A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 206: The Crazy Mage’s Apprentice (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Gray dwarves, stone giants, fire giants, snakemen, troglodytes, tauren, constructs, basilisks, oozes, armored monsters, simulacra, water elves, lightning lizards, thols, Scavengers, terreids, myconids, mind flayers, drows, githyanki, and all kinds of dragons, elementals, daemons, devils, and celestials...

As he entered deeper and deeper into the Lost City, Zuo Si finally realized that besides himself, it turned out that the "crazy mage" Halaster Blackrobe was the number one "Pokémon Master" in Faerûn.

The number and types of native creatures and alien creatures this guy has collected are simply too numerous to count.

Some of them were relatively rare, and even he had only accidentally read about them in some ancient books in Candlekeep.

Of course, based on the principle that what’s yours is mine, what’s mine is mine.

Zuo Si killed a large number of monsters along the way and made countless creature cards.

Even the [Mystic] profession has been upgraded from LV5 to LV6, and at the same time gained a sixth-level spell slot and a divine spell slot.

In addition, the agility and strength attributes are also slightly improved due to the continuous absorption of life energy.

[Name: Zuo Si (Sos)]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: 10+7 (17)]

[Agility: 11+7 (18)]

[Physique: 15+7 (22)]

[Perception: 19+4 (23)]

[Intelligence: 18+5 (23)]

[Charm: 13 (I calculated it wrong last time, but it cannot be modified due to the chapter lock, so I will correct it here)]


[Creator (mimicry effect) - LV11]

[Mage/Mystic (mimicry effect) - LV5/LV6]

[Priest (voter reward) - LV5]

[Spell slots (counted as equipment and arranged from low to high): 9/9/6/5/4/3]

[Divinity slot: 9/8/7/6/5/4]

Obviously, with the blessing of two pieces of equipment, the [Spell Gain Headband] and the [Ring of Sharp Spell Storage] strengthened by Ogma, the God of Knowledge, Zuo Si's daily spell casting has reached a level that is sufficient for other players of the same level. The degree to which the caster feels envious and jealous.

The newly acquired sixth-level arcane and divine spells greatly enriched his spells, as well as the tactics he could choose in battle.

In particular, the Sixth Ring Magic [Activated Item] can directly make weapons and shields come alive and automatically attack and defend.

In the melee, as long as one or two inconspicuous gadgets such as daggers and flying knives are activated for sneak attacks, they can often play unexpected roles.

In addition, enhanced magic such as [Bear's Tenacity] and [Ox's Strength] can finally evolve from a single entity to a group.

That is to say, you can add more than a dozen people around you with one use.

The Sixth Ring Magic [Hero's Feast] can even create a table full of rich and delicious food out of thin air.

Everyone who has eaten the food or drank the drink will immediately be relieved of the negative status, and will be immune to most toxins and fear emotions for up to twelve hours, keeping the morale of the entire team high, and even gaining a similar "false life" Effect.

As for the specific recipes of the [Heroes' Feast], they can be recreated based on the memory of the most delicious food in the caster's mind.

In other words, Zuo Si can directly create high-end dishes that require ten hours or even days of preparation out of thin air.

With this magic, things like cooking can be eliminated once and for all.

Of course, since the effects of the Six-ring Magic are so amazing, the arcane magic will naturally not be any worse.

[Anti-magic force field] can instantly eliminate all spell effects within a three-meter radius, and even suppress magic items so that they cannot function normally. Even summoned creatures will be affected.

Thinking of casting spells within this range is basically a daydream.

But Zuo Si discovered that the creatures summoned from the Planeswalker card were immune to [Anti-Magic Field].

This means that he can summon a lot of creatures first in the battle between spellcasters.

Then he releases the [anti-magic force field] centered on himself, completely destroying all the spell protection on the opponent at close range, and then summons a creature to defeat or even kill him.

In addition, a series of powerful spells such as [Chain Lightning], [Trigger], [Bigby Flying Clap], [Dissociation], [Petrification], [Tamson Transformation] and other powerful spells have also been added. Select range.

Among them, [Tan Sen's Transformation Technique] is basically equivalent to a small version of [War God Possession].

Can provide the caster with an additional four points of strength, agility and constitution attributes.

At the same time, you gain physical defense as strong as a warrior of the same level, as well as a lot of skills and combat experience in the use of weapons.

Of course, the price is to temporarily lose all spellcasting abilities and completely become like a warrior.

