A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 234: Second Class Medal of the Merlin Order (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

Putting a conspicuous silver metal ring on the wand is undoubtedly quite dazzling to wizards.

Because everything is planned from the beginning of every wand design.

Whether it is the special wood used as the body of the stick or the special additions used as the core of the stick, they are all closely connected through magic to form a delicate balance.

Therefore, no one can make additional modifications, carvings, or add small decorations to the wand.

That would disrupt the coherence of the entire wand and eventually cause it to break.

Even for pure-blood families like Malfoy, who are rich and like to show off, their wands are no different from other wizards, and they all look very simple and plain.

So when Snape took out his wand, everyone would notice the silver ring fixed on the front of the handle.

Soon, after being asked by other professors, he quickly demonstrated the purpose of this equipment called the "rod ring".

In just a few days, Zuo Si received orders from Principal Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick.

Dumbledore, in particular, directly offered a high price of five thousand gold galleons and asked him to make it according to the maximum magic limit.

You don't need to ask to know that the principal wants to use this thing as a trump card against Voldemort, and use it at the most critical moment to achieve a one-hit kill effect.

Under the introduction of Snape, the potion master, many very wealthy families and individuals in the wizarding world came to Hogwarts, just to customize an exclusive "staff ring" from Zuo Si.

In addition, the Ministry of Magic of several countries has personally sent people to discuss cooperation issues.

After all, whether it is the technology of making scrolls or the spell storage device that can be equipped on the wand, the combat effectiveness of Aurors can be greatly improved.

To a certain extent, Aurors are equivalent to the police and military in the magical world.

Even the stingiest Ministry of Magic wouldn't save money on this.

Finally, on Halloween, the review team jointly established by the International Federation of Wizards and the Wizengamot finally recognized the knowledge and technology contained in Zuo Si's notebook.

This means that after simple additions and polishes, it can be published as a book.

Finally, at Dumbledore's suggestion, Zuo Si chose to cooperate with Obscurus Books, which has published countless Hogwarts designated textbooks.

Almost at the same time, the British Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, also showed up at Hogwarts with his people. Not only did he deliver a high bonus and the Order of Merlin Level 2 Medal, but he also brought a gift with a total value of up to 100,000 gold plus Long's contract.

It not only includes the purchase of "staff rings" for Aurors and Ministry of Magic officials, but also includes five public classes dedicated to explaining the techniques of making magic scrolls.

Seeing this old man who was very kind in appearance and attitude, and always smiling, Zuo Si immediately put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly.

"Thank you very much for traveling all the way to bring me the honor, the bonus, and the contract that will make me a lot of money."

"Hahahaha! This is what I should do. You must know that these inventions of yours have severely embarrassed our British Minister of Magic. Now wizards all over the world know that there is a genius who can lead the next era. Hogwarts."

Cornelius Fudge laughed and patted Zuo Si on the shoulder to show intimacy and encouragement.

The reason is also very simple.

Zuo Si is too young to threaten his current status. This is completely different from the respected Dumbledore.

By the time Zuo Si grows up, Cornelius Fudge may have already retired or died of old age at home.

Therefore, he is very willing to support and provide certain help to this kind of student who can bring him political achievements and at the same time, no matter how famous he is, he cannot become the Minister of Magic in a short time.

"This is all thanks to the fruitful work of your leadership. Without the annual funding provided by the Ministry of Magic, a young Muggle-born wizard like me would not be able to come to Hogwarts to study." Zuo Si complimented calmly.

He is obviously very good at dealing with this kind of vain guy who is obsessed with power and wealth.

In just a few words, the expression on the British Minister of Magic's face was like a blooming chrysanthemum, and his mouth was grinning from ear to ear.

"Look, what a polite child. It would be great if my grandson could be half as smart and sensible as this." Cornelius Fudge sighed slightly.

As a confidant and loser, Umbridge immediately agreed: "You are absolutely right. It seems that our little genius not only has enviable talents in the field of magic, but is also very humble and likeable. . I think that in a few years, when he is older, he can completely change the Order of Merlin from the second level to the first level."

"Well, what you said makes sense. Albus, what do you think?"

