A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 208: The Starport of the Githyanki (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Quick...go! Leave me alone!"

The female knight, who fell to the ground dying, sent a farewell signal to her mount companion.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, the alliance between the red dragons and the Githyanki, like all evil alliances, is nothing more than taking advantage of each other.

But there are also many groups that work together to deal with the powerful mind flayers, and gradually develop feelings for each other as they get along day and night.

Obviously, the pair in front of them should be in a similar situation.

But unfortunately, from the moment Zuo Si took action and appeared, the outcome was already doomed.

In other words, a mere young red dragon had no ability to survive his rapid attack.

The red dragon dragged his injured body and didn't run very far.

Davian, who remained invisible and was waiting on the road he must pass, jumped deep and high, raised the magic adamantine war hammer in his hand and smashed it down hard.

boom! ! ! ! !

With a violent impact and loud noise, the young red dragon's head hit the ground, making a small crater.

The crystallized ground was like a spider web, splitting into a large area of ​​dense lines in an instant.

Because it was somewhat blinded by the four ice storms before, the dragon did not notice the sudden attack at all, and its hard skull shattered on the spot in front of Davian's terrifying power.

The brain matter spurted out from the eardrums, nostrils and other places under the violent concussion.

If it were another type of young dragon, he would probably lose consciousness instantly even if he didn't die suddenly after being hit like this.

But the red dragon is indeed the most ferocious and cruel of all dragons.

Even though his mind was not clear, and even his eyes were covered with plasma and he couldn't see clearly who the enemy was, he opened his mouth and breathed out a deadly breath of flames.


The hot cone-shaped flames directly turned the tunnel ahead into a purgatory.

Unfortunately, Dragonborn Knight Davian was completely immune to fire damage, so he rushed up against the dragon's breath and hit the young dragon's head hard again.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

With almost every blow, you can see that the red dragon's head is visibly dented, his whole body is twitching violently and uncontrollably, and his brains are splashing out along his eardrums, nostrils, and eyes.

When the last hammer was struck, the young female red dragon finally became motionless and completely dead.

"NO!!!! Ashland Sachs!"

The Githyanki knightess let out a wail of pain and despair as she saw her mount and companion slain.

If it had been anyone else, they might have resonated with or even sympathized with the friendship between one person and one dragon.

But the hard-hearted Zuo Si mocked meaningfully in dragon language: "Don't put on that disgusting look and make it look like we are evil people.

As you Githyanki and red dragon allies plundered and conquered the entire multiverse, you slaughtered and enslaved other races far more cruelly than this.

Don't worry, I will send you to another world to meet your mount now. "

"You will pay for this! I curse you! Curse you to a bad death!" the female Githyanki roared with a ferocious expression.

"I'm sorry, but your pathetic resentment isn't even enough to affect me in the slightest."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si pulled out the "Day Star" from his waist and inserted it directly into the other person's eye socket, penetrating the entire brain.

After finishing all this, he shook off the brains and blood stains on the sword blade, and said to the motionless corpse: "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

"Master, what should I do with this dragon's body?" Davian asked in an uncertain tone.

"Put it up first. After this adventure is over, I will find an opportunity to use it to help you level up."

After that, Zuo Si released the three-ring [Shrinking Art] directly on the dragon corpse, shrinking it to just enough to be stuffed directly into the dimensional bag.

After the body of the young red dragon was installed, Zuo Si peeled off a piece of enchanted plate armor from the Githyanki female knight, a short black crystal staff like a staff, and a very straight and beautiful... silver sword.

Among them, the enchanted plate armor is made of mithril. Although it is a full-body heavy armor style, its actual weight is only half of the steel armor of the same volume and thickness. Strictly speaking, it should be regarded as medium-sized armor.

Moreover, it has constant mind protection magic on the surface, which can effectively resist the attack of the mind flayer.

As for the silver sword, after identification, it was found that it was not a real Githyanki silver sword, but a poor imitation. The enchantment level was only +2, and it could barely cut off the connection between astral travelers and the main body. Silver cord, thus killing it instantly.

But it does not provide the holder with physical and mental strengthening like the genuine "Silver Sword".

If nothing else, this weapon should be a magical weapon specially developed and equipped by the Githyanki Empire for the Red Dragon Knight.

The last black crystal stick emitted arcane aura of conjuration system under detection, but it had no attributes.

