A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 209 The Mystery of the Netheril Scroll (a big chapter of 10,000 words, please subscribe)

"This kind of beautiful scenery that cannot be described in words can never be seen on the ground. Isn't it?" Zuo Si asked without looking back.

At this moment, he was sitting on the three plank roads extending from the inside of the asteroid at the dock. His legs were completely suspended in the air. If he moved a little forward, he would fall immediately.

Due to the effect of some powerful magic, this little star is surrounded by a layer of breathable air within thirty meters, while maintaining a constant temperature of about twenty degrees Celsius.

So there is no need to worry about suffocation or the terrifying ultra-low temperature of minus 270 degrees in outer space.

“Yeah! I can’t believe that the Githyanki were able to hollow out the inside of an asteroid and transform it into a habitable place.

However, according to Elon's guess, Achaiya may have sent a signal for help to the magic ship in the star realm before she died.

Maybe within a few hours to a day or two, at least one astral magic ship will arrive to check the situation. "

Davian reminded with some worry.

"Relax, I have no intention of occupying this place openly.

On the contrary, I plan to leave it to Erron to deal with the aftermath.

If the Githyanki plan to rebuild this place, we use Erron as an internal agent to make those knights and instructors into cards piece by piece.

After the top management is completely controlled, the newly born children can be educated.

Turn them into the fire that will overthrow and destroy the militarized empire of the Githyanki.

Rather than being an obedient slave to the Lich Queen. "

Zuo Si expressed his plan meaningfully.

Use Githyanki against Githyanki, was the idea that popped into his head.

After all, acquired education is always greater than innate instinct.

As long as the ideology is instilled well, the twisted and sick Githyanki society can be dismantled from within bit by bit by spreading ideas.

Of course, this may take a long time.

But that's okay.

Anyway, Zuo Si just wanted to give it a try. He mainly wanted to control this star port in a relatively hidden way, and by the way, build a magic ship that could sail freely in space and even the star realm.

You must know that the so-called "magic ship" in this multiverse is completely different from the science fiction spaceship that many people on earth understand.

As the name suggests, the magic ship is mainly driven by magical power.

Therefore, it most likely looks like a wooden sailing ship, which has been strengthened and strengthened through various magics.

It can even directly release a legendary magic, permanently transforming it into another form, driven by magical power or gravity as fuel.

In Faerûn, this technology had been invented in the era of Netheril and was widely used to explore outer space.

But later, with the destruction of Netherese civilization, the magic ship manufacturing technology was gradually lost, and only a few parts were scattered in the hands of some high-level mages and even legendary mages.

At least in Candlekeep, Zuo Si found no records of the construction of magic ships, so he wanted to get one from the Githyanki to study.

Hearing that his master was trying to cause trouble again, Davian couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. He quickly took out two books, a silver giant sword, and a scepter from his arms and handed them over. He introduced them in a low voice: "These Books, one is the "Physical Fitness Manual", which can increase physical attributes after reading it, and the other is "Jingsi Meditation Volume", which can increase the intellectual attributes after reading it.

According to Elon, they were all trophies obtained by Achaia when she led her army to break through the mind flayer stronghold on the seventeenth floor.

The cunning commander used two magical tomes to lure all warriors, knights, and red dragons in the starport to hunt down more mind flayers, promising that those who performed best would take them as a reward.

But in fact, she never wanted to fulfill her promise.

But now, both books are yours to win.

In addition, this scepter is the [Erasure Scepter], which can instantly destroy all magic protection, enchantments, and continuously effective spells.

Unfortunately, it was consumed by the red dragon's force wall technique, and now the overall structure has become very fragile.

Erron said that if you use the wishing or miracle spell of the Nine Rings, it should be able to be repaired a little bit.

Finally, there is this genuine silver sword specially assigned to the commander of the Red Dragon Knight. "

"Not bad! It seems that all the good things that the female Githyanki commander was reluctant to use are now available to me."

Zuo Si took these valuable magic items and stuffed them all into his pocket.

Good things like "Physical Fitness Manual" and "Jingsi Meditation Volume" that can increase basic attributes must find time to calm down and read them, and then they can produce corresponding effects, instead of just clicking on them in the game. That's it.

As for the erasure scepter, he planned to take it back and give it to the lich in the organization who mastered the nine-ring magic to repair it.