But Zuo Si already has a better choice, so he won't consider using [Tan Sen's Transformation Technique] for a while.

Just the opposite!

After he learned [Anti-Magic Force Field], he immediately turned his attention to [Trigger Spell] and [Dissociation Spell].

The former is one of the mage's signature magics. You can set the conditions and the spell you want to release in advance, and then when the conditions are met, the spell will be automatically triggered without any spells or gestures.

Generally speaking, the triggering condition is nothing more than speaking the password yourself, or encountering situations such as attacks and injuries.

The spell will memorize some protective magic, as well as teleportation magic like [Any Door] that can immediately transfer oneself to a safe place.

The overall principle is to “preserve life” first.

No mage would use [Trigger Spell] to trigger to release offensive magic. That would definitely be because he didn't die quickly enough.

Although [Dissociation Technique] is not as practical as [Trigger Technique], it can be used to destroy many things that are difficult to destroy by ordinary means.

For example, a force field effect like [Force Wall], or something as hard as a Lich Phylactery.

Zuo Si felt that if he fought all the way to the bottom of the underground maze, 80% of his spellcasting level would be able to break through 21, and he would officially become a legendary spellcaster with both divine and arcane spells.

Unfortunately, after entering the tenth floor, the dwarf Luger no longer knew the way, and the entire adventure team could only shuttle back and forth in the complex and changeable maze.

At first, I often pass through a place repeatedly in no more than an hour.

Later, with the help of Zuo Si's amazing observation and memory, he drew a rough map of the area and finally got rid of the situation of getting lost.

And there are really a lot of dark elves and various undead creatures on this level.

In just a few hours, they encountered more than a dozen sudden battles.

An abandoned temple to Lolth, the Spider Goddess, and statues of Selvetarm, the Dark Elf warrior god, have even been discovered.

Next to the latter statue are eight petrified drow.

However, Zuo Si obviously didn't have time to help them remove the petrification one by one, and directly let the dragon knight wield a hammer to smash them all and convert them into mana.

Plus a breeding room for raising and hatching giant spiders...

It can be seen that there were obviously many dark elves living on this floor.

But later, due to unknown reasons, he finally had to choose to retreat.

The buildings, daily necessities and weapons left behind are the best proof.

However, after retreating, the dark elves did not give up their territory. Instead, they continued to engage in tug-of-war with another force here.

Their patrols can often be seen killing the undead creatures wandering around every corner at lightning speed.

After another brief battle with the drow patrol, the dwarf unceremoniously stripped off the enemy's most valuable weapons and armor and put them into the dimensional bag that Davian carried.

Although these equipments with powerful and evil magical powers have a huge flaw, they will slowly disintegrate under sunlight and eventually turn into a pile of metal powder.

But after all, they are magic items, and both weapons and armor are mixed with a certain proportion of fine gold.

As long as you bring it back to Waterdeep City, there will be countless gangs and thieves guilds that specialize in operating at night and will be willing to pay a high price for it.

A weapon can be sold for about 3,000 to 4,000 gold coins, and non-reflective chain armor can be sold for more than 8,000 gold coins.

Because the enchantment level of these weapons is generally above +3, they can easily pierce most breastplates, making them very suitable for sneak attacks and assassinations.

The protective power of the drow's adamantine chain mail is even higher than that of the mithril chain mail made by the dwarves, and it is countless times stronger than those fancy gadgets made by the armor-making master of Waterdeep City-Silmer.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it can be sold for a high price of eight thousand gold coins.

Throwing the naked body of the dark elf into the tunnel aside, Luger suddenly showed a satisfied smile: "Not bad harvest. The drow on the tenth floor are much richer than the drow on the upper floors. Look at these weapons, locks The Zijia and the stealth cloak are all printed with the family crest."

"Having a family crest is not a good thing. It means that there is a very powerful family behind them. Especially this kind of magic block-making technology that only the dark elf senior blacksmiths understand, not just any small family can possess. Yes." The poet reminded in a low voice.

"I know. Last time we were chased to the sixth floor by a team led by a damn drow priest. If we meet again this time, we must settle the score with her." Ruger said through gritted teeth. .

Dwarves are obviously a very vengeful race and will never forget any enemy who has offended them.

"Come on. I don't want to meet that crazy woman and her crazy evil men again."

The halfling thief Korra panted and rolled her eyes angrily.

