A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 232: Cutting out the Heart and Bones (Please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Take classes—the library—and do your own research.

After the conversation with Dumbledore in the principal's office ended, Zuo Si returned to a very regular, but boring life in the eyes of other students.

After all, these children who grew up in a peaceful environment with almost no pressure and threats to survive seriously lacked the motivation to learn, and they were also unable to appreciate the fun of exploring the mysteries of magic.

In addition, the various assignments assigned by professors took up a lot of entertainment time, causing first and second grade students to complain.

Most of the assignments were barely completed by copying each other.

Of course, the professors at Hogwarts are well aware of this.

The purpose of assigning homework is actually to deepen the memory of these little ones for certain knowledge, and to select those outstanding elites who are truly talented and smart.

Among the first-year students, Zuo Si and Hermione are currently the only ones selected.

Every Saturday and Sunday, the two of them would be called to the office by different professors to receive additional tutoring with senior students.

Hermione's main focus was Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration, while Zuo Si focused on Professor Filius Flitwick's spells and Snape's potions.

After each class, they would find time to sit together, exchange notes, and pass on the knowledge they had learned to each other.

Especially Zuo Si, who had already become the Archmage a long time ago, always came up with some unique insights, which made Hermione's eyes light up, and she even gradually developed a hint of admiration in her heart.

But soon, this peaceful life was broken with the arrival of the owl messenger.

Because these birds of prey from the family Owlidae bring two things that catch everyone’s attention.

One is the latest model of flying broomstick given to Harry by Professor McGonagall - Nimbus 2000;

The other one is the front page headline of the Daily Prophet. A book that teaches wizards how to make magic scrolls that can store spells has been published. It is currently being tested by the top wizards of the International Federation of Wizards and the Wizengamot. .

If passed, the inventor himself would immediately gain unparalleled fame and wealth.

The person who recommended this book was Albus Dumbledore, the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, president of the International Federation of Wizards, and known as the greatest wizard of our time.

As for the name of the author of this book, "Soth", it is printed in a large, bold font in the most conspicuous position next to the title.

"Soth, come to the principal's office in a moment. Reporters from the Daily Prophet and Wizard Weekly want to do an exclusive interview with you."

Just when the little wizards were attracted by the huge long package in Harry Potter's hand, Professor McGonagall suddenly came to the side and lowered her voice to inform.

"Can I refuse?" Zuo Si asked without raising his head.

At this moment, he was trying to inject the so-called most complex Patronus Charm on a piece of sheepskin without using a wand. He had to maintain a high degree of concentration, so he was full of naked and undisguised disgust towards such boring things.

Professor McGonagall smiled and replied: "Sorry, I'm afraid not. Because what you invented is so amazing.

Especially those original magical symbols that can store spells have attracted widespread attention in the International Confederation of Wizards and the Wizengamot.

Even those old wizards who have lived hundreds of years and are highly respected, hope to meet you.

What's more, being interviewed can make your book more popular.

If I remember correctly, you don't have any money left to carry out those expensive studies, right?

As long as you meet these people and convince them, you will not only get a lot of funding, but also increase your influence in the magical world.

In addition, as a student of Hogwarts, you also have the responsibility to win more honors for the school.

In fact, Professor Snape should have told you this.

But he was busy with another thing right now, so he couldn't get away for the time being. "

"Okay, I know..."

The moment Zuo Si was distracted and talking, the magic power he controlled suddenly lost control without warning.


The scroll on the table suddenly erupted into a blast of energy.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

I saw a silvery light that directly blew away everything around it including tables, chairs and people. At the same time, it quickly condensed into a giant dragon in the center of the hall in less than a few seconds, and then quickly dissipated. Without a trace.

Fortunately, these impacts did not cause any injuries to any students. Everyone was just startled by the sudden energy impact.

But Professor McGonagall, who was still in shock, quickly adjusted her glasses that were almost knocked off and warned: "Such dangerous experiments are not allowed to be conducted in crowded places such as halls and common rooms in the future. I will apply to Principal Dumbledore later." , I’ll give you a special room.”

"Thank you very much. This way, I can free up my hands and do some more dangerous attempts." Zuo Si casually threw away the abandoned scroll and said.

"More dangerous?!"

