A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 430 Participating in the God War (please order a 10,000-word chapter)

There is no doubt that it is definitely not easy to establish a huge trade alliance with unified currency, tariffs and markets in Faerûn.

In other words, since the birth of intelligent creatures on this land, no race, civilization or country has been able to do this.

Excluding the Aboleth Empire, the creator race civilization, which are too old to understand the specific situation at that time, and the era when giants and dragons competed for hegemony, the elves came to this world and began to have clear historical records. Counting from twenty to thirty thousand years.

Whether it is the elves who launched several crown wars to collapse themselves, or the subsequent rise of human magical civilizations Imaskar and Netheril, as well as the Shaan Empire that once occupied almost half of the land south of the west coast, all are no exception. .

If viewed from a modern perspective, they are actually similar to the "Holy Rome" created by the German Tribal Alliance. They are both the kind of bulk empires whose power and governance are extremely decentralized and may split from the middle at any time.

no way!

Who makes the magic power in Faerun so powerful and abundant? The power of a high-level mage is equivalent to a powerful, fully armed army.

Therefore, when personal power exceeds a certain critical point, its political form and social structure will also change accordingly.

Especially for centralization, a necessary operation to create a unified form, it is simply a huge insurmountable obstacle.

After all, power corrodes people's hearts, and strong individual power will infinitely amplify selfishness and desire in human nature.

Just imagine, if you are a powerful spellcaster lord, ruling a city and a large area of ​​land and people, and can promulgate, modify, and delete laws at will, and print your own image on minted currency, just give a command One click can determine the life or death of a person or a group of people.

So would you be willing to hand over these powers or part of them, and take the huge risk of losing some of the existing ones, to promote a huge trade alliance or even a highly centralized unified country, just to make those civilians live a little better?

The answer is obviously no!

Perhaps a very small number of people with high moral standards will have such an idea, but they will soon be defeated by the cruel reality.

If you look at the history of Faerûn, you will know how difficult it is to implement the word "unification" in this land.

Needless to say, the era of the elves goes without saying. Several crown wars almost required their brains to be beaten out. The level of bloodshed and cruelty was not compromised at all because they were of the same race and shared the same beliefs.

In the end, he ended his hegemony over the continent of Faerûn. The entire pantheon was permanently torn into two parts. The spider goddess Rose took the dark elves into the underdark to develop, and started a long-term war against the surface elves. Thousands of years of hatred.

As for the two most famous human magical civilizations, Imaskar and Netheril, although they are both called empires by scholars.

But it is actually closer to a parliamentary alliance formed within a specific geographical area and based on common ideologies, values, and understanding of the power of magic.

The only difference is that Imaskar makes artificers the lords of various places, and then unites these artificers to form a semi-feudal, semi-parliamentary country.

Netheril, on the other hand, has the floating city as its core and relies on the long-term and stable relationship between the great arcanists to maintain its national existence.

This is why, after the rise of the genius Grand Arcanist Karsus, Netheril quickly fell into serious divisions, and even almost broke out in civil war.

Even when these two civilizations were at their peak, they were still far from the word "unification."

Even merchants doing business in areas under the jurisdiction of two different lords in the country still need to pay tolls and duties.

It is so divided economically, not to mention politically.

Coupled with the influence and interference of external forces such as gods, demons, devils, angels, etc., as well as the geographical segmentation caused by inconvenient transportation and communication, it eventually led to a high degree of decentralization of power, a stubborn disease that has plagued Faerûn to this day.

But now, with the birth of airships that have both speed and load capacity, the dawn of "unification" finally appears for the first time.

The reason why Zuo Si first advocated the establishment of a trade alliance to achieve a certain degree of economic unification was to first test the reaction of major forces, organizations and even the churches of the gods.

Because this is a typical behavior of making the cake bigger, in theory everyone can benefit from it, so relatively speaking, the resistance is not that big.

After a complete and huge market, currency, and tariff system are established, economic unification will inevitably promote political unification.

In order to protect their own interests and social stability, the emerging businessmen and citizen classes will do their best to promote the formation of a politically unified, large and powerful country.

Only in this way can they maintain their ideal living conditions under the protection of the state machine, without having to worry about the eventual disintegration of the trade alliance due to some trivial matters or disputes.

