A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 450 The gift of Gond, the god of craftsmen (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Lantan Island is located on the edge of the Traceless Sea, south of the Sea of ​​Swords and north of Chult Jungle.

If you take a boat and take the sea route, it is only about five days' journey from the Neransel Islands.

However, due to the influence of ocean currents and wind directions, as well as the terrifying giant beasts and monsters in the deep sea area that ordinary people cannot imagine, it is always in a state of near isolation from the world.

People on the mainland of Faerûn have heard the most rumors about Lantan Island, which is that the residents there worship Gond, the god of craftsmen, but despise and even hate magic.

The gnomes and human inventors here use their knowledge and skills to build countless things that are shocking and incomprehensible to ordinary people in this world.

Including complex vehicles with suspension, shock absorbers and replaceable parts rarely seen anywhere else;

Agricultural machinery that can be run by burning coal or wood to power steam;

Alarm devices that are triggered by electric current and can make loud noises and sounds;

Large and small mechanical self-ringing clocks are composed of a large number of gears and hinges;

With the aid of water-driven forging hammers and automatic weaving machines;

A high-magnification telescope that can be used to observe other celestial objects within the entire crystal wall system;

There are also what can be called the most sophisticated adult surgical tools in the world of Toril;

It is said that even the expensive alchemical muskets and artillery were originally invented here.

Because of the turbulent years, Gond once came to Lantan Island in the form of a dwarf saint.

As a thank you to the locals for protecting him, he secretly taught them a unique gunpowder recipe.

Therefore, this island has a terrifying firepower network that will make any intruder feel numb.

There was once a group of desperate pirates who formed a huge fleet and wanted to loot towns and property. As a result, before they even got close to the beach on the coast, they were bombarded with projectiles and barrels of explosives and were sent to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

Hot weapons fight against cold weapons. Unless there is help from a high-level spellcaster, it is basically a matter of death.

If you walk in the three most important cities of Lantan Island, Sandra, Black Deer City and Ankrel, you will even feel like you were living in the 18th to 19th centuries on earth.

As the rulers of the island, the Church of Gond has always encouraged creation and invention, awarding the most talented inventors with rewards ranging from honors to money.

In particular, the self-ringing bell, a specialty of the church, can almost be said to be the most exquisite and accurate timekeeping tool besides magic items. It is deeply loved by nobles, wealthy businessmen and scholars.

Even the mages will not hesitate to spend a lot of gold coins to buy two or three.

As a subordinate of Ogma, the god of knowledge, Gond and his church have always maintained a very good cooperative relationship with Zuo Si.

The technology and craftsmanship brought back by the latter from other worlds can be said to have benefited the craftsman and the god of craftsmanship a lot.

The number of believers has also expanded in Luskan, the Nelanthal Islands, Amn and other places.

The only thing Gond regretted was that he had never been able to find an opportunity to talk to the young planeswalker alone and exchange in-depth views and opinions in related fields.

According to the original plan, when Zuo Si left Candlekeep and headed north to Baldur's Gate a few years ago, he planned to descend into the "Mysterious Hall" where various inventions were displayed.

But who knew that those dukes had no idea what was going on in their heads and directly expelled all the priests of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and also banned Zuo Si from entering the city, causing the entire arrangement to go bankrupt instantly.

If it weren't for Gond's camp being absolutely neutral and having a better temper, it would definitely make these mortals who sabotage their plans miserable.

But even so, he also issued an order to the church operating in the Baldur's Gate area, prohibiting it from cooperating with any duke and his affiliated forces.

This directly resulted in the four dukes being unable to receive any help from the Church of the God of Craftsmen in the next few years. Even the previously most prosperous shipbuilding industry was shrinking due to the loss of craftsmen.

As Zuo Si reached a cooperation agreement with Wojin, the goddess of wealth, the entire west coast of Faerûn experienced great changes in an instant.

The originally closed Lantan Island became the first founding member of the Trade Alliance under Gond's instruction, and also ushered in the first fixed route directly to land in history.

When the huge airship landed in the open space and continuously transported various resources that the island most urgently needed, both the dwarf inventors and the human inventors were excited.