Professor McGonagall keenly grasped a key word.

"Please don't worry, I won't blow myself up, and I won't blow up the school. You should be worried about someone else than me."

After saying that, Zuo Si glanced pointedly at Neville Longbottom not far away.

Before Professor McGonagall could react, the little chubby guy exploded the potion pot boiling in front of him.

The hot and highly corrosive unknown black liquid splashed everywhere, and large blisters and cysts would immediately appear on the skin of any student who was infected.

Suddenly, the entire hall was filled with the cries of the accidentally recruited students, as well as the screams of those who were frightened.

Professor McGonagall ignored Zuo Si at the moment and walked straight forward to clean up the dangerous liquids and pots, and then together with other professors sent the injured to Madam Pomfrey for treatment.

If nothing else, the hospital will be overcrowded again tonight.

"Oh - what a crime."

Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh slightly.

This was the fourth time Neville had made such a big noise since school started.

Perhaps it was because he witnessed his parents being kidnapped by the Death Eater Bellatrix when he was young, and tortured with the Cruciatus Curse until his sanity collapsed and he went completely crazy, so his magic was easier to lose control than other peers.

Coupled with the characteristic of forgetfulness, it often forgets what it did in the previous step and what it should do in the next step when preparing potions.

As a result, Neville's pot unsurprisingly became a huge safety hazard every time he tried to mix a potion.

But in order to get good grades in Potions class, I had to practice in private again and again.

Zuo Si was actually quite sympathetic to this little chubby guy's experience.

Because facing such parents all day long, the pain and fear one has to endure are far more than Harry Potter who completely lost his parents.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any good solution for this kind of mental and spiritual trauma.

It is estimated that only the wish-making technique, which is said to be omnipotent, can play some role.

But the problem is that the mechanism of wishing is very complex and even contains many things that even the caster himself cannot determine.

Until these mysteries are figured out, Wish can't even be made into a planeswalker card.

So this led to Zuo Si not daring to use the wishing spell outside the multiverse of Faerun, let alone summoning any alien creatures through conjuration magic, for fear of attracting gods, demons, demons, celestial creatures and the like. A mess.

Just as he started to pack his things and prepare to leave the hall on the first floor, Hermione took advantage of the chaos and slipped over from the table where Gryffindors were gathered nearby, holding a copy of the Daily Prophet in her hand.

"Congratulations! It seems that it won't be long before you become the most famous student in the entire Hogwarts." The girl sent her blessing in a slightly emotional tone.

Because Zuo Si had hardly made any efforts for rest and entertainment since the beginning of school, she had always seen it in her eyes, and in her heart she only had admiration but not the slightest bit of jealousy.

After all, the last thing in this world that makes people feel jealous is when the other person is smarter, more talented, and works harder than you.

It is only natural that such a person can succeed in the end.

"What, do you feel envious?" Zuo Si asked in a half-joking tone.

Hermione shook her head slightly: "No, I'm just a little disappointed with myself. How come you are all students from the same Muggle family, and you can learn and understand so many complex knowledge and spells so quickly, even with this?" I created something like a magic scroll as a basis. But I can’t even understand Professor McGonagall’s special tutorials on Transfiguration on Saturdays and Sundays.”

Zuo Si responded in a low voice: "The differences in intelligence and talent between people are huge, and there is no such thing as fairness.

You need to understand this first, and then turn around and look at the other first-year students.

Whether it is Malfoy, Harry, who is known as the savior, or a young wizard born into a pure-blood family, there is also their performance in school.

Haven't you already surpassed them by a lot?

Please remember, Miss Granger, the so-called wizards from Muggle families are essentially not much different from pure-blood families. They all contain some special power in their blood and soul.

The simplest way to transmit this power is to pass it on to children through the birth of offspring.

But there are exceptions to everything.

Some wizard families will give birth to children called squibs, who cannot cast spells and have no magical talent.

Generally speaking, Squibs are regarded as a shame by pure-blood families, and are eventually ostracized and expelled. They can only integrate into the Muggle world and struggle to survive.

The children they gave birth to through marriage with Muggles, as well as the descendants of these children, are one of the main sources of Muggle wizards.

The reason why you received the admission notice to Hogwarts means that you have the blood of wizards flowing in your body, and you have fully awakened, so you are no worse than anyone else.

