A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 235 Compound Spell (10,000-word chapter please subscribe)

There is a line in the movie that says there is only one disease in the world, and that is the disease of poverty.

This sentence couldn't be more appropriate to describe the Weasley family.

Although they are an out-and-out pure-blood family in the magical world, they have given birth to so many children that their life is very tight every day.

If the two eldest sons Bill and Charlie were able to get a little pocket money when they went to school, then from Percy onwards the family's finances began to become very difficult.

When we got to George and Fred's place, we probably had almost no pocket money. When we got to Ron and Ginny's place, it was even worse. Even the textbooks, robes, wands, etc. had to be used by the brothers.

So whether it's Percy, the twin brothers, or the silly Ron, they all have an inexplicable desire for money in their hearts.

Especially the former, who always try their best to make money in school, and often even take part in various gambling games at the risk of losing everything.

Unfortunately, they had so little money on hand that it wasn't until Harry received the Triwizard Tournament prize money and handed it over to them that he finally had enough start-up capital to open a shop specializing in selling various prank items.

But now, George and Fred suddenly received more than three hundred gold galleons, and instantly went from being penniless to having a huge amount of money.

After learning the truth, Ron's eyes almost glowed green with jealousy.

Seeing his two brothers displaying those glittering Galleons in front of the Gryffindor table, he finally couldn't help but complain in a low voice to Hermione: "Damn it! Why didn't you think of me when such a good thing happened?"

"You?" The girl glanced at the silly boy with eyes full of disgust. "You can't even turn a match into a needle, let alone shape gold and silver soaked in magic potions into various shapes requested by customers. Tell me, what work can you accomplish if you come as an assistant? Don’t you think you can get a huge bonus just by putting your name on it?”

Ron was instantly speechless, and his already depressed mood became even lower.

Because he suddenly realized that he seemed to be a complete waste.

In terms of fame, it is not as good as the famous savior Harry Potter.

The latter was even promoted as the seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team in the first grade because of his outstanding performance in flying lessons, and he would receive extra care wherever he went.

In terms of intelligence and talent, Hermione, who was born in a Muggle family, had already surpassed him by several blocks, and was even able to participate in the advanced Transfiguration training class held by Professor McGonagall on weekends specifically for senior students.

As for Zuo Si...

Well, even Ron felt like he didn't deserve to be compared to it at all.

Whether it was the "feat" of overpowering half of Slytherin House by one person on the first day of school, or the subsequent invention of the technology of making magic scrolls, as well as the honors and prizes he won with this, they were simply beyond his reach.

Even George and Fred, who were regarded as only causing trouble and being naughty, have now made the first pot of gold in their lives through the knowledge and spells they learned.

Anyway, the more Ron thought about it, the angrier and more depressed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was worthless.

Finally, as the string called reason broke, he quickly picked up his textbook and bag, stood up and left without saying a word, disappearing from everyone's sight.

"What you just said hit Ron hard." Harry reminded with a slight sigh.

But Hermione replied nonchalantly: "This is for his own good. If this guy continues to hang out like this, his grades will definitely be terrible when he waits for the final exam. If he is expelled because of this, that will be the most miserable and despairing thing." situation."

"Well, I hope you're right."

Hearing that he might be expelled for poor grades, Harry's inner alarm suddenly rang loudly.

After all, even if Ron is expelled, he can go home and live with his biological parents and siblings, and he will not really leave the magical world.

But if he is expelled because of poor grades, he will have to return to the Dursleys, live with his annoying uncle, aunt and Dudley, and continue to live a dark and boring life.

Especially because of the mean character of the uncle and aunt, most likely they will continue to ridicule them.

Therefore, Harry would never allow this situation to happen to him, and secretly made up his mind to listen to the lectures well and complete the assignments assigned by the professor.

In this way, after a brief exchange in the early morning, the little wizards of Gryffindor got up and headed to the classroom where the morning's Charms class was held.

Since almost two months had passed since the beginning of school, the first-year students were already quite familiar with Hogwarts, so no one got lost.