Cornelius Fudge asked Dumbledore for advice in a slightly guilty tone.

It is not difficult to see from this action that he was actually very nervous and scared when facing the greatest wizard of the contemporary era.

After all, the position of Minister of Magic was originally given to him by the other party, which inevitably made Cornelius Fudge feel that he was a head shorter than Dumbledore.

What's more, there is no one of his age who doesn't know Albus Dumbledore's legendary life and what he has done.

"You are the Minister of Magic. Just make your own decision. I have no other opinions." Dumbledore responded nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Cornelius Fudge was visibly relieved and immediately said with a smile: "In that case, let's wait for a second application led by the Ministry of Magic in a few years. By the way, I heard that ha Leigh Potter also entered Hogwarts this year. Where are the others?"

Dumbledore pointed to the field in the distance and replied: "Harry and his friends are practicing flying. He is a very talented seeker. If you stay a few more days, you should be able to see a very exciting game." Ditch game.”

"Forget it. I'm very busy. Barty Crouch left a lot of mess for me to deal with when he left office." Cornelius Fudge decisively refused the invitation.

Unlike most ordinary wizards who regard Harry Potter as a savior, he knows very well that it is impossible for a baby to truly defeat a wizard as powerful as Voldemort, and there must be secrets that he does not know.

Therefore, the attitude towards this "savior" is also very complicated. We must ensure that he can live safely, but we also do not want this boy who survived to be influenced and controlled by Dumbledore.

Therefore, under the influence of this psychology, Cornelius Fudge subconsciously chose to escape.

In this way, he and a group of people stayed at Hogwarts for a short time and left in a hurry.

Before leaving, only one Auror was left to communicate with Zuo Si to ensure that the "staff rings" ordered by the Ministry of Magic could be delivered in the shortest possible time.

"What do you think of the Minister of Magic?"

After Cornelius Fudge was completely gone, Dumbledore suddenly asked a puzzling question.

"Not good, not bad. A qualified bureaucrat who is a bit vain and greedy for power, that's all." Zuo Si gave his evaluation straightforwardly.

In his eyes, Fudge's image was far from as bad as described in the original work. At least until Voldemort returned, the other party had faithfully performed his duties.

In other words, Cornelius Fudge is more suitable to be the Minister of Magic in peacetime, but his performance in wartime is a bit disappointing.

Dumbledore smiled and nodded: "It's very accurate. This is why I was willing to give him the position of Minister of Magic. There is nothing more suitable to cure everyone who is scared by Voldemort than a gentle and humane person. The British wizarding community is in danger. And I find that you seem to be very good at dealing with people like Fudge, don't you?"

"Dear Headmaster, as long as you know a little bit about the bureaucracy of the Muggle world, you will understand that people like Fudge are almost everywhere in the UK." Zuo Si responded with a sneer. "In addition, I strongly recommend you to watch a political satirical comedy called "Yes, Prime Minister". Believe me, with your age and experience, you will definitely laugh until your stomach hurts after watching it."

"TV drama?"

Dumbledore stroked the beard on his chin, an interested expression on his face.

"That's right. You can understand it as a stage play where professional actors play various roles, and it is closer to reality. You only need to buy a TV and a VCR, and then go to the store to rent the video tape of this TV series , you can enjoy it slowly in a hotel or hotel in the Muggle world."

Zuo Si meaningfully gave specific operation steps.

When he first came to this world, he once saw a promotional poster for this classic British drama on the window of a video rental shop on a London street.

So I know that in this magical version of Earth, there are many things that are very similar to my real hometown.

"It sounds like fun. Maybe I can give it a try during the summer after next semester.

Finally, congratulations on being awarded the Order of Merlin, Second Class.

You must know that this symbolizes the highest level of honor in the magic world.

It seems I should also give you a school special contribution award.

Because your pioneering spell storage technology really pushed the wizarding world a giant step forward.

Oh, by the way, this is a book sample sent by Obscurus Books, and it is also a special gift for you, the author. "

After that, Dumbledore took out a large book from his desk drawer with "Step-by-step instructions for storing spells - Volume 1" printed in English on the cover.

