A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 230 Smart people never gregarious (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

As the first-year students picked up the brooms around them one after another, Mrs. Hooch began to demonstrate to these eager little guys how to hold and ride them correctly, and at the same time correct some bad habits and inappropriate habits of those students from wizarding families. Standard actions.

Although these freshmen have all ridden flying broomsticks at home, this does not mean that they have truly mastered the essentials of flying.

In particular, the flying classes at Hogwarts are often tasked with providing fresh blood for each college's Quidditch teams.

Therefore, all bad habits and irregular actions must be corrected.

Otherwise, maybe it's not a big deal to fly around without confrontation.

But if you go to the court and participate in a fierce confrontation, you will fall off the broom in minutes.

Falling arms and legs is a trivial matter, and the big deal is just catching up and it's over.

But if you break your neck or smash your head and die on the spot, the consequences will become quite serious.

Therefore, whenever she sees something wrong with her movements, Mrs. Huo Qi will immediately criticize her in a very harsh tone.

Not surprisingly, both Ron and Malfoy were corrected many times, which made them quite frustrated.

In contrast, the new students from Muggle families strictly followed the requirements and maintained the standard riding posture, so they rarely received reprimands.

After a round of corrections, Mrs. Huo Qi returned to the open space and said: "Now, everyone listen to my whistle. When the whistle sounds, you push hard to get off the ground. Remember! Push hard. ! At the same time, hold the front end of the broom tightly, lean forward slightly, slowly rise a few feet, and then fall vertically back to the ground. Three—two—"

However, Neville, who was clumsy in everything he did, was obviously too nervous. Before the whistle blew, his feet subconsciously kicked the ground hard, and his whole body flew into the air more than ten meters high with a whooshing sound.

"Come back! Come back quickly!"

Mrs. Huo Qi shouted nervously, obviously frightened by this scene.

She didn't want any accidents to happen in her class.

But unfortunately, Neville obviously does not have the ability to control a flying broom. Instead, he is controlled by the broom to fly higher and higher.

Finally, when he reached about thirty meters, he could no longer suppress the fear in his heart. His face turned pale and he let go of his hands, slamming them to the ground under the influence of gravity.

This height is equivalent to a nine-story building.

Let alone a child, even an adult would be in danger if he fell.

Because the thing happened so suddenly, no one had time to react, and Mrs. Huo Qi couldn't even draw out her wand.

Just when poor Neville was about to have a close contact with the ground, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"


Neville, who was probably less than a few centimeters from the ground, suddenly stopped without actually hitting it.

A few taller green grass roots even touched my nose and face.

I saw that Zuo Si had taken out his wand at some point, and he knew that he had cast the floating spell just now without asking.

"Perfect levitation spell! Ten points for Slytherin!"

Seeing that Neville was okay, Mrs. Hoqi breathed a sigh of relief, quickly walked over and carefully helped him up from the ground.

It turned out that although Neville's body did not collide directly with the ground, one of his arms was still severely punched due to the random waving when he fell.

I don’t know if it was a fracture, but my wrist was obviously quite swollen.

Although this is a serious injury in the Muggle world, it is obviously nothing to wizards. Generally speaking, it only takes a few healing spells to solve it.

But out of caution, Mrs. Hooch decided to take Neville for a checkup immediately.

But before leaving, she did not forget to turn around and warn the new students: "I am going to send this child to Madam Pomfrey now. No one of you is allowed to move until I come back! Put the broomstick back to its original position. Earth! Otherwise, I guarantee that you will be kicked out of Hogwarts before you can see your first Quidditch match."

I have to say that this threat is still very intimidating.

After all, for a group of children, being expelled from the school is tantamount to the sky falling apart, so they all seem to be very honest.

At least while Mrs. Hooch was out of sight, no one risked being fired.

But when the two of them were completely gone, Master Malfoy, who had already lost his patience, jumped out and mocked in his villainous tone: "Have you seen the expression on that idiot just now? He can't even fly a broomstick." I can't control it. It's a real disgrace to our pure-blood family. If I were him, I would have no shame in continuing to stay at Hogwarts."

"Shut up! Malfoy!"