They rushed forward and asked the staff of the Goddess of Wealth Church in charge of the operation about the working principle of this giant aircraft and the various technologies used.

If the Gond Church hadn't stopped them, these people might not have been able to rush up and dismantle the airship.

One crazy guy even wanted to stick his head into the huge oil engine to find out what was going on, and was almost smashed into pulp.

Thanks to Shuoyou's transformation, the airship had already gained consciousness and intelligence, and stopped the rotation of the engine in time to avoid a tragedy.

Looking at the eyes around him that glowed with green light and had a strong thirst for knowledge, Waking's pastor took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said with a wry smile: "You people here are really too enthusiastic. .”

"Hahahaha! They are all inventors, with more curiosity than ordinary people, and they are also the most precious wealth on Lantan Island. But don't worry, I have warned everyone not to mess around."

The representative sent by the Gond Church couldn't help laughing loudly.

It was easy to see from the familiarity of the conversation that the two had obviously known each other for a long time.

In other words, because Wojin, the goddess of wealth, and Gond, the god of craftsmen, have always been close allies, there is often cooperation between the two churches.

After all, Gond's followers are good at inventions and creations, while Woking's followers are good at turning these created things into wealth. The two sides have a mutually beneficial relationship.

Also closely related to the two gods is Sandakol, the god of travel and exploration.

The emergence of airships has greatly accelerated the flow of population, allowing civilians to travel to countries and cities hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away to appreciate the local scenery, customs, and culture.

This somewhat expands the influence of the god of travel and exploration.

Since this is the first time the route has been opened, the residents of the isolated Lantan Island are very interested in specialties from distant continents.

In less than two or three days, all the airship's cargo was sold.

The merchants of Amn used the profits and capital they earned to purchase various machinery like crazy.

Especially large and small clocks that can sell for high prices, as well as those complicated locks, gears, winches, water pumps, automatic fans, and the ejection hooks that adventurers and Amn shadow thieves love most.

When they took off and left, a high-ranking priest of Gond followed him on the journey to Ascatla, holding a delicate box the size of his palm.

"What's in here?"

Priest Goddess of Wealth asked with interest.

"A gift. A gift of thanks from the great god of craftsmen to Lord Soth, a special tool made by his own hands."

The priest of Gond replied with pride.

"I see!"

Waking's pastor nodded thoughtfully and did not continue to ask.

Because he knew that things like this involving gods were not something he should inquire about.

The two spent a few days happily together in the luxurious cabin on the upper deck of the airship.

After arriving at Askatra, the capital of Amn, the priest of Gond didn't even stay for a second and went straight to the Mage Tower to visit.

Since Zuo Si himself had been staying in the mage tower in the past two days to pay attention to the development of the situation, he appeared in the living room to meet the other party within a few minutes.

"It's an honor to meet you, Lord Soth."

The priest of Gond took the lead in putting one hand on his chest and bowing slightly.

Zuo Si returned the gift with a smile: "I'm also very happy to see you, servant of the God of Craftsman. I wonder if you have something important to do all the way from Lantan Island?"

"The great Gond sent an oracle commanding me to give you a gift."

As he spoke, the pastor took the beautiful box and placed it on the table.

It's easy to tell from the sound it makes when it hits that it's made of wood.

By visual inspection, it is almost the size of an adult male's hand, boxy, and weighs at least half a kilogram.

"A gift? For me?"

Zuo Si stared at the box with a surprised expression.

The pastor nodded slightly: "Yes.

The great Gond also asked me to convey that he looks forward to meeting you in the mysterious hall of Baldur's Gate in the near future.

Oh, by the way, here's a letter from the Lantana Island Inventors Association.

Many people are impressed by the airship you built, so they want to invite you to the academy in Sandra City for academic and technical exchanges. "

Looking at the two things placed on the table, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Okay, I think I understand what's going on.

First of all, I accept this gift thanks to the generosity of the great god of craftsmen.

But regarding academic exchanges, I’m afraid I won’t be able to spare much time for a while.

Moreover, super-large vehicles such as airships are not purely technological products, but incorporate a lot of magical power that is difficult to explain.