However, when Flitwick began to explain how to skillfully cast the Levitation Charm, Harry was surprised to find that Ron did not appear in class.

Hermione also discovered this.

The two looked at each other for two or three seconds, and soon decided to talk to this silly boy after class.

But what they never expected was that from the end of Charms class to lunch time, and even the two classes in the afternoon, Ron never showed up.

There was no one in the dormitory, no one in the Gryffindor common room, and no one was anywhere on the dining table in the hall on the first floor.

No one knew where this guy was hiding. Even the Weasley twin brothers and Percy didn't care about it, they just felt that their "little brother's" old problems had recurred.

Don't worry about him, he will return to normal after a while.

I have to say that Ron's family "younger brother position" is indeed a bit miserable.

On the one hand, there are so many brothers in the family, but there is also a younger sister.

Therefore, both parents and brothers take special care of the little sister.

But for his youngest son and brother, it was usually just teasing.

Especially George and Fred, the pair of troublemakers, pranked Ron when they had nothing to do, which caused considerable trauma to his young mind.

When the Halloween dinner started and there was no trace of Ron himself, Harry and Hermione finally couldn't sit still, so they ran directly to Zuo Si, who was always sitting alone in the corner, and explained the situation.

After the latter listened, a very strange expression suddenly appeared on his face.

He had no idea that he had changed Hermione's life trajectory, causing her to not hide in the toilet and cry secretly because she couldn't make friends, and eventually ran into the troll that Quirrell had let in, but Ron took the initiative to stand up. This position has been filled.

"Soss, what should we do now?" Harry asked in an uncertain tone.

"What else can we do? Let's eat first."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently and resisted the urge to use fireball or death cloud to clean up all the bats on the ceiling above his head.

To be honest, he had no idea what these wizards were thinking about putting such dangerous animals into the dining hall.

You know, bats carry thousands of viruses!

Among them, there are more than a dozen types that can cause death.

Although most of them are not directly transmitted to humans, the problem is that even "small condiments" such as feces, saliva, hair, and debris falling on food can cause considerable health risks.

Not to mention the psychological and physical discomfort.

But most students obviously didn't care about this, and even raised their heads with great interest to admire the visual effects blessed by magic, and ate the feast cooked by the house elves with relish.

"But what about Ron? He will definitely be hungry while hiding alone. Isn't it so pitiful?"

Hermione was obviously affected by guilt and sympathy, and she became depressed.

"Don't worry, eat first. After you are full, I will take you to find him."

While making his promise, Zuo Si suddenly pulled out his wand without warning and cast a spell on several bats that were hovering above his head.


Dozens of bats were thrown out by the invisible huge force on the spot, hitting the far wall, and then fell from the sky one after another.

You don't need to ask to know that his patience is reaching its limit.

Dumbledore obviously noticed this and immediately smiled and said to Professor McGonagall beside him: "It seems that our genius can't do everything perfectly. At least when it comes to hating bats, he can't control it. My own emotions.”

"But the spell Soth just cast was great, wasn't it? He didn't even say the spell, he just waved the wand and it produced quite an astonishing effect. If it were used on a person, the target would probably be knocked unconscious alive." Professor McGonagall commented as she swallowed the dessert in her mouth.

"I think it may be a variation of the levitating spell or the summoning spell. I don't know if you noticed that those bats stayed in the air for a very short time when they were pulled by a strong force."

Professor Flitwick also analyzed it from a very professional perspective.

Since he was a famous duel champion when he was young, he also invented many original spells and magic of his own in private.

Therefore, it is very clear how clever the silent spell Zuo Si just cast is, even far beyond the level that students can achieve.

If the total amount of magic power in his body was not still a little immature, he would be fully qualified to be called a master of spells.

"Severus, what do you think?" Dumbledore turned his attention to the headmaster of Slytherin.

Snape picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, and responded calmly: "I don't have any opinion. Soth's talent is there, and anyone can feel it clearly and intuitively. So for all the things he has done I have long been used to strange things. Compared with these, I am more worried about some of his ongoing research."

"Some research?" Professor McGonagall showed a confused look.