Since the magic scroll technology involves the preparation of special ink, the processing of parchment, and other necessary tools, this book looks particularly thick and heavy.

Moreover, some spells are used on the pages of the book, so that some of the highly complex steps can be displayed in front of the readers in the form of illusory images, making it easier for readers to observe and imitate.

Zuo Si took it in his hand and turned it over, and soon showed a look of satisfaction: "Muran Book Publishing House did a great job, reflecting several key details. By the way, the external selling price of this book how many?"

"Twenty-five Galleons."

Dumbledore gave an exact number without thinking.

Although it is slightly more expensive than other books, it is still affordable for most wizards.

What's more, after learning the technology inside, wizards can also make their best spell scrolls and sell them to the outside world.

The rarer and more powerful a spell scroll is, the higher the price will tend to be.

In addition, scroll trading will greatly promote communication between the magical community.

As a very visionary wizard, Dumbledore was very happy to see such a development trend that was beneficial to everyone.

"That is to say, if nothing happens, I will soon become a rich man with a million gold galleons?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although there are not many wizards in this world, it is still easy to find tens of thousands of them to buy his books.

Especially the emerging scroll-making technology is definitely something quite fresh and fashionable for the magic world, which is always lifeless.

It is foreseeable that it will become a hot topic for a long time to come.

"How do you plan to use this money?" Dumbledore asked with interest.

If it is another first-year student, you may have to worry about the other person's squandering.

But Zuo Si has always shown a maturity far beyond his peers, so he was very curious about where this boy would use so much money, or deposit it directly into Gringotts' vault.

Zuo Si pretended to think for a moment, and quickly responded: "First of all, I need a house, a castle or a forest villa that won't be surrounded by ordinary Muggles, so that I can do all kinds of things." Interesting magic experiment.

Secondly, I need to buy a lot of expensive and rare materials, try to make more and more powerful magic items, and learn to brew the highest quality potions from Professor Snape.

Finally, and most importantly, I'm going to buy some magical animals to keep in my own home and see if I can breed all kinds of interesting new species.

The world of magic is so colorful and I wish I could understand it all, not just the bits I learned in school. "

"Understanding everything about the magical world? This is really a great personal goal." Dumbledore showed a hint of approval in his eyes.

He was obviously very happy that Zuo Si did not focus on power, dominance or black magic, but observed and understood the magical world from a more grand perspective.

"By the way, I heard that Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts, is very knowledgeable about magical animals and can often buy some interesting creatures, such as a big dog with these three heads. If you don't mind, I Can you let him help buy some interesting magical animals?" Zuo Si took the opportunity to make a request.

After all, Hagrid was able to secretly raise dangerous creatures like the eight-eyed spider Aragog when he was in school. This year, he even got the three-headed dog, dragon eggs, and later the hippogriff without any effort. , bomb-tailed snails and other magical animals that can cause astonishing destructive power.

And more than half of these things are dangerous species that are banned from breeding by the Ministry of Magic.

Not to mention that he has publicly stated on more than one occasion that he wants to raise a Chimera, a beast that has left a terrible name in Greek mythology.

This is an extremely bloodthirsty and violent creature with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a fire dragon.

So far, in the recorded history of wizards, only one person has ever successfully hunted it, which shows how difficult it is to deal with.

Its danger is simply much higher than that of various types of fire dragons.

This can be gleaned from the Ministry of Magic's classification of it.

Even a Chimaira egg is a Class A prohibited trade item.

So Zuo Si believed that Hagrid must have some illegal smuggling channels, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to buy these dangerous creatures and their eggs again and again.

Dumbledore smiled and nodded: "Of course! I think Hagrid will be very happy to discuss the topic of magical animals with you. But promise me, never let him deal with those too dangerous creatures."

"This sentence should not be said to me, but to Hagrid. As far as I know, he always seems to have an inexplicable love and obsession for those big and ferocious creatures."

After saying this, Zuo Si stuffed several bags of gold galleons into the satchel he carried with him, then picked up the medals and book samples and turned to leave the principal's office.

