A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 474 He gave birth to all the good sons

"Dad, how are you? Have you found Wu Huan's whereabouts?"

Shen Yinghuan was not embarrassed and climbed up from the recliner calmly. Then she looked at Feng Sang with a smile and started asking her routine questions.

In the past six years, she had worked diligently to climb the tower in the academy and her strength had increased rapidly. Her father and Uncle Wei Xiujun had been looking for Wuhuan all over the world through wind and rain. They had planned to harm them and their wives. The two men never forgot their hatred for a moment.

After the scuffle at the Wu family, they went directly to find Wuhuan together without even returning to Hongmeng Academy. Usually they would only come back when they passed by the Hongmeng Sanctuary, or it was the birthdays of Shen Yinghuan, Gao Yu and Gao Yinghan. I spend almost all my time running around looking for people.

It's a pity that Wuhuan was so slippery and cunning. They found some traces and clues, but by the time they looked for him, he had already disappeared. They didn't succeed in finding him even once.

The same is true this time.

Hearing this, Feng Sang, who was still glaring at Longxing Tower, lost all mood, and her handsome face with picturesque features fell down, "Not found."

Shen Yinghuan was not surprised. She was prepared in her heart and then comforted her skillfully.

"Dad, don't worry, he will come out eventually. I don't believe he can survive forever, but we can let go of looking for him for now. The battle for resources on the Origin Star is about to begin. We can go pick up my mother when she comes out."

After hearing the news, Feng Sang was relieved of all worries, and a joyful smile appeared on his face.

"You're right, it's more important to pick your mother up. There are still three days before the Origin Star opens. My dear, please make more preparations. I heard that this year is different and there will be a live broadcast. We can't embarrass the Shen family."

Shen Ying laughed happily, "Don't worry, dad, I'm familiar with live broadcasting. I have participated in many live broadcasts before, I will definitely perform well, and our family's little star is useless, and my spirit gathering array can also support me." In a short time, we, father and daughter, will work hard to come out on top and get the first place. The planet that was born this year will be our Shen family’s new clan. By then, our Shen family will also be able to return to the upper star domain. ”

The smile on Feng Sang's face deepened. He had this plan back then to win a new planet for the Shen family and return to the upper star domain. However, it was delayed for so many years because of Wu Wu and Wu Huan's conspiracy. It’s not a bad idea to attend this event with my daughter for the first time.

He thought happily, and he was very pleased with Long Xinglou, his son-in-law who was willing to accompany his daughter to represent the Shen family in the competition.

Long Xinglou smiled reservedly, as it should be, it was all taught well by the ancestors of the clan, and he also thanked the bachelor dragons in the clan for their contributions.

The three days passed quickly, almost in the blink of an eye.

In the center of the Origin Star of the Central Star Field, a spiritual pillar emitting golden light rises into the sky, illuminating the surrounding star field.

The surrounding nebulae are flowing, colorful, mysterious and extremely beautiful.

Outside the nebula, there are countless starships suspended, so densely packed that with the navigation lights on, they can almost form a circle of the Milky Way, which is very spectacular.

At this time, all the families in the Upper Star Territory gathered together, waiting for the Origin Star to open.

The Shen family has a starship funded by Dean Pan Yao, so not only is it not inferior among the starships of other major families, it is actually very gorgeous and huge, giving it more face.

In fact, there are not many people from the Shen family participating in the competition this time. There are only seven of her uncles, including her father, and there are eight elders in total. The only juniors are her and Long Xinglou, plus her eldest cousin Shen Jiling, so there are only ten of them. one.

According to regulations, contestants must be under 100 years old, and each family can only have a maximum of 50 people. Generally speaking, each family will fill these 50 people. In comparison, the Shen family's eleven people are not enough. It’s time to see.

But even so, they did not plan to fill up the people. Because their ancestors of the Shen family were plotted by the Gao family and fell into the third-rate small family in the Star Territory, their background was already weak. It was really difficult to find a few promising people. All the eight sons born to Shen Jingshan are promising, and the others are either not of the right age or too low in strength.

Instead of bringing in some low-strength tribesmen who are holding back and having to look after them, it would be better to just come with the eleven of them.

And their small number is not a bad thing. After the Origin Star is opened, the participating members of the major families enter the Origin Star and meet on the huge green lawn outside the Origin Star. They guard against each other and size each other up. Because they are small in number, There are also a few whose strength is holding them back, so they are not noticed by other families at all, let alone regarded as opponents.

Therefore, no confrontations or provocations and calculations could fall on them. This also allowed them to avoid being targeted by calculations at the beginning and escape from the chaotic war at the beginning.

At the same time, the live broadcast was officially launched.

[Wuhu~~~ It has begun, the battle for the Origin Star has begun. I have never seen the Origin Star in my whole life. I would like to thank the sponsor dad who provided the live broadcast this year for taking me to see the Origin Star of mankind. 】

[Alas, we don’t have anything to do in the Star Territory every time. We can only do it to see if our family in the Star Territory can also participate in the competition. That is the Origin Star. It is said that you can see it everywhere above the fifth level. There are so many natural and earthly treasures that you can make a fortune just by picking them up. 】

[Tsk, you bumpkins from the Lower Star Territory. Although the Origin Star is rich, you still have to live to collect it. According to past data, the probability of death for people below the king level who goes to the Origin Star is 99%. Even if I give you The star domain quota allows you to participate, do you dare to go? 】

[Eh - isn't that our sister Huan? What happened? My sister Huan actually participated in the competition. Which family does she represent? Along with Long Xinglou, could it be that she represents the Dragonborn clan? 】

[No, she does not represent the Dragonborn clan. Standing next to her is Shen Jiling, the major general of our Lower Star Territory. Their team represents the Shen family of our Lower Star Territory. 】

[Wow, isn’t the Shen family just a third-rate small family in our Lower Star Territory? How could they skip other families and go directly to the Upper Star Territory to compete? 】

[Haha, you people in the Star Territory are blind. Although the Shen family is just a small family, they have people who are promising. Let’s not talk about Shen Yinghuan, the little princess of Hongmeng Academy. Let’s talk about Shen Yinghuan’s father Feng Sang or Panyao Academy. The eldest disciple, with outstanding talents and outstanding talents, is also on the celebrity list of Hongmeng College. As long as these two people are here and with the support of Dean Panyao, the Shen family has long surpassed other families in the Lower Star Territory, even those in the Upper Star Territory. Some families dare not offend the Shen family easily. 】

[Hiss—My sister Huan is so promising. I haven’t seen her for just a few years. I want to look up to her and respect her. 】

[But why is her father’s surname Feng? 】

[Blind Sheng, you discovered Hua Dian, because the Shen family was originally from the Phoenix clan, and the surname Feng is not natural. It is said that the Phoenix disappeared for hundreds of years. After rebirth, he contracted with Feng Sang, and now Feng Sang is the master of the Phoenix. 】

[Wow—then the Shen family is about to rise. 】

In Xiaoluoxing Square, facing the cool autumn wind, the Shen family gathered together to watch the live broadcast.

Shen Jingshan, who was sitting at the front, had his face glowing red. He was so excited and happy.

He slapped his thighs and shouted excitedly, "It's great. My son and my granddaughter are both great. It's so embarrassing for me."

The clansmen all looked at him, especially the clansmen of his generation, all of them felt sour in their hearts. That was envy and jealousy. Why did he give birth to all the good sons? It would be fine to give one to them. ah!

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