"Yeah. Not long ago, a Slytherin student reported to me that he heard an explosion near Soth's dormitory. Although I didn't find any signs of damage when I went to check, I always felt that it must be It was repaired by a spell." Snape calmly stated the information he currently had.

Although he also tried to find some roommates for Zuo Si.

But no first-year Slytherin student dared to live under the same roof with him.

Not to mention the first grade students, there are zero senior students who have such courage.

"Explosion?! Do you think Soth is developing some amazingly powerful destructive spell?" Professor Flitwick raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's not that I think it is, but that he is already doing it. If nothing else happens..."

Before Snape could finish his words, he saw Quirrell stumbling in, shouting with panic on his face: "Troll... a troll! It's a troll! It's in the basement now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

I have to say, this guy's acting skills are quite superb.

Especially the feeling of powerlessness at the moment of fainting, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the absolute performance.

When the students who were enjoying the sumptuous dinner heard the news, the whole hall suddenly became chaotic.

Some wizard family students who had heard how scary trolls were dropped their food and ran to the common room of their respective colleges.

In order to maintain order, Dumbledore had to stand up, raise his wand, and fire several ear-piercing fireworks explosions in one go.

After order was restored, he immediately commanded in a serious tone: "Prefect, take the students from your college back to their dormitories immediately."

"Don't panic! Come with me! Remember not to get separated. Especially the first-year students. As long as you obey my instructions, you don't have to be afraid of any trolls."

Percy stood up first before the other prefects could react and gave orders to the Gryffindor students in a weird accent.

Seeing his pretentious look, Zuo Si couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head, and whispered to Harry and Hermione sitting next to him: "Let's go, we should go find Ron. If nothing else, he is now Should just stay with the trolls.”

"What! How did you know?" Hermione's eyes widened in shock.

"A bit of simple divination and tracking. Okay, don't ask so many questions, just follow me."

While speaking, Zuo Si stood up from his chair, quickly cast the Disguise Charm while the prefects were busy organizing students to evacuate from the hall, and disappeared from everyone's sight with the two little ones.

Since the true seeing spell is fixed on the magic ring, Hermione and Harry's positions can always be seen.

Whenever the two of them went the wrong way due to tension, he would immediately reach out to correct them.

In front of all the students and professors in the school, the group of three people quickly passed through countless stairs and corridors and came directly to the huge griffin statue.


A black figure appeared at the corner, scaring Hermione and Harry to a sudden cardiac arrest. They subconsciously covered their noses and held their breath.

Because the visitor was none other than Snape, who often troubled Gryffindor students and deducted points.

At this moment, his face looked much gloomier than usual, and his eyes shone with a terrifying cold light.

Fortunately, Snape didn't notice anyone here, and quickly passed by and disappeared into the distance.

When he was completely gone, Hermione and Harry opened their mouths to take in the fresh air, and at the same time lifted the invisibility effect caused by the Disillusionment Curse.

"Damn! Why is he in a place like this? Aren't the professors supposed to be on the first floor?" Harry asked in confusion.

"It looks like he's heading towards the third floor." Hermione speculated in a low voice.

Just when the two little ones were about to say something, Zuo Si immediately interrupted: "Okay, what Professor Snape goes to do has nothing to do with us. Compared with this, it is better for you to worry about the troll a little."

"Troll? Oh my God! What does this smell like? Did someone spill shit in the corridor?" Harry immediately covered his mouth and nose again.

Hermione, on the other hand, was so stifled by the stench that she leaned against the wall and retched, almost vomiting out all the food she had just eaten.

However, after a few seconds, their adverse reactions disappeared instantly, and they were frightened out of their wits by the horrific scene they saw in front of them.

I saw a huge figure slowly walking out from the end of the corridor.

It is nearly four meters tall. Its skin looks dull and gray like a rock. Its body is huge and bulky, but its head is disproportionately small.

One of the arms was dragging a wooden stick as thick as a small tree. It was estimated that when the stick was knocked down, the person would be confessed directly.

As for the pungent stench, it naturally comes from the monster.