In addition, Zuo Si was very smart and did not choose to come forward on his own. Instead, he chose to entrust the church of Wojin, the goddess of wealth, with full authority to negotiate with various towns.

The advantage of doing this is that it can give the entire plan a divine and religious meaning, making people feel that the leader behind it is the goddess Wojin who is in charge of trade and wealth.

According to the traditional thinking of most people in Faerun, they will only think that this is a move by the goddess of wealth to expand her influence, rather than seeing it as a political temptation.

Without causing influence and threat to themselves, the ruling class in most areas will not take the risk of offending a true god and make small moves secretly.

After all, once the Church of the Goddess of Wealth is offended, it directly calls on merchants to implement a trade embargo or suspend currency exchange business in the region, which will be disastrous for any country or even town.

There are many bloody examples in history that show what kind of terrible impact and damage Waking can cause to a country at all costs.

Of course, since a trade alliance requires unification of tariffs, currency and related laws, it will weaken the control of each franchisee's own finances to a certain extent.

Therefore, even the Silver Moon Alliance ruled by Alustriel encountered a lot of trouble when reaching internal consensus.

The Golden Dragon Queen Veramalandes even had to personally take action and dig out some dirty information about opponents seeking power for personal gain and taking bribes, and then she suppressed the opposition.

Finally, on the fourth day after the airship arrived at Silvermoon City, the two parties signed a contract of dozens of pages under the witness of the Goddess of Wealth.

At this point, a trade alliance covering Amn, Kalimshan, Luskan, Nelanthel Islands, and the Silver Moon Alliance was officially established.

Of course, there may also be Baldur's Gate, which has essentially become a puppet regime, and the West Heartland region to the west that will soon be included in the rule.

When Shane VII takes over the Kingdom of Tethyr, the area will also become part of the Trade Alliance.

As for independent towns such as Waterdeep City, Neverwinter City, Yatta, Chang'an Town, Red Pine Town, Noisy Water City, etc., we still need to discuss them one by one.

However, with the addition of the Silver Moon Alliance, I believe these towns will soon realize that if they cannot become a member of the alliance, their business and trade will soon be dragged down by fierce competition.

So they don't have much choice at all. They can either choose to join in as soon as possible and take advantage of this ride, or they can choose to gradually decline and die in the tide of the times.

"Phew - it wasn't easy, but it was finally done successfully. From today on, we will join hands to enter a new era."

Alustriel stretched out in a very lazy and relaxed posture, perfectly showing off his slender and graceful body curves.

At this moment, she was lying on the marble guardrail on the high balcony of the palace, looking down at the crowds of people in the market that were impossible to see on weekdays, and her eyes revealed unprecedented satisfaction.

Through the report sent by the tax department not long ago, Ms. Hope has learned that from the time the airship landed until now, the taxes generated by transactions in Silvermoon City alone are equivalent to the total of the past year.

Those Amn merchants were not only selling large quantities of goods at low prices, especially grains and livestock that had a huge gap in the past, instantly making the originally tight food reserves extremely abundant.

And they are constantly purchasing local specialties, such as magic ink used to copy scrolls and spells, animal furs, sauces, fresh fish, nuts, rare and precious woods and herbs, specialty fresh fruits and vegetables, etc.

In short, as long as it can be loaded into the airship and can be sold at a reasonable price, they will accept everything.

After all, a round trip only takes a few days, so as long as you keep it carefully, you don’t have to worry about it getting damaged.

What's more, the consumption concept of Ascatra's upper class is to show off their wealth through all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Therefore, merchants who buy fresh food have no doubt that these guys are willing to spend a lot of money to hold banquets at their homes and serve fruits, vegetables and fresh fish from Silver Moon City in the far north in order to surprise the guests.

Verama Landas also slightly praised: "It is indeed a brand new era.

do you know?

Last night, I smelled the smell of spices and sugar in the cheap set meals provided by several ordinary hotels and pubs in the city.

These two things used to be luxuries that only the rich, nobles and mages could afford.

But now many civilians can afford it.

This was something that was almost unimaginable before.

In addition, the cattle brought from the south will also become the best helpers for farmers to cultivate land.