"A short staff kept by the Red Dragon Knight? I think it should be something like a key or identification." Zuo Si touched his chin and muttered to himself.

"Master, do we want to continue moving forward?" the dragonborn knight asked in a low voice.

Zuo Si answered without hesitation: "Of course! If the Githyanki Red Dragon Knight appears, it means that they have established a stronghold or outpost here. If nothing else, there should be a special place on this level dedicated to breeding And a stronghold where young Githyanki are trained.”

As we all know, unlike most humanoid races, they are viviparous.

The Githyanki ancestors were insanely genetically modified by their masters, the mind flayers, so they rarely lay eggs.

And their home base is in the star realm where no time flows.

The advantage is that you will never age if you live there, and you don’t even need to eat or excrete.

But the disadvantage is that it also cannot get pregnant or lay eggs. Even if the eggs are laid, they cannot hatch or grow up.

So the Githyanki will establish strongholds on various physical planes in the multiverse, and allow men and women of suitable age to mate and lay eggs in their strongholds.

After the eggs hatch into newborns, they will stay in the base on the material plane and receive the baptism of time to grow up slowly and receive training from instructors in the astral realm until they become qualified warriors or spellcasters.

As for those who are unqualified, they will be eliminated and killed in cruel competition.

Only those who successfully pass the test are allowed to return to the Astral Plane to enjoy near-eternal life.

After walking some distance along the forward passage, Zuo Si quickly saw an area that looked like a barracks.

Ten Githyanki warriors rest on a bed of crystal.

Because the footsteps were very light, they were not disturbed and were still immersed in their sweet dreams.

Any living thing is most defenseless in its sleep.

So Zuo Si aimed at these ten Githyanki warriors and directly used the blank card in his hand.

The next second...

A large barrier surrounded the entire room.

The latter suddenly woke up when he noticed something abnormal. Before he could figure out the situation, it turned into a group summoning creature card.

Although the level of these novice warriors is not high, generally only between LV3 and LV5, they are all cannon fodder to fill holes, but three of them are spiritual warriors.

It is a special profession that is only found intact among the Githyanki and their cousins, the Githzerai.

Simply put, it is a mixture of warriors and psions. The fighting methods of certain schools can refer to the Jedi Knights in Star Wars.

No hesitation!

Zuo Si directly summoned all ten Githyanki in the card and began to ask about the specifics of this level.

The result is that you don’t know if you don’t ask, but you will be shocked if you ask.

It turns out that this is the sixteenth floor of the Earth Maze City, also known as the "Crystal Maze".

But what shocked him was not the maze itself, but the "star port" on this level that led to the outer space of the planet Toril.


You heard it right!

It's "Star Port"!

The Githyanki, who possess spaceships and the ability to travel astral planes, took over an asteroid in the "Tear of Selune" asteroid belt and built a "nursery" through the power of magic.

The main reason why they invaded Leyline Labyrinth was to hunt down the mind flayers hiding in the next level, and to provide a place for children who were about to reach adulthood to conduct trials and coming-of-age ceremonies.

The crystal short stick that the Red Dragon Knight got just now is the key to the portal of the "Star Port" base.

Obviously, Zuo Si expected that there would be a Githyanki nursery here, but he never expected that there would be a "star port" as well.

After realizing the complicated situation at this level, he immediately smiled and sighed: "Okay. The situation is really getting more and more complicated and interesting. I didn't expect that I would not have the opportunity to go to space on earth, but after a while, In the magical world of London, we actually have the opportunity to experience what it’s like to go into space.”

“Master, isn’t it dangerous to enter a Githyanki airport rashly? There is at least one adult red dragon, several teenagers and baby red dragons there, as well as their Githyanki knights, commanders, and lieutenants. "Davian seemed worried.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Relax, Star Port is not as scary as you think.

Don't forget, it's the inside of an asteroid in outer space, and it's no longer part of Leyline Maze.

That means that I can open the portal at any time to summon reinforcements from the mage tower.

What's more, don't you think that a relatively independent and enclosed space like this is simply the most ideal place to spread poison and plague? "

When he said these words, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a chilling light.

In this way, he first came to the cell and made the mind flayer prisoner who had lost the ability to resist into a card.

Then he led ten "Leading Party" whose memories and consciousness had been modified, and swept away the entire level with ease.

