A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 207 Earthquake (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

"[Swift Preparation], [Light Extinguishing Technique], [Secondary Spider Form], [Spider Form], [Advanced Spider Form], [Spider Elf Form], [Magic Recoil], [Shadow Veil], [Double Shadow], [Terror Devouring]... The dark elves who have lived in the Underdark for more than 10,000 years have indeed created some quite interesting magic."

After Zuo Si flipped through two spell books, a playful expression suddenly appeared on his face.

Among these spells, [Swift Preparation for War] allows the subject to obtain a small amount of information about the enemy and be fully prepared for the upcoming battle.

[Light Extinguishing] can extinguish any non-magical light source, creating the most favorable combat environment for Drow who like to launch sneak attacks in the dark.

The three spider forms allow the caster to turn into medium, large and giant purgatory spiders respectively. Just like turning into a spider elf, they are very suitable for underground worlds with complex environments.

[Magic Recoil] can cause the enemy who is releasing a spell to suffer backlash damage in an instant. The higher the level of the spell being released, the greater the damage.

[Shadow Veil] allows drow who are afraid of bright light to cover themselves with darkness, which can not only protect them from blindness and weakness caused by strong light, but also provide a certain concealment effect.

[Double Shadow] creates a hazy phantom similar to yourself to attack the enemy. If the other party believes it to be true, then this spell will cause corresponding psychic damage and may even lead to mental death.

[Terror Devouring] is basically equivalent to creating a gelatinous monster to devour the target, causing it to die of suffocation or strong acid corrosion.

Perhaps because of their dark skin and strong magic resistance, the original spells of dark elves generally tend to be in the transformation, conjuration, prophecy and illusion systems, and there are basically no enchantment or evocation systems.

Especially [Magic Repulse], which does not require any spells at all and can be released to the enemy who is casting the spell with just one gesture.

If it is a high-level spell, the backlash damage caused may even interrupt concentration, causing the enemy to fail to cast the spell.

It is simply the most practical type of magic in spell duels.

And it only takes a second-level spell to memorize it.

"So, are these two spell books valuable?" Dwarf Luger asked enthusiastically.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Of course. If nothing else, they can all be sold for more than 10,000 gold coins. But I suggest that it is best to take them to the Tower of Order to participate in the weekly auction. The unique ones among them There should be some high-level mages interested in these dark elf spells, so they can pay a lot of money to buy them."

"Hey! I understand this. Those high-level mages don't care how much money they have to spend to get what they are interested in." The dwarf grinned with a treacherous smile.

"How much have we earned from this adventure so far?"

The poet Kers also came over at some point, his eyes glowing green like a wolf.

"If those dark elves' equipment didn't depreciate, it would cost more than hundreds of thousands of gold coins."

The dwarf roughly calculated the loot harvested along the way and quickly gave a relatively conservative number.

no way.

After all, it is difficult to accurately estimate loot before it is actually sold.

Because the buyer is very likely to give a much higher price than the original price of the item for their own reasons, or deliberately suppress the price, resulting in the adventurer being able to sell it at half price.

"A hundred thousand? Damn it! So we are going to make a fortune this time!"

Kers excitedly performed the classic "fly rubbing his hands" action, as if he had seen himself holding a large sum of money to seduce all the married ladies he had targeted before.

As one of Faerûn's leading scholars quipped, many bards are "breasts" who think with their lower bodies.

Among them, the men are either showing their "virility" in bed, or they are on their way to the next bed.

Women are also either seducing someone they are interested in or looking for their next prey.

Seeing Kers's expression of being unable to support the wall with mud, the dwarf immediately rolled his eyes: "Don't think too much. More than half of the money belongs to Soth. Because he contributed the most to the adventure, and more than once he let The team saved the day, so it’s natural to take the big prize. As for you... you still owe more than five thousand gold coins plus interest on foreign debt that you haven’t paid off yet."

"Ah! You didn't mention it and I forgot about it! Oh my god! Doesn't that mean I won't get much money at all?"

The poet's mood fell from heaven to hell in an instant.

Although he is already considered a high-level adventurer, due to his chaotic hobbies and private life, he has been relying on foreign debts to survive, and the monthly interest rate is as high as 30% or more.

In other words, in a place like Faerun, any loan is 100% usury with compound interest.

Unless the business is in trouble or life is really unbearable, no one would want to take on such a heavy debt.