This thing is an out-and-out killer weapon, its power is equivalent to the disintegration of the Nine Rings.

The only drawback is that it can only be used once.

After using it, you have to use wish or miracle to reshape it.

Otherwise, when the scepter comes into contact with a hard object, it will instantly turn into a puddle of worthless fragments.

Just when Zuo Si was looking at the last trophy, the "Silver Sword", with great interest, Erron suddenly ran out of the asteroid with a device and shouted breathlessly: "Master... Master! Yes... yes Responded! Two astral magic ships are heading towards the star port. It won’t be long before they pass through the barrier between planes and appear around."

"Oh? So fast!" Zuo Si showed a hint of surprise.

"Of course! This is the largest outpost on the entire planet Toril. What's more, what Achaiya sent just now was the most urgent distress signal." Erron hurriedly explained.

Zuo Si nodded thoughtfully: "In that case, I leave this place to you. Have you figured out how to describe what happened in the star port to the Githyanki who rushed to rescue?"

"It's very simple! Just blame it all on the mind flayer. Anyway, the bodies have been disposed of, and there is no evidence of death." Erron calmly gave his solution.

For a Githyanki, blaming the mind flayers for all disasters and misfortunes is nothing short of an all-purpose excuse and scapegoat.

No Githyanki suspects sinister intentions from their sworn enemy.

"Very good! Remember to report the situation to me in time after everything stabilizes, and find a way to build a stable portal to Waterdeep City."

After that, Zuo Si took Davian and returned to the sixteenth floor of Earthline Maze City through the portal.

As a result, not long after walking back along the original path, I met three temporary teammates who had recovered.

The dwarf immediately laughed, waved his hands vigorously and shouted, "Hey! You haven't encountered any monsters or dangers, have you?"

"No. Everything went very smoothly. I have found the magic network node, and it's time to go back the way we came. Because going further down is the territory of the mind flayers, and I don't think you want to deal with those octopus heads. That's right." Zuo Si responded pretending to be relaxed.

"Mind Flayer? Damn it! This is one of the monsters I hate most." The dwarf cursed in a low voice.

Because in the absence of magical equipment to defend against mind control, any adventurer facing a group of mind flayers will be instantly controlled by the opponent and then become a slave who obeys orders.

What's more, he was controlled by the aboleth not long ago, and he never wanted to feel that terrible feeling again.

"Then let's go back. But how can we safely climb up the underground cliff created by the earthquake just now?" The poet looked confused.

"It's very simple! Later I will bless everyone with the second-level magic [Spider Walking Technique]. With my current spell casting level, this spell should last for about two hours. During this period, everyone can be like a spider Just crawl on the cliff quickly. If everything goes well, you should be able to climb up."

Zuo Si quickly proposed a solution.

If he hadn't wanted to bring the three people in front of him back safely, he would have opened the portal and returned directly to the Mage Tower when he was at the star port.

"[Spider Walking Technique]? What a great idea!"

The poet's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because this is indeed the most ideal way to solve the current dilemma.

It's a pity that as a bard, he will never learn this very practical magic during the adventure journey.

With the plan finalized, the team quickly returned to the place where they had fallen.

Zuo Si used the [Memory Wand] to cast four [Spider Walking Techniques] in one breath, blessing everyone except himself.

Because he himself has the ability of the elect - [Walking in the Air], he can walk directly up through the air, there is no need to be so troublesome.

Soon, the entire adventure team began to climb rapidly along the underground cliffs that went straight up and down, perhaps more than ten kilometers in height.

In the end, it took more than an hour to finally return to the eleventh floor.

Although he was a high-level adventurer, his strength, agility and physique were far superior to ordinary people, but the dwarves, poets and halfling thieves were still so exhausted that they all collapsed on the ground and gasped for air.

After all, when [Spider Walking Technique] is in effect, they are running fast, for fear that the spell will fail when they are halfway up.

In order to recover their physical strength and restore spell slots to cope with possible crises, the team returned to the tenth floor and chose to rest in one of the rooms for ten hours before continuing towards the surface.

Along the way, Zuo Si, who has superhuman memory, discovered that previous earthquakes had inevitably changed the structure on many levels. Some originally accessible roads were now blocked, while those dead ends were opened.

Fortunately, he drew a simple map in advance, so he found the right direction after a little detour.