Also, let me give you another suggestion.

That is, don't give up what you learned in the Muggle world just because you entered the magical world.

Because being able to observe, analyze and draw conclusions from different perspectives is an unparalleled advantage in itself.

If you can combine science and magic, you can also create inventions like mine that will impress wizards. "

"Combining science and magic?!" Hermione's eyes immediately lit up when she heard this.

"That's right. Although the two systems seem completely unrelated at first glance, even wizards are rejecting technological products to some extent. Hogwarts's ban on all Muggle technological products is the best example. But if you Can magic and spells be used to achieve similar effects to technology? Don't forget, the current magic world doesn't even have a decent communication device, and still uses primitive and backward owls to send messages." Zuo Si hinted in a slightly playful tone road.

"Telephone? Communication? Damn it! Zuo Si, you are such a genius! Why didn't I think of that..."

Hermione seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and she looked extremely excited and excited.

You must know that it is now 1991. Landline telephones have become widely popular in the Muggle world, and mobile phones are also beginning to rise.

Therefore, she is very aware of the importance of the communications industry and the wealth and influence that developing this field can bring.

"You're just a fan of the authorities. You are very smart and capable, so please don't waste your talents."

After saying this, Zuo Si turned around and planned to leave.

But before he could take a few steps, Hermione called him from behind.

"Wait! I have something else to tell you."

"Huh? What is it?"

Zuo Si subconsciously stopped and showed a confused expression.

He couldn't remember anything worth paying attention to in his first year, other than the Philosopher's Stone and Quirinus Quirrell being possessed by Voldemort.

"It's about the night of the duel between Malfoy and Harry. We panicked and accidentally broke into the restricted area on the fourth floor, and met a big dog with three heads. Harry said that Hagrid was in Gringotts before school started. If you take something very important, you will most likely put it inside and be guarded by big dogs."

Hermione didn't hide anything and told everything she knew.

After all, she was more willing to believe in Zuo Si's wisdom than the unreliable savior and that idiot Ron.

"Now that you already know the ins and outs of the whole thing, why don't you just ask Hagrid, the gamekeeper? He lives not far from the castle." Zuo Si gave a straightforward solution.

Because in this matter, the traces of Dumbledore's manipulation and interference were too obvious.

First of all, Hagrid, who went to pick up Harry, was responsible for retrieving the Sorcerer's Stone, which was weird from the inside out.

Although there is no doubt about this half-giant's loyalty, his thick nerves and sloppy character are really not suitable for engaging in such things that need to be kept secret, especially with a child who speaks freely.

It was almost as if Harry Potter was being told on purpose that a treasure had been taken out of the Gringotts vault and placed in Hogwarts Castle.

At the same time, it also attracted Voldemort and Quirrell, who was possessed by him.

Secondly, when Harry and others discovered that the Philosopher's Stone might have been stolen, both Snape as a suspect and Dumbledore who "happened" to find no one disappeared.

In other words, the way of thinking of bullying children is relatively simple. They rarely doubt their respected professors, otherwise they may be betrayed in a minute.

Finally, at the end of the semester when the Academy Cup was awarded, Dumbledore showed his naked and unabashed favoritism and encouragement.

Obviously, if the sudden opening of the Chamber of Secrets in the second semester can be explained by chance and coincidence, then the Philosopher's Stone incident in the first semester is 100% a trial prepared by Dumbledore to train Harry to fight against Voldemort.

Whether it was to let him meet Voldemort in a weak state or to cultivate a brave and fearless character, a lot of thought was spent.

"Ask Hagrid directly? Are you sure he will tell us the answer?" Hermione said with strong suspicion in her tone.

Zuo Si smiled and explained: "As far as I know, Hagrid is not a very careful person who can keep secrets. Even if he doesn't tell you the truth, he will at least reveal some information inadvertently. Use this information , coupled with your intelligence, it shouldn’t be difficult to find the answer. Well, I have other things to deal with, so let’s end today’s communication here.”

"Good luck!"

Hermione obviously knew that Zuo Si was going to be interviewed by the "Daily Prophet" and "Wizard Weekly", so she waved goodbye with a faint smile on her face.