Due to the Traceless Stretch Spell in this world, space magic items are quite common.

Although it is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic and is expressly prohibited from being used for private purposes.

Only registered items such as school trunks and family tents can use this spell to expand the internal space.

But there is basically no wizard who actually strictly abides by it.

Moreover, the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Magic are well aware of this. They usually turn a blind eye and do not cause too much commotion and commotion.

In Dumbledore's eyes, the small satchel on Zuo Si's body was a prop whose internal space had been expanded by the Traceless Stretch Curse.

But he has no idea that the magic principle of the dimensional bag is fundamentally different from the traceless stretching spell.

The latter is a false space maintained by spells. Once it is affected by dispelling magic or stopping spells, it will become invalid in a matter of minutes, and then all the things contained in it will fly out.

In comparison, dimensional bags are more stable.

Unless it is a terrifying spell like Great Disintegration that indiscriminately tears apart magic items and magic protection, generally speaking, dispel magic and stopping spells will have absolutely no impact.

Therefore, Zuo Si would put all important things in the shoulder bag he carries with him.

Only those items that are not very important will be thrown into the box blessed with the traceless stretching spell.

After walking out of the principal's office, he did not go to the lobby on the first floor, but came to the room on the right side of the third floor that was specially allocated for him to conduct some experiments.

As soon as she entered the door, Hermione, who had been waiting for a long time, noticed the purple medal and immediately couldn't help but exclaimed: "Medal of Merlin, Second Class? Has the Ministry of Magic finally awarded you this honor?"

"Yes, it came with the bonus."

Zuo Si casually threw it on the table in the corner of the room like garbage, not even interested in taking a second look.

Because in his eyes, honor is just a trick to fool people. Apart from a slight increase in popularity, it has no practical effect at all.

Especially in the world of magic, no one dares to despise a wizard who truly possesses powerful power, even if he does not have any honor.

And those clowns who have obtained a series of titles through other means will not be truly respected no matter how many honors they have (yes, I'm talking about you, Gilderoy Lockhart).

Hermione undoubtedly noticed Zuo Si's attitude towards the Order of Merlin, and asked in confusion: "Aren't you happy at all?"

"Happy? Why should I be happy for such a worthless thing?

do you know? In today's wizarding world, anyone with power can find ways to get himself an Order of Merlin.

In my opinion, this thing is no different from many awards selected by the Muggle world. It is just a disguised form of vanity fair.

It's naturally best to have it, but it doesn't really matter if it doesn't.

Because when your strength, power or wealth reaches a certain level, these things will naturally come to you.

Okay, let’s not talk about these spoiler topics and let’s get on with today’s work. "

After saying that, Zuo Si took out his magic wand and waved it gently, placing the precious metals placed in the huge glass jar not far away on the table one by one.

These gold and silver have been soaked in the potion solution for a long time, and now they are emitting a slightly pungent smell.

You don't need to ask to know that they are the basic materials used to make "staff rings".

"But I heard that honor is a kind of praise for someone's achievements and contributions."

As Hermione spoke, she quickly raised her wand to cast a cleaning spell on the metal blocks, and tried to use transformation magic to shape them into different shapes as required.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "This explanation is actually correct to a certain extent.

But the problem is that you have ignored the most critical part, that is, who has the right to award honors to others.

Is this selection really fair?

Are there no personal emotions or interests?

The answer is obviously no.

Because everyone, including you and me, is subjective, it is impossible to be truly fair.

Therefore, all institutions that award honors to others will inevitably become tools manipulated by powerful people.

With the corruption and depravity of award-winning institutions, sooner or later those shady transactions will be exposed to the public.

At that time, the honors awarded by them will also be questioned. Instead of becoming a kind of capital, they will become a burden.

I sincerely advise you not to take honor too seriously, but rather to regard it as a by-product of success and the spice of life.

What's more, honor represents past success, not future success.

If you accidentally indulge in the kind of praise, flattery and flattery from the outside world, it won't take long before you completely lose yourself and become a pitiful person who is afraid of failure, lacks enterprising spirit, and can only stand on his own feet. "

There is no doubt that this view of honor gave Hermione an indescribable shock.

