A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 231: Ten points deducted from Gryffindor (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

"What, Potter, you can't even handle a mere Granger? It seems that the aura of the savior is not that easy to use."

Malfoy obviously would not miss such an opportunity and immediately made a malicious taunt.

Harry retorted without any sign of weakness: "Hermione is our classmate and friend. She has the right to make choices according to her own will. This is different from the two stupid servants around you."

I have to say that these words instantly stabbed the poor self-esteem of Crabbe and Goyle.

After all, what hurts a person's heart the most is never a rumor, but the cruel truth.

The two men instantly glared at Harry, and if this hadn't involved a wizard duel, they would have rushed over and started shaking their fists.

Don't think that wizards are just a bunch of waving wands. Even when they are killing people, they will maintain an elegant manner, raise their wands and shout "Avada bites the big melon", and then shoot out a green light symbolizing death.

In fact, many wizards fight in a very savage, bloody and brutal way.

Especially guys who are good at transformation magic will often transform themselves into the forms of various ferocious beasts, and then rush up to bite the opponent until they are bloody and bloody. Fighting with fists is even more common.

Seeing the menacing looks of the tall Crabbe and Goyle, Ron was obviously a little guilty, and immediately asked: "Hey! Today is a wizard duel, right?"

"That's right! What, are you scared? Weasley." Malfoy asked with a sneer.

"No, of course not. What I mean is, since it is a duel between wizards, you should take care of the two mad dogs around you and don't let them tarnish the sacred rules."

As the saying goes, if you lose people, you don't lose the formation.

Although Ron was scared to death, he had no intention of backing down verbally. Instead, he first accused the other party of being unruly.

"Both of you, be honest with me. Don't embarrass Slytherin House!"

Malfoy turned around and glared at the two followers fiercely.

Crabbe and Goyle, who looked fierce one second, were completely wilted the next second, and stood aside with their wands drawn out.

Upon seeing this, Ron also pulled out his wand, slowly backed away and gave way to a distance of about seven or eight meters.

At this moment, only Harry and Malfoy were left in the open space in the middle of the trophy room.

Since it was their first time to engage in a wizard duel, it could be seen that they were all very nervous, and the hands holding their wands were sweating.

After looking at each other for about ten seconds, Malfoy spoke first: "Now, let us bow to each other according to tradition, Potter. Then count to three together, and the duel will officially begin. I can't wait to see you kneeling. He was begging for mercy on the ground."

"That's what I want to say too."

Harry slowly raised his wand and followed the instructions in the book, making a standard action before starting a duel.

After Malfoy also made this move, both parties bowed in unison, and then began to count down together.




"All petrified!"

"Armor protection!"

After the countdown ended, the two released the spells they had prepared almost immediately.

It's just that Malfoy's petrification spell was learned at home. Although it is not very powerful, it is obviously enough to deal with first-year students.

But unfortunately, this time he met the cheating savior.

Without even thinking about it, Harry used his wand to activate the Iron Armor Curse Scroll hidden in his sleeve.

In the blink of an eye, an invisible magic shield enveloped him and successfully deflected the petrification spell shot from the opponent's wand.

"This...how is this possible!"

Malfoy's eyes widened in shock.

You must know that even he cannot cast a complete Iron Armor Curse at his current age, let alone Harry Potter who has been living in a Muggle family.

However, Harry obviously did not intend to explain. He immediately activated the disarming spell scroll with very obscure movements, then suddenly raised his wand and pointed forward: "Expelliarmus!"


A dazzling red light shot out from the front of the wand and hit Malfoy with a bang. Not only did he drop the wand in his hand, but his whole body felt like he had been hit hard by a car, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably for several seconds. Meters away, even knocking down several display cabinets, and then reluctantly stopped.

no doubt!

According to the rules of wizard duels, Harry could now declare victory.

But Hermione, who was smart and observant, obviously noticed that the savior would touch the scroll hidden in his sleeve with his wand before casting a spell.

Combined with Zuo Si's recent research, he immediately understood what was going on. His eyes became extremely strange, but he did not choose to expose it after all.

With the clumsy help of Crabbe and Goyle, Malfoy quickly got up from the ground, with a look of astonishment on his face. It seemed that he still couldn't accept that Harry, who grew up in a Muggle family, could actually do it twice in a row. He successfully cast the spell and defeated himself undisputedly in a one-on-one wizard duel.