Zuo Si bowed politely, then turned around and walked straight towards the principal's office under the gaze of many senior students, especially those from Ravenclaw House.

As soon as he landed in the hall on the first floor, Penelope Crevat, the prefect of Ravenclaw Academy, approached Hermione and asked with interest: "Are you familiar with Soth?"

"I'm not very familiar with him, I just occasionally received his guidance a few times. What, what's wrong with you?" Hermione raised her head and stared at the other person very warily.

"No, it's nothing. I just want to know more about this eccentric genius. I really don't know how the Sorting Hat did it. It actually assigned a freshman who is so suitable for Ravenclaw House to Slater. Forest."

When saying these words, Penelo Crevat's tone revealed strong dissatisfaction and regret.

Because what she saw was Zuo Si deliberately showing wisdom, talent and talents that were far beyond his peers, she naturally felt that such a new student should belong to Ravenclaw House.

He didn't realize that hidden under these disguises were insidious, cunning, good at disguise, etc., which were more in line with the characteristics of Slytherin House.

"Sorry, I don't know much about Soth, so I can't give you any answers."

Hermione seemed to have noticed something, and decisively chose to end the conversation with the female prefect of the "Eagle House" and quickly retreated to Gryffindor House.

Not long after she ran away, Gemma Farley appeared with several senior Slytherin students, and taunted her with a provocative attitude: "Penelope Crevat, you are asking around for information." Do you want to do something to the geniuses in our academy?”

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Penelo Crevat asked back without showing any signs of weakness.

In the blink of an eye, the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students quickly moved closer to the female prefects of their respective houses, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Since the professors had just sent the injured students for treatment, there was not even a single person in the entire hall who could stand up to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

"Hmph! Of course it does matter. Soos was sent to Slytherin by the Sorting Hat, and he will always be our Slytherin. Please control yourself and don't try to seduce like a bitch in heat all day long. Our genius.”

Gemma Farley was on full fire in an instant and unceremoniously activated her "venomous tongue" ability.

"No matter what, I am a hundred times better than you, a piece of trash that comes to your door but is rejected. Oh, I almost forgot, when you confessed your love to someone before, you even scared the other person and ran away."

Penelo Crevat was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he sneered and sneered back.

"What did you say?!!!!"

Gemma Farley's face turned red quickly after her dark history was exposed in public, and the ferocity revealed in her eyes seemed to mean that she wanted to eat the other person alive.

The students from Slytherin House who were following her even pulled out their wands and prepared to take action.

The Ravenclaw house behind Penelo Crevat was not to be outdone, and immediately drew out its wand to fight.

But just when Gemma Farley was about to strike first, she suddenly discovered that many Gryffindor students were siding with Ravenclaw.

The person taking the lead was none other than Percy Weasley, the prefect.

Obviously, if two houses fight against one house, Slytherin will suffer a big loss no matter what.

What's more, the people following Gemma Farley were not all the students in Slytherin House, only about half of the mixed-blood wizards who were excluded by the pure-blood faction.

So after weighing the pros and cons, she quickly calmed down, glared at Penelo Crevat with a vicious look, and it took a full minute before she said to the others: "Let's go!"

In the blink of an eye, the number of Slytherin students in the hall on the first floor was reduced by more than half.

Finally, the remaining ones all chose to tuck their tails between their legs and become human beings.

After all, the "little snakes" all know how to assess the situation, and they will never be like the "idiots" of Gryffindor, who rush forward to die even though they know they are losing.

When the crowd gradually dispersed, Percy pulled Penelo Criva to the corner and asked, "What happened just now? Why did you conflict with Gemma Farley?"

The former explained without thinking: "It's nothing, I just want to see if we can win the genius that Professor Flitwick said is comparable to or even surpassing Principal Dumbledore to our side.

After all, he had no sense of identification with Slytherin House from beginning to end, and he was not even willing to talk to any Slytherin House student.

Also, have you read the latest Daily Prophet?

Soth would soon become a celebrity in wizarding circles around the world.

The things he invented would soon become an integral part of wizards' daily lives.

The Ministry of Magic and well-known schools in some countries even plan to customize a complete set of corresponding teaching materials.

So if nothing else, Soth will likely lead the entire era.