The only regret is that Soth, who came up with all the ideas, was not present.

By the way, what is he busy with recently? "

Alustriel couldn't help turning around and asked with a smile: "Do you think I will know?

Stop it!

That guy is a planeswalker.

I can't even be sure whether he is in Faerûn at this moment, or whether he has gone to other planes and worlds.

But according to the information provided by the Harper Alliance, Soth seems to have participated in the divine war that broke out in Zhentil Castle not long ago.

He even personally destroyed an incarnation of Cyric, the Prince of Lies.

And because of this incident, the local sky is still filled with an unprecedented mysterious substance and energy.

Many mages have gone there, trying to figure out what these primitive and uncontrollable substances and energies are.

To be honest, I have never been able to figure out Soth's inner thoughts and purposes.

Because he is sometimes evil, cold, and cruel, and can kill his enemies and torture their souls without any psychological pressure;

Sometimes he is like a wise and benevolent great ruler who always makes the people under his rule live better than other places.

In particular, free food is provided to the elderly, disabled people and children who are unable to work. Even the church of Ilmat, the god of suffering, praised this.

The most important thing is that he has neither the kind of like-minded friends in this world who share life and death, nor a lover who is willing to sacrifice everything for him, nor does he show any excessive desire in any aspect.

In other words, he has almost no weaknesses that can be exploited.

Don't you think this is strange? "

Villamarandez nodded thoughtfully: "Hmm - it's indeed a bit strange. After all, this is the first time I've seen someone reject your invitation more than twice in a row. Maybe Soth has something wrong with him. Maybe it’s a well-known hobby.”

"Maybe he doesn't like women?"

Alustriel made a bold guess.

Verama Landas immediately shook her head: "Impossible. When I took a bath on the airship last time, I noticed that he had a strong physiological reaction, so this can basically be ruled out."

“Then there must be something unspeakable.

Otherwise, I really can't think of why a young man with huge power, wealth and power doesn't even have any tidbits.

You must know that even prudes like Elminster and Kelburn often saved women who had fallen off their feet when they were young.

The former even maintains a super-friendship with a dragon. "

When he said these words, Alustriel's eyes were filled with the burning fire of gossip.

Soon, the two women who held the highest power in the Silver Moon Alliance began to have a heated discussion about why Zuo Si was not lewd.

Facts have proved that human beings cannot be idle, otherwise their minds will have uncontrollable thoughts.

Of course, Zuo Si still didn't know how Alustriel and Verama Landas arranged for him secretly.

At the moment, he is sitting in his own chair in the Pantheon, watching Musk, the god of thieves, acting there, pretending to be a victim, and then unscrupulously smearing, slandering, and falsely accusing Cyric, and putting all the shit in the pot. They all slapped this guy on the head.

It seems that if you don't kill Cyric, you are appeasing the traitor. Sooner or later, it will cause unimaginable destruction to the entire world and even the gods.

If these words were spoken by other gods, it might be easier for people to accept.

After all, the Prince of Lies is indeed not a good person.

But Musk, who induced and was deeply involved in most of Cyric’s conspiracies, obviously does not have such qualifications.

"What do you think of the performance of this leader of thieves?"

Ogma, the God of Knowledge, who was sitting aside, smiled and asked in a low voice.

Zuo Si responded in a slightly joking tone: "As for acting, I would give it five out of ten.

It's too contrived, full of stage drama-like deliberateness.

But I give it a perfect ten for showing true feelings.

It can be seen that he really hates Cyric and wishes he could get rid of him quickly. "


The magic goddess Midnight, who was sitting not far away, obviously heard this comment and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Perhaps due to the relationship that has been nourished by love recently, this mother of magic not only exudes an amazing feminine charm from the inside out, but also has a much more cheerful personality than before.

The most obvious change is in her dress.

The simple and elegant dark silk robe that she usually wears has now been replaced by a long lace skirt that exudes silver light.

Through the translucent hollow part, you can even see the looming underwear inside.

And every few minutes, Midnight would exchange glances with Kelanvor, who was sitting on the throne of death in the distance.

This love that extended from mortals to gods undoubtedly aroused the interest of Suna, the god of love and beauty.