She simply couldn't imagine how Zuo Si could have such a vision at this age, as if he could easily see through the traps that even adults would unknowingly indulge in.

Especially that terrifying reason that will not be affected by any external factors is exactly the same as Principal Dumbledore.

"Don't be distracted! I just received an order from the Ministry of Magic. The workload today is quite large."

Seeing that the girl was a little distracted, Zuo Si immediately reminded her softly.

"Ah! Hug...sorry."

Hermione jolted out of her thoughts and quickly adjusted her mind to focus on the matter at hand.

She didn't want to lose the assistant job that made countless upperclassmen jealous.

After all, by following Zuo Si, you can learn all kinds of knowledge and techniques all the time.

In addition, you can get generous bonuses every time you complete an order.

The Weasley twins, both in Gryffindor House, were almost crazy with envy and had been asking when Zuo Si would recruit people again.

They are even willing to act as "guinea pigs" if necessary.

As both of them entered a state of extreme concentration, customized "stick rings" were produced one after another.

Among them, Hermione is responsible for processing the materials, and will shape them into various shapes according to the customer's requirements, or add some family advice and inscriptions.

Zuo Si is responsible for manufacturing the core and key functional parts of this method storage device.

They were busy from one o'clock in the afternoon to about ten o'clock in the afternoon, and they barely finished seven.

Looking at these pieces of equipment that have recently been sought after by a large number of wizards, Hermione subconsciously wiped the sweat from her forehead and said in a slightly emotional voice: "It's not easy. I finally got all the previous orders out. Starting tomorrow. , we can make the order placed by the Ministry of Magic. However, since the quantity of this order is too large, I suggest that it is best to hire two more people."

"Do you have any recommendations for good candidates?"

Zuo Si put the seven finished products into prepared boxes, and then used a wand to engrave the customer's name and address on each box.

I plan to wait for the owl at Hogwarts to deliver it early tomorrow morning.

"I think George and Fred are a good choice. Unlike idiot Ron, they are both very smart, and have very good grades in several major courses, and even made many small inventions in private. The most important thing is, The twins are very, very eager to make money, so they will obey orders 100 percent."

Hermione said the best candidate in her mind without thinking.

"Okay, it's them. Remember to bring these two treasures here tomorrow morning." Zuo Si agreed without even thinking.

On the one hand, it was because he really liked the twins who always maintained an optimistic spirit. On the other hand, George and Fred were indeed very talented and might be able to provide some inspiration.

"Then it's settled. I'll tell them the good news when I return to the Gryffindor common room."

With that, Hermione picked up her wand and cast a cleaning spell on herself to get rid of the sweat and accidental stains.

Just as she picked up her backpack and was about to open the door and walk out, she suddenly heard Zuo Si's voice coming from behind her.

"Wait a minute! I happen to have a sample of "Teaching You How to Store Spells - Volume One" sent by the publisher here. It's a waste to keep it here anyway, so I'll give it to you as a gift."

"Give it to me?!"

Hermione stopped immediately, her eyes showing endless surprise.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "That's right. Take it as my recognition of your excellent work during this period and your serious attitude towards learning. Remember not to be proud and complacent, because with your intelligence and talent, you should be able to do more. good."

"Thank you... thank you. Could you please sign my name on the first page of this book?" Hermione asked in a low voice, her face flushed with excitement.

"No problem at all."

Zuo Si raised his wand and lightly slid it across the first page of the book.


A line of glittering squiggles appeared on it out of thin air, and also changed its color according to the intensity of ambient light.

You don't need to ask to know that this signature-like magic is the spell he transformed from the zero-ring arcane secret mark.

Unfortunately, due to the huge differences in the magic environments of the two worlds, the overall conversion is very difficult.

So far, Zuo Si has only successfully transformed a few commonly used arcane magics from the zero to the third ring.

However, Hermione was keenly aware of something and asked in an extremely surprised tone: "Is this a new spell?"

"So be it. There's no need to make a fuss. In fact, at Hogwarts, many students in the third and fourth years and above will invent some messy spells, including the Weasley twins you just mentioned." Zuo Si put away his wand and said nothing. Shrugging his shoulders.

