A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 449 The real evil (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Marilyn, Lauantha, Sylvanus, Jodi, Cable, Andur...

Do you know what the members of the adventuring party you killed mean to Tethyr?

Or do you know what they have done in the past and what extraordinary significance it has to this country? "

Elminster asked in an extremely heavy tone after being silent for a long time.

Zuo Si shrugged nonchalantly: "What does this have to do with me?

It is enough for me to know that they are my enemies.

I believe you should know best what I will do when dealing with the enemy.

Especially those who may cause violent social unrest, division and hatred must be nipped in the bud rather than allowed to continue to learn and grow.

If you feel that it is a pity that they died, you can go back and find a way to resurrect them one by one.

I believe it is not difficult for you to cast a few wishing spells, right?

But remember, don’t let these people appear on my territory.

Otherwise, next time it will be more than just destroying the body. "

"So the reason why you showed up and took action in person is that they are too much of a threat?" Elminster continued to test.

He was now eager to figure out Zuo Si's way of thinking and actions to ensure that similar tragedies would not happen again.

As for using the wishing spell to resurrect the dead...

Sorry, this great sage from Shadow Valley doesn’t know how to do it.

And I feel that it is destroying the cycle of life and death and the balance of nature.

Otherwise, the eldest sister among the seven sisters in the North, Shiron, would not still be in a ghost state now.

In fact, although Faerûn has many means of resurrecting people from the dead, many complicated things are often involved when actually using them.

For example, some resurrection spells require the consent of the deceased.

Once the deceased goes to the kingdom of gods and becomes a petitioner, there is a high probability that they will refuse to be resurrected unless they have strong obsession or hatred.

After all, what most mortals pursue is to go to the kingdom of gods after death and live the dream life in the form of immortality.

Now that you have gotten everything you dreamed of, why should you go back to the mortal world to suffer?

In addition, the gods of death, nature gods, and gods who tend to be lawful do not approve of resurrecting the dead in terms of doctrine, and will strictly restrict their priests and druids from performing such magic.

Only high-level mages who don't care about the teachings of gods at all, or gods like Wojin, the goddess of wealth, who do things for money, can provide resurrection services on a large scale.

However, the goddess of magic's attitude towards resurrecting the dead is obviously more neutral, neither encouraging nor prohibiting it.

Therefore, Elminster may simply believe that resurrecting the dead is a wrong behavior in terms of thoughts and values.

Coupled with his stubborn character and possibly some kind of moral obsessiveness, he almost never resurrected anyone with his own hands.

Even if the target is a very close friend and an important member of the Harper Alliance.

Zuo Si looked at the other party with interest, and after a full minute he replied with a smile: "No, it has nothing to do with the level of threat.

I am actually protecting the civilians of Tethyr from being forced into war and bleeding for the ambition, greed and profit of those nobles.

do you know?

Starting from the iconic event of the burning of Fort Tessel in DR1347, the land under our feet has been experiencing continuous civil war for more than ten years.

Before the war broke out, there were more than 7 million or even 8 million civilians living in Tethyr's territory. The population was even equal to that of Carlin Shirt in the south, including slaves.

But now?

There are only about four million people left.

Guess where half of the missing population went?

They either died in wars, diseases, hunger, or attacks by monsters and wild beasts, and some were even captured and sold as slaves to the south.

And the culprit behind all this is the nobles!

But now, a group of guys from noble backgrounds actually think that they represent justice, and want to incite more innocent people to join this war, create hatred, and attempt to single-handedly prevent the pace of reunification and the coming of peace.

It even euphemistically calls it resisting foreign invasion!

Shouldn't such a guy die?

I admit that the founder of the Shane Dynasty, Old Akaba Shane, did use many despicable and shameless methods when he obtained the throne of Tethyr, and he also killed many people.

But his greatest achievement was to merge Kalingshan and Tessel into one, providing ordinary people with a stable and peaceful social environment for a long time, and allowing the southern region to make great progress in economy, culture, art, etc. develop.

Even after hundreds of years of turmoil, it is still one of the most prosperous regions with the highest living standards in Faerûn.