The Fire-Haired Lady is taking a closer look at the relationship between two powerful gods, and the possible end results of this "love."

It can be said that in the entire pantheon, except for Tyr, the god of justice, who conscientiously performs his duties and presides over meetings, the other gods basically do everything.

Just like those ordinary people on earth who secretly chat, play with their mobile phones, daze, or doze off during meetings.

There were also some gods who were not interested in conquering Cyric, and even simply left the table to do whatever they were supposed to do.

After all, God is a kind of creature who can do whatever he wants.

By the time Mask, the God of Thieves, finished stating the crimes Cyric had committed, the entire pantheon was almost half empty.

Seeing this situation, Tier sighed helplessly, knocked on the table and asked loudly: "Does anyone else want to speak?

You must know that this is a trial of a powerful divine power promoted by His Majesty Ao.

We must provide sufficient evidence to ensure that both the procedures and the reasons are legitimate enough. "

"Great God of Justice, I have a few words to say."

Seeing that these gods were a bit unreliable, Zuo Si had to stand up and prepare to take action himself.

"Oh? Of course, no problem! If you have the exact evidence of Cyric's crime, then please bring it out now. With the current statements, it is obviously not enough to launch a divine war against him."

Till put on a businesslike face.

Zuo Si nodded slightly, walked straight to the center of the hall, took out the "Hyrik Sutra" directly, held it in his hand, and said straightforwardly: "I think everyone sitting here should know what it is, and Does it have evil intentions?"

"Damn! How did you bring the evil artifact created by that madman to a place like this!"

Helm, the God of Guards, suddenly stood up from his chair, his eyes full of vigilance.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of opening it, nor am I interested in reading out the arrogance, arrogance and ignorant nonsense contained therein.

I simply want to tell you that from the moment this book was created, Cyric was already the enemy of the gods.

Because his ambition is to eliminate all other competitors and make himself the only true god in the world.

Especially in the last few pages of this book, there are even a lot of slanderous and slanderous words that are suspected of insulting His Majesty Io, the God above God.

So I think this book is enough to convict Cyric of blasphemy. "

After that, Zuo Si threw the "Hyrik Sutra" directly onto the podium, making a muffled sound.


The Pantheon fell silent.

Tyr, the God of Justice, was silent for a long time, and finally nodded with a serious expression: "You are right.

This book alone is enough to convict Cyric.

Now I initiate the poll as the moderator.

Raise your hand if you agree to launch a divine war to force the Dark Sun to surrender. "

The next second...

Including the god of tyranny Bane, the goddess of magic Midnight, the god of death Kranvor, the god of justice Tyr himself, the god of knowledge Ogma, the lord of the morning Lathander, the god of war Tempus and other powerful gods have all raised their hands. Handed.

In addition, there are a large number of medium divine powers, weak divine powers and weak divine powers also added to it.

It can be said that more than four-fifths of the gods in the pantheon believe that Cyric should be taught an impressive lesson.

With his own power, this Prince of Lies suddenly broke the opposition between good and evil, order and chaos, and allowed the gods to reach an unprecedented consensus on a certain issue for the first time.

Even Shar, the goddess of the night, who secretly cooperated with Cyric, did not dare to risk offending so many gods this time and joined in.

Seeing this exciting situation, Tyr nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! Now I declare that the meeting of gods has officially approved the launch of a divine war against Cyric, the Prince of Lies. The next matter of forming an army and commanding it will be decided by The Lord of War takes charge.”

Tempus, who could no longer hold it any longer, stood up directly, grinned wildly and said: "Hahahaha! Please don't worry! I swear in the name of the God of War that I will lead the coalition forces to capture Cyric's country, and then escort him He personally came to the Pantheon to confess his sins as a loser."

"Do you have any suggestions about the formation of the coalition?"

Midnight asked in an uncertain tone.

"I will make a detailed plan for you later."

Yin Hong Knight took the initiative to take over the job for his father.

Because she knows that although Tempus has the priesthood of war, battle, and warrior, he maintains a chaotic camp because of the need to maintain the unpredictable nature of war, and is not good at organizing and planning work that favors law.

Seeing the goddess of strategy appear, the other gods were obviously relieved.