Did the savior really have some unknown power that was why he defeated the mysterious man that year?

For a moment, Master Malfoy was seriously shaken in his heart, and his self-confidence was also hit. He didn't even bother to sarcastically comment like usual, but turned around and rushed out of the trophy display room without saying a word, heading towards Slytherin. ran to the common room.

Crabbe and Goyle followed closely behind.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them disappeared into the darkness.

"Well done! I bet Malfoy was terrified this time."

Ron was the first to break the silence, stepped forward and patted his friend's shoulder hard to express his inner excitement.

"Hehe! Thanks to these scrolls. Soss didn't lie to us. This thing really only needs to be lightly activated with a wand, and it can immediately turn into a spell to attack the enemy."

Harry quickly pulled the remaining three cards out of his sleeves, grinning like a fool.

Because this was the first time he fought with his peers, and it was also the first time he felt the amazing power of magic. His brain secreted dopamine crazily, bringing about the emotion called happiness.

Ron said in a rather envious tone: "It is indeed a good thing. If it is not two gold Galleons each, but two silver Sickles, I will also consider buying a few spare ones."

"Stop dreaming! Do you know what materials those scrolls in Soth were copied and sealed with? It's the blood of the fire dragon! The price of a small bottle of this stuff is even more expensive than many high-end potions." Hermione He interrupted angrily.

"Blood of fire dragon?!!"

Ron's mouth suddenly grew big enough to fit a fist into it.

"Is it expensive?" Harry asked in an uncertain tone.

The former immediately nodded vigorously: "Of course! A small bottle of fire dragon's blood can even be sold for hundreds of gold galleons. Because these blood must be taken from living dragons, the risk is very high, and only the most daring wizards can Just tried this job.”

"That's it! It seems that the price Soth sold us is not expensive, it's just that the production cost is relatively high." Harry said thoughtfully.

But he obviously didn't know that the magic ink made by Zuo Si actually contained a few drops of fire dragon's blood in a large bottle to enhance the magic power.

The rest are some relatively cheap blood of other magical animals, or the powder of ground gemstones and some magic plants.

Seeing that the two silly boys had not realized the seriousness of the problem, Hermione finally couldn't help but hold her forehead and asked: "Have you understood the situation?

If Soth's research is successful, the scroll will soon become popular in the wizarding world.

By then, with the financial resources of Malfoy and the family behind him, he could easily buy dozens or even hundreds of them.

By that time, he will not only know that you cheated today, but he will also use the same method to retaliate. "


The poor Ron seemed to have seen that he would be beaten to death by Malfoy with money.

Just when Harry was about to say something, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the corridor, followed closely by the voice of Filch, the castle administrator.

"Who? Who's in there?"

"No! Run!"

Without any time to think about it, Hermione immediately took out her wand and cast the Disillusionment Charm on the three of them, then turned around and rushed out of the trophy display room, starting to run around in a panic.

However, they apparently forgot that the Disillusionment Curse was simply visual invisibility and could not block the sound of footsteps while running.

Especially in this quiet night environment, whether it is violent breathing or footsteps, it seems so harsh.

Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, apparently noticed the presence of the three men and followed them in pursuit.

In contrast, Zuo Si, who stood still without moving, was completely undetected.

After the administrator ran over, he walked towards the library casually.

It didn't take long for me to sit down at the table in the forbidden book area and continue reading these books that contained certain dangerous knowledge as I had done yesterday.

Although he had not rested for several nights, Zuo Si did not feel sleepy at all.

To be precise, not sleeping has basically no big impact other than being unable to recover spell slots.

Especially as more and more of his divine power was transformed into pure energy controlled by himself, he had already begun to break away from the realm of mortals and officially became a member of the extraordinary beings.

However, in order to deceive others, Zuo Si would pretend to drink some physical recovery potion that he made himself every day.

Obviously, it was the right choice for him to come to this relatively safe world to develop his life.

Without having to be wary of external threats, not only can you devote a lot of time and energy to transforming divine power, but you can also obtain some needed knowledge and power from it to further improve and build your own unique spell-casting system.