Since most of the monsters had been cleared before, we didn't encounter any powerful enemies along the way. At best, they were just some underdark creatures running up from the lower levels.

After spending several days walking and stopping like this, everyone finally returned to the cellar well of the Yawning Gate Tavern.

"Phew - we finally came back alive. No one died! No injuries! No arms or legs missing! And we brought back valuable trophies!"

Dwarf Luger stroked the dirty beard on his chin, and his whole body became relaxed.

"Yes! We have descended to the sixteenth floor this time. I am afraid that there is no other active adventure team in the entire Waterdeep City that can achieve this record."

The halfling Cora waved her little fist excitedly.

"I'm so exhausted! I just want to eat something, have a drink, and then quickly take a shower and go to bed." The poet complained with a sigh.

As the weakest member of the entire team, traveling with such high intensity and long hours is definitely a big challenge for him.

Due to being too exhausted, he couldn't even concentrate on casting spells when encountering a sudden battle on the last leg of the journey, and he became a complete waste.

Fortunately, the monsters in the first few floors are not strong. Ruger and Davian can kill them all just like chopping melons and vegetables.

No hesitation!

Zuo Si went directly to the bottom of the well and pulled the hanging rope hard.

Soon, the people above began to try to pull up the people at the bottom of the shaft by dragging ropes.

However, Zuo Si obviously did not need this service, so he directly gave up his position to the poet and walked up on the air.

After a while, he appeared in the lobby of the tavern with the latter.

"Oh - my God! It's... it's Kels! Ruger's team is back safely!" An adventurer stood up suddenly and exclaimed loudly.

Another person next to him was dumbfounded and murmured to himself: "This...how is this possible! There was a violent earthquake in the Lost City, and since they disappeared for so many days, it should be impossible for them to survive."

"Hahahaha! I won! I won! Take out the money from the last bet!"

Another guy who was obviously a "fun guy" rushed to the bar, slapped the table hard, and laughed wildly at the boss.

Dunan smiled and shook his head, quickly took out a box specifically for gambling money from the cabinet behind him, and then pushed a mess of more than forty silver coins, copper coins and gold coins in front of the other party.

He was not the least bit surprised that this adventurous team returned safely.

Because the hotel owner knew that Zuo Si was the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and he was also a terrifying arcane spellcaster.

So as long as you don't directly fight the "mad mage" Halaster Blackrobe himself, you can escape unscathed even if you encounter danger.

About three to five minutes later, the four people down the shaft were pulled up one by one.

Immediately afterwards, all the guests in the tavern surrounded them like stars holding the moon, and began to ask about the specific details and stories of this adventure.

For most adventurers, bragging about their experiences to others in a tavern and receiving applause and admiration is a very happy thing.

So whether it was a dwarf, a poet, or a halfling thief, while enjoying the free food and drinks (other guests paid), they began to tell adventure stories that were half true, half false, and half exaggerated.

When he gets excited, he will even take out the trophies in his dimensional bag and show them to the people around him.

Since there are very few high-level adventurers who have the ability to enter the tenth floor of Earth Maze City, no one present could tell whether it was true or false.

But it is undeniable that most listeners are quite satisfied with these exciting and exciting stories.

There are also some adventure teams who plan to go into the depths, so they quickly record the things that need attention so that they can be prepared when they encounter them.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't like this lively and noisy scene.

After briefly cleaning up his personal hygiene, he sat alone at the bar, eating the special dishes recommended by the hotel owner one bite at a time, with a calm smile on his face. He didn't look like someone who had just returned from the Lost City of Earth. adventurer.

"Have you really entered the sixteenth floor of the crystal maze?" Dunan asked in an uncertain tone.

"Of course! I brought back a lot of souvenirs."

With that said, Zuo Si pulled out the "silver sword" and gently placed it on the table.

When the hotel owner saw it, his face suddenly changed. He shivered uncontrollably, and then cursed in a low voice in panic: "Damn it! You are simply a madman! Put this thing away quickly! I don't want those lucky things. The Yankees chased me into my store.”

It is known that every true “silver sword” is worth a price to a Githyanki.

If it is lost, they will immediately send a team to recover it and kill all creatures that have come into contact with the "Silver Sword".