Parvati Patil, an Indian girl, snapped.

"Huh? What, you want to protect Longbottom? I didn't expect you to like the chubby little tearbag."

Pansy Parkinson, who was also from Slytherin House, also joined the battle group, and just one sentence made the former furious.

Women are obviously inherently more advantageous than men when it comes to eccentricity and hostility.

After a while, a small-scale verbal quarrel led by a few people turned into a tense confrontation between the two colleges.

Obviously, the scene described by Gustave Le Bon in the book "The Crowd" is taking place among this group of little wizards.

They don’t know what kind of enchanting soup the Hogwarts Sorting Hat poured into them. In just a few days, they became a part of their respective houses, and even developed a strong identity.

"Hey! Soth! Aren't you going to take care of them?" Hermione couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"Who cares? In what capacity?"

Zuo Si asked two key questions with a half-smile.

Hermione was stunned for a moment, suddenly realizing that the other person was not a prefect, and seemed to be ostracized and isolated in Slytherin House.

But soon, she asked in an uncertain tone: "If there is a fight later, who will you help?"

"No one will help. I don't care about such trivial matters. Anyway, it won't be long before the professors come forward to solve it." Zuo Si pretended to be indifferent.

"Even if the students of Slytherin House were beaten to pieces?" Hermione's eyes were full of doubts and confusion.

Zuo Si nodded without hesitation: "That's right. Slytherin students are beaten by themselves. Does it have anything to do with me?

I came to Hogwarts to learn magic and knowledge, not to play house and let others label me with an identity and then act according to the rules they specified.

In fact, which college I join makes no difference at all to me.

As for the College Cup, college honors, college history, and the philosophy of the college founder, I don't care at all.

Even if someone stepped on the Slytherin House logo and threw it into the pit in front of my face, I would just stand aside and watch silently, maybe even applaud.

In addition, I also suggest that you should not take the academy too seriously, let alone change yourself to cater to the vulgar, short-sighted and stupid so-called correct views of most people.

Because all the people, ideas, knowledge and books in this world are, without exception, full of pride and prejudice.

This is true of you and me, and so is the four founders of Hogwarts.

They use the sorting hat to select students who are suitable to inherit their own ideas and will, and then strengthen these characteristics through competition between colleges, and ultimately make the students in the college become as much like themselves as possible.

This is a kind of brainwashing, but also a kind of ideological assimilation, which makes you unknowingly agree with those boring ideas under the influence of group consciousness.

In other words, the four founders used this method to continue their competition after death, that is, who taught better students.

A group of living people were manipulated by four dead people. Don't you think this is ridiculous and sad at the same time? "

As these words blurted out, Hermione's face instantly turned pale.

Coming from a Muggle family, she was better able to understand what Zuo Sixiu wanted to express than her classmates who came from a wizarding family.

To put it simply, whether it is the sorting ceremony or the competition between colleges, they are essentially a subtle influence and control on students' thoughts and consciousness.

At Hogwarts, all students are labeled Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

Through rewards and punishments such as extra points, subtracted points, college cups, and Quidditch matches, students are forced to develop a collective consciousness and identity, and gradually consciously integrate the iconic characteristics of the college into their own personalities.

As a very independent and smart girl, Hermione recalled the changes in her classmates in the past few days, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She even felt that she almost became one of them, and she couldn't help but shudder.

When she came to her senses, Harry and Malfoy were already riding broomsticks in an aerial contest.

In the blink of an eye, Professor McGonagall, who saw this scene, appeared on the lawn and pulled Harry towards the castle.

Students from Gryffindor House came forward to plead for mercy, while students from Slytherin House stood aside and sneered.

A flying lesson ended hastily like this.

When most of the other students returned to the hall on the first floor, Hermione immediately asked in a low voice: "How did you find out about this?"

"It's simple! If you want to be a truly smart person, never try to fit in.

Integrating into a group is equivalent to forcibly lowering your IQ in exchange for a sense of belonging that makes you feel safe, and then slowly smoothing the edges and becoming more and more mediocre.

Maintain independent thinking and never change it for anyone, even if the other person is a so-called friend.