Whether you want to enter the Ministry of Magic and make a career after graduation, or stay in school to become a professor, it is necessary to have a good relationship with him.

It's a pity that bastard Gemma Farley wants to go it alone and exclude our other three colleges. "

"Do you think Soth will be helpful to our careers after graduation?" A strange light flashed in Percy's eyes.

"That's right. This is almost an established fact. Right now, he should be in the principal's office, accepting exclusive interviews with well-known media such as "Daily Prophet" and "Wizard Weekly". These are only those who have received or are about to receive the Order of Merlin. Only those who are qualified will get the treatment they deserve. Damn it! Professor Flitwick called me, I have to rush over immediately, and we can talk about this matter later at some time."

After saying this, Penelo Crevat immediately turned around and ran towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

At the same time, in the principal's office, Zuo Si was communicating with an old man who looked very old, but whose eyes were full of wisdom.

He was none other than Dumbledore's good friend Nico Flamel, who had lived through the Philosopher's Stone for hundreds of years.

There is no doubt that the reason why this alchemist, who has huge influence all over the world, came all the way here is because he is interested in the manufacturing technology of magic scrolls.

After all, when he was young, he also tried to make a magic storage device, but because it was too expensive, he could not popularize it. He could only sell it to pure-blood families who were not short of money, or keep it for their own entertainment.

But Zuo Si's technology not only successfully solved the problem of difficulty in storing spells, but also minimized the cost, so that even poor wizards could benefit.

In addition, those original magic runes also opened Nico Flamel's eyes.

However, the alchemist master did not know that the runes used by Zuo Si were actually directly copied from the rune system of Faerûn, and then slightly improved according to the characteristics of different spells.

Having read the opening pages of the Netherese Scrolls, his understanding of the nature of magical power far exceeds that of any wizard in the world.

In fact, the reason why there is no universal magic storage device in this world lies in the invention of the magic wand.

With a wand, wizards have a tool that simplifies the process of casting spells.

It is difficult for the castrated and simplified spells and spells to form a stable structure independently. Often the spells are successfully released under the guidance of the wand after the spells are recited.

Therefore, if you want to make a relatively cheap spell storage item, you must first trace the source of the spell, find its most important core part, and then expand it and stabilize the spell model.

In this way, it is possible to store spells in a cheap way.

Complicating a simple spell is something almost no wizard would ever think of.

"So that's it! We were wrong from the beginning, and we are still exploring in the wrong direction. Naturally, we can only get wrong results. But you are different. You have found the right direction from the beginning."

Nico Flamel couldn't help but sigh after learning the truth.

Zuo Sishen nodded in agreement: "Yes, most wizards have fallen into misunderstandings in their thinking.

In fact, in the Muggle world, when people conduct technological research and development, unlike wizards who conduct targeted research, they often adopt a trial and error method.

That is to say, we don’t pursue finding the right answer all at once.

Instead, keep trying to find out the mistakes that don't work, until more and more options are eliminated and fewer and fewer options are left that may be correct.

The reason why the magic world has not been able to solve this problem for thousands of years is that there are too few people willing to develop new spells and magic technology, and there is no decent communication between them.

I think it’s time to abandon those old ideas of the past. It is best to set up an organization led by organizations such as the International Federation of Wizards or the Wizengamot to be responsible for sharing the cutting-edge research progress in the magical world in a timely manner, and to provide those with creativity with The wizard receives some monetary and honorary encouragement.

Only in this way will the lack of vitality of the magical world not be like a puddle of stagnant water like it is now.

As an alchemist who has lived for more than six hundred years, you should be most aware of the rapid development of the Muggle world in the past two to three hundred years.

In contrast, the world of wizards has not changed significantly from hundreds of years ago. "

After listening to this speech, a faint smile appeared on Nicolas Flamel's old face, and he said in a tone of experience: "I have to admit that you are indeed as smart, astute and possessing as much as Albus described. A completely different way of thinking for most wizards.

In addition, he also clearly sees the existing shortcomings in the magic world.

But the problem is, it's not easy to get wizards to change their minds.

What's more, due to the secrecy law, many wizarding families have long been seriously disconnected from the Muggle world, and they know nothing about the changes and development of the Muggle world. "

“That’s why changes need to be made.

After all, any miracle is created by people.