Because they are really afraid that Tempus will gather the coalition forces together, and then directly wave all the A's up, and compete with Cyric, a madman who is obviously abnormal.

Just when the gods were reporting the number of troops they could produce, Zuo Si, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "If you don't mind, can you let me join this battle between the gods?"


The eyes of Tempus, the God of War, shone slightly.

He had long been interested in the young planeswalker's talent in provoking wars, creating conflicts and conflicts.

"I have the liberty to ask. In what capacity do you plan to participate?" Yin Hong Knight also asked tentatively.

"As the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell."

Zuo Si said the answer in an unhurried tone that made the gods' hearts beat faster.

Although they had already learned that Zuo Si had accepted Asmodeus's invitation when the goddess of wealth, Woking, returned last time and successfully obtained the identity of the one-form Great Devil.

Even many gods are still wondering whether the two have reached some unknown agreement and want to make a big move that will shock the world.

After all, Zuo Si has a criminal record.

Especially the summoning of the Eldrazi Titans in the abyss directly increased the scale and bloodiness of the bloody battle exponentially, which shows the madness hidden under his calm appearance.

Nowadays, even the evil gods feel chills running down their spines when they see some creations that combine the "advantages" of both sides.

After being silent for a long time, Ogma, the God of Knowledge, was the first to break the silence and asked with great interest: "Do you want your demon army to participate in the war? What are the benefits? What benefits do you plan to gain from this war?"


Zuo Si uttered a word from his mouth meaningfully.


A flash of understanding flashed in Ogma's eyes, and he nodded with a smile: "Okay, I understand. You want to directly capture all the petitioners in Cyric's country. , and then take it back to hell to squeeze the energy, right?”

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "That's right.

There are many ways to weaken the foundation of a god's faith.

Attacking its churches and believers in the material plane is only one aspect;

Stripping away its many priesthoods is another.

But I feel this is not enough.

It would be a very pleasant thing if all the petitioners could be kidnapped and Cyric, a madman, could only unleash his incompetent rage against the empty and desolate country every day.

I believe you won’t reject my proposal, right? "

As these words blurted out, every god present felt the chill from their hearts.


Too cruel!

This is far beyond the level of murder and heart-wrenching, and it also digs out the roots of the other party.

They could even imagine how weakened Cyric would be after suffering such repeated blows.

Maybe it won't be long before he can no longer maintain his own existence due to the shrinkage of his faith, and then he will be pulled into the astral world and lie dead.

The most important thing is that when he said these words, Zuo Si didn't have any respect for the god Cyric in his tone.

Combined with the series of arrangements he made before, anyone who is not a fool can feel the bottomless malice.

In the end, it was the Moon Goddess Suellen who couldn't help but test it: "Have Cyric and his followers offended you before?"

"No, there isn't."

Zuo Si shook his head with a smile.

"Then why did you target him like this?"

Su Lun's eyes showed strong curiosity.

Although she didn't care about the life or death of the Prince of Lies, and even wished to see him suffer misfortune, she still wanted to understand the motives of the young man in front of her.

Zuo Si touched his chin and thought for a moment, and then said in a slightly playful tone: "I think it might be because of pure dislike.

In my opinion, Cyric and his teachings are like a puddle of shit, which is clearly visible in front of my eyes all day long. Just looking at it makes people feel sick and nauseated.

Therefore, in order to feel happy, he must disappear from a conspicuous place.

If it weren't for the sake of His Majesty the God of God Io, I would even kill it permanently through some special means when it is weakened to the extreme.

After all, the garbage must be disposed of cleanly to avoid disgusting people popping up again. "

"It's a very vivid metaphor. Although it's a bit vulgar, I can understand your thinking now."

Su Lun pursed his lips and let out a smile.

As one of the twin goddesses of creation, she is obviously different from Shar's mysterious, claustrophobic, and evil temperament, and her incarnation form will also change according to the waxing and waning of the moon.

Since it is a full moon today, she looks like a young human woman with a slender figure. She has long snow-white hair hanging down from her back to her ankles, and her eyes are shining with a breathtaking emerald green light.

As for the clothes on her body, she is a looming white transparent gauze skirt, which has more symbolic meaning than actual meaning.

