, were exiled to the Lower Star Territory after making a contract with the Oath Beast. Whether they can return to the Upper Star Territory later depends on their own ability.

After confirming that these three families could not afford any trouble, the other families were also quite satisfied with this arrangement.

Then they took this opportunity to discuss the carving up of the Wu family, Tan family and Bai family. Pan Yao didn't care about these. The jungle of the jungle and the family changes. After tens of thousands of years, he had seen too much and would not interfere with the family. disputes between.

Shen Yinghuan, Feng Sang and others did not want to interfere. Rather than dividing these things, they were more concerned about where Wu Huan was hidden.

Time flies by, and six years have passed since the battle with the Wu family and the re-division of the major families in the Upper Star Territory.

In the Hongmeng Sanctuary, Shen Yinghuan and her former freshman team have climbed the tower for six years and have now climbed to the eleventh floor of the Qiankun Tower. The team and individual rankings on each floor are at the forefront.

Now their reputation in Hongmeng College is well-known, and the junior students who pass the examination and enter Hongmeng College regard them as idols.

Of course, as students come in, students graduate and leave. Former Senior Sister Gong Yan and Senior Senior Long Jingyuan had reached the graduation level three years ago and successfully graduated and left Hongmeng College.

In the garden, Shen Yinghuan was nestled in Long Xinglou's arms, lying on a lounge chair and basking in the sun comfortably.

"I don't know how Senior Gong Yan is doing, and whether Senior Jingyuan has succeeded in pursuing his wife."

Long Xinglou fed a grape into her mouth, curled his lips slightly, and satisfied her curiosity, "It's successful, it was just successful yesterday."

Shen Yinghuan's eyes lit up, and she turned over and lay on Long Xinglou's body. Her eyes were bright and full of curiosity, "How did you succeed? Didn't Senior Gong Yan never give you a good look before?"

Long Xinglou: "Because he promised Gong Yan to represent the White Tiger Clan in the resource competition for the Origin Star as his son-in-law, the number of people from the White Tiger Clan who met the competition criteria this year was a little less, and Gong Yan herself was Her attitude relaxed, and Jingyuan's proposal just gave her a ladder, so it was done."

Shen Yinghuan blinked, and the expression on his face was a little hard to describe, "Are you Dragonborn people so in love? You also told my father and grandfather before that you would join me to represent the Shen family. Now Senior Jingyuan I also ran away with Senior Gong Yan, is it really okay? What about your Dragonborn clan?"

Shen Yinghuan was also convinced. This Origin Star Resource Competition represented the honor of the family. As a result, the Dragonborn clan was in a bad situation. One or two of them had their elbows turned outward.

Long Xinglou kissed her on the red lips, with a disinterested expression on Jun's face.

"No problem, don't worry. This has happened before. The honor of our Dragonborn family has nothing to do with married men like me. It is the responsibility of singles."

Shen Yinghuan: A second of silence for the singles in your family!

Bachelor Dragons: It’s so heartbreaking. It’s so difficult for us. Not only do we not have a wife, we also have to shoulder the responsibility of the family. What have we done wrong?

Married men: The fault is that you don’t have a wife. Hurry up and buy the wife-chasing guide from us seniors. I’ll give you a 50% discount!

Thinking of this confrontation scene, Shen Yinghuan couldn't help but raise her red lips and arch her eyebrows.


A heavy cough sounded, and the two people who were about to have a more intimate kiss turned to look. Feng Sang was wearing a simple white shirt and black trousers, but he was still standing there elegantly and handsomely.

His phoenix eyes looked at Longxing Tower with displeasure.

Every time he came back, he would see this big-tailed wolf that had taken away his sweet daughter and being intimate with his daughter. As a father, he was really upset. In the past two years, because he was not very familiar with his daughter, he could only After holding back this breath, he realized that his relationship with his daughter had gotten better in the past two years, and he couldn't help but show it.

Every time he saw Long Xinglou, he always looked at her eyes and nose, but for the sake of his kindness to his daughter, he didn't go too far. Although his expression expressed his dissatisfaction, his words were silent. Speak out.

Long Xinglou was very generous about this and didn't take it to heart at all. He had already been mentally prepared for his father-in-law's expression. He was now studying and comprehending "Thirty-Six Strategies for Getting Along Friendly with Father-in-Law" and "How to Be a Good Person" "Son-in-law", "Self-cultivation of a Good Son-in-law" and other books passed down by the elders of the clan. I believe that as long as he understands them thoroughly after reading them, his relationship with his father-in-law will definitely get better. (End of chapter)

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