Although not a single planeswalker card has been produced so far, the gains are not small at all.

Not to mention anything else, the fierce fire that cannot be easily extinguished and can be transformed into different forms has very high plasticity.

Coupled with the elemental control of the Archmage's advanced arcane ability, it is simply a killer weapon.

In addition, since there is no limit to the magic power in this world, if some of Faerun's spells can be converted into the wizards' spell-casting methods, then the magic of the Bigby Big Hand series can be directly integrated into one, and become a magic weapon. A truly integrated attack and defense spell without any flaws.

Of course, it is a bit difficult to do this with Zuo Si's current knowledge base.

However, he believes that as his understanding of spells, potions, herbs, magical animals and ancient runes continues to deepen, it is only a matter of time before those difficulties can be overcome.

For people who maintain a high degree of mental concentration, time always passes extremely fast, and several hours pass by in a flash.

When it was almost six o'clock, the sky started to get dark. Zuo Si quickly packed up his things and put the forbidden books in his hands back to their original places, preparing to go to the dormitory for a short rest and eat a hero's banquet to fill his stomach.

After all, Snape had Potions class every Friday, and he didn't want to be stared at sullenly because he was late.

After having breakfast and taking a short rest, the first-year students from Gryffindor and Slytherin houses poured into a large classroom underground in the castle.

Since Snape directly gave Harry Potter, the savior, a blow during the first Potions class, the new students in Gryffindor were obviously quite resistant to this course.

Even as soon as Harry and Ron entered the classroom, they began to guess what tricks Snape would pull out today, or how many points he would deduct from themselves.

In contrast, the new students in Slytherin were all in high spirits.

Because they know that their dean will definitely favor them in class.

But there was only one person who was not happy at all, and that was Master Malfoy, who suffered a big loss last night. He didn't even go to Harry to provoke him as usual.

As for Zuo Si, he still walked into the classroom stuck.

"You were almost late!"

Standing on the podium, Snape reminded with a slightly dissatisfied voice.

"Almost means not late, right?"

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and walked to the only empty seat in the corner to sit down.

His casual attitude made Snape's already gloomy expression suddenly become even gloomier, but he couldn't just find an excuse to deduct points like he could with Gryffindor students.

The most important thing is that Zuo Si's talent in mixing potions is as good as his talent in spells.

No matter what kind of potion it is, you can almost learn it immediately after reading it once.

Not to mention the content in the first-year potion textbook, I have even learned several advanced potions.

And Snape knew that Zuo Si had been preparing a physical recovery potion in his dormitory. The difficulty of that potion was only slightly easier than the Felixir.

Therefore, the method of threatening and intimidating with grades is of no use to this new student.

Unless he is prepared to wipe out the entire first-year final exam and produce a blessing elixir or eternity potion that is the most difficult even in the book "Advanced Potion Making", otherwise there is really nothing he can do.

So Snape decisively chose to vent his anger on Harry who was standing aside.

He walked straight up to the innocent-looking boy, pointed at his empty notebook and asked, "Potter! Why didn't you record anything in the last class? Ten points from Gryffindor!"


Harry froze on the spot as if he was stupid.

Although he knew that Snape had been targeting him, the problem was that this reason was too far-fetched and outrageous.

Not to mention the students in Gryffindor House who couldn't accept it, even the people in Slytherin House showed expressions of surprise and astonishment.

Just when Harry blushed and wanted to argue, Ron, who was sitting not far away, quickly lowered his voice and warned: "Don't be fooled! If you argue with Snape at this time, you will only be fined more." points."

"Damn it! I bet he couldn't do anything with Sos, so he took it out on me." Harry complained in a low voice through gritted teeth.

"No way. Soth is a student of Slytherin House. If his points are deducted, it is equivalent to the points in Snape's own house. The most important thing is that Soth doesn't care about this at all, even if the points of Slytherin House are He wouldn't even blink an eye even if he was deducted." Ron's tone revealed strong envy.

Because in his opinion, Zuo Si was simply the freest student in the entire first grade and even the school, bar none.

Since he had destroyed most of Slytherin House at the beginning of the school year, even the prefects and senior students did not dare to criticize him, and he basically did whatever he wanted.

As for other people's opinions, he doesn't care at all and only focuses on the study and research that interests him.

