A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 229: The Bloodline of the Dumbledore Family (A 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Midnight, the restricted area of ​​the library.

Just like yesterday, Zuo Si sat quietly at a table and continued with yesterday's progress, obtaining the knowledge he wanted from books that were deemed "dangerous" and "evil" by Hogwarts professors.

But unlike the book he accidentally discovered yesterday that recorded the summoning and manipulation of powerful fire, today he found a book related to the soul on the bottom shelf.

To be precise, the author of this book is very knowledgeable about the soul and has invented several spells that can affect the soul.

Although it is far from comparable to Faerun's advanced necromantic magic that destroys, imprisons, controls and transforms souls at every turn, it provides another completely different idea.

no doubt!

Spells like this, which require strong malice to be cast and have an impact on the target, are unsurprisingly classified as "black magic".

Looking at the warning marked in red letters on the title page, Zuo Si curled his lips disdainfully and commented in a voice that only he could hear: "You want to use this method to prevent wizards from exploring and researching magic? It's really boring. . If this method works, there won’t be so many dark wizards born in history, let alone a twisted psychopath like Voldemort.”

"It sounds like you have a different opinion on what's recorded in this book?"

Accompanied by a familiar voice, an old man with a gray beard and hair slowly walked out of the darkness.

He was none other than the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, known as the greatest wizard of our time.

"I just think it's inappropriate to simply classify as black magic all spells that can cause shocking harm or be unleashed through intense malice.

After all, for any wizard who is smart and powerful enough, exploring the mysteries of various magics is as instinctive as breathing.

I believe that when you were young, you must have had a very strong interest in this knowledge and spells.

What's more, for those wizards with malicious intentions, they don't necessarily need to use so-called black magic if they want to kill someone.

Many times a small bottle of poison, or a gun and a bomb obtained from the Muggle world, can easily achieve one's goals.

Therefore, the real danger is never the black magic itself, but the dark side of human heart and human nature. "

Zuo Si was not surprised that the principal suddenly appeared behind him. Instead, he talked very calmly, without any of the nervousness and fear of other students who were caught violating school rules.

To be precise, from the moment he decided to come to the restricted area of ​​the library, he had no hope of being able to hide it from Dumbledore, who was the principal.

Because becoming the headmaster of Hogwarts is not just a simple position, but you will also receive many privileges based on the magical contract.

Zuo Si even suspected that Dumbledore could monitor every corner of the school at any time if he wanted to.

Otherwise, there would be no risk of letting in Quirinus Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort.

And when Harry Potter is obsessed with the Mirror of Erised, he can always appear next to him in time to enlighten him, which makes up for the savior's biggest spiritual weakness.

"The real danger is the human heart and the dark side of human nature?"

Dumbledore seemed to sigh deeply.

"I have to admit that what you said makes sense.

Many times, it is not the wizard who uses black magic that causes him to become evil, but the wizard who chooses to learn and use black magic after he becomes evil.

Similarly, I also admit that when I was young, I also had a strong interest in the amazingly powerful black magic.

But you can't deny that regular use of these black magic will indeed corrode a person's mind, making him inevitably become more and more extreme, more evil, and less and less concerned with life.

What's more, as a first-year student, it's still too early for you to be exposed to these.

In addition, staying up late for a long time without sleep is not good for your body. "

"So you ran to the library in the middle of the night just to drive me back to bed?" Zuo Si couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"So be it. You are indeed as smart as Snape described and have maturity that belies your age. Are all geniuses in the Muggle world like you?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

Zuo Si lightly shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know. Because I have never met anyone of the same age as me, nor have I ever taken part in those so-called IQ tests. But those who think I am young want to deceive me. Those who receive pensions from the government and compensation from insurance companies all suffer in the end without exception.”

"Because you have seen the darkness of human hearts and humanity at a young age, that's why you have such thoughts?" Dumbledore continued to probe.

"No. I just read a lot of books. Have you read Gustave Le Bon's "The Crowd"? Have you read David Myers' "Social Psychology"? Did you know that the American psychologist Philippe The famous Stanford Prison Experiment conducted by Zimbardo and the resulting Lucifer Effect?”