The unsuspecting Githyanki had no idea that one of their compatriots would suddenly stab them in the back, and the blades were all smeared with a blood-sealing neurotoxin, so as expected, they all got stabbed.

Even a few guys with knighthoods couldn't escape.

While passing a certain room, Zuo Si also discovered a laboratory for manufacturing crystal golems.

One of the men in charge is a male Githyanki spellcaster who calls himself Errond.

When they first met, he tried to persuade Zuo Si to help kill Achaiya, the supreme commander hiding in the star port, and then let him take over the entire base.

But unfortunately, this guy obviously has the wrong person.

In other words, he mistakenly regarded Zuo Si as an ordinary adventurer and tried to use him to achieve his own ulterior purposes by promising benefits.

Needless to say, the result was that he was beaten to the point of death by a group of people and turned into a creature card.

Using Elon's identity as the golem maker, Zuo Si easily gained control of all crystal golems, including Starport.

Finally, only a few dozen meters away from the star port portal, he found the core of the entire Leyline Maze City, a magic network node formed by the convergence of countless energies.

Feeling the horrifying magical energy that was highly condensed, compressed, and constantly radiating around, Zuo Si took a deep breath and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "That's it. I hope there won't be too much movement later." "

"Master, please don't worry. The teleportation gate of the star port will only open when the staff is inserted into the base. It is usually kept in an isolated state, and it is impossible for the other side to sense what is happening here." Erron hurriedly stood up and did what he said. Give an explanation.

"Oh? Really? Then I'll be relieved."

After saying that, Zuo Si raised the blank card in his hand and squeezed out all the potential of the spark in his body.


Astonishing energy poured into that little card at an incredible speed, and released an arcane aura that was brighter and dazzling than the sun.

Just the aftermath of the surrounding waves easily crushed the surrounding large crystal stalactites, turning them into a pile of glittering powder that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

The process lasted a full minute before it was over.

When the dazzling light dissipated, Zuo Si finally saw the pattern and explanatory text emerging from the card in his hand.

[Land Card: Legendary Land - "Line Maze City" Magic Network Node]

[LV7 colorless card (can be upgraded)]

[Card quality: unique]

[Effect: When this card takes effect, it can directly provide 70 points of general mana per day.

When this land card is in effect, all your arcane spells and corresponding cards will increase by 20% in terms of power, duration, and saving throw difficulty.

And even if a certain spell has reached the theoretical damage limit, it will still be enhanced]

[Using this card does not require mana consumption]

[If this card effect is damaged or destroyed by other magical forces, it will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for sixty days]

There is no doubt that the power of this land card created by draining the mana pool completely exceeded Zuo Si's expectations.

Although after the last time he made [Land Card: Legendary Land - "Gold Coin Capital" Askatra Super Mage Tower], he knew that the LV7 level land card would inevitably come with some additional abilities.

But it would be too much to directly increase the power, duration and saving throw difficulty of all arcane magic and cards by 20%.

Moreover, this additional spell strengthening effect will become more and more powerful as the planeswalker and arcane spellcasting levels increase.

The most important thing is the general magic power of 70 points per day, which is almost twice as much as another land card of the same level.

"Sure enough, we still need to make high-level land cards in special places to achieve the best effect..."

A thoughtful expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

As a novice planeswalker, there are many things that he has not yet fully understood and needs to explore on his own bit by bit.

But that's okay.

The last thing he lacks now is time.

At least Zuo Si now understands that only in places where magic is highly concentrated can truly powerful land cards with additional side effects be created.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and gave Davian a wink.

The latter understood it and immediately raised his war hammer and smashed a crystal golem with several bangs.

By absorbing the energy emitted after the golem was broken, Zuo Si recovered a little mana, and then signaled Erron to insert the teleportation key into the base.

Just a second later, an energy vortex appeared in the crystal door on the wall.

You don’t need to ask to know that on the other side is a spaceport established by the Githyanki on the asteroid.

"You go first."

Zuo Si gave straightforward orders to the Githyanki around him.

He wouldn't just rush through a portal without knowing anything about it.

After receiving the order, Erron, the Githyanki warrior and golem-maker, slipped inside without another word.

After waiting for about thirty seconds to confirm that no summoned creatures had turned into cards and entered the graveyard, Zuo Si and Davian stepped over together.

In the blink of an eye, they appeared in a huge, completely sealed cave.

But before I could observe the surrounding environment, I first felt the high temperature approaching fifty degrees Celsius in the air.