Coupled with an extremely smart brain and terrifying wizard talent, even if he is occasionally late or does not come to class, most professors will choose to turn a blind eye.

To be honest, Ron could only dream of having this kind of campus life and privileges.

But unfortunately, at his current level, he may not even be able to complete the assignments assigned by the professor independently.

Just like the previous Potions class, Snape randomly selected a relatively simple potion from the textbook, and then asked the students to find the formula and process in the book to make it.

Those who are successfully transferred before get out of class can get different grades according to their quality, while those who fail will be given zero points.

From his disgusted eyes, it was easy to see that he absolutely despised the potions that these young wizards had concocted.

And every time he passed by Harry, Snape would deliberately occupy him for a while and stare at him with dark eyes for a long time.

Once a mistake is made, it will immediately lead to strange sarcasm and sarcasm.

From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that there is definitely a reason why Harry hates Potions class and Snape.

After all, it is impossible for any child to like a teacher and his class who are looking for trouble and always like to cause trouble for themselves.

But this expression full of disgust finally changed when he came to Zuo Si.

Looking at the green smoke emanating from the pot and the faint fragrance that his nose smelled, Snape immediately asked in a slightly surprised tone: "Another stamina potion? How long has it been since you slept like a sage?"

"Well - I think it's been a while." Zuo Si replied casually.

"I must remind you that although stamina potion can relieve fatigue to a certain extent, it cannot completely replace sleep. At least every two weeks or so, you need up to ten hours of sleep. Otherwise, your body will You'll be exhausted." Snape warned solemnly.

"Don't worry, Professor. I have read the potions book and know the side effects of stamina potions. In fact, as soon as this class is over, I plan to go back to my dormitory to rest."

While talking, Zuo Si carefully sprinkled the chopped herbs into the pot and stirred them, while adding a little something like dried insects.

The next second...


Everyone saw a white flame emerging from the pot, and the originally turbid potion suddenly turned into a clear and transparent potion.

You know without asking that this pot of potion was prepared successfully.

Zuo Si ignored the reactions of others, took out a huge glass jar, and poured the stamina potion into it.

The price of this thing on the market is fifteen gold galleons for a small bottle. Some senior students who are very stressed about their graduation exams occasionally need to buy a bottle.

His pot can hold at least fifteen to twenty vials.

Moreover, the materials are provided free of charge by Hogwarts for freshmen to practice, and the cost is almost zero.

Although Zuo Si did not make the corresponding potion as required, no one stood up to accuse him.

the reason is simple!

The stamina potion was much more difficult than the potion specified by Snape.

If you can perfectly concoct the former, it is naturally impossible that you cannot concoct the latter.

"Has your research been completed?" Snape raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Zuo Si shook his head gently: "No, it's still far from enough.

Reshaping so many spells is no easy task.

But I recently developed a simplified version activated by a wand.

It can be used to store Iron Armor Curse, Disarming Curse, Stopping Curse, Petrification Curse, Sleeping Curse, Fire Curse, Imprisonment Curse, Cutting Curse, Crushing Curse, Oblivion Curse, Muggle Expelling Curse, Patronus Charm and a series of frequently used ones. mantra.

In addition, I have basically found the rules regarding the formula of ink and the way to deal with parchment paper.

If nothing else happens, it will be ready for publication in a week or two at most.

I think those who are squibs, or people who are not good at spells, will definitely fall in love with this magical skill that can help them get rid of their troubles. "

"Do you have any samples?"

Snape was obviously very interested and interested in this.

Not many people know better than him what kind of sensation this technology will bring to the entire magical world once it is made public.

After all, storing spells and spells is not something that no one has tried before.

However, due to various reasons and problems, it either failed in the end, or the things produced were too expensive to be popularized at all.


Without saying a word, Zuo Si took out a scroll of fire spell from his pocket and handed it over.

Snape held it in his hand for a few seconds and quickly asked, "How do you use this thing?"

"It's very simple, just touch it with the wand to activate it." Zuo Si answered straightforwardly.

Out of strong curiosity, Snape lightly tapped the scroll with his wand, and instantly felt a burst of magic being released and pouring into the wand.