Zuo Si mentioned several psychological works in one breath, as well as a horrific experiment that most exposed and proved the dark side of human nature in the twentieth century.

Obviously, as a wizard, although Dumbledore is not as hostile to Muggles as his good friend Gellert Grindelwald, he does not know much about the Muggle world.

Not to mention psychology, which only emerged in the late nineteenth century and was gradually taken seriously in the 1950s and 1960s.

So he subconsciously frowned and thought for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "Sorry, I have never heard of the books you mentioned. Does it have anything to do with what we are talking about?"

"Of course it does. If you have read these books, you will understand one truth, that is, there are no absolute good guys and bad guys in this world. There is often only a thin line between them.

The choices everyone makes at critical moments are actually traceable and inextricably linked to life experience and living environment.

By analyzing a person's experiences at different times, we can almost figure out his thoughts and intentions at that time.

In Muggle society, this special profession is called a psychoanalyst.

They can not only assist law enforcement agencies to find and catch dangerous criminals with high IQs, but also counsel those with psychological problems to prevent them from embarking on a criminal path that poses a threat to society.

That's why I say that the Ministry of Magic has a big problem with the definition of so-called dark magic.

If I guess correctly, many adult wizards, including you, Snape and Professor McGonagall, should know the three unforgivable curses, right?

But why do you control yourselves so well instead of killing innocent people without restraint like a certain person who must not be named and his followers?

So in my opinion, it is extremely irresponsible to put all the blame on black magic.

It stifles the creativity of gifted wizards to some extent and hinders the development of the wizarding world.

The Muggle world has put forward a slogan called science and technology as the primary productive force.

Because of the power of science and technology, the world of ordinary people has achieved unimaginable rapid development in just two to three hundred years, and created a prosperous and convenient life that was simply unimaginable in the past.

In the same way, for the wizarding world, spells and magic are the primary productive forces.

Look through these ancient books and see how many great wizards have been born from ancient Greece to modern times?

Herbo, who was the first to breed a basilisk and invented the method of making Horcruxes, Andros, who could summon a patron saint the size of a giant, Mopsus, who could accurately predict a war, and death in wizard fairy tales The three Peverell brothers of the Hallows, the famous Merlin, the four founders of Hogwarts, etc.

Although many of them are evil dark wizards according to the definition given by the modern magic world, they invented many spells that continue to this day.

But what about modern times?

With various bans on black magic, I found that the world of wizards has hardly changed much in the past three hundred years, and almost no subversive new spells have been invented.

However, two generations of powerful dark wizards emerged in less than a few decades.

Most importantly, they all have the support of a large number of wizards to some extent.

And this kind of support just reflects that there are a lot of wizards who are strongly dissatisfied, even angry, with the Ministry of Magic's management system and social state.

Don't you find it strange to see such a strange phenomenon? "

Zuo Si used very sharp words to point directly to the core contradiction at the root of the magic world.

His words directly dealt a terrible blow to Dumbledore's mind and heart, making the over-100-year-old man fall into deep thought.

After all, the number of wizards is never very large, and they live in very scattered places.

Therefore, no one in the wizarding world has studied sociology. No one understands why people like Voldemort and Gellert Grindelwald can rise, and why they have so many supporters and respond to them all.

But as a bystander, Zuo Si clearly saw the extremely serious internal conflicts and divisions in the magic world.

Among them, the rise of Gellert Grindelwald originated from wizards' anxiety about the efficiency and cruelty shown by Muggles in killing each other during the two world wars, so an attempt to overturn the Statute of Secrecy occurred and broke out. revolution, trying to build a world dominated by wizards.

But as he lost to Dumbledore in the duel, the Second World War in the Muggle world also came to an end, and various countries returned to a state of peace as a whole. The nervous and anxious mood gradually disappeared, and the wizards naturally There is no more urgent desire and need before.

As for Voldemort's second craze in the British wizarding world, its root was the pure-blood family's counterattack against the increasing number of mixed-race wizards and Muggle wizards in the wizarding world, which directly threatened their own interests and dominance.

To put it simply, the decadent conservative forces were unwilling to be squeezed out of the stage of history little by little, so they tried their best to reverse the situation and carry out a major purge of the entire magical world.