"Camilla the Viper has said harsh words. If you can't repay the money within three weeks, she will send someone to take you to her shop to sell your butt. It is said that some people in Waterdeep City have special hobbies. The wealthy businessman is already eager to give it a try. So I suggest you don't think about defaulting on the loan or running away, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." Halfling Cora reminded her in a pretentious manner.

"Okay, okay, why don't I pay off the debt as soon as I get the share?"

Kers was obviously frightened and couldn't help but cover his buttocks and shudder.

Seeing his appearance, the two "bad friends" the dwarf and the halfling immediately laughed loudly, and the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

But soon, Zuo Si brought the topic back and asked directly: "How much do you know about the situation on the eleventh floor?"

"The eleventh floor?"

Luger stroked the thick beard on his chin and thought for a moment, then quickly replied: "I just heard Dunan mention that the eleventh floor of the underground maze is mainly occupied by a large number of troglodytes.

There are also dark elves who try to capture them to use as slaves and cannon fodder.

The latter is most likely the Avand family that they met before.

Other than that are the trolls that feed on troglodytes and a green-footed dragon snake.

But that was several years ago, and no one knows if anything has changed now. "

As we all know, the monster passages in Leyline Labyrinth are not static.

Just the opposite!

Whether it is the mad mage Halaster Blackrobe, his apprentices, or invaders from the depths of the Underdark, all levels will undergo drastic changes every once in a while.

This also means that all intelligence and information about the Lost City of Earth are often time-sensitive.

Any information that is more than one or two years old can only be used as a reference.

If you really prepare as described above, you probably won't even know how you died.

In addition, starting from the eighth to ninth floors underground, portals and transmission devices leading to other levels will be hidden in some inconspicuous corners.

If touched accidentally, a living person will be transported from one familiar level to another completely unfamiliar level in minutes.

Since prophecy magic is prohibited, the person being transported cannot reach his current location and depth at all.

"It doesn't sound like there's much danger. Why don't we take a short rest and set off as soon as possible to finish this floor within four hours." Zuo Si glanced at the passage leading to the eleventh floor and suggested.

The dwarf nodded quickly: "No problem! I'll listen to you."

You don't need to ask to know that because of his outstanding performance and keen judgment along the way, Zuo Si has completely won the 100% trust of his teammates.

Ruger would immediately adopt any suggestion he made without saying a word.

In this way, the team rested near the entrance for about half an hour.

When his physical strength was almost restored, he stood up and entered the next level.

As expected, after everyone entered the eleventh floor, they found an outpost built by the dark elves, which housed almost twenty captured troglodytes before they had gone far.

On the gate of the outpost hangs the coat of arms symbolizing the Avand family.

No hesitation!

Zuo Si directly used his old trick again, first using [Deep Darkness Technique] to completely plunge the outpost into darkness.

Immediately afterwards, stones blessed with silence were used, causing the entire area to fall into silence.

Finally, the Shadow Legion attacked, killing all the dark elves and troglodytes inside without leaving a single one behind.

Because neither of these two races is good.

The so-called troglodyte is actually a kind of intelligent lizard that is about 1.5 to 1.6 meters tall and walks upright.

Just like their name, they are a group of savage, cruel and reckless guys by nature, and will regard all creatures, including their own kind, as a source of food.

Therefore, Zuo Si had no psychological burden when killing.

After the battle, the attentive halfling Cora found some gem-encrusted badges, rings and ceremonial daggers from the corpse.

It is estimated to be worth more than two thousand gold coins.

In addition, there are four or five boxes containing weapons, equipment, crossbows and bottled poisons that have not yet been distributed, as well as military rations specially made by the dark elves.

You don't need to ask to know that these things are supplies prepared for patrols and hunting teams.

Just when the poet was curious and picked up a piece of military dry food to taste it, Zuo Si immediately warned: "If I were you, I would not touch any drow food. Because when food is scarce, they occasionally give some Intelligent creatures also put it into their own recipes."

"What? You mean... there might be human flesh in these things?" Kelsi's eyes widened in disbelief.

"That's right! It is said that some dark elves are the ultimate pragmatists. The food-scarce environment in the Underdark determines that if you want to survive here, you must learn to be ruthless and cruel. They don't care about ethics and morals. As long as it is nutritious and delicious, I will eat it without hesitation.”