It's like everyone didn't expect you to be able to make the magic stone, but you slapped those wizards in the face with your actual actions.

More than six hundred years later, where are those guys who laughed at you?

So do your own thing, ignore the remarks of those fools, and prove to the entire magic world who is right with your success time and time again. "

Zuo Si concluded straightforwardly.

Just when Nico Flamel wanted to say something, Rita Skeeter, who had been waiting for a long time, finally couldn't help but interjected: "Your Excellency Flamel, you have taken up a lot of time, it is time It should be my turn. You know, wizards throughout the UK and even the world are looking forward to seeing the exclusive interview on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow."

Regarding this vulgar and extremely rude behavior, Nico Flamel just frowned subconsciously, but did not say anything. He immediately stood up and nodded to Zuo Si, then stood up and walked out of the principal's office.

His long life has allowed him to meet many different kinds of people, and he also has tolerance and patience that ordinary wizards do not have.

When the alchemist master left completely, Rita Skeeter immediately said impatiently: "Hello, Soth. In order to let more wizards in the magic world know you, I will ask some questions next, I hope you can answer them all without missing a beat.”

"Yes. But it's best not to involve personal privacy, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

Zuo Si gave the woman in front of him an unceremonious blow.

Because he himself really doesn't have the slightest fondness for creatures like "journalists".

If it weren't for Professor McGonagall's request, I wouldn't even waste a second on such boring things.

Rita Skeeter obviously noticed the undisguised disgust and impatience of the boy in front of her, but she didn't take it seriously. She immediately took out a small notebook and asked: "I heard that the first graders at Hogwarts students said that you used the sleeping curse to attack your classmates on the first day of school? And there are also rumors that you had a fierce conflict with more than half of the students in the Slytherin common room? This is Doesn’t it mean that you have serious violent tendencies subconsciously?”

"What, do you want to portray me as someone who comes from a Muggle family and is full of hostility and even hatred towards the magic world and wizards?" Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a dangerous smile.

"No! I just think the public has the right to know the truest version of you."

Rita Skeeter was quibbling while controlling the shorthand quill to write messy content on the sheepskin.

Maybe it was because she felt that Zuo Si was easy to bully because she was younger, or maybe because she could always succeed with other interview subjects, so she showed a strong style as always, trying to dig out more "dirty information" and put it in the report Come in to attract attention.

After all, wizards' communication methods are quite primitive and backward, so it is easier to control public opinion in the magical world than in the Muggle world.

Unfortunately, Rita Skeeter chose the wrong person this time.

"The most authentic? I think the most eye-catching is a more appropriate description. I'm curious, if you arrange others casually like this, aren't you afraid of retaliation? Or, do you only dare to provoke those who will not retaliate against you? Or the wizard who doesn’t dare to take revenge on you?”

Zuo Si sneered and revealed the other party's background.

To be honest, he really couldn't figure out how the woman in front of him could survive to this day with her behavior.

You must know that there have always been a considerable number of so-called "dark wizards" in the UK.

You can get a glimpse of this by looking at the prosperous shops in Knockturn Alley.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Now, instead of focusing on me, let's talk about you. For example, you and that first-year Gryffindor Hermione Granger An extraordinary friendship between young ladies.”

Rita Skeeter obviously did not learn her lesson, but instead wanted to lead Zuo Si into the pit of gossip and gossip.

"Haha, you are really stubborn. In this case, don't blame me for being cruel. After all, having a good reputation is very important to my next plan."

After confirming that there was no one else in the principal's office, and even the portraits of the past principals had gone somewhere, Zuo Si immediately released a ball of hot flames on the shorthand quill and parchment to burn them up.

After finishing all this, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the annoying woman's neck, and pushed her hard against the wall behind with terrifying force.


The violent impact instantly caused Rita Skeeter's glasses to fall off her face, her face turned red because she couldn't breathe, and she struggled desperately to pry open the card owner's vise-like hands on her neck.

But unfortunately it was all in vain.

Because Zuo Si's strength attribute had already skyrocketed to thirty-one after devouring the old blue dragon.

Let alone a weak female reporter, even a powerful half-giant like Hagrid would be suppressed in an instant.

"What...what are you going to do? Quick...let me go!" Rita Skeeter shouted in horror.