In this world without any rules or restrictions, the threshold for creating magic and spells is so low that no Faerûnian arcane spellcaster can imagine.

Coupled with the fact that wands are equipment that can enhance the perception and control of magic, there are many less harmful but highly insulting spells circulating among Hogwarts students.

For example, a spell that makes the front teeth grow bigger, a spell that makes people dance wildly without control of their legs, a spell that keeps farting, etc...

It is estimated that the malicious component may not be as high as the mischievous component.

"George and Fred can actually invent spells?!" Hermione opened her mouth in disbelief.

Because in her impression, these two live treasures should be the kind of guys who don't do anything serious all day long, and just think about making money, exploring, and having fun.

It is quite puzzling to achieve excellent results in a few courses that I am good at, let alone inventing and creating spells, which sounds very "high-end".

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes. It's incredible, isn't it? In fact, every one of the Weasley children has very good talents and smart minds. At least among their peers, they are definitely considered the best." Excellent. Ron is the exception, of course."


Hermione couldn't help but laugh.

There is no way, who makes the youngest son of the Weasley family behave so much worse than his older brothers.

After saying good night to each other, the girls quickly returned to the Gryffindor common room with the heavy book in their arms.

When she gave the password and walked in, she suddenly found that Harry and Ron had not rested yet, but were sitting next to the fireplace discussing something in a low voice.

Out of curiosity, Hermione immediately stepped forward and asked: "It's so late and you haven't gone to bed yet. What are you doing here? Don't tell me that you made an agreement with Malfoy to have a wizard duel at midnight."

"Hehe! Of course not. That Malfoy guy didn't dare to act rashly until he figured out how many spell scrolls we had. In fact, since Halloween is coming soon, we are discussing how to spend it." Ron giggled replied.

"I heard from the senior students that Hogwarts holds a grand banquet on Halloween every year. Not only will there be a lot of delicious food, but there will also be corresponding decorations, and occasionally there will be orchestras invited to perform." Ha. Lee also added enthusiastically.

Since he had never spent any decent holidays growing up, he was inevitably looking forward to the upcoming Halloween.

Seeing that these two guys were still as carefree as ever, Hermione couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Oh - then you two can continue to sit here and dream about the grand occasion of Halloween. I am very tired today, and I must take a shower quickly. Take a bath and have a good sleep.”

"You went to attack Soth again? This is the fourth time this week, right? Your time is so tight every day, is it really necessary to work so hard?" Ron asked very puzzled.

"First of all, I can learn a lot from my assistant's job. Secondly, every time I complete an order, Soth will give me a bonus ranging from tens to hundreds of galleons. If it were any Hogwarts employee, The senior students, they will definitely do their best just like me. Besides, your brothers are all coveting this job."

When saying these words, Hermione raised her chin slightly, showing an expression of pride and pride.

"What? Dozens of galleons, hundreds of galleons! Where did he get so much money to give you? Also, what happened to that order?"

Ron was stunned for a moment and didn't even notice that the pumpkin juice in his hand was spilled on his body.

He originally thought that the girl's so-called assistant job was actually for nothing, just like the small interest groups formed by many Hogwarts students.

"My stupid brother!

Don't you know that since the reports of "Daily Prophet" and "Wizard Weekly" were published, many wizards from all over the world have made a special trip to visit Soth?

And he can also make something called a "wand ring", which can store a spell and put it on the wand.

All it takes is a thought to trigger a dangerous situation.

Therefore, many wealthy people and pure-blood families came to him for customization. "

Following the familiar voice, George ran in from outside first and threw his arms around Ron's neck.

Although the latter desperately tried to break free, unfortunately his strength was too weak and he was no match for his brothers who went to Quidditch training every now and then.

Fred also sat down next to Ron and joked in a half-joking tone: "Dear Miss Granger, don't waste your time telling poor Ron this. His little head can't understand dozens of words." What is the concept of even hundreds of gold galleons?"

"That's right! Ron can't even spare a gold galleon right now." George immediately followed up with a last-ditch attack.