But unfortunately, they failed, and lost miserably.

Many families with a long history even died out directly, or there were only one, two, or three survivors left.

The rest were either killed or imprisoned in Azkaban Prison and became lunatics and lunatics.

But this blow did not completely devastate the pure-blood family.

Those surviving families are slowly gathering strength and trying to wait for the next opportunity to counterattack.

In other words, since the Great Purge was not launched, the conflicts that tore the British wizarding world apart still existed.

This is also the main reason why Voldemort can return again and stir up troubles.

Zuo Si feels that if you want to change the current situation in the wizarding world, the easiest way is to let men use intoxicants to abduct Muggle women, then make them pregnant and give birth to a large number of mixed-race children.

If a man can successfully seduce a hundred women and have them give birth to two hundred children, then as long as one-third of them have the talent to become wizards, the number of wizards in the magical world will inevitably increase exponentially.

As long as this policy persists, the absolute majority of Muggles can even be quietly reduced to a minority, until all people in the world become wizards with the ability to cast spells.

Anyway, with the Forgetting Charm and the Muggle Expelling Charm, in theory there is no need to worry about being noticed by the other party.

After being silent for a long time, Dumbledore asked in a slightly weird tone: "Did you learn these through reading when you were living in the Muggle world? Why did other little wizards from the Muggle world never mention it? How's it going?"

"Because they are too young, it is impossible for their parents to buy these in-depth books for them. Even if they can buy them, they may not be able to understand them. In addition, even in the Muggle world, people who have read such books cannot After all, there are only a very small number of people. And now I know what kind of gift I should give you at Christmas." Zuo Si explained with a smile.

"I'm very much looking forward to your Christmas gift. By the way, if you don't mind, can you tell me what you are planning to do with the ink, dragon's blood, and parchment scrolls you are carrying?"

Dumbledore glanced doubtfully at the messy things on the table that had no purpose.

"I'm researching on transcribing and sealing magic spells on parchment to make scrolls. When the time comes, wizards can make up for this by simply activating the scrolls when they need to use magic they are not good at."

Zuo Si did not hide anything, and spoke openly about his first research topic that was used to establish his reputation as a genius.

After all, the technology for transcribing scrolls is readily available. The only difficulty lies in analyzing and restoring the magic spells that have been simplified to the extreme one by one, so that they can be sealed in the parchment scroll in a stable structure.

As for the special ink, he has already studied two versions: Dragon Blood and Thestral Ink.

"Seal the spell into a scroll and save it, and activate it when needed?"

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with surprise.

Because if this research succeeds, it will definitely be a major invention that can shock or even subvert the entire magical world. It might even leave a mark in history.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. However, during the process of copying and storing, I discovered a problem, that is, modern spells are often extremely simplified, and there is no way to form a stable spell structure, so it is necessary to learn from these spells. Look for clues and answers in forbidden books.”

"How many spells have you learned now?" Dumbledore asked in an uncertain tone.

"Well...probably all the standard spells, advanced spells in the book of spells, and spells recorded in ancient books such as Li Huo. However, there are many that may cause damage. I have not tried them yet, and I don't know how specific they can be. Unable to successfully release."

Zuo Si said all the spells he had learned in one breath.

He knew very well that for people like Dumbledore, the more he concealed something, the more suspicion he would arouse.

"All?! Can you learn those advanced spells just by reading them once?" Dumbledore's tone revealed undisguised shock.

Zuo Si responded bluntly: "Absolutely. The so-called spell is just to better guide the magic power in the body to interfere with matter and energy.

As long as you understand this principle, everything else is very simple.

Concentrate on feeling the changes in your own magic power when you recite the spell, find the most obvious part of it, and then strengthen it to the maximum extent. In theory, you can successfully release the spell.

The rest is to achieve the maximum effect by consuming the minimum amount of magic power through repeated practice.

After all, with a convenient tool like a wand to enhance magic perception, it is difficult to learn how to do it.

As for those wizards who have difficulty casting spells, I think either their original qualifications are limited and simply not enough to reach the threshold of becoming a qualified wizard, or they are simply not focused on it. "

"Can you feel the ups and downs of the magic power in your body when you recite a spell? What a terrifying talent!" Dumbledore couldn't help but sigh. "So can you cast the Patronus spell?"