Therefore, even if we communicate with each other, there will be no results, so I would like you to politely decline it for me. "

"Yeah, that's really a pity."

The disappointment on the face of the Gond priest was evident.

He didn't stay long and quickly stood up to leave after drinking a cup of tea.

After the other party left the mage tower and completely walked away, Zuo Si opened the sealed lid and saw two silver metal balls lying in the center of the silk decoration.

However, unlike the sphere with a smooth surface, these two spheres are formed by densely packed and very thin silk threads rolled together.

And the metal wire seems to be alive, constantly making some irregular movements.

Out of curiosity, Zuo Si picked up one of them.


A lot of knowledge about how to use this ball of wire is used in the brain.

The next second...

Under his control, the metal wire quickly expanded and formed the shape of a large-caliber revolver at an incredible speed.

Six bullets made of wire are loaded directly into the cylinder.

No hesitation!

Zuo Si directly picked it up, pointed it at the wall with a lot of magic protection not far away, and pulled the trigger.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by a huge noise and scattered fire and stone debris, six very obvious bullet holes appeared on the wall of the mage tower.

However, the warhead that was supposed to be embedded inside disappeared without a trace.

"Is the power equivalent to a +5 long-range shooting weapon? It's interesting!"

After briefly checking the gap on the wall, an expression of interest appeared on Zuo Si's face.

Then he picked up another metal ball and went to the room next door that was specially used to test powerful energy-shaping magic. He first changed it into the shape of a shotgun, rifle, grenade gun and other thermal weapons to test its power.

It even combines two spheres into one to form anti-material sniper rifles, rocket launchers, mortars and other heavy firepower.

Of course, in addition to weapons, these two spheres made of metal wires can also be constructed into various cold weapons, tools, and some extremely high-precision components.

Anyway, as long as the total volume does not exceed the maximum limit of two balls of metal wire, and the user knows the structure and principle of the item, then there will be no problem at all.

Moreover, the parts that are fired into bullets and cannonballs will return instantly after completing the attack.

In other words, if used as a firearm, it is equivalent to having unlimited bullets with enchantment level +5.

The names of these two groups of metal wires are called "Extreme Craftsmanship". They are special artifacts created by Gond using the three priesthoods of craftsmanship, skill and forging.

As the name suggests, it is not a simple weapon, but a tool that uses special magic metal strengthened by divine power as a material to build almost anything, even human organs and even complete brains.

The upper limit is directly proportional to the knowledge, technology and creativity mastered by the user.

To a certain extent, this is the "perfect material" that countless scientists on earth dream of, and its physical and chemical properties can be adjusted as needed.

After figuring out the real purpose of these two pieces of metal wire, Zuo Si was like a child who suddenly got a new toy, hiding in his room and constantly trying various things.

After several hours, he stopped still and turned his attention to the chaos demon dog Kozif who was sealed in different containers in the laboratory. He said in a slightly admiring tone: "He is indeed the God of Craftsmen. , can actually create such a magical substance.

do you know?

I was still having a headache just now about how to use you better and more safely.

But now, I suddenly had an idea. "

“Don’t waste your efforts!

it's useless!

No matter what method you use, you can't really kill me!

It's even more impossible to control me forever!

One day I will escape! "

Kozev controlled the mouth that was sealed in the jar and roared fiercely.

Since the seals on various parts of the body are relatively close together, it can now be manipulated slightly through induction.

But if you want to break the seal, you are just thinking too much.

"Haha, don't be so confident. Don't forget that you were tied up in the noisy tunnel with ropes made by Gond and couldn't move."

With that said, Zuo Si took out the chain that was also made by Gond, strengthened by the goddess of magic, and used to bind Cyric.

The moment he saw this thing, the Chaos Demon Dog's eyes in another transparent jar finally revealed intense fear.

There is no doubt that this thing can lock a god, and it can naturally lock it.

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Si took out another thing that scared Kozev, which was the dog-killing sword.

"You...what exactly do you want to do?" Chaos Demon Dog asked nervously.

"It's simple!

I'm going to use the dog-killing sword to do a little slicing to your brain and soul.

Then I use these wires to repair and build a brain that is 100% obedient to me.

Finally, use the chain to make a collar with strong binding force just in case.