Because anyone who tries to force you to change is definitely not a true friend.


For a wizard, nothing is more important than maintaining a strong sense of self.

Have you ever seen our headmaster, the greatest wizard of our time, Albus Dumbledore, ever compromise with others?

Not even his best friend, close lover, or blood brother could change the decision he made.

So if you can persist in doing these, congratulations, you have gained the most basic potential to become a great wizard.

Finally, let me tell you a little secret I recently discovered.

In fact, when releasing magic, emotions and will can greatly enhance the power of the spell. "

After saying these words, Zuo Si left a meaningful smile, then turned and went straight to the library.

Anyway, he has said everything that needs to be said. Whether this girl can escape her original fate depends on the next choice.

Unlike Hermione who was shocked and fell into confusion and contemplation, Ron, who was heartless, remained excited throughout dinner.

Just now, he heard his good friend Harry talk about being recommended by Professor McGonagall and successfully joining the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Seeker, and he fell into ecstasy.

"Damn! I mean great! I remember the team usually doesn't accept first-year students. You must be the youngest Seeker in the past few decades." Ron said incoherently.

"A century to be exact. Wood told me so."

Harry added in a slightly excited tone, stuffing the pie into his mouth.

Perhaps because of the thrilling aerial battle with Malfoy in the afternoon, he felt particularly hungry now.

The two of them were discussing the matter in a low voice while eating. Less than two or three minutes later, the Weasley twin brothers suddenly appeared.

The two of them came to Harry and Ron, one on the left, and gently patted the former on the shoulders and said some words of encouragement.

As for poor Ron, he was magnificently ignored by his brothers.

After the twins left, Master Malfoy came over with his followers and asked provocatively: "Are you having your last meal, Potter? When will you take the train back to the Muggles?"

"Draco, I noticed that you seemed to be a lot more courageous after you returned to the ground. Did the company of the two children behind you give you courage?" Harry retorted unceremoniously.

Since meeting Zuo Si, he has learned a lot of "little tricks" from him that can make people angry to death.

As expected, both Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle instantly turned red.

But since the guest of honor seat was full of professors, they did not dare to make a mistake and could only make a clicking sound with their fingers in an attempt to intimidate.

After a brief confrontation, Malfoy discovered that Harry Potter had no fear at all. He immediately became angry and vicious, and gritted his teeth and suggested: "I can fight you alone at any time. If you don't If you have any suggestions, how about we have a duel between wizards tonight? Only use wands and no physical contact is allowed. You know what a wizard duel is, right?"

"Of course he knows." Ron took the initiative to take over the conversation. "I am his assistant, who is your assistant?"

"Crabbe!" Malfoy chose between his two followers, and finally chose the larger one. "It will be at midnight and it will be in the trophy room because the doors are never locked there."

"Okay! It's settled! Whoever doesn't come when the time comes will be a coward."

Before Harry could react, Ron took the initiative and agreed.

After the three Malfoys left, Hermione, who was reading, finally raised her head and couldn't help but ask: "Are you really planning to have a wizard duel with Malfoy?"

"Why not? You saw it too, that guy was just bluffing." Ron shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Uh... who can tell me what the wizard duel is about? What is an assistant?" Harry asked weakly.

Ron replied without thinking: "What the assistant means is that if you die in the duel, then I will take over for you. But don't worry, the only thing that really kills people is the duel between adult wizards. With Malfoy's At best, it can spray some sparks from the front end of the wand, but it's still far from being able to hurt someone."

"What if I wave the wand and nothing happens?" Harry was obviously worried.

Because he had never really fought with anyone since he was a child, and he was basically the one being bullied.

"Then throw away the wand and aim your fist at Malfoy's nose." Ron suggested fiercely.

Hearing these ignorant and stupid remarks, Hermione immediately interrupted: "Sorry, excuse me. As far as I know, Malfoy is from a pure-blood family, so he should have mastered several spells before enrolling. .”

"What? How did you know?" Ron was stunned for a moment.

"Thos told me. In the Slytherin common room on the first night of school, Malfoy once cast one or two spells. Although they were not very powerful, they were enough to make you panic." Hermione was not angry. rolled his eyes.