"Patronus Charm?"

Zuo Si instantly realized what "the principal" wanted to express, and immediately smiled and took out his wand and waved it gently.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

The next second...

The front end of the wand shot out a ball of silver-white light.

Within a few seconds, these light groups turned into the shape of a small giant dragon.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that this dragon is not a fire dragon like a wild beast in this world, but a giant dragon with wisdom in Faerûn.

Since the image of the Patronus Charm can show a person's heart to a certain extent, Dumbledore probably wanted to find out what Zuo Si's thoughts and inner world were like.

no doubt!

Dragons symbolize pure strength and power in this world.

But it doesn't have any good or evil tendencies.

Therefore, the principal was obviously relieved.

He is too old, too old to have the time and energy to deal with an evil wizard who is very likely to surpass Tom Riddle in talent.

"A very beautiful Patronus, and the most amazing Patronus I have ever seen. It seems that there is a lot of happiness worth recalling in your memory." Dumbledore commented with a smile.

Zuo Si waved his hand to cancel the patron saint he had summoned, and responded meaningfully: "When people are alive, they should find ways to surround themselves with happy emotions every day. In this regard, I think everyone should ask Weiss The twin brothers of the Lai family study. At least they live a happy life every day, and they also try to make everyone else around them happy too. "

"They are indeed happy. But if all the students at Hogwarts were that naughty, the professors and administrators would go crazy."

Dumbledore was clearly in a good mood and even cracked a joke.

Although George and Fred would get into trouble almost every once in a while after they entered school, he still admired their positive and optimistic attitude towards life, as well as the unique bravery and fearlessness of Gryffindor.

"But you didn't stop them, did you? As far as I know, the twins are currently wandering the floors of the school near the kitchen, trying to enter the kitchen full of house elves."

You knew without asking that Zuo Si knew everything about the twins' activities every night.

Because the other party was almost the same as him. Every time the curfew started, he would find ways to sneak out and explore the unknown hidden corners of Hogwarts Castle.

I usually wait until about two o'clock in the morning before quietly sneaking back to the dormitory to sleep.

"Oh, what a troublesome student. It seems that I have to find a way to teach them both a lesson, otherwise God knows what trouble will happen." Dumbledore sighed in embarrassment.

But soon, he changed the subject and took out a small bottle that looked like it was made of crystal from his pocket: "If you don't mind, can you give me some of your blood?"

"My blood?"

An alarm bell sounded in Zuo Si's heart.

"Yes, your blood. I suspect that you may not be a pure Muggle. Your father, mother, or grandfather, grandmother, grandpa, or grandma, one of them may be a wizard. Otherwise, someone from a normal Muggle family Little wizard, no matter how smart or talented you are, you can't be this amazing. Don't worry, it's just a small test and won't leave any impression on you."

As he spoke, Dumbledore passed the bottle in his hand forward.

You don't need to ask to know that understanding that inexplicable feeling of closeness is the main purpose of his visit tonight.

"Okay, I happen to want to know too."

Zuo Si hesitated for a moment, and finally cast a cutting spell on his finger, gently opened a small opening, and dropped a few drops of blood into the bottle.


These drops of blood immediately bloomed with a dazzling red light after entering the bottle, and began to burn like a flame.

It took about ten seconds before it was completely extinguished.

"What does this mean?" Zuo Si asked deliberately pretending to be ignorant.

Dumbledore put away the bottle calmly and replied: "It means that among the three generations of your family, at least one is a wizard, and a very powerful wizard. In other words, the Sorting Hat did not make a mistake. You are not a Muggle. , but should belong to a mixed-race wizard. It’s just that your parents don’t have the talent to become wizards, so the elders may have hidden this secret.”

"Mixed-blood wizard? Me?"

Zuo Si resisted the urge to laugh and pretended to be surprised.

He finally realized that Dumbledore was also a master at deceiving and misleading others by selectively telling the truth.

What kind of family has at least one wizard among three generations!

They are all lies!

The small bottle just now was really testing whether it contained the blood of the Dumbledore family.