In the blink of an eye, Ron's face was turned red by his two twin brothers, looking angry and inferior.

Unfortunately, no one present noticed his dilemma, and even Harry subconsciously ignored his best friend's reaction.

Seeing that she happened to meet George and Fred, Hermione immediately extended an invitation to the two of them: "Are you interested in becoming Soth's assistant together?"

"Of course! We're very interested!"

Fred nodded quickly, as if he was afraid that he would miss this golden opportunity if he answered late.

George used his talent for comedy, posing like a fly rubbing his hands, and tried in a very humble tone: "How much salary or bonus can we get? Can we have one-tenth of yours?"

Hermione rolled her eyes angrily: "Stop it. At the beginning, you can only get one-third of my income. Once you become proficient, you can get the same bonus as me."

"Oh - Merlin's beard! We're going to be rich!" George jumped up and cheered.

"Long live! The great, noble, omnipotent and omniscient Miss Granger! Please allow your most loyal servant to kiss your boots."

After saying that, Fred literally lay down on the ground and wanted to kiss the girl's instep.

This move frightened Hermione so much that she stepped back and shouted: "That's enough! If you do this again, I will be disqualified."

"OK! OK! From now on, you are our master. Let us go east and never west."

"When can we start work? And what will it be about?"

The twins sandwiched the girl on the left and right and kept asking questions.

The three of them talked for almost twenty minutes before going back to the boys' and girls' dormitories to sleep.

As for Harry and Ron, who were left alone, they showed helpless expressions and could only return to the dormitory to rest.

Early the next morning, George and Fred, who had not slept much after being excited all night, appeared in the room assigned to Zuo Si in the school with two dark circles under their eyes.

Noticing the mental state of the twin brothers, Zuo Si immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "Did you two go on a night out again last night?"

"How could it be! We were just too excited, and ended up having a little insomnia." George explained quickly.

"Well, I hope this will not affect your work efficiency. Hermione, introduce them to the assistant's work. Today we have to complete at least ten wand rings."

Zuo Si simply left the two of them to the girl to take charge of, while he began to take out tools and prepare for carving inscriptions.

Soon, under Hermione's explanation and demonstration, George and Fred quickly understood what they needed to do.

After a while, they each entered into a very focused working state, producing semi-finished products one after another.

Perhaps because they are older and have a much higher magic level than first-year Hermione, the work efficiency of these two novices is not much slower than that of the skilled latter.

Excluding class time, I actually completed fifteen by the time I had to rest in the evening.

Of course, the price was that George and Fred looked like dead dogs from exhaustion, and Hermione looked like she had just been fished out of the water. The clothes all over her body were soaked with sweat, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to the skin.

"You did a good job today. Here, this is the bonus. You can take it and divide it among yourself."

Zuo Si threw the bag of gold galleons he had prepared on the table without hesitation.

With a crashing sound, George, who was lying on the ground just a second ago and sticking out his tongue like a dog, suddenly jumped up from the ground, rushed to the table, and poured out more than 300 gold galleons inside.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body seemed to be under a restraining spell, and the muscles all over his body were tense and stiff.

Only his eyes revealed a scorching light that could melt everything.

Fred on the side was not bad either. He jumped up and rolled on the golden galleons, while letting out a creepy laugh.

"Hahahaha! It's Gold Galleons! It's all Gold Galleons! There's not even a Silver Siko or a Bronze Nat! Oh my God! I feel like I'm in a dream now!"

"Fred, give me a hard blow."

After coming back to his senses, George put his face in front of his twin brother.

"At your service, brother."

Without saying a word, Fred raised his arm and gave the former a loud slap in the face.


After the crisp sound, George spun around in circles several times, with a palm-shaped handprint appearing on his face.

But instead of being angry, he hugged Fred and started laughing loudly with him.

It has to be said that with these two living treasures, even Hermione felt that her mental fatigue had suddenly recovered a lot, and she covered her mouth and snickered secretly.

As for Zuo Si, he made up his mind that he would never allow Voldemort or other Death Eaters to kill the Weasley twins.

Because if the world lacks any one of them, it will lose a lot of joy and laughter.

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