No need to ask, she knew that this layer of well-equipped dark elves was starting to feel a bit overwhelming for her.

After all, dark elves are not only very good at sneaking and ambush, but they are also extremely alert.

If you are not careful during the investigation, you will be discovered, and then you will be surrounded and surrounded by dangers.

Just when the dwarf was about to say something, the huge spider statues standing on both sides suddenly came to life and pounced directly on the resting team.


The poet was the first to notice this scene, and quickly got up from the ground and loudly reminded everyone.

Just as he was about to approach Zuo Si to protect the most important caster in the team, he immediately discovered that the entire hall was separated by an invisible force field wall.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the five-ring magic [Power Wall Technique] at work.

In desperation, the poet could only move closer to the dwarves and halfling thieves in the same area.

Davian, holding a shield and a flaming sword, blocked the attack of one of the animated spider statues.

"Come out, I know you're there."

Zuo Si raised his head and stared at the corner of the ceiling about ten meters high.

Although the opponent tried to hide himself with [Advanced Invisibility Technique], he was easily seen through by [True Seeing Technique].

"You actually saw through my [Advanced Invisibility Technique]?"

Accompanied by a slightly deep man's voice, a black shadow suddenly jumped down from above his head and landed firmly on the left side of the hall with a thud.

Through the faint light, everyone could clearly see the true face of the attacker.

This is a strange creature with a human upper body and hands, and a lower body completely grafted onto a giant scorpion.

He was holding a two-handed sword with a cold light in his hand. He looked like he should be a warrior, but he wore at least two magic rings on his fingers and a wand on his waist.

"A talking monster?"

The dwarf attacked the spider statue under his shield crotch, with an expression of shock and disbelief on his face.

"No! This guy is not a monster, but a warrior and apprentice once hired by Halaster Black Robe. His name is Mural, a very high-level warrior and mage." Zuo Si said expressionlessly corrected.

Long before he planned to come to Earthline Maze City, he had already collected all the information related to the "Crazy Mage".

Especially those apprentices of Halaster Blackrobe.

"Hahahaha! I can't believe that there are still people in this world who remember me. Young man, you have won a chance to live for yourself. Now, I give you two choices. One is to become my apprentice, the other is to help me Drive away and kill all the dark elf families that have invaded this level - Evaand."

Mural laughed and made the offer.

From the weird eyes and mental state, it can be seen that he has long been like the "Crazy Mage", and his sanity has been eroded by the magic network nodes for a long time and has become extremely abnormal.

"You're really arrogant. Do you think you will win?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

"What, do you want to have a spell duel with me?"

Mural put away the giant sword and moved his ten fingers eagerly.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, although it's a bit hurtful to say this, I still want to tell you that there will not be any spell duel, there will only be a unilateral crushing of you by me."

With the last word blurted out, he directly activated the magic card [Bigby Flying High Five] hidden under his wide sleeves.

The next second...



This half-human, half-scorpion guy flew out sideways and hit the wall not far away.


[Trigger Technique] Activate!

A layer of gray-white stone skin instantly covered the huge body.

Obviously, Mural set his [Trigger Spell] condition to be attacked, and the chain spell was the fourth-level [Stoneskin Spell].

As a warrior and mage, this protective magic can give you an advantage in close combat.

Unfortunately, it is of no use at all now.

Zuo Si didn't even let Davian rush forward to suppress the opponent, but casually threw out four powerful fireball cards.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by the terrifying white fire and explosion, Mural was swallowed up by heat exceeding thousands of degrees Celsius on the spot.

Although the stone skin technique can effectively resist physical attacks, it is useless against this kind of pure energy damage.

Under the severe pain, he had no choice but to activate the [anti-magic force field] in the magic storage ring in his hand, instantly making all magic completely ineffective against him.

Of course, the price for doing this is that he can no longer use any spells, potions, scrolls or other magic items, and even the stone skin spell on his body has faded.

"Good judgment. It seems that the mad mage's apprentice is not useless." Zuo Si commented with raised corners of his mouth.

Because if the opponent had not used [Anti-Magic Field] just now, then he would have used the numerous spell cards at hand to directly bomb him to death.

But now, we need to change our strategy a little bit.

"Damn you brat! I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing the severely burned and even carbonized parts of his body, Mural's anger was completely ignited, and he rushed over with a sword in both hands.

Because he is half human and half scorpion, he not only possesses a sharp magic weapon, but also has a poisonous tail stinger behind his butt.