This can be seen from the other party's clasped hands hidden under his sleeves.

"Yes. The intelligence that far exceeds that of your peers, as well as the gifts from the blood of your elders, have made it possible for you to learn magic effortlessly now.

If it were a young wizard from a purely Muggle family, the real situation would be like Miss Granger.

He is outstanding in theoretical study, but when it comes to actual operation, he always encounters some problems.

Okay, I have other things to deal with, please remember to go back to the dormitory early to rest. "

After saying this, Dumbledore turned and disappeared into the dark corridor outside the library.

Watching the principal walk away completely, Zuo Si immediately had a playful smile on his face, stroking his chin and whispering: "Next, will the greatest wizard of our time go to find his brother Aberforth, or will he go to find him?" Where is his old lover Gellert Grindelwald? It’s really a little exciting.”

But soon, he brought his attention back and began to absorb knowledge from those forbidden books while trying to restore some simple spells to a state sufficient to form a stable spell structure, and then sealed them in parchment scrolls.

Since this is a very large and complex project, Zuo Si does not expect to succeed in a short time.

After a whole night of tossing, dozens of sheets of parchment and half a bottle of special ink were scrapped, and in the end all that was gained was a broken floating spell scroll.

The reason why I say broken is because after this scroll is activated, it can only float very light objects such as a feather or a pen.

If it were a little heavier, the spell would immediately fail on the spot, and it would not be considered a true and complete floating spell at all.

But this is obviously a good start.

At least it proves that Zuo Si's idea is correct. The magic spells of this world can indeed be copied into scrolls like Faerun's spells and divine spells.

At the same time, at dawn, Albus Dumbledore came to Hogsmeade village near Hogwarts alone and knocked on the door of the Pig's Head pub.

After a while, an old man who looked somewhat similar to him but behaved more rudely and weirdly opened the door from inside.

The two brothers looked at each other for a full minute before Aberforth asked in a tone full of disgust: "What can I do for you?"

"I have something that I need to discuss with you alone." Albus expressed his intention directly.

"come in!"

Although Aberforth had a look of disgust on his face, he still let his brother in and closed the door behind him.

He didn't even go to pour a glass of wine, he just stood there.

But Albus didn't care about this and said bluntly: "Among the new students at Hogwarts this year, I discovered a young wizard born as a Muggle, with the blood of the Dumbledore family flowing through him."

"What? I didn't hear it clearly! Could you please repeat it again?"

Aberforth's mouth widened in surprise, thinking that his ears were hallucinating.

"You heard it right. Another child with the blood of the Dumbledore family has appeared. But unlike Aurelius decades ago, I can't be sure whose descendant he is."

Albus explained the situation succinctly.

"Damn it! You mean... he could be a descendant of Aurelius or our aunt Honoria?" A look of nervousness and excitement appeared on Aberforth's face.

Especially when he mentioned the name Aurelius, his whole body was trembling slightly.

Because Aurelius also has a name called Credence, who is Aberforth's biological son and the Obscurus who followed Gellert Grindelwald back then.

Albus shook his head slightly: "I don't know. Maybe it is, maybe not, or it may be the bloodline left in the Muggle world by our fathers, grandfathers, or even the ancestors of the family a long time ago, unintentionally. Or simply created out of thin air using some ancient magic.

I'll ask Garrett about this later.

But it is undeniable that the power of this bloodline has awakened in this young man's body, and has become very powerful and amazing.

do you know?

He could easily cast any spell just by looking at it once and trying it a few times.

This incredible talent is something I have never seen in any other wizard in my life.

So I need your help. "


Aberforth frowned subconsciously.

"Yes, help. I hope someone can provide this child with some correct guidance to ensure that he does not go astray. Because he is an orphan, and he is so smart and precocious that it is scary." Albus said own ideas.

"Orphan? Where are his parents?"

Aberforth's frown deepened.

"The child's parents were Aurors in the Muggle world and died in the line of duty while performing dangerous missions. As members of the Dumbledore family, we have the responsibility and obligation to help him now that we have discovered it, right?" Busi's expression suddenly became very serious.