In this way, you can turn your rebellious vicious dog into an obedient little puppy.

How about it? My idea is good, right? "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si picked up the dog-killing sword and opened the container containing the brain.

The moment the sharp sword blade penetrated the cortex, Kozev's soul instantly felt indescribable severe pain, and let out a blood-curdling howl.

"Ahhhh! No! Stop! Stop it! You damn lunatic!"

"Okay, don't scream so loud, you will scare the students in class. It's just a little pain, it will pass if you bear it. Don't worry, I move very quickly, and the work will be over in a few days at most. .”

Zuo Si said while speeding up his hands.

Through repeated attempts, we soon found the location where the brain of this ancient evil creature was responsible for thinking.

Since the Chaos Dog Demon has nearly unlimited regeneration capabilities, he does not need to worry about accidentally cutting in the wrong place and causing Kozev to be paralyzed or die instantly.

Moreover, with his powerful necromancy magic attainments, Zuo Si also figured out the structure and working principle of his brain cell tissue in a very short period of time.

Finally, all the brain tissue related to ideology was stripped out and sealed separately in one breath, and the missing parts were reconstructed with a metal ball.

This step alone took several days.

After all the preparatory work was completed, Zuo Sica unlocked the seal on the head and stuffed the modified brain into the skull.

After confirming that there were no problems, he began to concentrate on making chains for restraint, and put them directly around the Chaos Dog Demon's neck in the form of a collar.

The next step is to remove the seals on the body, limbs, tail and other parts...

After Keziv was almost completely released, Zuo Si used the Dog Killing Sword to reduce its terrifying magic resistance to a minimum, and used dozens of wishing spells and powerful nine-ring transformation magic to work together to transform it from a The grotesque, vicious, huge mastiff with red eyes and a rat tail turned into a cute-looking black and white puppy.

Of course, this is only a change in appearance, and its essence and capabilities have not changed.

"Lie down!"

"Get down!"

"shake hands!"


"Yeah - so good!"

"Come on, turn around again!"

With a wicked smile on his face, Zuo Si put this freshly baked Chaos Dog Demon to the test.

From the password, it is easy to see that he does not regard it as a powerful, terrifying, and creepy ancient evil thing, but as his own pet.

This move undoubtedly drove Kozev a little crazy.

It's a pity that this vicious dog is now sealed with part of its brain, consciousness and soul, so it can't do anything at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the body that should belong to him, under the control of a brain made of wires, flattered its owner like a real dog.

"Ancient evil? An immortal monster that cannot be killed? A chaotic dog demon that makes all the gods fearful? Hahahaha!"

Zuo Si let out a burst of unbridled laughter while frantically rubbing the head of the little puppy in front of him with his hands.

There is no doubt that successfully controlling and enslaving this powerful ancient evil creature filled his heart with an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

But the only drawback is that the brain, consciousness and soul sealed by Kozev cannot be too far away from the body, otherwise it will begin to slowly regenerate.

Just as Zuo Si was teasing this soulless puppy, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then rushed up to give him a warm hug. Their cheeks were pressed together, rubbing, kissing and sniffing him crazily. The smell on his body made his whole body tremble slightly because he was too excited and excited.

"Isadora? You merged your three split personalities back together!"

Zuo Si asked in an uncertain tone.

Because such a bold and intimate action would have been impossible with the three previous personalities.

Even the naughtiest little witch is mainly about temptation at best.


Apart from the absolutely sane, calm personality that had become the mastermind, I was now whole again.

And without the restraints of reason and calmness, I became more enthusiastic and bold.

How about it, do you like me now like a blazing flame? "

Isadora raised her head slightly, her face flushed with extreme pleasure, her whole body was like a blooming rose, exuding an amazing charm that was completely different from before.

Especially the psychic powers that are emitted unconsciously will affect the surrounding creatures all the time.

There is no doubt that if this young girl who is almost fully mature was in the absolute neutral camp before, then she should be in the chaotic neutral camp now.

In particular, the strong individualism and unrestrained character of doing whatever he wants have been clearly revealed in just a few seconds after meeting.

"No matter what you become, there will always be a place in my heart that belongs exclusively to you."