Moreover, the old Akaba Shane also actively expanded to the north, expanding the empire's sphere of influence to the current Amn area.

From a legal point of view, these three countries were all split from the Shan Empire. They have very high similarities in history and culture, and even the civilians are related by blood.

To be honest, I don't quite understand why you have to prevent them from merging.

But I can tell you clearly that anyone who dares to create divisions and conflicts among Amn, Kalimshan and Tethyr will be dealt a merciless blow by me.

Especially when this kind of behavior involves civilians, I will never allow it.

Furthermore, because of your interference, the entire Tethyr nobility will be uprooted, leaving no one behind.

I will kill all those families who dare to resist, confiscate their land and property, and turn the rest into captives and sell them to the slave traders in Cyre.

Then tell everyone that all this was the result of the intervention of the great Elminster and the Harpers.

It is you who control the Tethyr Eight Heroes adventure team to split the country between the nobles. It is also you who want to continue the war and make more people living at the bottom of society suffer.

From now on, there will no longer be any soil for the Harper Alliance to survive in the entire south of the west coast of Faerûn.

Because the people will hate you from the bottom of their hearts and regard you as the biggest enemy of peace and a better life.

When people in a strong and prosperous country encounter a crisis, the first person they think of for help should be the government.

Instead of always imagining that if something goes wrong, there will be one or several heroes who will save them through self-sacrifice as a price.

This widespread belief is itself a huge mistake.

Most of the so-called heroes sung in bard stories just solved some trivial troubles.

In the face of real disasters, such as the fall of the floating city in the era of Netheril, and you have personally experienced the destruction of Myth Drannor, they are actually as incapable of turning the tide as ordinary people.

Even if these heroes have the support of a certain god behind them. "

As these words came out of his mouth, Elminster's face changed instantly, becoming both angry and ugly. It was obvious that he had been stabbed in a painful spot.

Also having his psychological defense defeated was Hared III.

Among them, the latter even fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, grabbing his hair as if he was crazy, and muttering some nonsense in his mouth that others could not understand.

There is no doubt that neither of them has considered the casualties and suffering that civilians may suffer in the war once Tethyr is divided.

One of the defense plans that Harid III had previously formulated for Zazesibo was to forcibly recruit young men from nearby areas and then arm them to defend the city.

After all, in the traditional understanding of Faerûn, when there is an invasion from outside, all residents near the city are obliged to participate in the war.

But now, when Zuo Si peeled off the cocoon and revealed the essence of the whole matter, he suddenly realized that what he, Marilyn, and several other members of the team called "recovering the motherland" were actually recovering nothing more than the people who ruled Tethyr. Nobility.

As for the civilians who have suffered the most casualties and suffering, they will show sympathy and even provide some help when they can.

But when making political considerations, they are often ignored subconsciously.

If the intention of uniting the nobles to form an army to resist succeeds, it will definitely be a complete disaster for the civilians.

Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows how big the gap is between ordinary civilians and a professional military with a large number of warrior-level veterans.

The latter can easily kill the former in battle, even if both sides are equipped with equally sophisticated weapons and armor.

The most important thing is that since the restoration of Shah En VII, there has never been a record of attacking civilians.

Normally, after the war, he would ask the churches of the God of Justice and the God of Suffering to come forward to appease the civilians and maintain order in the areas they had just captured.

This is why, after the Kalingshan Unification War, the population of the area increased instead of decreasing, and it also doubled on a large scale, from the original five to six million to over ten million.

On the one hand, it is the result of transforming a large number of slaves into free people, and on the other hand, the discipline of the army is relatively well maintained.

Most of the soldiers focused on wealthy people such as nobles, wealthy businessmen, and slave owners, and civilians were hardly affected.

Normal life can often resume within a few days after a town is captured.

"So the reason for your personal action this time is to reduce the risks caused by the war and the civilian casualties caused by the large-scale resistance of the nobles?" Elminster asked with a gloomy face.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right!

You guys from the chaotic camp can disregard civilian casualties for your own ideals and beliefs.

But as someone from the lawful camp, I care about it very much.

After all, population is the most important resource for the development of a country and even civilization.