Aberforth was silent for a few seconds, then quickly raised his head and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"It's simple. Be his friend and provide him with some life lessons and guidance when needed."

"Okay, I agree. But you should know that I have little experience in taking care of children."

"Believe me, he's different from any other kid you've ever seen. You can even treat him like an adult."

Zuo Si obviously didn't know that his principal, Dumbledore, had begun to arrange a life mentor for him, and he still lived a life of two points and one line between the classroom and the library during the day.

Since he almost never interacts with other classmates, even students in this college, he is a standard weirdo in the eyes of most children.

Of course, Hermione, who also spends all day in the library, is also regarded as a weirdo.

However, with the arrival of flying lessons on Thursday afternoon, all the first-year students from wizarding families began to become excited.

Everyone is trying to brag about how fast they have ridden and what thrilling and complex technical moves they have made.

But Zuo Si didn't have much interest in this.

Because he is also a person who has ridden a dragon, and can even turn into a blue dragon himself. He is really not interested in flying magic creations such as flying broomsticks.

Moreover, he felt that the design of the flying broom was not scientific at all. Although there was a small cushion, if it was hit or moved at high speed and it turned sharply, it would cause a "fatal blow" to the male's lower body.

"Hey! Soth. The flying lesson is about to start. Why don't you react at all? Aren't you excited?"

Ron, who had been bragging to Harry for a long time, finally couldn't help but ask.

"What's there to be excited about?

How fast can a flying broom go?

Can it exceed the speed of sound?

In the Muggle world, supersonic aircraft that are several times faster than sound have long been developed, and rockets that can directly break through the atmosphere and enter space and even the moon.

Even commercial airliners can easily reach eight hundred kilometers per hour, which is close to five hundred miles.

Compared with the flying broom, both speed and comfort are far behind.

Perhaps the only advantage is that it is easy to carry and can take off and land anywhere? "

Zuo Si casually expressed his views on flying broomsticks.

Ron, who just now wanted to regain some sense of superiority by virtue of his wizarding family background, was immediately completely depressed by these words.

Although he doesn't know exactly what airplanes and rockets are, he still knows how many kilometers and miles per hour the flight speed is.

Even this year's latest model, the Nimbus 2000, can barely reach a top speed of 300 kilometers per hour, which is incomparable to an aircraft traveling at 800 kilometers per hour.

Seeing Ron, who was still boasting one second, fell into silence the next second, Harry smiled very unkindly.

Because he found that whenever someone around him got carried away and wanted to challenge Zuo Si or show off, this "weirdo" who always stayed in the library on weekdays could always use the sharpest words to refute the other party to the core.

"But this is a class, and we need to at least get a decent grade at the end of the semester."

Hermione raised her head and warned.

The girl looked very nervous at the moment, and her palms were sweating all the time.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Don't worry, I will get an O (excellent)."

"So confident? You've never even flown on a broomstick!"

Ron, who likes to argue about everything, immediately raised questions.

He had seen many little wizards fall off a broomstick when they first rode on it, so he always felt that Zuo Si might make a fool of himself in this class.

"Facts speak louder than words. Anyway, we will know the result in class later. In addition, I have to remind you that it is best not to show off your poor flying experience in front of Harry. If nothing else, he is very good in this regard. His talent is much higher than yours." Zuo Si said meaningfully.

"What's the meaning?"

Ron was stunned.

"Go look at the Quidditch trophies and you'll find a lot of interesting and familiar names."

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored these little guys and lowered his head to start sorting out the spells and spell models he had analyzed in the past few days. He planned to publish the first book dedicated to how to make magic scrolls within a month or two. books.

His purpose is very simple, that is, to become famous in this way and gain a certain status in wizard society throughout Europe and even the world.

In addition, you can also get a lot of gold galleons that are urgently needed now.

You must know that the little money exchanged at Gringotts before the start of school has already been spent.

Especially the blood of the fire dragon, its price is simply astonishingly expensive.

This can be gleaned from the description of Horace Slughorn, the potions professor in the original Half-Blood Prince.

Zuo Si only bought a little bit to make magic ink and declared bankruptcy completely.