The longer she spent with Zuo Si, the more she felt that the red-haired boy in front of her was as stupid as a pig.

Not to mention compared to the senior Percy, even the twin brothers looked ten thousand times smarter than Ron.


Ron, who was talking loudly one second, showed a horrified expression the next second.

Not only him, but Harry, who had become the protagonist of this duel inexplicably, was even more panicked.

After all, he had already seen the power of the curse. With just a flick of the spell, he could make someone fall to the ground unconscious.

He simply couldn't imagine how evil Malfoy would do if he fell into a coma.

"What should we do now?"

After being silent for a long time, Harry finally began to try to find a way to break the situation.

"There are only a few hours left before midnight. Unless you have the same talent as Soth, it is impossible to learn a spell in such a short time. So I suggest that you don't go to the appointment tonight. "

After saying that, Hermione quickly stood up and disappeared at the end of the corridor leading to the library.

After watching the girl disappear from sight, Ron and Harry looked at each other and immediately walked straight towards the empty table sitting in the far right corner.

Zuo Si, who was playing with the scrolls, saw the two people appearing in front of him and immediately asked without raising his head: "Is something wrong?"

"Well... we have agreed with Malfoy to have a wizard duel tonight. So I would like to ask you to do a little favor." Harry stammered out the request.

"Oh? Wizards duel? You guys?"

Zuo Si finally stopped what he was doing, raised his head and stared at these two silly boys.

Because he really didn't understand how the other party got the courage to accept the invitation for a wizard duel when he didn't master any spells.

You should know that Gryffindor's motto is to be brave, not reckless.

But considering that most people do stupid things when they are young because of impulsiveness or without thinking, Harry and Ron's actions don't seem so difficult to understand.

After all, who didn’t have some dark history when they were young?

At least Zuo Si clearly remembered some behaviors that made him feel extremely embarrassed and humiliated when he thought about it now.

"Yes! Is there any way you can help us master one or two spells that can be used in duels in a short period of time?" Harry asked nervously in a low voice.

"Well - there are a lot of spells, but the problem is that with your current level of spells, even the simplest floating spell will probably take more than ten hours of practice to be effective." Zuo Si touched his chin and pretended to be embarrassed. said.

"Then there's nothing we can do?"

Ron, who had very low EQ and IQ at the critical moment, suddenly intervened.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No. I mean, maybe you can consider using the magic scroll I am researching."

"Magic scroll? What is that?" Harry's eyes flashed with curiosity.

"To put it simply, it is to restore the spell into a stable spell model and store it together with the magic power in a parchment scroll in some way. When needed, the spell can be successfully released by activating it through a very simple method. No matter what Have you learned this spell and are you good at it? How about it, does it sound good?"

Zuo Si's tone was full of naked and unabashed temptation.

You don't need to ask to know that he intends to use the two silly boys in front of him, as well as Master Malfoy and two followers who are plotting not far away, as experimental subjects to test whether the scroll can achieve the desired effect.

"Wow! Really? How come I've never heard anyone talk about this thing before?" Ron exclaimed with his eyes widened.

“Because the technology of transcribing scrolls was the first one I thought of and invented.

Although it is still very imperfect at the moment, it should be enough to deal with Malfoy.

Look, this is the Iron Armor Curse. When activated, it can form an indestructible stand protection around your body;

This is a fire spell that releases billowing flames from the front of the wand;

This is a disarming spell that can knock out the opponent's wand in an instant;

This is a sleeping spell that can make a person unconscious..."

At this moment, Zuo Si was like an excellent salesman, showing his research results to Harry, a high-quality customer.

Because he is most likely the richest student in all of Hogwarts.

Zuo Si is currently short of research funds and plans to slaughter this "fat sheep" a little bit.

"How much do these scrolls cost?"

Harry obviously realized something, and subconsciously took out a small handful of glittering Galleons from his pants pocket.

In his view, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

But Zuo Si smiled and waved his hand: "No, you misunderstood, I am not selling these scrolls, but I hope you can sponsor this research with endless potential in the future. Of course, in return, I will give some of them The scroll is given to you for testing.”