Zuo Si stared at the cake-shaped dry food made of shredded pork, mushroom powder and a small amount of moss, and said meaningfully.

Thanks to the help of the Eye of Knowledge, he could easily see that a large proportion of the fibers in the meat should belong to humanoid creatures.

Maybe it's a goblin, maybe it's a gray dwarf, maybe it's an orc, or a kuo-toa fish.

Even mushroom powder is probably ground up from the corpses of myconids.

The latter is a kind of plant intelligent life similar to a large mushroom, which is widely distributed in the dark areas.

"Damn! Luckily I didn't put it in my mouth."

The poet cursed in a low voice and immediately threw the dry food in his hand to the ground.

After clearing the outpost of all valuables, the team continued walking through the darkness along the intricate tunnels.

Because Zuo Si completely released the Shadow Army, he killed wantonly within the range where he could extract mana and life energy.

So there are very few encounters along the way.

Most of the enemies were killed by countless shadows before they even noticed the adventuring team approaching.

Even if occasionally a spellcaster succeeds in blessing himself with a protective spell that can withstand attacks from incorporeal creatures, the shadow assassin Yelnia will personally take action and stab the opponent's neck or back with a sharp dagger containing poison.

Under this snowball-like expansion, the number of the Shadow Legion has reached an astonishing more than 15,000.

Unless a large number of deaths are caused by high-level positive energy magic, the number will continue to increase.

With the harvested mana, Zuo Si continued to make those newly learned spells into magic cards.

He was even ready to use the [Enlightenment Undead Creatures] recorded in the "Book of the Dead" to imbue some advanced shadows with wisdom so that they could become more powerful through learning and training after mastering the seven-ring magic.

After searching for a long time along the intricate maze, the team finally found the most powerful monster on the eleventh floor, a green-footed dragon they had encountered in the Carlin Desert, in an area full of broken bones in the southwest corner. snake.

After the two sides met, they started a head-on battle without even a word of nonsense.

Zuo Si directly issued an attack order, letting the huge lava element take the lead in charging.

Feeling the heat wave coming towards its face, the green-footed dragon snake did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately opened its mouth and spit out a lightning breath that was very close to the blue dragon.


Accompanied by the dazzling white electric light, a large hole appeared on the lava element.

But unfortunately, this damage is obviously not enough to destroy it, and it cannot even hinder the charging speed at all.

Realizing that it was difficult for his attack to kill such a huge elemental creature at once, the Green-footed Dragon Snake immediately activated the arcane mark left by the mad mage on his body.

I saw one of the scales suddenly flashing with a dazzling arcane aura.

The next second...

Its huge body completely disappeared.


Obviously, this is not the spell-like ability that the blue-footed dragon snake should have, but is given by the scar-like mark.

However, with the weight of the blue-footed dragon, it is obviously impossible to move quietly like a thief in an environment of broken bones.

When it started to run away to the side, it immediately made a clicking sound, accompanied by the sight of bones being crushed and flying everywhere.

As a result, the lava element immediately changed direction and chased after him.

Zuo Si and the poet began to chant almost the same mantra at almost the same time.

Just a few seconds later, a large ball of oil flew out from their fingertips and lay directly at the feet of the green-footed dragon snake that remained invisible.

Due to the sudden decrease in friction, this giant creature immediately fell down upon impact.

The giant lava element took the opportunity to pounce directly on it, crushing it like a mountain.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Surrounded by the splashing hot magma, the Green-footed Dragon Snake suddenly let out a painful scream, while frantically using lightning breath and sharp tooth bite to fight back, while releasing energy rays like [Colorful Jet].

You don't need to ask to know that all these spell-like abilities originate from the mark engraved on the scales.

In order to prevent the overheated magma from burning out the scales engraved with the mark, Zuo Si quickly stopped the attack of the lava element and followed up with the [Spell] that had lost the ability of a chosen one.

On the spot, this monster with a low intelligence attribute was turned into a fool with only a little bit left.

At this moment, not to mention continuing to fight, the Green-footed Dragon Snake may even have lost its self-awareness and awareness of the things around it, and it just remains standing motionless.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Si skillfully took out a blank card and sealed it.

At this point, the road to the twelfth floor was finally opened.

In the pit behind the Green-footed Dragon Snake's lair, the adventure team also found a pile of gold and silver coins and gems that seemed to be cast in the Underdark.