You know without asking that this guy is a troll, a creature similar to a giant but with extremely low IQ.


Every time the giant monster in front of him takes a step forward, the surrounding ground will tremble slightly.

As luck would have it, the vibrations on the ground alerted Ron, who was hiding in a nearby room for storing sundries, causing him to push aside the people curiously and take a look.

It doesn't matter if you don't take a look at it. When you take a look, you just meet the troll's small eyes full of "wisdom".

Poor Ron's muscles all stiffened instantly, and sweat soaked through his clothes in less than a few seconds, and flowed down his forehead and cheeks.

For an eleven-year-old wizard, the nearly four-meter giant monster is definitely an invincible target.

But the problem is that he doesn't dare to move, for fear that if he moves, he will be smashed into meat patties or minced meat by the thick stick.

"I...what should we do now?"

Hermione was obviously panicked, and even her voice was trembling.

Although she has learned a lot of spells, she is very aware that her actual combat experience is completely zero. In this state of high mental stress, her tongue is constantly knotted, and there is no way to pronounce each spell accurately.

In contrast, Harry showed his brave side, quickly took out a scroll that he had not used before, and activated a barrier charm without saying a word.

"There are many obstacles!"

A beam of energy immediately spurted out from the tip of his wand and hit the giant monster's huge body.

Since this scroll was made by Zuo Si himself, it still caused some obstacles and effects on it.

At least the giant monster's movements have become much slower, almost like slow motion.

"Now! Ron! Run!" Harry shouted at the top of his lungs.

When Ron heard his friend's voice, he immediately activated the survival instinct in his heart, took a sudden step and ran towards the location of the three of them, not daring to look back to see if the troll was chasing behind him.

In just three to five seconds, the troll broke free from the influence of the obstacle spell with its powerful magic resistance. It immediately roared, waved its stick and began to charge.

Because of its size, it can take one step as long as an eleven-year-old boy takes ten steps.

He caught up in the blink of an eye.

Especially Ron, who was running wildly, could clearly feel that the ground was shaking more and more violently.

Just when Harry was about to activate another sleeping spell, Zuo Si raised his hand to stop his profligate behavior, took out his wand and said with a smile: "Don't waste your efforts, the troll can't be dealt with by just a sleeping spell. Continue. Leave the rest to me."

The words have not yet been spoken!

He raised his wand and pointed it at the feet of the running troll, instantly shooting out a large group of greasy stains.

Because the distance was controlled very accurately, the oil stain just happened to be spread on Ron's heel and did not have even the slightest impact on it.

But the giant monster that followed stepped on the grease and fell to the ground with a bang, having a close contact with the hard marble floor.

Because of his incredible weight, cracks like spider webs were created on the ground the moment he fell.

There is no doubt that this is a piece of magic transformed into a spell - the grease spell.

Although its level is really low, and there is no threshold for learning it, it can be used to deal with those large creatures, and it can definitely achieve great results.

The most important thing is that this spell can ignore the target's inherent magic resistance. Once it is paved, the friction between the feet and the ground will become minimal.

Looking at the way the giant monster is struggling, falling, struggling, and falling again, you can see how helpless it is with this small puddle of oil.

"This...is it done?"

Harry's mouth opened wide with an expression of disbelief on his face.

He originally thought that Zuo Si would cast some kind of spell that he had never seen before but was incredibly powerful to knock down or kill the giant monster.

But in reality, it is true that a seemingly invincible monster can be easily rendered invincible by simply splashing a sticky oil stain on it with a magic wand.

Especially the violent and funny look of the troll, it's like a clown being played on the palm of his hand.

"Done?" Zuo Si shook his head meaningfully. "No, no, no, I just restricted its movement. The next step is the most exciting part."

With rapid breathing, Ron finally ran over from the other end of the corridor and asked out of breath: "Why...why are there trolls in the school?"

"I don't know. We only found out after hearing Professor Quirrell say that a troll broke in. By the way, you weren't hurt, were you?"

Harry touched his friend's body with great concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just tired and hungry."