Harry was obviously not stupid. He immediately understood the meaning and immediately changed his words: "How much investment do I need?"

"About ten gold galleons, you can choose five scrolls to take away at will. However, I need to remind you that the power of magic such as the Fire Curse and the Cutting Curse is very amazing. The former can burn people. Seriously injured, the latter may cause bleeding or even death." Zuo Si warned solemnly.

"Don't worry, I won't use such spells to deal with Malfoy. I think two sleeping spells, one armor spell, one obstacle spell, and one disarming spell should be enough. Here, here are ten gold Galleons, as a sponsorship for your research.”

Harry quickly counted ten gold coins and placed them on the table, then took away five scrolls with seals.

"Thank you very much for your support. How to use the scroll is very simple, just tap it lightly with your wand."

After that, Zuo Si calmly stuffed the gold Galleons on the table into his pocket, planning to go to Snape later to buy some fire dragon blood.

As a potion master, he must always have this precious and expensive material in his private warehouse.

After getting the five magic scrolls, Harry and Ron did not dare to stay in the hall on the first floor for fear that the professors and Malfoy would notice their little moves.

When he returned to the Gryffindor common room, Harry immediately relaxed and sat down on the sofa next to the fireplace. He smiled and said, "Now we finally have a trump card against Malfoy."

"Yes! Seal the spell in a parchment scroll? Although I don't like Soth's weird personality, I have to admit that he is indeed a real genius. But are two gold galleons a bit too expensive? "Ron couldn't help but complain.

As a standard "poor man", he has seen very little gold galleons and even silver coins since he was a child, and most of his pocket money has been copper Nats.

no way!

Who allowed the Weasley family to have so many children, so many that they could hardly afford to raise them?

"I think it's okay. After all, according to Soth, these scrolls can be stored for a long time. Even if they are not used now, they will definitely come in handy in the future. What's more, as long as you can see Malfoy's deflated appearance, no matter how much money you spend, I’m also willing to pay for it.”

Harry obviously hated Malfoy for coming to trouble him every now and then, so he planned to take this opportunity to teach him an impressive lesson.

In this way, the two of them began to outline the scene of the midnight duel, imagining the scene of Malfoy being beaten to the point where he knelt down and begging for mercy, and occasionally they would burst into giggles.

Hermione, who happened to be passing by, couldn't help but sigh and shake her head when she saw it, and began to worry about her future.

Because among her peers, except for Zuo Si, she found that children from wizard families were not only arrogant and stupid, but also full of inexplicable superiority.

On the other side, in the Slytherin common room at the bottom of the underground lake.

Master Malfoy was talking to the new students of several pure-blood families, and he made no secret that he wanted to release the savior's dove, and then tipped off the administrator Filch to catch them.

This would not only deduct a large number of points from Gryffindor House, but also allow Potter to be punished or expelled for violating school rules.

Just as he was talking more and more loudly and loudly, he was suddenly surprised to find that the audience around him had closed their mouths for some reason, and their faces were full of fear and panic.

Out of a subconscious reaction, Master Malfoy immediately turned around and saw Zuo Si standing behind him. He jumped up from his chair in fright and asked nervously: "You...what do you want to do?"

"Breach of contract, informing, and evading, are these the pride and glory of your pure-blood family?

Or is this a Slytherin House tradition?

If the answer is yes, then I'm so ashamed of you.

Because no matter how nice the words are, what I see is just a group of despicable people hiding in the dark and playing tricks.

Maybe... I should give you and your family a nickname.

What do you think of vultures?

Although this kind of bird is huge, it has no hunting ability and can only feed on the dead and rotting carcasses of other animals. It matches the temperament you are showing now. "

As soon as Zuo Si opened his mouth, he was filled with ridicule.

He was about to test the power of the scroll, but he didn't want Master Malfoy to stay in the dormitory and sleep tonight.

"You! How dare you insult me ​​and my family?!!!"

Malfoy was instantly furious, and his pale skin instantly turned red.