They are not inexhaustible, but they should never be wasted in a meaningless civil war.

I suggest you stop wasting time and energy making trouble in the south.

The place where we really want to compete is actually the Northland, which is full of noble lords and free towns.

Only there can the Harpers find enough allies who are willing to believe and support you. "

Hearing these words, Elminster suddenly laughed, and sighed slightly while laughing: "You are right. I did make a mistake, that is, I should not try to defeat you in the field where you are best.

In exchange for sparing Hared III, from now on the members of the Harpers and I will never conduct any activities south of the Wandering River.

And you are indeed, as Mordenkainen described, different from any enemy I have faced before.

What you pursue is never destruction and destruction, but development and creation, as well as changing people's existing cognition, worldview and values.

In my opinion, this is much scarier than traditional evil organizations such as the Zhentarim, the Dragon Cult, and the Red Robe Mage.

You will lead the world to a future that even the gods cannot predict and control. "

Zuo Si rolled his eyes disdainfully: "Ha! Don't sound like you could predict and control everything before I came to this world.

If you could really do this, the second-generation magic goddess would not have died so miserably, and Xiren would not have been killed by the powerful red dragon in order to protect the Valley of Shadows.

You are simply accustomed to the current environment and are unwilling to step out of the comfort zone that makes you feel familiar.

This situation is not unique to you, but happens to many people.

It's just that ordinary people don't have enough power to change the environment and can only work hard to adapt to changes in the environment.

Looking at what the Harpers have done since their inception, the ultimate goal of almost most of their actions is to maintain the status quo and ridiculous balance.

In other words, you will not undergo too drastic changes in maintaining this comfort zone artificially.

Although you may not realize this yourself, this is the final result. "

"Are you accusing me of being selfish?"

Elminster frowned subconsciously.

"No, I'm just reminding you to pay more attention to the changes in your psychology and subconscious thinking, so as to understand what you really desire and what you want.

After all, the battles between us are not limited to politics, but also spiritual, ideological and cognitive levels.

It would be too boring if one day you were accidentally played by me until you had a nervous breakdown and went crazy.

You must know that in this world, it is not easy to find an opponent who is completely opposite to yourself.

I sincerely hope that you can live well, and then fight against me forever, so that I can constantly improve my thoughts, constantly surpass myself and become stronger, more perfect, and more impeccable. "

When he said these words, Zuo Si's eyes were shining with light that seemed to see through everything, and the powerful blue mana symbolizing the power of the soul was surging crazily in his body.

Elminster seemed to have noticed something, and he bowed slightly and responded solemnly: "It is an honor for me to be an enemy of a planeswalker like you.

Please don't worry.

I have lived for too long and have experienced countless lives, separations and deaths, and even witnessed the death of the gods I serve.

Nothing in this world can knock me down.

And I also want to see how prosperous and powerful a country can be under your rule. "

"In that case, let's wait and see."

After that, Zuo Si kicked Harid III, who had been lying on the ground without moving for a long time: "Don't pretend to be dead, you can leave now."

"Go? Where?"

Hared III raised his head with a blank expression.

You don't need to ask to know that the conversation between the two just now caused an unimaginable psychological blow to him, so much so that he acted as if he had lost his soul.

"I'm sorry, it was me who hurt you. Come on, follow me back to Shadow Valley. There will always be a room for you there."

Elminster took the initiative to extend his right hand, wanting to take the scribe who had been following him for many years back home first.

But his move instantly touched one of the most sensitive nerves of Hared III, causing him to jump up suddenly, rush over and say in an excited tone: "Elminster! Help me! Please! Can you help me resurrect Marilyn and other teammates? I can’t accept that after all this, I am the only one who survives.”


Elminster fell silent, and then responded helplessly: "I'm sorry, you should know that I can't do that."

"Can't? Why! They all died because of you! Are your ridiculous persistence more important than their lives?"

Hared III suddenly roared like crazy, and tears kept pouring from his eyes.

With his belief completely collapsed, this guy is now filled with self-blame and guilt for the death of his companions, and is frantically trying to undo the mistakes he made.