It is precisely by relying on this [anti-magic force field] and hand-to-hand combat tactics that Mural can kill those high-level mages and priests again and again, and repel the dark elf family-Evand's attack on the tenth floor. Invasion.

But unfortunately, this time he obviously chose the wrong opponent.

Zuo Si knew that the anti-magic force field could eliminate all magic effects, so he directly chose to summon creatures.

Before Mural could get within five meters, an elemental creature made of hot magma appeared out of thin air, completely blocking his path like a wall.

boom! ! ! ! !

As soon as the giant lava element appeared, he immediately smashed it with his fist.

It is different from the powerful attack method of stone elements that crush everything.

Since its body is in a semi-liquid state, when it is punched down with a fist, it will instantly turn into hot magma and scatter in all directions.

Although Muralne decisively retreated several meters with his keen sense of danger, his body was still stained by large amounts of magma that splashed over, and he couldn't help but let out a painful wail.

If his transformation into a half-human, half-scorpion form had not greatly improved his vitality and magic resistance, he would have been seriously injured and fell to the ground by now.

"You want to use an anti-magic force field to deal with me? You are really naive! And because of the existence of the anti-magic force field, you can no longer use any spells. You can only fight with me in this not-so-spacious half of the hall. The giant lava element is fighting tooth and nail. The so-called cocooning oneself should be referring to a similar situation."

Zuo Si sneered and filled his head with ridicule.

The antimagic field lasts ten minutes per caster level.

This also means that once released, with Mural's spellcasting level, it will last for at least two hours.

It is almost equivalent to personally destroying his mage level and all the magic items on his body.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Because if the anti-magic field had not been used, Mural would have been bombarded to death by a massive amount of spells just now.

But if he uses it, a large number of summoned creatures will be waiting for him.

It's nothing more than choosing a way to die that you like, there is no essential difference.

Although Murar can make the anti-magic field disappear by canceling it on his own.

But he was already entangled in the giant lava element. Once the anti-magic force field was cancelled, he would immediately be bombarded by violent spells. He would not have time to chant the spell, nor would he have time to perform those complicated spell-casting actions.

So he could only barely maintain the anti-magic force field and wave his weapons desperately to try to break through the blockade of the giant monster in front of him.

Zuo Si could finally see that none of the apprentices like the "Crazy Mage" Halaster Black Robe were normal people at all.

In other words, all normal people are dead.

The rest, without exception, went crazy under the influence of the magic network node.

It's just that some are more obvious, while others appear to be normal, but in fact their thoughts and cognitions have undergone changes that ordinary people cannot understand.

It is said that some apprentices successfully escaped from Leyline Maze City, but in the end they returned inexplicably.

It is difficult to judge whether this is because Halaster Blackrobe used some powerful charm suggestion magic on him, or whether he was summoned by the magic network node.

As the lord of the tenth floor of Leyline City, Mural has obviously never suffered such humiliation. In addition, the attack of the lava element caused the temperature of the surrounding environment to rise rapidly. His entire face suddenly turned red, and his eyes were bulging. Shine an angry light.

But it's a pity that now he can only be helpless and furious.

Because there are no portals or secret passages in this hall abandoned by the dark elves.

The only exit was also blocked by the force wall technique released.

Mural, who had lived for more than a thousand years, could not accept that in a spell confrontation, he was actually played by a boy who looked to be in his teens.

He couldn't even understand why the other party could release [Big Flying High Five] in an instant.

This is a standard six-level spell. If it is a super magic skill - a spell that is instantaneous, it needs to be upgraded to four levels on the spot, which will consume at least one tenth-level spell slot!

Anyone with spell slots of level nine or above is 100% a legendary mage.

In addition, Zuo Si also released four powerful fireballs in less than a second.

All of this completely overturned Murar's understanding of Faerun's existing magic system.

His mind is very confused now, and he is still a little confused.

As a result, he was accidentally caught by the giant lava element and slapped it hard on the ground.

With a muffled bang, hot magma covered the huge scorpion's body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

The unbearable pain finally made Mural scream heart-rendingly, shaking his body like crazy to crawl out of the magma.

However, the lava element did not give him this chance, and was followed by another slap.

In just a few seconds, the apprentice of the "mad mage" Halaster Blackrobe rolled his eyes and fainted from the pain on the spot.

Before the opponent could die, Zuo Si unceremoniously took out a blank card and sealed it.