But for Zuo Si, who has become a voter, this temperature does not cause much trouble.

After looking around for a while, he found that the dome above his head was ten meters high from the ground, and there were many red scales of different sizes scattered on the floor.

Most of them are relatively hard and thick, and should be shed by adult red dragons, but there are also some relatively small ones, which are probably shed by adolescents or young red dragons.

Combined with the abnormally high temperature in the surrounding environment, it is not difficult to judge that this is a dragon's nest.

But the dragon is not in the lair right now.

It has to be said that the Githyanki commander was quite insidious and deliberately placed the portal in the dragon's lair.

If the red dragon is in its lair, the intruder will taste dragon flames hot enough to melt metal the moment they pass through the portal.

In addition, the moment he left Leyline Maze, the spellcasting environment finally returned to normal.

This also means that as long as Zuo Si is willing, he can open the portal at any time and use various prophecy magic to collect information about the enemy.

But considering that there was a large group of "leading parties" around him, he did not waste his spells, but directly asked the Githyanki around him: "Which of you knows the specific structure and staffing of the star port?"

"Master, I know."

Elon, who had the highest status, quickly stood up.

He first pointed to the cave on the right and introduced: "This leads to the temple of Tiamat, the evil dragon god. There is basically nothing except some carvings and tapestries.

At the end of the passage on the left is the Dragon Egg Hatchery.

There are six false dragon eggs placed on the outer layer, and only one real dragon egg is on the other side of the secret door.

As for the road ahead, there is the treasure of the red dragon Ashteranthor.

As with the Dragon Egg Hatchery, she creates an illusion through magic and hides the real treasure in a side cave.

And there is a blind knight named Geras guarding nearby.

This guy was the red dragon's former partner, and he saved Ashtelance's life when she was still a young dragon, so the relationship between the two is very close.

As far as I know, there are two baby dragons hidden among the real treasure.

If someone comes near, they immediately sound the alarm.

In ten minutes at most, Ashteranthe will rush in and kill the intruder. "

"What about other places?" Zuo Si touched his chin and continued to ask with interest.

Because of the magical transformation, the hollowed-out asteroid under your feet not only has breathable air, but also has a gravity that is almost the same as the ground.

Every once in a while in the dim passage, a torch blessed with [Eternal Flame] will be inserted for lighting.

"Most of the other places are incubators, nurseries, training grounds, reading rooms, observation rooms, warehouses and docks, warrior stations, knight stations, commanders' rooms, weapons depots, kitchens, prisons and other places. There are about a total of There are about 1,500 people. Two-thirds of them are underage children, and the remaining one-third are trained warriors, knights and instructors."

Erron didn't hide anything, and openly revealed all the layout and number of people in the star port.

"A nursery and school? Interesting..."

Zuo Si touched his chin and smiled sinisterly.

Soon, he waved to the ten cannon fodder: "Come all over!"

Upon hearing the order, the Githyanki warriors quickly walked up to their masters.

Without saying a word, Zuo Si directly activated the elect's ability to inject terrifying, deadly and highly contagious viruses and bacteria into their bodies one by one, and then directly ordered: "Now, your task is to kill them before they die." , try to contact as many people as possible in the star port, it is best to directly pollute the water source with your own blood. Do you understand?"

"As you wish! Master!"

Ten Githyanki warriors kneeled in a show of absolute submission.

Although some people had begun to feel that something was wrong with their bodies, they still endured the discomfort and quickly dispersed, running towards places where more people could be infected, such as kitchens, training grounds, soldier stations, and water sources.

Watching these moving "biochemical bombs" disappear at the end of the passage, Zuo Si stretched out and said to the dragon knight following him: "It should be at least an hour or two before the plague spreads. Take advantage of this time , let’s go take a look at the dragon egg first, and then go raid the red dragon’s treasure house.”

"Are you sure that wiping out the entire Githyanki in the starport this way will not lead to retaliation from the other party?" Davian asked in an uncertain tone.

"Nothing to worry about."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and explained: "Although these guys live in the star realm and master the magic spacecraft manufacturing technology, and the army looks huge and brutal, in fact they are just a group of bandits with no backing.

Their queen, Vlaakis, was the madman who transformed himself into a lich in an attempt to become a god. He was just a mage who had just crossed the threshold of legend.