In addition, there are some magic items and gadgets.

For example, a scorpion brooch made by gray dwarves can quench the wearer's weapon once a day;

An ancient elf-style music box. Just tap the green gems inlaid on the box to play different music;

Finally, there is a steel helmet that emits a terrifying red light when worn.

Of course, this helmet does not have any other magical power attached to it. It is simply used to scare people, making the wearer look like some kind of lower plane creature or undead.

"Hahahaha! This is why I like adventure. There is nothing more satisfying than finding the treasure it collected after defeating a powerful monster. Look at these shiny coins. They are worth about seven or eight thousand in total. Gold coins. Those gems, music boxes and magic items can also be sold for a lot of money." The dwarf laughed happily.

"I totally agree……"

Zuo Si stared at the creature card he had just finished making in his hand, with a meaningful smile on his face.

Because these three temporary teammates have no idea that the most valuable thing in this trip to the Lost City has already been collected by him.

That little money, gems, and magic items are nothing compared to these creature cards and tons of mana.

Take the Blue-footed Dragon Snake as an example. The arcane mark on its scales should be the arcane mark left by the mad mage, which allows this guy to cast [Invisibility], [Colorful Jet] and [Sleep] with just one thought. Ability.

Although they seem to be low-level spells, the magical knowledge and technology contained in them are definitely worth spending time to study.

Once the research is successful, Zuo Si will be able to add some additional spell-like abilities to all summoned creatures, including himself and Wilmes, that can be released with just a thought without the need for spells or gestures.

At this moment, he finally understood why Earthline Maze was so dangerous and why so many adventurers were willing to come down to explore it every year.

Without him!

It's just that the benefits are simply too generous.

Warrior professions can find their coveted magic equipment and countless wealth in it, while spellcasters, especially mages and warlocks, can obtain a variety of magical knowledge.

Since all the enemies and monsters on this level were basically killed, the team quickly cleared an open space in the Green-footed Dragon Snake's lair.

After simply washing his hands and face, Zuo Si directly released the Six Ring Magic [Heroes' Banquet], creating a long table filled with all kinds of delicious food and drinks, as well as a dozen chairs out of thin air.

Obviously, with his current spellcasting level, he could feed more than ten people in one summons.

Seeing the unprecedented delicious food on the table that made people drool, the dwarf immediately licked his lips and sighed: "No matter how many times I see it, this magic is so shocking."

"Yes! But does it really matter if you use high-level magic to satisfy your appetite at will? I heard that other priests are often very cautious when using magic, for fear of causing dissatisfaction with the gods they serve." Halfling Korra asked in an uncertain tone.

"It doesn't matter. The goddess who gave me magic is very generous. She won't mind these little things."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and was the first to sit down, tearing off the roasted chicken legs and eating them with relish.

After all, compared with the divine power and various powerful elect abilities given by Talona, ​​a mere six-ring magical hero banquet is probably not even a drop in the bucket.

What's more, he has already found Ogma, the God of Knowledge, as his successor, so he doesn't panic at all.

Compared with ordinary priests who serve the gods with trepidation, Zuo Si is undoubtedly an alien among aliens and has no respect for God.

"Are you really the God's favorite? Your life is really enviable."

The poet murmured something under his breath, and then sat down and began to enjoy the food and wine.

As for the rude-looking dwarf, he had already taken advantage of the moment to clear a plate and was pouring the finest wine into his mouth with a flask in his hand.

It wasn't until the bottle of wine was finished that he wiped the wine stains on his lips and beard, and said with a satisfied expression: "It's so enjoyable! I don't think anyone would believe that such a luxurious banquet could be held in the earth." Eating it in the Lost City.”

"Of course! The Hero's Banquet is a six-ring magic. It is estimated that the chief priests of some small local temples may not be able to reach this priest level. What's more, even if they reach it, they will not be willing to use the precious six-ring magic slots to memorize A spell specifically for eating and drinking." The halfling Cora explained, sucking her greasy fingers.

Just when the dwarf was about to say something, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook slightly for no apparent reason.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Leyline City began to shake violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Rumble, rumble!

Everyone who was only halfway through their meal was thrown around.

The long table was overturned in an instant due to the violent vibration, and food and drinks were scattered on the floor.

"Damn it! What's going on?" the poet asked loudly in fear.