Because in Zuo Si's eyes, this dress was basically as if he was not wearing anything. The places that should be seen and the places that should not be seen were basically exposed.

But perhaps because of the characteristics of divine power, this kind of exposure does not make people want to blaspheme, but simply feels very beautiful.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that the clothes of the Toril goddesses are actually quite open.

Goddess of pleasure and love, such as Suna, the goddess of love and beauty, and Lierla, the goddess of joy, are even dressed more seductively than women engaged in some special service industries.

The black silk dress of Spider Goddess Rose obviously couldn't cover anything.

Her daughter, Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden, is always naked no matter what the occasion, with her hair covering her chest at most.

"Okay! I agree!"

Tempus, the God of War, gave an affirmative answer after thinking for a moment.

In his view, war and plunder are originally one, and there is no problem at all in doing so.

In contrast, although several lawful and good gods frowned, obviously disapproving of such behavior, they did not intervene to stop it.

After all, among the petitioners in Cyric's country, there is no innocent person even if there is not one of them.

Whether they are the evil ones he inherited from the previous kingdom of the Three Gods of Death, or the lunatics he recruited from the material world after becoming a god, they are obviously not good people.

After getting the answer he wanted, Zuo Si suddenly showed a meaningful smile, took out a parchment scroll several meters long that had been prepared in advance, and placed it in front of the gods.

"In that case, let's sign a contract."

"Damn! The way you look now reminds me of Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell."

Ogma, the God of Knowledge, couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

Tyr, the God of Justice, Ilmat, the God of Suffering, and Tom, the God of Loyalty and Courage, even frowned.

But in the end, they all suppressed their inner rejection of the devil's contract and carefully read all the contents on the parchment scroll.

After confirming that there were no problems, loopholes or traps, everyone signed their names on it.

When the last participating god completed his signature, the scroll instantly erupted into a ball of hellish flames and burned it up.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force that could not be described in words first poured into the entire hell plane, expanding the already huge ninth level by another third.

Then this energy poured into Zuo Si's body across planes, greatly strengthening his demonic power.

Because he had just signed a powerful binding contract with the gods of the world of Toril on behalf of the forces of hell, and he was also going to send an army to start a divine war against a god with powerful divine power inside the crystal wall.

This undoubtedly greatly strengthens the influence of the devils in this world, and also strengthens the power of lawful evil in the universe.

"Now, you can go back and prepare the army. I look forward to seeing the performance of your demon army and the role they may play in this war." Tempus, the God of War, said excitedly.

"I promise they won't let you down."

After saying these words, Zuo Si quickly left the Pantheon, kept his body in the mage tower of Askatra, and transferred his consciousness and soul to his clone on the ninth level of hell.

The moment he opened his eyes, he immediately saw the Succubus Queen kneeling in front of him.

"Father, Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, paid a sudden visit and is waiting for you in the living room."

Malcantheut used very gentle movements to help Zuo Si stand up from the sealed container, with unabashed fascination and admiration in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I know why he's here."

Zuo Si activated the card as if no one was watching, put on pieces of magic equipment and artifacts on his body, and then took the elevator to leave the secret room with the Succubus Queen.

In about two or three minutes, they came to the living room and saw the Lord of Hell with a red face.

"Ha ha ha ha!

Well done!

my young friend!

I can't believe that not long after you took this position, you were able to sign a contract with the stubborn gods of Toril.

This is no easy task.

At least I haven't seen any lord of that dimension succeed except you.

Now, do you perceive the ecstasy of the will of the plane? "

Asmodeus laughed and opened his arms, not hiding the joy in his heart at all.

"Of course I feel it. But a contract can produce such results, which I never expected."

Zuo Si instantly transformed into a devil form, feeling the power given by the will of the plane in his body.

At this moment, he finally understood why the devils were so interested in the contract.

Because every time a contract is signed, it means that the influence of the forces of hell is expanding to the entire universe.

And depending on the importance of the contract, the feedback generated is also different.

For example, a contract signed between a little devil and an ordinary person may only produce a little power at best.

But if a contract is signed with a high-level devil with important figures such as noble lords, kings, powerful spellcasters, and religious leaders who can have an impact on society, then the feedback received will become extremely huge.