Zuo Si raised his hand and brushed the girl's eyebrows, corners of her eyes, and cheeks, and finally pressed her fingers on her lips.

"But to me, you are everything in life!"

Isadore suddenly showed a very moved expression, and then opened her mouth and bit her fingertips. Her eyes shone with a gentle and affectionate light like water, seeming to be sending out some kind of invitation.

But before she could make the next move, she heard rapid footsteps coming from outside the door.

Immediately after, the Demon Elf Assassin Feide broke in directly and shouted in a panicked voice: "No! Not long ago, a fire suddenly broke out at the headquarters of the Shadow Thieves Guild. Although Renoir Bloodhead was in time, The scene was cordoned off, but it is said that many people died..."

Just in the middle of her words, she noticed Zuo Si sitting on the chair, and Isadora who was almost hanging on the latter, as well as their ambiguous movements that made people think, and she was suddenly stunned. .

The atmosphere in the room became very awkward for a time.

Zuo Si could even feel that Isadora in his arms was brewing with terrifying murderous intent, and planned to directly erase the intruder who had disturbed his "good deeds" from his consciousness and turn him into a useless person who could not even take care of himself. .

"Uh-it seems I didn't come at the right time?"

After coming back to his senses, Fede shivered subconsciously, with strong fear in his eyes.

As an ace assassin, she has a very keen sense of murderous intent.

Especially for spellcasters like Isadora who have powerful psychic abilities, when they have ill intentions towards someone in their hearts, it will often form a kind of mental oppression.

Let alone a keen assassin, even a dull ordinary person can detect it.

"Soth! Can I do something to her?"

Isadora asked in an extremely cold and chilling tone.

Almost at the same time, the psychic power she released quickly surged towards the demon elf assassin, causing the latter to sweat profusely as if he had seen some horrific scene, and then quickly squatted on the ground and huddled up in a ball, shivering.

There is no doubt that Feide failed to withstand the instant invasion of his mind and eventually fell into a terrible hallucination.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Si immediately slapped the girl's butt hard and stopped her in a half-joking tone: "Stop making trouble.

You should know that she is mine, and she is here to report emergencies.

Also, you came all the way from the Floating City just to tell me that you have reunited the three personalities, right? "

Isadora, who was suddenly slapped hard on her buttocks, screamed subconsciously, and then her attitude immediately softened, she offered a kiss, and then winked playfully and said, "Of course not.

Vanessa asked me to inform you that he has almost confirmed the locations of several other floating cities.

But the problem is that these floating cities controlled by high-level undead spellcasters seem to have formed an alliance.

In other words, if we take the initiative to launch an attack, we may have to face several floating cities at once. "

"It doesn't matter. Regarding the remaining floating cities, I will send Mutahar Floating City to take care of them later, so you can leave them alone for the time being."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

If it were before, he might still have a headache from controlling the massive undead creatures in the floating city.

But now, with Shuoyou, the opponent is basically like free soldiers sent to their door.

As long as the diary and Shuoyou go there one by one, it won't be long before these floating cities will become Zuo Si's property.

"Are you sure? I remember that there is a floating city among them. It should have all the information about the creator profession that you have always wanted, right?" Isadora asked with wide eyes and surprise.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "Don't worry, all that knowledge should be stored in the library management of the central tower and will not be easily damaged.

And I now have a better way, there is no need to waste so many materials to launch a war to achieve the goal.

Remember, force is always the last option.

If you rely too much on it, you will not only become the target of public criticism and make many unnecessary enemies, but you may also fall into a terrible crisis.

You know, my expectations for you are very high.

Promise me to be a smart and obedient girl, okay?

If you behave well enough, I can prepare a spark for you to become a planeswalker like me. "

"Of course! As long as it is your wish, I will do my best to fulfill it."

Isadora took Zuo Si's right hand and kissed it lovingly, then placed it on her soft chest, letting it feel the violent beating of her heart.

"So good! As long as you don't cause any trouble during this period, I will give you a very, very special reward when we meet next time."

As he spoke, Zuo Si gently moved his right hand down, finally stopping on the girl's flat belly.