[Biological Card: Half-Scorpion Man (magically transformed)—Warrior and Mage]

[LV7 multi-color cards (upgradeable)]

[Card quality: precious]

[Effect: Summon a mage and warrior named Mural to serve the planeswalker.

He has a professional level of LV14 warrior/LV17 mage, masters many high-level combat skills and the highest nine-level spell slots, and carries a large number of magic items with him.

In particular, the +4 [Sword of Solid Stone] in the hand not only allows the holder to release [Removing Petrification] three times a day, but also has a certain chance of permanently petrifying the target when it hits.

Mural can understand any language you speak and obey every command you give until he is killed or canceled.]

[To use this card, you need to pay ten white mana points, two black mana points and thirteen blue mana points, or twenty-five general mana points]

[When Mural is killed, the card automatically enters the graveyard to wait for rebirth for fifteen days]

Good guy!

He is actually a legendary character!

Seeing that more than half of the mana had dropped in an instant, as well as the detailed description of this card, the expression on Zuo Si's face became very exciting.

He never expected that this half-human, half-scorpion mad mage apprentice would actually be a weirdo with "double cultivation of magic and martial arts".

And the two professional levels are still so close!

According to the traditional concept of Faerûn, if the total level of all the professions of a creature reaches or exceeds twenty-one, it is equivalent to crossing the threshold of legend.

Although most high-level professionals will choose some part-time jobs to increase their ability to deal with various dangerous and complex situations.

But generally speaking, warriors are basically part-time warrior professions. Spellcasters who choose spellcasting professions will never cross boundaries easily.

In that case, not only will a lot of time and energy be wasted, but it will also lead to a conflict between two completely different concepts in terms of combat methods and tactical arrangements.

The most important thing is that the effect of cross-border part-time jobs is often not as good as those who focus on improving one career.

Among them, the mage is the most typical example.

With the same overall level, when a mage crosses the legendary threshold and begins to study more powerful legendary magic, a part-time mage of the same level can only master six-ring magic, which is totally not worth the gain.

However, considering that Mural was originally a warrior hired by Halaster Black Robe, he became a monk and learned magic halfway.

Moreover, after staying in Earthline Maze City for almost a thousand years, it is quite reasonable to be able to raise the mage level to LV17.

Unfortunately, he committed the same original sin as the Necromancer Asta, which was arrogance.

Especially when the prophecy magic is completely blocked like Earthline Maze, and you can't get any information about your opponent before the war starts, you should be more cautious before taking action.

But this guy was lucky. With a little stimulation, he fell from a good position on the ceiling above his head.

Otherwise, hide up there and add more high-level protective magic. Zuo Si really doesn't have any good way to take him down in a short time.

After making Mural into a card, Zuo Si immediately gave the order to the lava element to help the Dragonborn Knight solve an activated statue.

Following the destructive wall, he helped his teammates solve another activated statue.

At the end of the battle, the dwarf, who was hit repeatedly by the living statue and felt like his whole body was about to fall apart, sat down on the ground and cursed breathlessly: "Shit! Whether it's Halaster Blackrobe or his apprentice, it's true that They are all a bunch of lunatics. That guy attacked us without even a reason!"

"No, Mural has a very good reason. He regards the tenth level of Leyline Labyrinth as his own territory, and the Mad Mage is the master he is loyal to. From the moment he entered this level, he regarded us as the same as the darkness. It is natural for an intruder like an elf to launch an attack." Zuo Si explained with a shrug.

According to the notes of a certain archmage seen in Candlekeep, anyone who is close to the node of the magic network will have their inner and subconscious desires amplified.

Halaster Blackrobe's performance is to collect all kinds of monsters crazily and build portals one after another, allowing the Leyline Maze to expand without limit.

Those adventurers who have repeatedly entered Leyline Maze for a long time have shown their persistence in adventure itself and wealth.

In contrast, Mural regards the tenth floor as his own territory and does not allow anyone to approach it. This should be the same situation.


The halfling thief Cora's eyes widened in disbelief.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, territory.

Don't forget, before the emergence of Waterdeep, it was Halaster Blackrobe who first discovered this place and built a castle and a huge underground labyrinth with his own hands.

Therefore, according to the first-come-first-served principle of the Borderlands, the Mad Mage is the real lord of this land.