But Zuo Si waved his hand and consoled him nonchalantly: "Relax. I have blessed the [Covering Object] above, and now no prophecy magic can track its location. Not to mention it's just a few Githyanki That's all. I want to see how many casualties they suffer before they choose to give up."

Hearing that the magic that shielded detection was blessed, Dunan was visibly relieved and said with a wry smile: "Okay. I now believe that you have entered the sixteenth level. Because that's the only place where there are a large number of Githyanki. Haunted. By the way, do you know anything about the earthquake that suddenly appeared in Leyline City?"

"I don't know. I only know that the earthquake occurred suddenly and lasted for a short time, accompanied by violent fluctuations of magical energy. If nothing else, it should be the work of a mad mage." Zuo Si gave his judgment straightforwardly.

"Is there any obvious change in the overall structure?" Dunan continued to ask.

Zuo Si took a sip of the juice in the cup to moisten his throat, and replied casually: "Yes, but it's not too big.

The only drastic change is the appearance of a vertical passage on the eleventh floor that leads directly to the sixteenth floor.

If you are confident enough, you can jump directly and then use [Feather Fall Technique] to land safely.

What, are you worried that the monsters in the dungeon will riot and then all flood into Waterdeep City? "

"Yes. In fact, after the earthquake, the lords immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures. My mission is to collect as much information and intelligence as possible from the returning adventurers. But now it seems that the problem is not serious. ." Du Nan gently rubbed his eyebrows.

You know, he has been so worried these past few days that he hasn't even slept well.

He was afraid that when he opened his eyes, he would see a dark elf assassin standing in front of his bed, or a terrifying monster like a mind flayer or a beholder.

After all, every time a monster in Leyline City gets out of control, the first one to be unlucky is always the Yawning Gate Inn.

no way!

Who told this store to be built at the exit to Leyline Maze City?

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back and rest first. Tell Ruger for me later, and leave all the spoils to him. After everything is sold, send the proceeds to me in Waterdeep City. Just a place where I live. By the way, you know where I live, right?" Zuo Si tried with a half-smile.

Dunan nodded calmly: "I know. In fact, a big shot like you who needs special attention has received special attention from the lords from the moment he arrived in Waterdeep City."

"Special attention? I think you should be particularly vigilant. Okay, the joke is over. I wish you a good dream tonight."

After saying this, Zuo Si took out a gold coin and put it on the table. He stood up and turned around and walked out of the hotel door with the dragonborn knight.

It was just evening now, and the golden glow filled the entire city.

Although the ambient temperature has become very low, many scantily clad women can still be seen on the street soliciting customers.

Because for them, this is the last opportunity to make money before winter officially enters.

After the first snow falls, the area around Waterdeep will enter subzero temperatures.

By that time, no one would stay outdoors for long unless they wanted to freeze to death in the streets.

When Zuo Si returned to the house he had just purchased not long ago, he immediately saw Isadora standing at the door with her face, hands and feet red from the cold.

The girl didn't even hesitate for a second, and rushed towards him like crazy, just hugging him.

"What's going on? Why don't you stay inside?"

Zuo Si asked while using Zero Ring Magic [Treat Minor Injuries] to treat the frostbite on the girl's hands and face.

"I miss you……"

Isadora's voice was as weak and low as a mosquito.

Huntington, the shooter on the side, saw this and immediately explained helplessly: "Master, she has been like this since the third day after you left. In addition to sleeping all day long, the first thing she did after waking up was to stand We waited at the door until dark. The food was not good, and the training of psychic abilities and learning of magic had almost completely stopped. I tried to persuade him several times, but to no avail."

Seeing the girl's pitiful look, Zuo Si felt a little headache. He stared into the other person's eyes and warned seriously: "Don't do this again next time, you know?"


Isadora nodded vigorously, and at the same time hugged her tightly with her hands, and did not let go until she finished eating and went to bed.

Zuo Si obviously had no good solution for her unusually strong attachment and lack of security, and could only hope that time would slowly heal it.

After putting the "problem girl" to sleep, Zuo Si quickly took out the "Jingsi Volume" and the "Physical Fitness Manual", intending to finish reading these two magic books that can increase basic attributes first.

After all, basic attributes are the most practical and will be directly reflected in all aspects of physical fitness.

For example, his physique has skyrocketed since he became a elect. Now that he has entered a state of concentration on spellcasting, he will basically not be affected by any external factors.