Immediately afterwards, a spell appeared in his mind out of thin air, and he immediately raised his hand and pointed at the ceiling of the Potions classroom and shouted it out.

"The flames are blazing!"


Instantly, a large ball of bright flames spurted out from the front of the wand, illuminating the originally dark environment. At the same time, it frightened the little wizards who were preparing potions, so that many people's potions had various symptoms. All kinds of questions.

Normally, Snape would have used the topic to his advantage and deducted points from each Gryffindor student.

But now, he was completely attracted by the actual effect of the scroll, and he asked with interest: "The power of the scroll depends on the person who makes it?"

"That's right. To be precise, it's the person who injected magic and spells into it.

This also means that the same spell, if cast by powerful wizards, may be several times or even dozens of times more powerful than ordinary wizards.

In addition, I also considered that many powerful wizards will change the spells to a certain extent, so the basic method of tracing the origin of spells will be explained in the upcoming book to facilitate them to record their own unique magic.

In the future, I will continue to develop an advanced version that does not require the use of a wand to ensure that even if a wizard loses his wand, he can still fight and deal with the enemy with the scroll he carries.

In short, this will be a very large and complex work, and it is initially estimated to last several years. "

Zuo Si didn't hide anything, and openly stated his plans and ideas.

Snape's eyes suddenly became very complicated, and it took a full minute before he said in a low voice: "Do you know what it will mean once these things are announced?"

"Are you referring to fame? Wealth? Or the praise from newspapers and magazines? Or the so-called Merlin Medal of Honor?" Zuo Si raised his head and asked with a sneer.

"Not many people in this world can resist the temptation of fame and wealth, especially children of your age. You may lose yourself in the praise, or even become a completely different person. ." Snape reminded him earnestly.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "Dear professor, please don't compare me with those idiots.

Because I know very well that in this world of magic and wizards, nothing can compare to knowledge and power.

As for things like fame, wealth, power, etc., they are all just for the purpose of obtaining the former.

If the order is reversed, no matter how talented this person is or how powerful his magic power is, he will still be nothing more than a second-rate wizard. "

Obviously, the "second-rate wizard" in Zuo Si's words refers to none other than Voldemort, who the entire British wizarding world dare not even mention by name.

Hearing someone arrogantly commenting on the Dark Lord as a "second-rate wizard", Snape immediately raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course! Even if the guy comes in person, my evaluation will not change even a word. A second-rate person is a second-rate person. Although he may be relatively high in black magic, he is inferior to Principal Dumbledore and Geller in terms of ideological realm. Grindelwald is far from it. For the long history of the wizarding world, the impact of the panic and turmoil he caused is not worth mentioning."

Zuo Si bluntly expressed his disdain for Voldemort.

Because in his opinion, this is a poor man who is extremely mentally twisted and sick, and has serious psychological defects, who just blindly pursues immortality and escapes death.

Its so-called "good at manipulating people's hearts and distorting minds" methods are nothing more than threats, intimidation and displays of power at the lowest level.

Once his invincible image is destroyed, his subordinates will turn into birds and beasts in a matter of minutes.

This was clearly demonstrated when he died for the first time.

In turn, let’s look at Dumbledore’s methods of manipulating people’s hearts.

Even after death, Hogwarts professors like Snape, McGonagall, and a large number of members of the Order of the Phoenix are still willing to be loyal to him.

So from beginning to end, Zuo Si didn't look down on Voldemort.

The latter is far different in terms of vision, structure, and psychological quality.

Especially after tearing his soul apart to create a Horcrux, his mental state deteriorated significantly, and his whole person became as erratic as a lunatic.

They are completely different from the smart, cautious, tolerant and good at pretending they were when they were students.

If it were placed in Faerûn, even if it were higher up, it would only be the second Sammaster.

Maybe he was deceived by a few devils and sold his soul to Baator Hell easily.

After all, people with huge psychological and character flaws like this, no matter how smart they are, usually don't survive long in the crisis-ridden Faerûn.

"You are very conceited, more conceited than any wizard I have ever seen." Snape commented meaningfully.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "But I have such qualifications, don't I?"

"Don't leave when get out of class is over. Follow me to the principal's office."

Snape said this without comment, and then turned to find trouble for the new students in Gryffindor House.