"I think there are only two possibilities. One is that a large-scale collapse occurred below, and the other is that the lunatic Halaster Blackrobe is making large-scale adjustments to the structure of Leymaze." The dwarf gritted his teeth and said his story. guess.

Because this is not the first time something like this has happened.

For adventurers, in addition to various traps and monsters, the mad mage himself is the most dangerous thing in Leyline Labyrinth.

After all, this huge mystery-like area formed by magic network nodes was built by him.

Therefore, the latter can often expel a person or a team directly with just a thought, or teleport to any corner of the dungeon.

In addition, Halaster Black Robe can also modify the structure of any one or several levels according to his own wishes.

Since he is a complete madman, he does not consider the safety of the various creatures and adventurers inside when transforming.

Zuo Si, who had [Walking in the Air] among his elector abilities, had already lifted his feet off the ground and stood about one meter high in the air, very cautiously assessing the possible impact of severe vibrations.

But before anything could be seen, the ground near the eleventh floor leading to the twelfth floor suddenly reversed.

The dwarves, halflings, poets and Davian accidentally fell into the dark hole and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.


Zuo Si quickly canceled his volley and rushed in to chase his teammates and summoned creatures.

He was not sure whether the poet had memorized the first level of [Feather Falling Technique] today.

If he hadn't remembered and failed to catch up in time, the four people who fell might have died alive.

It stayed in free fall like this for several minutes, and I could even hear the whistling airflow and the roar of the monster when it passed through certain levels.

Zuo Si finally saw the four people who had just successfully performed the [Feather Falling Technique] and landed on the ground.

He himself quickly took out a card and cast [Feather Falling Technique] on himself, and it fell down like a feather.

It has to be said that when falling from a high place, using the [Feather Falling Technique] quite tests the caster's psychological quality.

Because the trick with this spell is that it must not be released too early or too late.

If it is too early, if the height from the ground is still too high after the spell ends, there is still the risk of falling to death on the spot or being seriously injured or disabled.

As we all know, people fall very quickly.

It was almost 100 meters away in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, if it is too late, one will accidentally miss the best opportunity to use [Feather Falling Technique] and directly hit the ground and become a mess of blood and flesh.

Usually it is used when it is about twenty meters above the ground, just enough to fall steadily.

Fortunately, the poet, who usually seems a bit unreliable, finally performed exceptionally at the critical moment and saved his teammates.

His face was pale at the moment, and he was lying on the ground and vomiting. It was obviously a stress reaction caused by being too nervous.

Of course, others are not much better.

The dwarf's legs were shaking uncontrollably, and he could barely stay standing only by holding on to the wall.

The halfling Cora was lying on her back on the ground, swallowing hard, her eyes revealing the deep fear from deep inside her heart.

Only the fearless dragonborn knight Davian adjusted his condition immediately, walked straight to Zuo Si and asked: "Master, where are we now?"

"I don't know. Judging from the time of free fall just now, this place is at least about ten kilometers away from the eleventh floor. It should be a deeper level in the Leyline Maze City. And I can start to feel the amazing energy emitted by the magic network nodes." Zuo Si narrowed his eyes and replied.


After wandering in this huge underground maze for several days, he finally reached the level where the magic network node was located.

Due to their close proximity, the sparks can even draw amazing amounts of magical energy from the surrounding air.

It can be predicted that if this land card is successfully produced, the mana value it can provide will definitely not be comparable to any previous one.

"In other words, this level is the end of this adventure..."

Davian subconsciously glanced at the crystallized walls, ceiling, and floor in front of him, as well as the bright and colorful magical light.

Different from any previous level, this place does not look dark at all. A large number of valuable crystals can be seen everywhere. It is like a maze transformed from a crystal vein.

And standing at the entrance is a three-meter-tall structure made of crystal, which is emitting bright and dazzling light. It looks a bit like a Githyanki warrior.

"Be careful! I think the main enemies on this level are most likely the Githyanki and their mortal enemies, the mind flayers." Zuo Si warned in a low voice.

He didn't really care about the crystal golem guarding the entrance.

Because this low-quality construct has no merit at all except that it can release a strong flash of light to temporarily blind the enemy.

The hardness of the crystal that makes up its body is also quite poor, and it only takes a few hits from an adamantine weapon to break it into pieces and turn it into a pile of worthless fragments.