As for signing contracts with a large number of gods on an important main material plane to participate in the divine war, the result will be explosive growth like now.

What is true lawful evil?

Tyranny and tyranny are just one of its manifestations.

Through various means, people and gods acquiesce and accept the concept of lawful evil, and unknowingly change their thoughts and perceptions. This is the ultimate goal of lawful evil.

There is no doubt that through that contract, Zuo Si achieved this to a certain extent.

That’s why we received huge feedback from the hell plane.

"Turiel's country, Tianyu Crystal Wall, occupies a very important position even in the entire multiverse.

This can be seen from the fact that the gods can send down incarnations that are stronger than those from other planes, as well as the authority held by Io, the god above the gods.

Although your motive this time was just to weaken Cyric's power to the greatest extent, you accomplished an incredible feat unintentionally.

Therefore, this contract must be completed beautifully enough to make those gods realize that cooperation with us is a profitable thing.

Since we are now temporarily free from the never-ending consumption of bloody battles, I decided to give you some additional military support. "

After saying that, Asmodeus handed over a scepter symbolizing the command authority of the legion.

"This is……"

It was obviously the first time Zuo Si saw this thing, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

Asmodeus smiled and explained: “It represents the highest command authority of the thirty demon legions.

You can use it to mobilize two of the Eight Demon Generals to end the war with the fastest and most violent actions.

Since you have an excellent general like Zariel at your disposal, I won't send you any additional commanders.

Oh, by the way, remember to let your legions perform a little in this war.

I want to make sure they have the power to fight the Eldrazi and the new demons. "

"As you wish."

Zuo Si put one hand on his chest, bowed slightly, and agreed straightforwardly.

He originally wanted to use this divine battle to test the combat effectiveness of Zariel and her white mana-using Shimmering Oil Legion.

After sending Asmodeus away, Zuo Si immediately came to the subsidiary plane-Karakatus.

As soon as he stepped onto the land here, he immediately saw thousands of angel-like heavily armored mecha troops engaged in a simulated war on an open plain.

Of course, it is said to be a simulation, but in fact it is no different from a real war except that it will not kill you.

Accompanied by the huge roar of the shimmering engine, these hell devils with the appearance of kind celestial creatures waved their weapons one after another, venting their inner desire for blood and killing.

Almost every second, someone would be teleported out of the battlefield due to excessive injuries and thrown directly into a huge pool of shimmering oil for treatment.

Among them, the most advanced "Angel of Killing" and "Angel of Violence" are like humanoid Gundams, with limbs and arms everywhere they pass.

The energy cannon on the shoulder can often open up a large open space on the scorching battlefield with one blast.

If you think that's the end of it, you'd be wrong.

In addition to mechas and personnel, there are tens of thousands of long-range attack weapons close to the rear areas of the warring parties.

The most impressive ones are undoubtedly those mobile cannons that look a bit short and stubby, but are actually surprisingly lethal.

The principle of this thing is to use a scintillator engine to generate electricity, and then drive an electromagnetic ejection device to deliver shells filled with explosions and violent combustion directly to the opponent's position.

They require neither human operation nor so-called logistics.

The mobile special supply factory can absorb energy, decompose materials and finally synthesize cannonballs with various effects anywhere.

You don't need to ask to know that this ability was learned by Xin Shuoyou from the ongoing war in Mirrodin.

Thanks to the incredible research and development capabilities of Blue Demon Judge Jinji Tasha and his scientific research team, the combat effectiveness of the two glittering oil legions in the ninth level of hell has increased at an unimaginable speed.

Zuo Si felt that based on the strength of Zariel's million-sized army, if it were engaged in a modern war on Earth, it would definitely be able to easily defeat the combined armies of all countries.

Even if it uses thermonuclear weapons, which are shocking to people, it is probably very difficult for the latter to have even the slightest chance of winning.

After all, nuclear warheads need to be delivered remotely to exert their full power.

The devils have too many spells that can make the coalition lose this delivery ability.

Zariel, the "Angel of Khorne" who was training his men in actual combat, obviously noticed Zuo Si's arrival. He immediately started the jet engine and dived down from a high place. With a bang, it fell to the ground like a cannonball. He knelt down on one knee with a face full of joy. He bowed.


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