I think it is precisely because of this that the nobles and rulers of Waterdeep City have always been very secretive in their attitude towards him. "

"Oh my god! What you said makes sense! No wonder the monsters that escaped from the Maze City caused several tragedies, but Waterdeep City has no intention of pursuing them at all. It turns out that the mad mage is the real master of Waterdeep City, and Waterdeep City The city itself is more like illegally occupying this land." The poet exclaimed, rubbing his face vigorously.

"Your Majesty Moradin! This is simply the most terrifying thing I have ever heard in my life. If Halaster Blackrobe files a complaint to the Temple of Justice in accordance with legal procedures, then it is entirely possible for him to remove everyone from Waterdeep and its surrounding areas. Drive them out of the land." The dwarf said the worst outcome with a solemn face.

Since the Church of Tyr, the God of Justice, has legislative, law enforcement and judicial functions, they are basically in charge of the laws in Waterdeep City.

The most typical characteristic of these people is their selflessness.

So if such a situation really happens, it is entirely possible for them to make a verdict in favor of the "Crazy Mage".

"I think this possibility is unlikely. After all, Halaster Blackrobe only really cares about this Lost City of the Earth, and has no interest in the cities above the surface. Otherwise, the city he just established in Waterdeep City Then all the settlers will be expelled. What’s more, he is so crazy now.”

The halfling Cora also expressed her opinion.

The poet immediately retorted: "No! You don't understand! This is not a question of possibility, but Waterdeep itself is based on the illegal occupation of other people's land. This also means that all official documents issued by Waterdeep The title deeds are also equivalent to a piece of waste paper."

The dwarf spread his hands indifferently: "So what? Anyway, I don't plan to buy a house and settle in Waterdeep City. When I make enough money, I will go back to the dwarf's mine to enjoy the wine and food, and live comfortably. The rest of my life.”

"I think the lords of Waterdeep must have reached an ulterior secret agreement with the mad mage."

"Hmm - that's possible."

Just as a few people were talking, a group of black shadows quickly surrounded the entire hall.

Because his steps were unusually light and he didn't make any sound, most people in the team didn't notice it.

Only Zuo Si, who was reminded by the Shadow Legion, quietly and secretly watched these dark elves suddenly appearing from the corner of his eyes.

It is different from the previous small patrols of four or five people.

There are about twenty of them in total, and there are also a large number of priests and mages.

If nothing else, it should be the dark elf family that Mural mentioned invading this layer - Evaand.

After all, Earthline Maze City is directly connected to the Underdark Region.

When Halaster Blackrobe first occupied this area, he severely damaged the dark elves and gray dwarves who tried to occupy this area.

As an extremely arrogant, proud, evil and cruel race, how could the dark elves endure this tone.

Over the years, they have been seeking revenge.

Of course, facing a powerful and crazy legendary mage directly is not a good idea.

Therefore, some families began to actively infiltrate the Earthline Maze City, hoping to seize the Skull Port on the third level and completely open up the connection with the Landmark World.

Unfortunately, these plans failed due to Mural's obstruction.

If you look at the surrounding dark elf-style decorations and buildings, you will know that they once established a stable stronghold here.

Therefore, the strange situation on the tenth level is probably the result of hundreds of years of repeated competition between Mural and several dark elf families.

What a bunch of idle and miserable guys...

Zuo Si complained in his heart.

He couldn't imagine why he wasted so much time on such a meaningless fight.

When more than twenty dark elves were all ambushed, the leading woman immediately made a series of very obscure sign language.

After seeing this scene, the men holding powerful crossbows immediately poisoned the crossbow arrows with extremely skilled movements, and then raised them to aim at their respective targets and pull the trigger.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

With the sound of piercing the air, ten poisonous arrows with enchantment level +3 flew straight towards the five people in the hall.

On average, each person received two.

Unfortunately, when these arrows were about to hit their targets, they were all blocked by an invisible wall.

It’s still [Power Wall Technique].

When dealing with pure physical attacks, this five-ring arcane magic is always a god-like existence.


The leading woman immediately shouted in the unique language of dark elves.

The man in a robe next to him immediately started chanting a spell, wanting to release the sixth-ring [Dissociation Technique] to destroy the wall of force.

But before he could finish the spell, he found that the magic power he had finally gathered was suddenly and inexplicably reduced a lot.

In the end, it failed to complete the shaping of the spell structure, and it failed unexpectedly.

"This...how is this possible!" The male drow mage had a shocked expression on his face.