If the Githyanki dare to leave the Astral Plane and come to Toril in large numbers, I will kill as many as they come. I promise to make them feel the pain of annihilation.

In the face of plague and poison, unless it is undead or constructs, quantity has no meaning at all. "

"Okay, now I finally understand why the goddess of poison and disease chose you to be her chosen one." Davian teased in a half-joking tone.

"Any creature is vulnerable when faced with plague and poison. Only in my hometown did someone put forward the idea of ​​mechanical ascension of weak flesh and blood. Of course, in this world full of magical power, transforming yourself into a structure Bodies, elements, or undead can also achieve the same effect."

After saying these words, Zuo Si took Erron, the githyanki master of golem making, and quickly walked through the tunnel and came to a room where the ground was covered with a pool of magma that was thirty centimeters thick.

There are six dragon eggs with red spots in the lava pool.

But with the effect of [True Knowledge], Zuo Si easily saw through that these eggs were all fakes disguised as stones.

At his signal, Davian, who was completely immune to fire damage, walked straight through the magma curtain flowing down from the wall and retrieved a real dragon egg from the secret room on the other side.

Different from the previous fakes, this egg is more than one meter tall and weighs more than 100 kilograms.

Through the shell, you can feel the surging vitality and fire element energy inside.

If nothing else goes wrong, after another four or five months of soaking, the baby dragon inside will hatch successfully.

But now...

I'm afraid this little guy can only become a sad experimental material.

After getting the dragon eggs, Zuo Si immediately set out to enter the red dragon's treasure house and killed two young dragons that had not yet grown up, without giving the other party any chance to shout or escape.

The blind knight Geras, who rushed over after hearing the sound of fighting, was also ambushed by the shadow assassin who had been ambushing him for a long time. He breathed his last with shock and disbelief on his face.

At this moment, the benefits of having a "leading party" are fully demonstrated.

Looking at the piles of various copper coins, silver coins, silver gold coins, gold coins and platinum coins, as well as a large number of gems and corals, Zuo Si directly opened a portal leading to the mage tower and threw them all over first.

Anyway, his mage tower has consciousness and intelligence, and will count and save these valuable things on its own.

Thrown over with the treasure was the dragon egg.

Since he didn't know whether the dragon egg needed air and breathing, Zuo Si didn't dare to put it into the dimensional bag for fear of accidentally suffocating it to death.

As he was slaughtering young dragons and hatchlings one after another along the starport, ten Githyanki warriors carrying deadly viruses and bacteria also completed their mission, and they all fell to the ground and quickly festered, turning into A terrible source of infection.

Three in particular, which collapsed near nurseries, training grounds, and water sources, infected hundreds of people within seconds of their death.

And these hundreds of people continued to spread the virus as super-infected people without any knowledge.

Under the combined effect of water, air and host-borne transmission, the plague swept through every corner in less than twenty minutes.

Although at the beginning, the symptoms were only mild cough, diarrhea, rash, headache and dizziness.

But soon, these symptoms evolved into coughing up blood, bloody stools, respiratory failure, large areas of thick sores and ulcers on the skin, accompanied by weakness in the limbs, high fever and confusion.

"Damn it! Who can tell me what's going on?!"

Achaia, the supreme commander of the star port, stared at the Githyanki warriors and children lying on the bed moaning in pain, and asked sternly with a livid face.

You must know that one of her most important tasks here is to continuously train the babies sent into them into qualified warriors or spellcasters, and then send them back to the star base camp.

If this goes wrong, the most terrible punishment awaits her.

After all, the Githyanki are not just men and women, but an extremely cold, cruel, and merciless militarized empire.

"Cough cough cough cough! No...I'm very sorry, we don't understand what happened. This plague seemed to appear out of thin air and swept through the entire star port in a very short period of time."

A knight replied while violently coughing up blood.

If it weren't for the strong physique of the senior warrior, he might have been unable to hold on and fell into a coma like the others.

"Plague? Where did the plague come from? Where is the source?"

There was a hint of fear in Achaiya's eyes.

Know that the Githyanki are a true faithless bunch.

Since they have lived in the star realm for a long time, they rarely worry about illness, aging and death, and will only pay respect to the queen to whom they are loyal.

If you don’t believe in God, naturally there won’t be many users of divine magic.

Therefore, there is almost no good way to deal with the plague. The only option is to escape back to the star realm to stop the diseased body from deteriorating.