Ron, who had narrowly escaped death, collapsed on the ground, as if he had collapsed.

Just when he wanted to say thank you to these friends who came to rescue him, he suddenly saw the front end of Zuo Si's wand starting to flash a chilling white light.

The next second...

The giant monster in the distance began to grow bigger and bigger for some unknown reason, until it swelled to completely fill the entire corridor.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

An extremely violent explosion swept through the entire corridor in an instant.

Including the glass, the doors of the rooms on both sides, the ceiling, and the marble underfoot, all were shattered with a deafening bang.

A large amount of gravel and dust were flying in the air, mixed with things like plasma, internal organs, and pieces of meat.

When everything calmed down, the trolls on the ground were completely gone, replaced by a large amount of foul-smelling flesh and blood mixture on the walls, ceiling and floor.

Occasionally, you can see white bones broken into small sections with blood stains scattered around.

Ron, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was dumbfounded and sat motionless on the ground as if he was stupid.

Harry pinched his thigh hard to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

As for Hermione...

Finally, under the dual impact of vision and smell, I completely vomited out all my dinner, and did not dare to look at the bloody and bloody scene in the passage.

After several minutes, when Harry recovered from the indescribable shock, he immediately couldn't help but asked in a voice: "What did you just do?"

"It's nothing, it's just a slightly more powerful crushing spell." Zuo Si answered in an evasive manner.

He will not tell the other party that the fundamental reason why this magic can achieve such terrifying destructive power is that it contains part of the Swelling Curse.

To put it simply, it first causes the target to swell crazily from the inside to the limit that the body can bear, and then detonates it with the crushing spell.

At the moment of detonation, the inflated body will have the same effect as a balloon punctured by a sharp object.

"This power is not as simple as a little stronger! I have never heard of any wizard in history who can use the crushing spell to directly blow up a giant monster to nothing."

Perhaps due to being too excited, Ron's voice seemed to be trembling.

At this moment, he finally understood why the eyes of Slytherin students immediately showed fear when they mentioned Zuo Si.

Being able to cast this kind of curse in the first grade can basically guarantee that in the future, he will be either the second Dumbledore, the second Voldemort or Gellert Grindelwald, or he will surpass these people and reach those in history. The height of a great wizard.

It would be strange if I were not worried and scared to form a grudge against such a person.

"Just because you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Believe me, Principal Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick should all be able to do it to a similar extent." Zuo Si explained meaningfully.

But just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Dumbledore's voice coming from behind him.

"Sorry, I might have to disappoint you. None of us can blow up a troll like this with just one spell, not even me."


Thinking that she had been caught, Hermione immediately became extremely nervous. She quickly used her wand to get some water to rinse her mouth and nose. Then she lowered her head like a child who had made a mistake and did not dare to talk to the headmaster of Gryffindor. Professor McGonagall looked at each other.

Similar to the girl's reaction, Harry and Ron also became extremely nervous.

Because they saw the fire called anger flashing in Snape's eyes.

In the eyes of those who knew the situation, it was clear that he was worried about Harry Potter's safety.

But in the eyes of those who don't know, it's a terrible nightmare.

Only Zuo Si remained calm as always and said with a smile: "You are so humble, principal. I believe that you can cast many commonly used spells, and their power may not be recognized by many people."

"No, Soth. The humble one is not me, but you." Dumbledore walked straight to the center of the explosion just now, carefully inspected the troll's remaining regrets and the remaining magic power, and soon revealed A look of great surprise. "Is this a compound spell? You fused multiple spells together to form a new spell?"

Zuo Si responded nonchalantly: "That's right. As you know, I come from a Muggle family, so I often like to look at magic from a scientific perspective and gain some inspiration that is ignored by most wizards."

"Science from the Muggle world again?" Dumbledore was obviously very interested in this.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, it is science again. To be precise, science in the Muggle world is essentially to discover and find the laws of objectively existing things through observation and research. And these laws are the same in the entire world. Generally speaking, although magic can affect, control and even distort it to a certain extent, it can still function normally most of the time."