After a while, several "lucky ones", including Harry and Ron, were distracted and caused problems with the potion in the pot. As a result, their results were canceled mercilessly.

Although Hermione successfully prepared the designated potion, he also deducted five points for "not reminding her classmates."

In just one Potions lesson, Gryffindor House lost almost thirty points. It was a complete disaster.

It’s no wonder that Snape ranks first on the list of the most unpopular professors at Hogwarts all year round.

When the potions class was over, the little wizards who had been suffering for two hours immediately fled the classroom in a swarm, which made them feel depressed and suffocated.

As for Zuo Si, led by Snape, he walked through a large number of stairs and corridors and went straight to the door of the principal's office.

After speaking the correct password to the statue, the two entered from the passage into what was probably the most important room in the entire castle.

Dumbledore himself seemed to be dealing with some letters and asked without raising his head: "Severus, is there anything important?"

"Of course! There has been great progress in the scrolls that Soth is studying. I think it's better for you to see it with your own eyes."

With that said, Snape immediately signaled Zuo Si with his eyes to take out another one and show it to the principal.

"Oh, really?"

Dumbledore also looked curious.

"That's right. Due to material limitations and the difficulty of tracing the origin of spells, I can only make some scrolls that require a wand to activate, which is far from what I originally imagined."

Zuo Si casually took out the last few scrolls and placed them in front of the principal's desk.

It is not difficult to tell from the expression on his face that he himself is not satisfied with this half-finished product.

Because many scrolls in Faerun do not require the user to have magical power at all, even some trained thieves can use them.

But Zuo Si had to rely on the help of external objects such as wands to make these rags, which were simply a bunch of defective products.

However, Dumbledore obviously had his own ideas about this. He quickly picked up one of them, tried to activate it and used it, and immediately praised: "Incredible masterpiece. Congratulations, Soth, you have invented an incredible technology. I think it won’t be long before all the wizards in the entire magical world can’t live without it. If you don’t mind, can you tell me what made you have such an idea in the first place?”

"Hmm - I probably feel that wizards rely too much on wands.

So much so that after losing its weapons, it will become extremely fragile and become a piece of fish that can be slaughtered by others.

So I want to make up for this shortcoming to some extent.

In fact, I want to make not only scrolls, but also rings, amulets, and other equipment that can be used to store spells and spells.

In this way, wizards have more means to deal with emergencies.

Rather than being attacked by a sneak attack like now, he would be instantly knocked to the ground. "

Zuo Si touched his chin and explained half-truthfully.

“Pretty great idea.

It seems that you have planned a future for yourself.

I look forward to seeing you invent and produce these things one day in the future, thereby promoting the development of the entire magical world.

As the principal, I decided to give you a support, that is, a pass that can enter the restricted area of ​​the library at any time.

In this way, you don't have to stay up all night and stay up late looking for and reading the knowledge you need in the restricted book section. "

After saying that, Dumbledore smiled and handed over a note signed with his name.


Zuo Si politely thanked him and took the note, which was of little use to him.

After so many days, he had already imprinted the most important and essential parts of the forbidden book area in his mind, and he could slowly collect and organize the rest when he had time in the future.

"By the way, when do you plan to make the scroll-making technology public and then sell it in the form of a book?" Dumbledore asked casually.

Without saying a word, Zuo Si took out his notes and threw them on the principal's desk: "Here are the methods for making ink and tracing spells, as well as the scroll making process for more than thirty commonly used spells. If you think these have been If it is enough to publish a book, then publish it immediately. Anyway, I have no objection. If there is nothing else, I will go back and rest first."

"Go ahead, I will help you with the publishing matter."

Dumbledore made a promise while looking through the contents of his notes.

He understood that if such an unprecedented groundbreaking invention was not endorsed by a prestigious wizard like himself, it might take a long time for the wizarding world to recognize it.

Watching Zuo Si turn around and leave the principal's office, Snape couldn't help but question: "Is this really good?"

Dumbledore smiled and asked: "Why not? I believe you should have felt the terrible talent of Soth. For such a genius, instead of trying to suppress it, it is better to be a favor. If he can always combine his interests and Concentrating your energy on the field of invention and creation will be the luck of the entire magical world."

"What about Potter? Are you going to continue to let him shoulder that heavy responsibility?" Snape frowned subconsciously.