And with the blessing of divine power, even if you don't rest for several days and nights, your body will not feel tired.

Even if you use a knife to make a not very deep cut on your arm, it will heal on its own in about a minute.

What's more, physique represents the vitality of a living thing.

The higher it is, the more damage it can take in combat and the harder it is to be killed by the enemy.

As for the "Jing Meditation Volume", which can increase intelligence attributes, it is one of the treasures coveted by arcane casters.

You must know that the higher the intelligence, the more spell slots there are.

At the same time, when engaging in spell confrontation, the arcane magic released becomes more difficult for the enemy to dodge, resist, and save.

Zuo Si originally had a plan to use various methods, including wishing, to increase his intelligence attribute to more than fifty points.

within the next few days.

He was basically either reading two spell books that increased attributes, or trying to make magic items out of flail snail shells.

Apart from taking the time to meet with the three temporary teammates who entered Leyline Maze City and discuss the price of selling the loot, I basically haven't been anywhere.

After reading and playing the two books at the same time, Zuo Si was surprised to find that his intelligence attribute had increased by two points, from the original [18+5 (23)] to [20+5 (25)].

Obviously, that is not an ordinary "Jing Meditation Volume", but a +2 "Jing Meditation Volume".

In comparison, the "Physical Fitness Manual" is slightly inferior, only adding a little more physical fitness to reach twenty-three points.

"Hmm...an extra third-level spell slot has been added. It feels pretty good!"

Zuo Si felt his brain that had been strengthened by magic and his thinking that had become sharper, with a satisfied expression on his face.

As for the two attribute books, they disappeared out of thin air the moment they took effect.

He went straight to the simple workbench and carefully took off a rewoven and strengthened [Magic Resistance Belt].

Through careful observation, it can be found that this originally inconspicuous black belt now has countless silk threads emitting colorful light inside.

And these silk threads, without exception, are all ground into powder with the highest magic resistance part of the flail snail shell, and then combined with the phase spider silk threads, and finally combined and woven.

Now, this belt not only provides the wearer with a certain amount of magic resistance, but also has a 20% chance of deflecting a directed spell, and a 10% chance of directly reflecting the spell back to the caster.

Although with Zuo Si's spellcasting level, it is still not possible to create a high-level magic item like [Mirror Head Pendant] that is completely immune to energy damage, but it will definitely be okay to make a second-rate one.

In fact, it was not just the belt that he strengthened with the flail snail shell, but also the [Phase Cloak] made in Calimport, and the [Boots of Speed] stripped from his teacher's corpse.

Adding the three pieces of equipment together, the chance of spell deflection is astonishingly 35%, and the chance of rebound is about 20%.

This also means that all directional spells have a one-fifth chance of being bounced back.

Other spells also have a one-third chance of being affected by the deflection effect and unable to work.

In fact, Zuo Si originally wanted to make a pair of gloves out of flail snail shells.

Because as the power of the blue dragon is being taken away bit by bit, the [Dragon Transformation Gloves] gradually merge with the skin of the hand.

Strictly speaking, it should be considered a part of the body, rather than a simple piece of magic equipment.

However, during the production process, Zuo Si suddenly came up with the idea of ​​adding some more interesting magic effects to the gloves.

But halfway through, I discovered that it was almost impossible to accomplish the task independently with my current spellcasting level.

In desperation, I could only put the semi-finished gloves aside and make some small enhancements to the existing magic equipment.

Even the [Damage Absorption Amulet] hanging around his neck has added +4 protection.

This kind of strengthening is equivalent to covering the body with a layer of energy field.

When the weapon cuts over, it will be deflected by the force field and ultimately unable to harm the wearer.

Since mages and warlocks cannot wear armor, they will basically wear such a magic item with them to ensure that even if they do not have protective spells on them, they will not be directly stabbed to death by a dagger from behind.

After comprehensively upgrading the magic equipment, Zuo Si began to consider whether he should study the arcane mark left by Halaster Blackrobe on the green-footed dragon snake next, or summon the aboleth and dissect it first. , or start reading the Netherese scroll given to him by the goddess of magic.

Obviously, from the perspective of quickly improving your spellcasting level and mastering more knowledge, you must first read the Netherese scrolls.

But Zuo Si didn't want to be exposed to these too esoteric things too early.