As for the blood of the Thestrals, they took advantage of Hagrid, the gamekeeper, not paying attention, and drew a little bit from the Thestrals raised in Hogwarts.

Judging from the actual effect, the effect of the ink mixed with the blood of the fire dragon is obviously much stronger than that of the Thestral Blood. It can seal the magic power in the scroll to the maximum extent, and is suitable for storing those powerful spells.

But the latter is not without its merits. Although it is much less powerful, it can have a price advantage, making it affordable even for the poorest wizards.

In short, Zuo Si is very optimistic about the prospects of magic scrolls and believes that once this thing is invented, it will definitely become popular in the entire magical world like Faerun and become another indispensable piece of equipment for wizards after the wand.

After all, most wizards in this world are very special, and everyone has their own spells that they are good at and not good at.

The scroll can make up for its own shortcomings to the greatest extent.

For example, a wizard who is not good at the Patronus Charm can ask a friend who is good at it to copy two copies so that he can take them out to save his life when encountering dementors.

When the scroll becomes popular throughout the magic world, Faerun's magic storage wands, rings and other equipment can also be launched.

By then, several Faerun-specific spells will be transformed into spells in this world, and Zuo Si's image in the eyes of wizards will gradually change from a genius at the beginning to the most professional and authoritative master in this field.

After gaining a respectable social status, he can obtain what he needs through various means, and finally establish an absolutely safe shelter here.

If you cause big trouble in Faerûn one day, you can always run over and hide for a while.

As the time came to 3:30 in the afternoon, the hour-long break finally came to an end.

The first years of Gryffindor and Slytherin all came to the open space outside.

Mrs. Rolanda Hooch had been waiting for a long time and immediately shouted to these students whose faces were full of excitement and anticipation: "Okay! What are you waiting for? Everyone stand next to the flying broom. Quick, Quick, hurry up."

Amid the shouts of this resolute lady, the freshmen looked for a relatively unshabby looking broom nearby.

no way!

These are antiques from who knows how many years ago. They are specially used for basic exercises for new students. They are just for simple familiarity with the operations, nothing more.

"Stretch out your right hand! Place it on top of the broom! Then say loudly - Get up!"

Mrs. Hooch explained to the young wizards from Muggle families in as loud a voice as possible.

Because this course is basically just for them.

Students from wizarding families basically have their own flying broomsticks before going to school and don't need to learn them at all.

"stand up!"

"stand up!"

Suddenly, the surrounding grassland was filled with the hoarse shouts of the little wizards.

But only a handful of people successfully summon a flying broomstick the first time.

The rest basically either continued to roll on the ground, or didn't move at all.

"Damn it! Why doesn't my broom move? Is it too old and broken?" Hermione whispered anxiously.

Because she had just seen Harry make his broom jump up from the ground with just one sound.

Zuo Si smiled and corrected: "No, it's not broken, but the method you used is wrong. Do you remember what I told you in the library last time? In the world of magic, everything is ultimately produced by magic. It works. So the broom didn't respond to you, it's just that you didn't find the best way to use magic. Now let me demonstrate it to you."

As the last word blurted out, everyone saw that Zuo Si didn't even say "get up", the broom just floated directly in front of him out of thin air, and even flew slowly around his body under the guidance of a finger.

"Merlin's beard! He...how did he do it?" Ron's mouth widened in surprise.

A wry smile appeared on Harry's face: "Don't ask me, I don't know either. Do you remember the stories I told you about genius children in the Muggle world? Things that seem impossible in the eyes of others, for It’s as easy for them as eating and drinking.”

"What a terrifying monster! I heard Hermione say that Soth has almost finished reading one-third of the books in the library. He may now have more spells than many seventh-year graduates. "More." Ron complained softly.

"I think this is why Malfoy has always been so honest. Looking at his eyes now, there is resentment and fear. As soon as Soth appears, this guy will become a lot more honest."

When saying these words, Harry did not hide his gloating at all.

Because ever since he rejected the young master's olive branch before the opening ceremony, Draco had been trying every possible means to cause trouble for him.

The two have been falling in love since the first week of school.

Ron nodded with deep understanding: "This is why I never hate Soth. Compared to Malfoy, who is hated by everyone, his personality is just a little weird at best."

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