"What, do you have any objection? As a wizard, if you want to defend your honor, then just pull out your wand and use practical actions to prove that I am wrong. If you don't dare, just shut up and admit it honestly You are a cowardly and despicable little person. Don't keep talking about your father, family and other things all day long, it will only make people think you are incompetent."

Speaking of this, Zuo Si suddenly paused, turned around, and scanned the entire Slytherin common room with sharp eyes, especially the senior students.

After a full minute, he pursed his lips and let out a contemptuous sneer, and said at a very slow speed: "You are the same. If you are unhappy with me and want to trouble me, you are welcome to do so at any time. But please note that Chapter 2 The second time won’t be like the first time, just a little burn and smoke.”

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si suddenly waved his wand and aimed at the ground not far away, shooting a bright beam of light.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The place where it was hit was instantly blown to pieces.

A large amount of gravel and dust flew everywhere, making all the students who were taking a break look disgraced.

When the dust cleared, everyone saw that a large pit with a radius of three meters and a depth of more than half a meter had appeared out of thin air on the ground where no one was standing.

It is conceivable that if this blow hit a person, not even a complete body would be found.

The shattering spell was so powerful that it frightened these students who had not yet graduated.

Especially the real sense of oppression that Zuo Si inadvertently revealed was simply not something that this group of rookies, who had probably never even seen blood, could bear. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him.

Some of the timid girls, such as Pansy Parkinson, who had been following Malfoy, were even frightened to the point of crying.

Seeing these "little snakes" of Slytherin College once again trembled under his lustful power, Zuo Si suddenly showed a satisfied smile, raised his wand and waved it twice to release the repair spell.

In the blink of an eye, the lounge that was blown beyond recognition returned to normal again.

He finally figured out that those students in Slytherin House who supported the pure-blood faction were a bunch of scoundrels, and they had to be punished every once in a while, otherwise they would fall into their old ways.

And the more cruel, cold, and powerful you are, the more these people will worship you in their hearts.

Seeing Zuo Si returning to his dormitory along the stairs like nothing happened, female prefect Gemma Farley immediately smiled and asked her companions: "Do you feel it? The amazing power contained in his thin body! I believe it." I, he is destined to become a more powerful and greater wizard than Dumbledore and You-Know-Who, there is absolutely no doubt about this.”

"I never deny Soth's talent and strength. But the problem is that he doesn't seem to have any sense of identification with Slytherin House, let alone want to accept us. Quite the contrary! He went with a few Gryffindor students Always very close. Especially that annoying guy named Hermione Granger who always sits as close to Soth as possible every time she goes to the library."

Another young man with short brown hair frowned and began to complain.

It is easy to tell from his age and attire that he is obviously in the sixth or seventh grade and is only one step away from graduation.

"Don't worry, my friend. It is not easy to win the trust and acceptance of people like Soth. First, we must show enough value." Gemma Farley raised her chin meaningfully said.

"What do you mean..." A strange light flashed in the young man's eyes.

Gemma Farley explained calmly: "What I mean is to establish a relationship and intelligence network, and then show it to Soth at a specific time.

When he thinks we are useful, he will naturally choose to accept us.

After all, in today's magical world, no matter how powerful a wizard is, he needs to have many forces attached to him as arms, otherwise he will not be able to do anything at all.

In the same way, if there is not a powerful enough wizard to back us up, our ambitions will be like castles piled on the beach, which will collapse when the waves wash over them.

Look at the idiot Cornelius Fudge, the current British Minister of Magic. Why do you think he can sit in that position?



Or ability?

No, neither.

It's because our Headmaster, the greatest wizard of our time, Albus Dumbledore, supports him, that's all.

So if we want to make a career in the magical world, we must have a reliable backing.

Mysterious Man used to be a good choice.

Although he is cold, cruel, and ruthless, he always looks at students who graduate from Slytherin College in a different light.

But the problem is that he failed and was completely destroyed by a newborn baby, Harry Potter.

Therefore, we in Slytherin House need to find a new person with unlimited potential, and then help and accompany him to grow until he becomes a towering tree that can protect us from wind and rain.

Do you still remember how the mysterious man treated those who helped him when he was a student? "

"Of course! Those families have gained unimaginable power and wealth. They can even ignore the law and kill their former enemies without restraint."