"Don't waste your efforts. If this old man would change himself for others, then he is no longer Elminster." Zuo Si persuaded him pretending to be kind.

As a psychological master, he had obviously seen through Harid III's mental state and possible subsequent reactions.

Perhaps in normal times, Elminster could gradually calm down the other party with his calm mind and gentle breeze.

But now that Zuo Si is fanning the flames, comforting him will definitely have no effect.

Not only that!

Hared III's emotions are becoming more and more agitated and extreme.

"Kid, calm down and listen to me.

I am also very sad about the deaths of Marilyn and others.

But their souls have now entered the realm of obscurity.

It is estimated that it won't be long before they go to the countries where they believe in gods and reincarnate as petitioners.

This is the final destination for mortals.

No matter what the reason is, we should not disturb their sleep. "

Elminster tried to persuade Hared III to give up his unrealistic obsession.

But the latter didn't appreciate it at all. Instead, he pushed him away and growled through gritted teeth: "Calm down? How can you tell me to calm down!"

They are all my best friends!

And they have spent more than ten years together hand in hand!

What’s even more ridiculous is that we took your word for it and took the initiative to provoke an enemy we shouldn’t provoke.

Now you are not even willing to resurrect them for the sake of so-called principles.

I have seen through it all. You and the Harpers you lead are a group of hypocrites who can only impress themselves and claim to be noble!

You are not worthy of representing kindness at all!

I despise you!

Curse you!

Hate you!

May each of you fall into the abyss and become a demon! "

"Enough!!! You can insult me, but you should not insult the Harpers who are fighting for their ideals. They have nothing to do with this matter!"

Elminster was obviously irritated and roared viciously.

But he soon regretted it.

Because this move immediately further widened the rift between the two to an irreparable level.

"Ha ha ha ha!

Look at what you look like now!

How arrogant!

How conceited!

How could I be so blind as to think you were a far-sighted and wise man?


Since you are unwilling to resurrect them, then I will find a way myself.

From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other!


Quite literally I will be your and the Harper's enemy!

Shatter your ridiculous ideals with my own hands! "

Hared III was obviously completely distorted under the influence of extreme emotions, with an expression of resentment and malice on his face.

At this moment, Zuo Si finally came forward to make the final cut, and issued an invitation with a smile: "If you want to deal with the Harper Alliance, I can provide you with a job. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to work for me. You can also go to Zhentil Keep or the Zhentarim."

"Will you accept me?"

Hared III was obviously stunned for a moment.

Because he would never forget that just a few minutes ago he almost died in the opponent's hands.

"Why not?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully. "There is no hatred between us. The previous killings were just because of different positions. Now that we have a common goal and enemy, we naturally have a basis for cooperation, right?"

"Then can you help me resurrect my dead companions?" Hared III cautiously asked.

Zuo Si nodded without hesitation: "Of course!

I am not Elminster and have no scruples in this regard.

But the premise is that you have to show enough value.

If your performance is good enough during the year, I will give you a wishing spell for free.

As for whether to use it to resurrect dead companions, or to gain strength or wealth, that is your own business. "

"Deal! From now on, you are my master, and I will be your sharpest sword against the Harpers and Elminster."

With that said, Hared III knelt down on one knee and saluted in public.

His move immediately revealed sadness and pain in Elminster's eyes. He suddenly raised his head and asked, "This is what you expected, right?"

Zuo Si replied very simply: "Well, that's right!

I said that I have many special techniques for dealing with you idealists who are not afraid of death.

How about, do you now understand what it feels like to be hated by the person you saved?

But don't worry, this is just the beginning.

If you don't try to change yourself and give up those beliefs you stick to, similar situations will happen often in the future.

I will let you continue to choose between ideals and cruel reality until you can no longer bear it and have to give up some principles.

Today you chose your ideal, so in reality you will lose a friend forever.

And this friend will become your very painful enemy in the near future.

I'm a very fair person.

Since you want to leave an unhealable scar where I rule, I will leave a sore in your heart that will hurt whenever you think about it.

Not only will this abscess not disappear slowly over time, but it will get bigger and bigger.

It will always haunt you like a nightmare, leaving you without a moment of peace.