"A very novel statement. Maybe I should ask you to explain your point of view in Muggle Studies class, so that students can have a better understanding of science and apply it to magic. In addition, introduce For your outstanding performance this time and for creating a new spell, I decided to reward Slytherin with thirty points."

As Dumbledore blurted out these words, the hourglass symbolizing Slytherin House points immediately increased a lot.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you add it or not. You know, I don't care about these at all."

Zuo Si did not hide his disdain for this boring trick at all, even if Snape used the "death glare" on him several times.

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Maybe you don't care, but there are many people who care very much. In addition, it is not good for you to always be at odds with your classmates in your college. I hope you can reconcile with them and spend time together happily. In a few years.”

"Sorry, I can't do it. I don't think it's necessary to get along well with those guys who exude the stench of decay. Sorry, I haven't finished my work today, so I won't chat with you here. Farewell."

After saying these words, Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed to all the professors present, then turned and left without looking back.

His strong performance in the face of this group of professors immediately surprised Harry, Ron and Hermione.

But before the little guy could recover, Snape asked sternly: "What kind of tricks are you playing? Do you want to be a hero? Or is the title of savior no longer enough to satisfy your growing vanity?" , Potter. And you, Miss Hermione Granger, do you think you can deal with an adult troll just by learning a few spells?"

Professor McGonagall also helped: "Why don't you just follow the prefects back to the dormitory? You are lucky today, you didn't get your head smashed or eaten by the troll. Otherwise, I don't know how to tell you." Parents’ explanation.”

Seeing the two professors getting angry at the same time, Harry and Hermione did not dare to offer any defense at all, just like prisoners waiting for sentencing.

In the end, Ron suppressed the fear from the depths of his soul towards Snape and his own dean, and whispered: "Professor...Professor, they are actually here to find me. I have been hiding here since this morning. In the storage room on the first floor, I don’t know what happened outside. If it weren’t for them and Soth’s help, I think I would be dead by now.”

"What? What are you doing hiding in the storage room alone?" Professor McGonagall frowned subconsciously.

"Uh--because I suffered a little shock this morning, so I wanted to find a quiet place where no one would disturb me." Ron replied a little embarrassed.

"So it was your hiding relationship that made Hermione and Harry a little worried, and they privately asked Soth to help find it, right?"

Professor McGonagall immediately understood the whole story, and the originally angry expression on his face softened a little.

After all, the trait Gryffindor emphasizes is courage.

And risking yourself for your friends is naturally one of the highest forms of courage.

So there was even a look of approval in her eyes.

However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided.

In order to prevent something like this from happening again, Professor McGonagall still tearfully deducted five points from Ron, but at the same time, he added ten points to Harry and Hermione.

In this way, a small commotion was easily resolved with Zuo Si's intervention.

No one was injured and no students died.

After the three little ones returned to the Gryffindor common room, taking a frightened Quirrell back to his office, Snape immediately lowered his voice and asked Dumbledore: "What happened to this Quirrell?" What happened? He seemed to be spying on the magic stone hidden under the trap door. And I suspect that he might have secretly let the troll in."

"You don't need to know too much, just keep an eye on Quirrell and keep Harry Potter safe."

Dumbledore had no intention of explaining anything.

Because he is a very thoughtful person and always likes to hide all kinds of secrets in his mind.

Only when needed will it be shared with others.

Protect secrets, take charge of secrets, and plan everything quietly behind the scenes.

This is Albus Dumbledore, known as the greatest wizard of our time.

Snape undoubtedly understood the old man who had seized on his own weakness. He continued to narrow his eyes and probed: "What about Soth? The spell he used today is almost comparable to or even surpasses many dark magics."

But Dumbledore shook his head indifferently: "But it's not black magic after all, it's just a slightly more powerful crushing spell. I will handle the matter regarding Soth personally, and you don't need to interfere too much."

"That's not as simple as being a little bit older. Forget it, since you already have an idea, I'll just let it go."

After that, Snape ignored Dumbledore and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

At almost the same time, Harry, Hermione and Ron were gathered together in the Gryffindor common room, discussing in low voices what had happened before.