Davian had long learned how to deal with the golem. After his master blessed him with a lot of strengthening spells, as well as the [Shadow Veil] that could prevent him from being blinded by strong light, he immediately rushed forward and launched the first attack.

This time, he did not use his standard +2 flaming sword, but took out the magic adamantine warhammer that was specially used to knock the lich's phylactery.


With a muffled sound, the dragonborn knight jumped up high after finishing his charge, picked up his hammer and hit the crystal golem hard on the head.


The latter's head shattered on the spot, with most of it turning into crystal shards and flying everywhere, and the remaining half of his face was covered in dense spider-like cracks.

Obviously, with the amazing power attributes brought by his strong muscles and magic, Davian is like a human tyrannosaurus, which cannot be resisted by a mere crystal golem.

Although the latter released a strong flash of light as soon as it was attacked, its huge body was like a super giant bright light bulb, which pierced people's eyes.

But unfortunately, the [Shadow Veil] developed by the drow can just offset it.

As a result, one person and one golem fought fiercely at close range for half a minute. The crystal golem finally lost its ability to move and fell to the ground into a puddle of worthless broken crystals.

Zuo Si unceremoniously absorbed the mana contained in it, turned around and asked the other three temporary teammates: "How are you, do you feel better now?"

"Ugh-no! I don't feel good at all."

The poet's stress reaction seemed not to have passed, and he immediately began to feel sick as soon as he spoke.

The situation of the dwarves is similar, their legs cannot use any strength at all.

The thief Korra seemed to have lost all awareness of the outside world and did not respond at all.

"Okay, then you guys can rest here for a while, and Davian and I will go in and explore first."

After that, Zuo Si stepped directly over the remains of the crystal golem and entered the colorful hall behind.

Since all crystals are glowing, the color of the light will change every once in a while.

Therefore, the first thing you need to face when exploring at this level is the amazing light pollution.

Zuo Si rummaged around in his bag for a few seconds, then took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on.

This thing was originally prepared to deal with the strong direct sunlight in the desert when crossing the Kalin Desert.

Unexpectedly, it would come in handy again now.

Entering the hall, the first thing you see is the tunnels extending in all directions.

After a simple investigation, four passages lead to the potholes on the left and right respectively.

The left side was like a training ground, with several Mind Flayer-shaped targets placed there.

If nothing else, this should be a place where the Githyanki train.

No creature in the entire multiverse hates the mind flayers more than these guys, and they hunt them across all planes.

In contrast, the right side is much livelier, with four Githyanki warriors working in groups of two and punching each other to pass the boring time.

"Go! Kill them!"

Zuo Si directly gave the attack order to the dragon knight beside him.

In his opinion, the astral bandit Githyanki are essentially no different from the dark elves. They are all the kind of lunatics who want to conquer and enslave other races, including humans, completely forgetting that they were enslaved by the mind flayers in the first place. Tragic experience.

For these guys who have turned from dragon slayers into evil dragons, there is nothing wrong with killing every one they see.

"As you wish!"

Davian said nothing, changed his weapon to a flaming sword, and immediately launched a charge, appearing in front of the four Githyanki at lightning speed.

Before the other party could react, he struck a child with a sword.

In the blink of an eye, all four unlucky guys fell dead in a pool of blood.

Two of them were decapitated with a sword, and the other two were stabbed through the heart.

One of the guys even tried to raise his arm with a gauntlet to block. As a result, the entire arm was chopped off, and dark red blood sprayed everywhere.

Because the killing speed was so fast, they had no time to make any sound or alarm.

Next to the huge crater, Zuo Si saw a carving of a Githyanki riding a red dragon.

You don’t need to ask to know that this piece of art is intended to represent the most famous red dragon knight in the Githyanki Empire.

It is said that their queen made some unknown deal with the dragon god Tiamat, so that the Githyanki could recruit relatively young red dragons to their armies.

In this collaboration, the relationship between rider and dragon is one of equals.

Young red dragons can also use this meeting to hone their fighting abilities, and also go on raids with the Githyanki to harvest large amounts of treasure.

But as the dragon ages to a certain extent, it will choose to leave on its own.

After all, the red dragon is a born tyrant, and it is impossible to serve a certain person or force for a long time.

Just when Zuo Sisi was about to take a look around to see if there were any secret compartments or secret doors, Davian, who had already walked into the front room, suddenly exclaimed: "Master! Look! There are twelve robbers here!" The skull of the inner demon!”