Finally, I wish you good health and that you can get up and fight me again and again no matter how much pressure and blow you endure.

Goodbye, great Elminster, I hope you have sweet dreams when you go back and lie in bed. "

"Your level of evil really makes my skin crawl!"

The Great Sage of Shadow Valley was trembling slightly all over his body, and he didn't know whether it was because of anger or fear.

But one thing is certain, that is, he can definitely feel the naked and undisguised malice from those words just now.

If people like Manson, Sazastan, Fuzoul Chambery, and Sammaster want to destroy Elminster's body and life, then what the leftists want to destroy is his spirit and will. and faith.

The latter is ten thousand times more vicious than the former.

Especially the kind of evil that controls the psychology and understands human nature is very close to the deepest essence of evil.

It is not the lowest form of expression such as violence, killing, destruction, and indulgence of desire, but integrates it into the realm of spiritual and philosophical thinking.

Zuo Si smiled disapprovingly and shrugged: "I can't help it, who makes me a supporter of the view that human nature is inherently evil.

In my opinion, a qualified evil person should never make most people feel intimidated and fearful, and should act like a madman and unleash violence unscrupulously.

Instead, he behaves politely, elegantly, and gracefully, exuding a unique temperament that makes people feel fascinated. No matter where he goes, he will definitely be the center of attention.

He can make his subordinates willingly sacrifice their lives for him with just one word, and he can also make the opposite sex fall in love with him with just one movement and look.

When explaining one's own thoughts, everyone will listen attentively and give warm applause whether they agree or disagree.

Even if you use violent means to kill, it will be like performing a stage play, which makes people feel that it is a horrific and bloody art.

True evil should be a restrained, profound form of self-expression.

From this perspective, most of the people from the evil camp on Faerûn are actually still fighting for superficial interests. "

"So you're going to set an example for them?"

Elminster raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Haha, I have no interest in setting an example for anyone, I just think their understanding of evil is too vulgar and boring.

Okay, that’s it for today’s exchange.

It's getting late, and I have other things to be busy with. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si put on a posture of seeing off guests.

Elminster glanced at Hared III, then sighed slightly and activated the teleportation magic and disappeared without a trace.

Within a few seconds of his front foot walking, Shane VII appeared out of thin air and asked in a slightly playful tone: "Is it really okay for you to stimulate Elminster like this? Aren't you afraid that the new goddess of magic will come to you?" Trouble?"

Zuo Si sneered and asked, "Why are you causing trouble for me?

I haven't done anything against the teachings.

Confrontations like this caused by differences in ideas are very common in many divine churches.

What's more, he came to trouble me first, and I just reacted passively.

In addition, you made a mistake, that is, God needs me, not that I need God. "

"You are indeed the only known planeswalker in this world. You are really confident."

Shane VII's pupils shone with envy, and at the same time, his inner desire to obtain a spark and become a planeswalker became stronger.

"Don't worry, dear friend.

The longer you wait, the more options you have.

I now have three extra sparks on hand.

Two of them are green, which tends to be natural, and the other is red and black, which is death and destruction.

Although this initial color doesn't mean anything, you can slowly adjust it according to your needs and preferences.

But if the fit is relatively high, mastering it can get twice the result with half the effort.

And after becoming a planeswalker, you still have to go through a period of learning to slowly adapt to the new way of casting spells. "

Zuo Si obviously saw through the thoughts of the demi-lich next to him at a glance, and immediately gave him reassurance.

Upon hearing that there were three sparks for him to choose from, Xia En VII suddenly became extremely excited and excited. He couldn't help but ask: "Where did you get so many sparks? Aren't planeswalkers supposed to be rare?"

Zuo Si responded bluntly: "Of course through plundering and killing! Do you think all planeswalkers are friendly to each other?"

"I see, I think I understand."

Shane VII undoubtedly possessed a very high level of intelligence and instantly realized that these sparks most likely represented the deaths of the three planeswalkers.

However, he is a demi-lich and can be resurrected indefinitely next to the phylactery, so he is not too worried about death.