Among them, Ron, who had the worst academic performance, even vowed: "I swear with all my pocket money in the next few years, the spell Soth cast on the troll is definitely not a crushing spell, but a terrible black magic."

"If it was black magic, then why didn't the professors stop him or give him a warning when they saw it?" Hermione questioned. "Don't forget, Principal Dumbledore mentioned that it was a new spell formed by the fusion of multiple other spells. So I think it should be the amazing effect produced by the fusion of several ordinary spells."

"Whether it's dark magic or not, I think Soth's performance is absolutely cool. I bet he must be the most powerful student in Hogwarts ever. Professor Flitwick once said, even if that person is When I first came to Hogwarts, I didn't have the performance of Soth."

The savior Harry Potter seemed to have become a loyal fan of Zuo Si, with unabashed admiration in his tone.

Hermione nodded with deep understanding: "I completely agree with your point of view. In fact, I have learned a lot of spells and spell-breaking techniques from Soth. Sometimes I even think that he is more knowledgeable than the professors. The illusion.”

"Can you let him teach us? Especially charms!" Harry asked with eyes shining.

"I'll ask you tomorrow. But don't expect too much. Soth hardly pays attention to the students at Hogwarts. Unless you can show extraordinary talent or intelligence. Okay, I want to do it now. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed, there’s still a lot of work waiting for me to do tomorrow.”

Hermione stood up and quickly ran into the girls' bathroom, intending to wash away the bad smell left on her body after vomiting.

As for the other two, they sat together happily and discussed the spell to kill the troll for another half an hour, before taking a shower and going to bed.

As the saying goes, you have something to think about every day and something to dream about at night.

In his sleep, Harry dreamed that he could be like Zuo Si, raising his wand and easily blowing up one terrifying monster after another, and also killed the enemy who killed his biological parents, Voldemort.

On the other side, Quirrell was hiding in his office and shivering, looking through the mirror at the desperate and frightening face on the back of his head, begging bitterly: "Master! Great master! Please forgive me this time!" I really tried my best!”

"Shut up! Idiot! What's going on with that first-year student named Soth? Why does he master such a powerful spell?"

Voldemort's tone seemed to contain soaring anger.

"I...I don't know for sure. I just know that he was born into a Muggle family, but was sorted into Slytherin House by the Sorting Hat, and killed half of the students in the house on the first day of school. Not only that, he A technology called the Magic Scroll was also invented in which spells could be stored.”

In order to avoid punishment, Quirrell hurriedly told all the information he knew.

After all, he had been trying to steal the magic stone during this period, so he didn't pay much attention to what Zuo Si did.

"Thos? Born in a Muggle family? How is this possible!"

There was a hint of surprise in Voldemort's tone.

This ruthless Dark Lord saw with his own eyes the bloody sight of the troll exploding.

Although there was no trace of black magic around, the destructive power of this explosion spell was far greater than that of many black magics.

Such a spell cannot be easily performed by many people with the title of "Master of Charms", let alone a young wizard born as a Muggle.

But after the brief surprise, Voldemort quickly came to his senses and said with a sneer: "Find a way to bring him to me. Remember! Don't be noticed by Dumbledore or Snape."

"Master, do you want to take him as your own?" Quirrell asked in an uncertain tone.

"Of course! A genius like this cannot be a real Muggle. One of his parents or grandparents must be a wizard. And if I can get his help, the time for my return will be Way ahead of schedule.”

When he said these words, Voldemort's tone was obviously impatient.

With only a small piece of his soul left, he was fed up with this feeling of weakness and powerlessness.

Especially now that he is still in Hogwarts, he may be discovered by Dumbledore at any time.

When he thought of the professor who had seen through his true nature from the beginning, Voldemort seemed to have a fire burning in his heart.

In addition, whenever the Harry Potter who caused him to lose everything appeared, the whole person would instantly fall into uncontrollable madness and rage and be unable to extricate himself.

There is no doubt that these negative emotions are like a poisonous snake, biting crazily and devouring the mind, thinking and rationality of the Dark Lord.

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