"Why, are you afraid now? I have warned you more than once before, but you turned a deaf ear. Now, are you ready to bear the very serious consequences?" Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a chilling light.

"No! No! No! No! Don't do this! If you kill me, not only will you be expelled from Hogwarts, but you will also be wanted by the entire wizarding world. You are a genius and have a great future. There is no need for this. Do it. I swear, as long as you let me go, I will never mention it to anyone, nor will I write any interview content that is detrimental to you."

Rita Skeeter was visibly frightened, shaking uncontrollably.

She could not believe in her wildest dreams that the first-year freshman from a Muggle family in front of her actually planned to kill herself in the principal's office at Hogwarts just because she made up some fake news.

This kind of cruel and cruel attitude that does not take human life seriously is not inferior even to Voldemort.

"I'm sorry, it's too late. Don't worry, I won't kill you because it's not worth it. But you can't escape the death penalty."

With that said, Zuo Si took out his wand, pointed it at Rita Skeeter and slowly recited a spell.


The next second...

An indescribable pain caused Rita Skeeter to open her mouth like crazy and want to let out a heart-rending wail.

But just when he was about to make a sound, he suddenly realized that no matter how much he shouted, he couldn't make even a little bit of movement.

Zuo Si stretched out a finger and gently put it on his lips to silence, and whispered in his ear with a devilish voice: "Shh! Don't make such a loud noise, it will disturb others." In the next half hour, I will give you a lesson called price. Don't worry, I will not cast the Cruciatus Curse for more than ten seconds each time, and I will set aside time for rest. It won't make you crazy."

Hearing these words that were more desperate than death, Rita Skeeter's eyes suddenly showed pleading.

You must know that the power of the Cruciatus Curse is simply not something that normal people can bear.

Even just a few seconds made her feel worse than death, not to mention half an hour of torture.

If she could do it over again, she vowed that she would never provoke this extremely dangerous little evil star in front of her, let alone come to Hogwarts for this exclusive interview.

But the hard-hearted Zuo Si paid no attention to the opponent. He would repeat the Cruciatus Curse for ten seconds every two or three minutes on average, and would also try to add varying degrees of malicious emotions to observe the strength of the spell.

After only five times, this woman's will and psychological defenses completely collapsed. At the same time, her body began to become incontinent out of control, she sweated profusely, and her two bloodshot eyes looked extremely scary.

If possible, she even hoped that the other party could give her an Avada Kedavra to end it all.

It is estimated that in Rita Skeeter's heart, Zuo Si is more terrifying than Voldemort.

Because the latter, at least when he first entered school, had not shown such terrifying talent, strength and ruthlessness.

By the end of half an hour, Rita Skeeter was lying limply on the ground like a lifeless corpse. Not only were her clothes soaked with sweat, her eyes were lifeless.

"Clean up!"

Zuo Si directly waved his wand and cast a descaling spell to make everything return to normal, at least on the surface.

Immediately afterwards, he cast a resuscitation spell on the half-dead woman in front of him.

After about a few seconds, Rita Skeeter suddenly got up from the ground, curling up into a ball and shivering as if she had woken up from a nightmare.

"Tell me, do you understand what the price is now?" Zuo Si asked expressionlessly.

"Ming... understand! Please, don't torture me anymore. I promise that I will obey every order you give like the humblest house elf." Rita Skeeter begged incoherently.

"Very good! Remember, if you try to reveal what happened today to anyone, then I will find you as soon as possible, and then torture your soul for a thousand years with a method more painful than the Cruciatus Curse. Ten thousand years, until the end of time.”

After saying that, Zuo Si raised his wand and put it against the opponent's chest, spraying hot red light from the front end.

The pungent burnt smell quickly filled the principal's office.

In the blink of an eye, a mysterious symbol is successfully imprinted on the surface of the skin.

If it were normal times, such pain would definitely make Rita Skeeter scream.

But now that she had just experienced the torture of the Cruciatus Curse, she didn't even react at all, as if she had completely lost her pain-sensing nerves.

Obviously, the magic mark left by Zuo Si can control Rita Skeeter to some extent.

Although it was definitely safer to make it into a card, he didn't want to put such a thing in his collection that made him feel bored just looking at it.

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