The only uncertainty is that if you are killed after getting the spark, will the spark be taken away or will it be reborn with the body?

If it was the former, then Shane VII would have to consider killing a planeswalker first to seize the opponent's sparks after gaining a certain amount of power.

It has to be said that in terms of preparing for a rainy day, few people can compare with this demi-lich who faked his death and hid for hundreds of years.

Of course, Zuo Si didn't know what Xia En VII was thinking.

After chatting casually for a few words, he left with Harid III on his own.

At the same time, far away in the blacksmith shop in the northern town of Bergeost, Aberdare and his team were going bankrupt for the first time in their lives.

Because the white bear cub—Attio took advantage of them to select weapons and chewed up two sets of valuable full-body armor placed on the shelf beyond recognition.

There is basically nothing left on the upper body, and only the iron boots and greaves below the knees are still intact on the lower body.

"One...how much does a set of full-body armor cost?"

Aberdare asked in a voice with a hint of liver pain.

"Hehe! It's not expensive, only two thousand gold coins."

Tyrone Furlong, the owner of the blacksmith shop, grinned and showed his white teeth, with the word "happy" written all over his face.

You must know that not many people can afford full body armor, and almost every one of them is a rare big customer.

But now, this white bear has actually been able to sell two sets in one day with its own strength. It is simply blessed by the goddess of luck and wealth.

As for why a bear gnawed steel, Tyrone Fulong didn't care at all. Instead, he deliberately kicked the expensive high-quality weapons and armors next to him, hoping that the other party would chew two more pieces, so that the profit for a month would be Out.

"Two thousand gold coins?!"

Aimeng gasped when he heard the price, and stared at Jasila, who was in charge of accounting in the team, with almost pleading eyes.

The latter was also speechless at this moment. He held his head and responded: "Stop thinking! We can't get four thousand gold coins now!"

"What should we do?"

Aberdare was completely stunned.

He hasn't even bought a weapon yet, and he's directly in debt and bankrupt.

"There is no other way. Take out some of the valuable equipment and trophies you bought at Friendly Arm and sell them."

There was a hint of helplessness in Jasila's tone.

Because she had tried to communicate with Atio many times on the road, but the problem was that although the other person also ate ordinary food, he was obviously more interested in hard metal.

Especially magic metals like mithril and fine gold are never let go.

When fighting bandits before, the team had picked up a mithril dagger.

Imoen and Montaro also argued for a long time over the ownership of the trophies.

But who knew that when they ended their quarrel and turned around, they suddenly discovered that the mithril dagger had only one hilt left.

The rest is chewed in the white bear's mouth, as if eating crunchy bamboo shoots.

You must know that the hardness of mithril is almost the same as that of the best tempered steel.

A piece of mithril mail is resistant to damage from most piercing and slashing weapons.

From then on, the team realized from top to bottom that this white bear, which could change its size at will, was probably more powerful and terrifying than any of them.

A group of bounty hunters, including mages and priests, who were chasing Aberdare for a bounty, didn't even have a chance to get close before Atio rushed up and wiped them out.

Several of the control, charm, and attack spells hit it, almost like tickling it.

So there was no good way for Jasila to deal with such a "little ancestor" who couldn't be beaten, driven away, or persuaded.

The only benefit that can be seen at the moment is that there is no fear of encountering combat at all.

To the Aberdare group, the robbers who others feared to avoid were just supply packages delivered to their doorsteps.

Not only can you harvest some money, jewelry and leather armor, but you can also feed the metal products carried by the opponent to the white bear, so that it will not always stare at everyone's metal armor and weapons.

"Selling the equipment? No! I don't want it!"

Imoen immediately showed strong resistance and held on to the missile staff tightly, refusing to let go.

It's a pity that the arm can't twist the thigh.

The missile staff she spent a lot of money to buy was forcibly snatched away and stuffed into the hands of the blacksmith shop owner.

The status of magic items in Faerûn is almost the same as gold on earth. They are very valuable and stable in price, and can be used as general equivalents or collateral in most places.

Tyrone Furlong picked it up and inspected it briefly. After confirming that it was a brand new wand that had not been used, he immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad! A fifty-shot missile wand, this thing can be counted among you." One thousand gold coins.”