Zuo Si was stunned for a moment, then hurried over to check.

Just as the Dragonborn Knight described it, twelve Mind Flayer skulls were lined up in a row on a table made of crystal.

Through simple identification, he immediately discovered that these skulls were all necromancy magic items, and they were a complete set.

If someone breaks one of them, the remaining skull that has not been destroyed will scream mentally, causing extremely terrifying large-scale psychic damage.

"Interesting... is this the work of a Githyanki spellcaster?" Zuo Si showed an interested expression.

Because this is not an ordinary skull at all, but the soul of the Mind Flayer that was killed and imprisoned inside.

The principle is also very simple!

All mind flayer souls are connected together through the power of magic.

In this way, when one of them is shattered, its soul will suffer unimaginable pain.

The pain will be shared along with the soul connection, and all other mind flayers will feel the soul pain that cannot be described in words, thus stimulating the remaining psychic power in their souls to produce a piercing scream.

Only a Githyanki, who hates the mind flayers so much, could do such a cruel thing.

Because even after death, they hope to make their enemies taste the ultimate pain.

Carefully putting these skulls into the backpack he carried with him, Zuo Si took Davian to continue exploring.

After passing a huge crystal stalactite, he saw a large silver mist hanging over the pit.

Through the partition wall, you can vaguely hear someone talking in dragon language not far away.

"Desla, listen to me and give up. No matter how many mind flayers you kill, that cunning guy will never give you what you want."

"But Ashland Sachs, what if we don't even try and someone else beats us to it?"

"Ha! Whoever wants to be a fool, just let them do it. Believe me, Achaiya will never give those precious books to anyone. I think she probably wants to read them herself to get the benefits."

"Really? Then why did she make the promise?"

"Hmph! It's not just to trick a naive knight like you into fighting the mind flayer. Do you know? Last week, several young warriors failed to come back alive. If nothing else, they have either had their hearts taken away by now. Either the devil implants the tadpole, or the brain is eaten clean."

Since both Zuo Si and Davian could understand Dragon Language, they both showed very surprised expressions after listening to these conversations.

They knew very well that one of the two people talking was definitely a young red dragon.

The other one is a githyanki knight.

"Master, do you want to take action?" Davian asked cautiously in a low voice.

Zuo Si touched his chin and hesitated for a moment, then quickly raised the corners of his mouth with a chilling smile: "Of course! Although I am not interested in making a red dragon that is too young into a card, it can just be used to upgrade you." The purity of the Dragonborn’s bloodline.”


Davian quickly put away the flaming sword and took out the magic adamantine warhammer again.

Against red dragons, flame-enchanted weapons obviously have no effect at all.

On the contrary, it is more powerful like an adamantine war hammer that purely increases the hardness.

Zuo Si used the invisible wand to bless himself and the Dragonborn Knight with the invisibility spell, and touched forward lightly.

After a while, they saw a female Githyanki sitting astride the back of a young red dragon on the edge of the pit.

Judging from the sounds the latter made when speaking, she was probably also a female.

Since Zuo Si has the blessing of [True Knowledge], he can always see Davian's position.

After the opponent arrived at the predetermined location, he immediately activated four magic cards - [Ice Storm] without hesitation.

This is a type of ice-based group-killing magic that can cover a radius of twelve meters.

It can cause amazing extra damage to fire-type red dragons.

The moment the card was activated, countless biting hail and ice cones rained down from the sky.

Before the red dragon and her knight could react to what was happening, they were hit on the head and face.

The female Githyanki who wasn't strong enough to survive was instantly severely injured by the smash, and then was frozen in place by the biting cold, losing the ability to move.

The red dragon, who was also seriously injured, quickly raised his head and breathed out flames, trying to save his knight.

Unfortunately, the young dragon's breath may be effective against one or two [Ice Storms], but it is obviously beyond the scope of its ability to fight against four.

Although the hot breath also managed to evaporate some hailstones and ice picks.

But when the breath ended, hailstones and ice cones fell again like raindrops.

The water vapor formed by previous evaporation quickly condenses into ultra-low temperature ice slag in the air under the action of the new round of cold air.

The red dragon just took a breath of such air, and immediately began to cough violently. Blood slowly flowed out along the nostrils and mouth. It was obvious that his lungs were frostbitten.

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