But the problem is, that means Achaiya has failed in her duties as the top commander of this base.

"I don't know! The situation is too confusing right now!

Almost 90% of the people have lost consciousness due to the torture of the plague, and people are dying almost every moment.

There is no way we can trace the origin of the plague.

Moreover, the medicines used to treat the disease have no effect at all and can only slightly relieve the symptoms.

But one thing is for sure, that is that it must come from Leyline Maze.

Maybe it was spread deliberately by those damn mind flayers on the seventeenth floor, wanting to avenge our previous vicious tricks that destroyed their city. "

The Githyanki knight gritted his teeth and expressed his deduction.

Because of the feud, most Githyanki when something bad happens to them will immediately think of it as the mind flayer's conspiracy.

"The situation has reached its most critical moment. I think we should summon a spaceship immediately and transfer everyone who is still alive to the star realm. Otherwise, no one will be spared." Another Githyanki knight also suggested.

"Maze of Earth Lines..."

Achaia's eyes revealed a fierce struggle.

She now faces a dilemma.

Either call the spaceship in the star realm to save people at the risk of being punished;

Either hold on, watch everyone in the starport die except for yourself, put all the responsibility on the mortal enemy the Mind Flayer, and then lead a support force to launch a general attack to complete a "glorious" revenge.

Just when the supreme commander of the star port was hesitating, a fierce battle officially started in the dragon's nest far away from the portal entrance.

I saw the frantic adult red dragon - Ashtaranse, rushing directly to Zuo Si's position like a madman, opening his mouth and breathing deadly flames.

But unfortunately, it only hit a false phantom created with a planeswalker card.

The reason why she lost her mind was entirely because she saw the corpses of the two baby dragons she gave birth to hanging upside down on the wall. The leather on their bodies had been cruelly peeled off, and the blood was flowing cleanly.

You don't need to ask to know that all this is Zuo Si's calm and rational calculation.

In fact, he deliberately lured Ashtelance here from space outside the Star Port Terminal, intending to deal with it in this undisturbed place.

As we all know, except for dragons with "bulimia", almost no normal dragons can breathe twice in a row in a short period of time.

So seeing that the opponent lost his most powerful breath weapon, Zuo Si, who was hiding in the dark, immediately gave the red dragon a [Spell] to reduce its magic resistance.

Immediately afterwards, he used another [Bigby Flying Palm] card and hit it to the rightmost corner of the cave.

Before Ashtelance could get up from the ground, a wall of force locked her inside.

The next second...

[Deep Darkness] falls from the sky and completely turns the surrounding area into a dark area where nothing can be seen.

The shadow army that had been ambushing inside immediately attacked, completing more than a dozen touches in just one second.

After Zuo Si used [Daylight Technique] to dispel the magical darkness, the red dragon had lost almost all its strength and was lying motionless on the ground like a dead dog. Only its two lava-like eyes shone with unforgettable hatred.

She knew that this damn human being in front of her had killed all her children.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si didn't react at all to this, and started to check the status of the female adult red dragon, especially the reproductive system, like a normal person.

After confirming that it has a very strong fertility ability, he immediately showed a satisfied expression.

"Not bad! A great mother body. It seems the Githyanki took good care of her."

"Master, do you want to kill her or make her into a card?"

Davian asked maliciously, holding the adamantine warhammer in his hand.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No! She is still useful, let's leave it like this for now. After we finish killing the Githyanki in the star port, we will send them to the mage tower and imprison them as experimental subjects. After all, I and I Wilmes is too familiar and some experiments are not easy to start. This guy should be a perfect replacement."


The dragonborn knight understood instantly, and when he looked at Ashteranthe again, his eyes revealed sympathy and pity.

In his opinion, if a creature like a giant dragon falls into the hands of its owner, whether it is killed cleanly or made into a card, it should be considered a lucky thing.

The real misfortunes are those unlucky ones who are captured.

Because what awaits them will be all kinds of terrifying experiments that break through the bottom line.

Maybe even if they die accidentally, the corpse will be used as a tool for the resurrection of the dracolich, or it may be made into a mindless undead creature like a zombie dragon or a bone dragon.

By first irritating Ashtelanse to lose his mind, and then using a pre-set trap to capture and imprison him, Zuo Si easily solved the biggest threat to the entire star port, and began to move room by room under the leadership of Erron. Harvest mana.

He showed no kindness or mercy to these astral bandits.