"What? Only a thousand gold coins? I spent 1,300 gold coins when I bought it!"

Imoen waved his little fist and expressed strong dissatisfaction and protest.

"Sorry, little girl. Mortgage and sale are two different things, and a discount is almost inevitable." Tyrone Furlong explained with a shrug.

Just when Imoen was still about to argue, Jasila raised her hand to stop her: "Okay, don't be willful and petty here.

The boss is right, everything will be sold at a discount.

Sometimes, the price of some loot can only be sold for one-fifth or even one-tenth of the selling price.

These are all common sense for adventurers. "


Imoen cursed angrily in a low voice, his eyes always staring at the missile wand, obviously reluctant to part with it.

In comparison, Aberdare was not much better and was forced to take off a pair of power gloves.

This thing is obviously much more valuable than the missile wand.

Tyrone Furlong immediately beamed and said generously that with these two items and some cash, the entire family's money was paid for the two items.

After going through bankruptcy and liquidation, the group obviously had no desire to shop.

Aberdare even bought an ordinary two-handed giant sword and quickly turned around and left, fearing that Atio would have to take off his underwear to pay off his debt if he chewed something else.

"Hey - where are we going now? A hotel or a tavern?" Imoen asked dejectedly.

"I think we should find a job first."

Aberdare glanced at the white bear who was chewing on the leggings, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently uncontrollably.

You must know that since Atio joined the team, he has been in no mood to lust after Jasila for several days.

Just when Imoen was about to nod in agreement, a half-elf thief wearing leather armor suddenly emerged from the corner and asked in a mysterious tone: "Hey! Adventurers! Are you interested in accepting employment?"

"Hire? It depends on what price you can offer! You know, we are all experienced veterans. We won't do it if the money is too little."

Aberdare pretended to be diplomatic and prepared to bargain.

He has traveled to many places with his adoptive father Gillian, so he is no stranger to this life of accepting employment and making money.

"My master wants to investigate the forces behind those bandits.

I am willing to offer 10,000 gold coins for this!

There are three thousand gold coins here as a deposit.

The remaining seven thousand gold coins will not be paid until the results are obtained. "

While he was talking, the half-elf thief took out a heavy leather bag from his leather armor and threw it on the ground.

The next second...



A large number of golden coins were exposed to everyone's sight.


Aberdare's breathing became rapid, and then he picked up his leather bag and said bluntly: "We have taken this job! Tell your master that I will come back with the exact news in a week at most. Let him prepare the remaining seven thousand gold coins."

"No problem! I'll meet you at the Field Hotel."

After saying that, the half-elf thief turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

There is no doubt that this commission of 10,000 gold coins dropped from the sky made the team who had just experienced a bankruptcy crisis instantly become elated.

Aberdare did not hesitate to redeem the two pieces of magic equipment that had just been mortgaged to the blacksmith shop owner with three thousand gold coins.

Although Jasira reminded that there might be something fishy or some hidden conspiracy in this matter.

But he didn't listen at all. He just found a tavern and had a big meal to celebrate, and began to look forward to the remaining seven thousand gold coins he would get after completing the task.

Only Atio seemed to smell something familiar, and a puzzled expression appeared on the bear's face.

In the guest room on the second floor of the Feld Hotel, Ximanmeng was sitting on a chair, fiddling with the Shuoyou mobile terminal in his hand while listening to the report from his half-elf thief. After about two or three minutes, he said casually: "You Well done, stay in this town and maintain contact with them. Remember, don’t take the initiative to expose your identity, let alone contact Sal and Montaro.”

"Understood! Please rest assured that I will guide him to get closer to Sarevok step by step, so that the two sons of Baal can finally meet and decide each other's fate."

The half-elf thief raised his head with a sinister smile.

"Perform well. The Zhentarim is short of manpower right now. If your work is good enough, you might have a chance to enter the inner circle." Xi Manmeng stood up and patted his subordinates on the shoulders to encourage him.

However, the half-elf thief didn't notice at all that with this gentle tap, a very small and hidden camera had been placed on his body.

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