When saying these words, the young man's tone revealed strong envy.

Although Voldemort caused a bloody storm in the entire British wizarding world, many Slytherin students often did not feel fear towards him, but worshiped him from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's good to know. I don't want to say any unnecessary nonsense. You just need to do your part."

It is easy to tell from her tone and demeanor that Gemma Farley has become the leader of this small group.

Time flies, and the two or three hours of rest after dinner is quickly over.

When the time came to eleven-thirty, the entire Hogwarts Castle was completely under curfew.

In the corridor outside, except for Filch who was still wandering around with a lantern, trying to catch those students who had not slept well and were still wandering around at night, there were basically only ghosts wandering around.

Ron, who had been waiting in the dormitory, raised his head and glanced at his watch, and immediately said to his friend next to him: "Man, it's time for us to go."


Without saying a word, Harry put the robes he had taken off on himself, then picked up his wand and tiptoed down the spiral staircase into the Gryffindor common room.

Just when the two were about to walk into the portrait passage, they suddenly saw a dark figure standing up from the chair and asked in a slightly surprised tone: "Are you really planning to go to the appointment?"


Ron was instantly frightened out of his wits.

You must know that the punishment for being caught wandering at night is quite serious, and a lot of points will be deducted from the college.

He didn't want to become the public enemy of all Gryffindor.

"Don't be nervous, it's me."

Before he finished speaking, a lamp was suddenly lit.

Then Hermione appeared in front of the two wearing pink pajamas.

Seeing that he was an acquaintance, Ron's tense nerves instantly relaxed, and he complained angrily: "Damn it! You almost gave me a heart attack! You stayed up so late at night, what do you want to do here?"

"I'm just a little worried. You two don't even know the Disguise Charm. What if you are caught halfway? All Gryffindor points will be deducted. So for the honor of the academy, I have to at least make sure that you two are safe. Arriving at the trophy room.”

With that said, Hermione also grabbed her robe from the sofa and put it on her body, as if she was going to accompany him.

"You know the Disguise Charm?" Ron opened his mouth in shock.

Hermione raised her chin proudly and responded: "Of course! Do you think everyone gives you the same thing and you just know how to have fun all day long? When you are wasting your time on those gossips and games, I am already asking for it. I have read several books on magic under Si’s guidance.”

"Well, it seems that there are two monsters in this freshmen class, one big and one small." Ron couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"Thanks, Hermione."

Harry readily accepted the girl's kindness.

He understood that the other party was worried that he might be expelled if he violated school rules again and again.

Almost at the same time, Malfoy and his two followers also sneaked out of the Slytherin common room.

You don't need to ask to know that the previous words stimulated him so much that this pampered young master wanted to use practical actions to prove that he was not just a villain who only dared to hide behind his back and play tricks.

Of course, all of this happened to be seen by Zuo Si, who was about to go to the restricted area of ​​the library.

Wanting to watch a good show, he remained invisible and followed silently until he reached the trophy display room on the third floor.

Since the door was never locked here, Malfoy easily opened the door and walked in.

Less than two minutes later, Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived as expected.

The two sides faced off like this for more than ten seconds in this house filled with countless trophies. In the end, Malfoy struck first, pointed at Hermione and asked: "Potter! We agreed that we would be two people, why are you so many?" Did you bring one?"

"Aren't you the same?" Harry stared at Goyle without showing any signs of weakness.

"Wait a minute! To be clear, I'm just making sure they arrive safely, and I have no intention of participating in this stupid duel."

Hermione expressed her position clearly.

Although he has mastered a lot of spells, he has basically zero actual combat experience, and he is not sure whether he can successfully release the spells he usually practices in a battle.

"Hey! You're from our side!" Ron reminded in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, all I promised was to ensure that you won't be caught halfway. Now, this task has been completed."

If it were in the past, the girl might choose to help based on her status in the same college.

But after listening to Zuo Si's remarks about a group of living people being manipulated by four dead people, his sense of identification with Gryffindor House suddenly dropped.

Although he will help when encountering problems, he will never sacrifice or change his position as a precondition.

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