Because after living for more than two hundred years, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"What's going on? What are you dawdling about?" the leading woman asked sternly, waving a snake-head whip.

Since the status of women in Dark Elf society is much higher than that of men, the priestesses have unquestionable supreme leadership and can even execute men who offend her at will.

The mage hurriedly explained: "No! It's not that I'm dawdling! It's that there is some kind of force that interferes with the casting!"

"Shut up! You lowly male! I'll give you another chance! If you still fail, wait to be sent to be fed to spiders." The leading woman threatened viciously.

The mage did not dare to talk back and immediately began to try to cast the second [Dissociation Spell].

But the result was the same as before, the energy was lost by more than half before the spell was cast.

Just when he was trying to explain, he suddenly found that he couldn't make any sound.

In fact, not only him, but also the female leader and others around him were unable to make even the slightest sound.

Obviously, Zuo Si used [Silence Technique] and some stones made with Silence Technique to mute all other places except the entire hall around him.

In desperation, the dark elves could only begin to communicate in sign language.

Fortunately, their sign language has already developed a complex and complete system that can even completely replace speaking.

The only problem is...

Zuo Si, already under the double protection of Davian and the dwarf defenders, began to chant the spell in a low voice.

In just a few seconds, a large area of ​​magical darkness that even dark vision could not see through enveloped the entire area.

The three-ring magic - [Deep Darkness Technique].

The characteristics of this spell are just like what they are doing now. It directly makes a radius close to twenty meters completely devoid of any light.

As a result, even the drow who are accustomed to living in the dark will inevitably become blind.

Coupled with the previous silence technique, it basically deprives the other party of all possibilities of communication.

For most creatures, this is equivalent to completely cutting off their perception of their surroundings.

And without being able to see or hear, no one knows exactly what is going on in the darkness.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zuo Si used the [Daylight Technique], which is also a three-ring magic, to dispel the magical darkness. Everyone was shocked to find that all the dark elves fell to the ground dead without a single wound on their bodies.

Out of curiosity, the halfling thief Cora immediately ran to a corpse to examine it carefully, and soon said without looking back: "This guy died of respiratory failure."

"respiratory failure?"

An incomprehensible expression came over the poet's face.

"Yes, it's respiratory failure. Although it sounds incredible, they did suffocate themselves to death because they didn't breathe for a long time. All dark elves are the same."

Cora gave her unequivocal judgment.

"Thos, what did you do to them?" the poet asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "It's very simple. I used a certain method to make them lose the strength to breathe, so naturally they all suffocated and died."

Obviously, the real situation is that the enemy lost their awareness of the surroundings and ordered the Shadow Legion to attack, killing all the dark elves easily.

Because he was sure that drows who were accustomed to operating in the dark could never carry magic items and props like [Daylight Technique] that could create strong light.

And because they can't hear or see, they don't know what's going on with other people around them.

By the time countless shadows touched him, it was already too late.

The mages didn't even have time to bless themselves with protective magic, and the priests also didn't bless themselves with protection from evil.

"Alas - it's really enviable to be able to master the power of both divine and arcane arts at the same time." The poet couldn't help but sigh.

Although he is also an arcane spellcaster himself, his spell list is far less comprehensive than that of a mage.

Especially the inability to learn the amazingly powerful plasticity and necromancy magics, resulting in a serious lack of attack methods.

"There is no need to be envious. Since you can become a bard, you can definitely become a mage through study. What's more, there are many academies in Waterdeep City that specialize in teaching magic. You can definitely give it a try." Zuo Si encouraged with a smile. .

"Do you think I have the talent to become a mage?" The poet's eyes shone slightly.

Zuo Si thought for a while and then responded: "It will definitely not be a problem to learn at least three-ring magic. By then, whether it is fireball or lightning, it can make up for the lack of lethality of your spells."

"I understand! Thank you for your advice. When I return from this adventure, I will find a magic academy to sign up." The poet said with a trace of gratitude in his tone.

While the two were talking, the dwarf Luger and Korra had already removed all the equipment from the dark elves.

The former also threw two spell books directly over, grinned and said: "Soth! Look at how many spells are recorded on this thing. I heard that wizards' spell books are very valuable."

"Don't worry. Cracking and identifying spell books is a delicate job. Let's find a relatively safe place first."

With eighteen points of agility, Zuo Si caught the two books very easily, with a trace of anticipation in his eyes.

He had heard that the dark elf mages in the Underdark created some very unique magic.

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