Because he learned from the book given to him by Ogma, the God of Knowledge, that the Netheril scrolls did not contain any specific spells, but were close to a macro theoretical explanation.

To put it in simpler terms, spells are equivalent to issuing guns and bullets to soldiers.

Then the modern magic system of Faerûn is teaching mages the techniques to make and use these things.

But Netherese scrolls are different.

It is closer to the position of mathematics in modern science, that is, it is the basis of everything, but at the same time it is very abstract, unfamiliar, complex, and difficult to understand.

For those mages who don't have enough knowledge and intelligence and just want a bigger caliber gun and bullets, reading the Netherese scrolls may not be a good idea.

Because just like advanced mathematics can drive countless students crazy!

Netherese scrolls can also drive countless mages crazy!

Looking at the ten gold foil pages lying in the box, as well as the constantly changing magic symbols on the surface, Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh with a wry smile: "I can't believe that this kind of supreme treasure in the eyes of other arcane spellcasters is in my hand. It turned out to be a hot potato."

"Is this bothering you?"

With a strange voice echoing in his ears, a young and beautiful female figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in the room.

She has long black hair like a waterfall, and wears a dark silk robe with a mesh corset embedded with countless gems around her waist.

"You are...the goddess of magic?!"

Since Zuo Si had already had the experience of facing the incarnation of gods several times, after observing for a moment, he immediately confirmed the identity of the other party.

Because the moment the Eye of Knowledge swept across the mesh belt, he immediately saw the surging arcane energy.

You don't need to ask to know that it represents the magic network covering the entire world.

Midnight smiled and nodded: "Yes. You are exactly as described by the God of Knowledge. Not only are you very smart, but you are also very sensitive to divine power."

"Not long after I came to Faerûn, I was forcibly given divine power and the identity of a chosen one by Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease. Anyone else would inevitably be on guard when encountering such a thing." Zuo Si said for himself argued.

He did not show any panic at the sudden visit of the goddess of magic. Instead, he looked at the woman who became a god from mortals at almost the same time as Cyric with great interest.

If he remembered correctly, about seven or eight years later, as Cyric began to go crazy and the sons of Baal emerged from all over the world, causing turmoil, chaos and war, Midnight's former lover, the warrior Kelanvor, would Return from death to become a new generation of Death.

By then, the situation in the entire Faerûn continent will revolve around the entangled grievances of these three gods.

I am afraid that when they were still mortals, they would never have dreamed that three of the four members of the original adventure team would become gods after the end of the Year of Turmoil, and without exception, they were all powerful gods who stood at the apex of the gods.

Only the last priest of Shuna, the god of love and beauty, saw through everything and chose to enter the kingdom of his own goddess after death. He lived happily in various forbidden service centers all day long and lived a life that was envied and hated by countless men. Live life with abandon.

"But it is undeniable that your thoughts, consciousness and behavior are very close to Talona in many aspects. Although you are not as evil, chaotic and willful as her. What's more, due to the existence of you as a voter, Talona has more choices." Midnight commented with a half-smile.

She has always seen the changes in the trend of the Church of the Goddess of Poison and Disease in Amn, and thinks this is a good thing.

Regardless of whether the final result is Talona transforming into a neutral camp, or directly splitting into two gods, it can weaken the power of the evil camp in disguise.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders innocently: "Maybe. But what does this have to do with me?

I have stated publicly from the beginning that I have no interest in the eternal struggle between gods.

Because this kind of meaningless fight will have no result at all.

Whether the good camp crosses the red line or the evil camp crosses the red line, they will immediately be struck mercilessly by the God above.

What's more, in my opinion, the thoughts, philosophies, teachings and values ​​​​of the gods are too narrow, extreme, and intolerant, even Ilmat, the god of suffering who is recognized as the most amiable and friendly, is no exception.

Moreover, I have lived in a world without gods since I was a child. At least as far as I know, the gods enshrined in temples are not capable of granting magical powers to believers.

The attitude of the social environment towards God is more like naked transaction than belief.

Mortals serve the gods, offer tributes to them, and perform various strange rituals, just in exchange for the gods to fulfill their wishes, nothing more.

So I accepted the idea of ​​materialism and for a long time believed that God was false, non-existent, something created by mortals based on their own imagination and needs.