"Of course! Harry is Harry, and Soth is Soth. What's more, do you think a wizard as smart as Soth and with unlimited potential will be easily manipulated by others? So give up your unrealistic delusions. Unless you want to become his enemy, don’t rush into things that are destined to fail.”

When he said these words, Dumbledore's tone was full of warning.

Because in Zuo Si, he saw the shadows of himself, Voldemort, and Gellert Grindelwald when they were young.

They are all equally smart, equally talented, and equally arrogant...

"But I feel like Soss doesn't seem to have even the slightest fondness for that person. In the Potions class, he even commented that he was just a second-rate wizard."

Snape was obviously a little disapproving, but he felt that there was a lot of room for maneuver.

"Second-rate wizard? Did Soth say this?" A very strange expression appeared on Dumbledore's face.

Although he himself has always been confident enough to defeat his former student in a one-on-one wizard duel.

But considering the problem of the Horcrux, I still couldn't make up my mind to do it.

But that doesn't mean Voldemort is weak.

Just the opposite!

In Dumbledore's magnificent life, Voldemort was the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered.

Not even Gellert Grindelwald can compare with his abilities in spells and black magic.

The centenarian really couldn't understand why Zuo Si dared to rate Voldemort as a "second-rate wizard".

However, this obviously contemptuous evaluation made him feel at ease. At least he was sure that Zuo Si didn't like Voldemort at all.

Even if the two meet in the future, there is a high probability that they will become enemies.

To be on the safe side, Dumbledore finally decided to do a small test just in case.

After all, Voldemort is in Hogwarts right now, and is in an extremely weak and half-dead state.

By the way, you can also see whether Zuo Si will show the same greed and desire as others when facing the Philosopher's Stone.

In fact, Albus Dumbledore, known as the greatest wizard of our time, is not as kind as many outsiders think.

Otherwise, he would not have watched Voldemort take control of the British wizarding world and then massacre Muggles and Muggle-born wizards.

As the only wizard who had the ability to prevent the spread of tragedy at that time, this was not just something that could be explained by nonsense such as "There is no point in killing Voldemort because he has Horcruxes."

Many of those who died were Dumbledore's students, close friends, and members of the Order of the Phoenix who risked their lives.

It's more because there are huge differences between Dumbledore and ordinary people and even ordinary wizards when it comes to the issue of life and death.

To him, death was nothing but a great adventure.

This point has been repeatedly emphasized more than once in the original work.

Therefore, Dumbledore himself was never afraid of death, and rarely felt sad or painful for the death of others.

It is this emotional indifference that makes them particularly calculating and manipulative.

Unfortunately, this time he obviously chose the wrong person.

Whether it was Voldemort or the Sorcerer's Stone, the attraction for Zuo Si was almost zero.

In fact, there is also a powerful secondary artifact in Faerûn called the "Alchemy Stone". Its effect is almost the same as that of the Magic Stone, and it is even more powerful.

A substance called magic mercury is generated inside it.

Mages can use this substance to convert iron into more than two tons of silver, or convert lead into about half a ton of gold.

If you mix magic mercury with a healing potion, you can create a magic potion that can bring the dead back to life.

As long as it is sprinkled on the corpse, the effect is equivalent to the [Complete Resurrection Technique] among the nine-ring magic.

Compared with the alchemy stone that can resurrect the dead, which simply extends lifespan and cannot even prevent the body from aging, the effect of the magic stone is really not that good.

What's more, it's not like Zuo Si doesn't know how to prepare similar life-extending potions, and he knows more than one.

But the problem is, life-extending potions need to keep working.

It doesn’t mean that you don’t have to worry about anything after drinking it.

Once a person taking a life-extending potion walks into an anti-magic force field, or is hit by a dispelling effect such as dispelling magic or disintegration, the entire body may age, collapse, and die within a few seconds.

This is also the reason why after the second-generation magic goddess banned the magic network of ten levels and above and abolished the [Eolum Immortality Technique], the great arcanists of Netheril transformed themselves into lichs one after another.

Life extension potions are really unreliable.

In addition, the [Eolum Immortality Spell] of the Netheril era is a standard eleven-ring magic, which is very different from the later castrated legendary version.

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