Regardless of whether the Githyanki are adults or not, they will be slaughtered by the Shadow Legion without mercy, and even the eggs that have not yet hatched will be broken and no one will be left alive.

In a short time, this base of 1,500 people was dead.

The overflowing energy from the mana pool allowed Zuo Si to successfully upgrade the planeswalker's level from LV7 to LV8.

It's obvious that he is consciously maintaining a balance to ensure that he does not have any obvious weaknesses or shortcomings.

Due to the large-scale spread and infection of the plague, most of the warriors have lost their ability to fight. Even if they occasionally encounter the Red Dragon Knight who uses magic potions to suppress the symptoms, they are no match for Zuo Si and Davian.

Together with Erron, the "leading party", the three of them soon arrived at the supreme commander's exclusive bedroom.

boom! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by dazzling fire and violent explosions, the door was blasted open by a powerful fireball.

Achaia, who was trying to get in touch with the Star Fleet, was knocked around by the heat wave on the spot.

Before she could figure out the situation, the deadly poisonous cloud instantly spread out in the airtight house.

Just after accidentally taking in a breath, the commander's mouth and nose immediately began to bleed, accompanied by a violent cough.

Not only her, but the young Red Dragon who was also hiding in the room was also affected by the poisonous cloud.

One person and one dragon didn't have time to think too much and rushed towards the only exit in unison.

Just when the red dragon's huge body had just crossed the threshold, he suddenly saw a sheep's head made entirely of energy flying towards him.

【Ring of the Ram】!


No surprises.

He flew back several meters on the spot and hit a hard wall hard.

Poor Achaiya became the flesh pad of her mount. She felt as if her whole body was being squeezed into a meat pie. She spat out a mouthful of blood with a loud sound. Several ribs were obviously broken, and one of her legs was even more damaged. It's folded ninety degrees.

Coupled with the magical effect of the Death Cloud Technique, her injuries suddenly became more serious.

However, the red dragon obviously no longer cared about his knight at this moment and charged towards the door again.

But this time, he ran directly into an invisible force field wall.

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Si, who was badly damaged outside, added another shot of Death Cloud Technique.

After the kicking tactic, he resorted to the despicable goal-blocking tactic, obviously not giving his opponent any chance to counterattack.

In a fair fight, get away as far as you can.

The wizard's fighting style never pays attention to fairness, and sometimes there is no need to even use magic.

"Damn it! The bastards outside want to block us in and poison or suffocate us to death!"

The red dragon who was blocked in the room couldn't help but started to curse loudly.

You must know that the commander's room he is in is not very big. After the poisonous cloud completely spreads, there is no place to hide.

As for ventilation…

Excuse me!

The only door capable of ventilation has been blocked by the force wall technique.

Just look at the poisonous clouds filling the air around you and you will know that the airflow cannot escape at all.

"The table...the table...has a staff on it..."

Achaia gave instructions in a broken voice.


The red dragon was stunned for a moment, then showed undisguised ecstasy. He grabbed the inconspicuous metal scepter on the table and stabbed it directly towards the wall of force at the door.


The originally indestructible wall of force was destroyed by the magical power contained in the scepter.

"Erasure Scepter?!"

Zuo Si instantly recognized this powerful magic item.

But the moment the red dragon's head popped out of the door, he directly used the magic card to release [Bigbye Flying Palm].


The red dragon was once again beaten back to the room without any suspense.

Similarly, Achaiya was once again used as a meat mat and hit against the wall.

After two consecutive injuries, coupled with the constant torment from the Death Cloud Technique, she finally couldn't hold on anymore, rolled her eyes and fainted.

When the young red dragon tried to rush out for the third time, he was knocked to the ground by Davian's hammer. Within three to five seconds, his brain collapsed and he turned into a lifeless corpse.

At this point, all the Githyanki forces in the starport were wiped out, and not a single one escaped.

In order to prevent the plague from spreading to Leyline Labyrinth City, Zuo Si used necromancy magic to pull up a few zombies, and then asked them to gather the corpses together for centralized destruction, while he personally purified the polluted water and air.

At the same time, he did not forget to send the captured red dragon back to the mage tower and imprison it.

After doing all this, he finally took the time to sit on the pier of the star port and look at the endless deep sky and the planet Toril below where Faerûn is located, admiring the things that ordinary people rarely see in their lifetimes. Breathtaking views…

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