Due to my upbringing, I am destined not to regard God as the only belief in my spiritual world, nor to regard serving God as a duty and honor like other believers and your chosen ones. "

When Midnight heard these words, he immediately showed a thoughtful expression, and quickly asked in a slightly joking tone: "Is this why you can reach a deal with the God of Knowledge? He puts himself in a relatively equal position, Give you respect and the right to choose?"

Zuo Si nodded seriously: "Yes! If Ilmat, the God of Suffering, gives people the feeling of kindness, mercy, pity and selfless help, he is willing to endure suffering on behalf of anyone and even the whole world.

Then the God of Knowledge is like a wise and knowledgeable wise man who never rushes to express his own opinions and suggestions, but will listen to what others have to say first.

No matter who he talks to, he will not regard himself as a superior god. Instead, he will have discussions that are beneficial to both parties like old friends.

What I appreciate most is the attitude of the God of Knowledge who never comes with any preset views or positions. "

"Haha, this is what I admire most about His Majesty Ogma. It seems that we now have a common friend."

There was a hint of playfulness in Midnight's tone that was incredibly playful.

Fortunately, Zuo Si has been a "master of expression management" for a long time. He did not show any signs of losing his composure. Instead, he politely probed: "You took a huge risk and lowered your avatar. Could it be that you just wanted to talk to me about this?" Bar?"

"No, of course not. I'm actually here to help you with some troubles. You are very interested in the Netheril scrolls, but you are worried that the knowledge in them will cause irreversible changes to your brain, thinking, consciousness and cognition. . Right?" Midnight reached out and gently touched the scrolls and asked without looking back.

"Yes. I'm not sure if I am ready to read these magic scrolls written by the creator race of ancient times, the Saluk Witch."

Zuo Si openly admitted his worries.

Unlike many arrogant mages in Faerûn, he is very aware of how vast and exaggerated the theoretical knowledge covered by the Netheril scrolls is.

It's like in the earth's modern science system, basic science is always more difficult, more important, and more complex than applied science.

In the magic system of Faerûn, the Netheril Scrolls are equivalent to a collection of magic basics.

"It seems that you already know the secrets of the Netherese Scrolls, and have maintained a considerable degree of caution about them.

This is very good!

Because the above two points are just the prerequisites for reading and learning the knowledge recorded in it.

If someone who doesn't know enough about it reads the Netherese scrolls without authorization, they will often be confused by the vast and difficult-to-understand knowledge, leading to a completely wrong understanding.

If you are not cautious enough, you will ignore the limits of your own intelligence and gain knowledge crazily.

Then when a certain critical point is reached, this greedy person's brain will be irreversibly damaged and completely turn into an unconscious lunatic. "

Midnight expressed his appreciation for Zuo Si's attitude without hesitation.

Because not many people, especially mages, can maintain such rationality and restraint when facing Netherese scrolls.

The first reaction of most arcane spellcasters is to look first and then talk.

"You mean... am I qualified to start reading these scrolls now?" Zuo Si asked cautiously.

Midnight smiled and nodded: "That's right. The ten scrolls you see are exactly one chapter, explaining the basic understanding and overview of primitive magic by Saluk.

It helps you understand the origins of magic in this world from its roots, as well as the rules that can be applied to most magical worlds.

If you can read them all and completely transform them into your own knowledge, then there will no longer be any secrets in any spell in front of you. "

"These ten are the beginning of the scrolls of Netheril?"

Zuo Si's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't believe that the goddess of magic was so kind to him, and even specially screened the contents of the scroll.

"You are right to understand it this way.

Don't worry, like the God of Knowledge, I just hope that you can bring back all kinds of novel magical knowledge and technology from other worlds. I don't have any ulterior motives.

Okay, now concentrate and let me teach you how to correctly understand what is written on the scroll.

I believe that with the help of the eye of knowledge, you should understand much faster than others. "

Having said that, Midnight pulled out the Netherese scroll on the top and gently spread it out, letting the silver magic symbols be arranged in an extremely regular manner.

Of course, Zuo Si would not let go of this opportunity to be personally mentored by the goddess of magic.

He didn't even bother to ask what the two gods were talking about, and quickly concentrated on staring at the magic hair symbols emerging on the scroll while listening to the goddess's explanation.

After a while, I entered a state of selfless learning.

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