Isadora understood the meaning almost instantly, her whole face suddenly turned red, her eyes were full of joy and expectation, and she vowed: "I swear! I will definitely be good during this period of time." Do nothing and wait for you to fulfill your promise today.”

"Great! Now go and do your work, I still have a lot of things to do in this world."

After saying that, Zuo Si pinched the girl's chin and kissed her lips, and then drove the troubled girl out of the room who was still unfinished and looked back three times.

After the latter passed through the portal and returned to the floating city, he walked up to the demon elf assassin, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With the crisp sound echoing around, Feide suddenly woke up from the environment, wiped the snot and tears on his face with extremely fast movements, and asked in horror: "Fa...what happened? Why did I... Will suddenly go back to the past!"

“No, you’re not going back in time.

Instead, his consciousness was invaded by psychic powers, and he was trapped in the memory of the past.

But I am very curious about how tragic things you experienced in your childhood that made you cry so sadly.

This is completely different from the strength and bravery you usually show. "

Zuo Si stared with interest into the other person's eyes that he had been trying to avoid.

But Feide obviously didn't want to answer these, and immediately changed the subject: "Psychic powers?

Damn it!

That human girl who was riding on you just now turned out to be a dangerous psychic?

who is she?

Your lover?

Why haven't I seen her in the mage tower before? "

"Why, do you want to meet Isadora?"

Zuo Si obviously saw the little thought of the demon elf assassin, and asked with a half-smile.

He did not impatiently use magical power to read the other person's thoughts or memories, trying to figure out what happened in his childhood.

After all, that would be too boring.

Except for guys like the Mind Flayer and Jace Beleren, who like to rely on their talents to do whatever they want, most people who are good at charm and psychic magic prefer to induce the target to reveal their inner secrets.


Fede frowned subconsciously, but soon exclaimed: "Ah! I remembered it! She is Bernard's sister. I met her several times two years ago."

"Good memory. But you have to pay attention, the Isadora now and the Isadora before are two completely different people." Zuo Si reminded meaningfully.

"What's the meaning?"

Feide blinked in confusion.

Zuo Si touched his chin and explained: "Isadora's mental state is different from ordinary people, and she does not have a fixed personality.

She secretly cloned countless copies of herself while I was away.

Then peel off the personality fragments in the brain and stuff them into the clones, and strengthen their own strength by devouring each other, evolving, and growing.

The Isadora you just saw was a new personality that was finally condensed after at least dozens of devouring and fusion processes. It has almost no resemblance to the previous one.

This is why, at such a young age, she was able to acquire magical and psychic abilities as powerful as the mind flayer's mastermind. "

"Oh my God! This girl is really crazy! But what's even more incredible to me is that you can actually handle her?"

After learning the truth, Feide's mouth twitched and he complained wildly.

“Because all of Isadora’s personalities love me, are attached to me, and think that I am the only one of her kind in the world.

Even though one day I had the idea of ​​killing her.

She will also kneel in front of her with joy and wait for death to come.

There will be absolutely no resistance at all.

Because compared to death, Isadora is more afraid of being abandoned by me. "

Zuo Si explained his relationship with Isadora in very concise language.

This is why he answered just now that no matter what the girl becomes, she will always leave a place for her in his heart.

Zuo Si obviously knew very well that the only person in this world who would never betray him, apart from the various creatures and followers made into cards, might be Isadora.

Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, might count as half.

The rest are more or less related to interests.

As for Hermione, she obviously has a strong independence and self-awareness, and may gradually develop to a stage where they can trust each other in the future, but now it can only be regarded as a relatively close relationship between male and female friends.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si suddenly remembered that he hadn't visited the Magic Earth for a long time.

"It's unbelievable! Her feelings for you are so twisted and sick!"

Feide couldn't help but shiver, obviously frightened by Isadora's madness.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and responded: "You are right, this is very twisted and sick, so I will be as nice to her as possible within the allowed range, so that she can also feel happiness from it, instead of There is only pain and suffering.”

"Sounds like... you're still a good person?"

Feide's facial features were instantly tangled together, and his tone revealed strong doubts.

No need to ask, she knew that in her impression, a guy like Zuo Si, who could make the Shadow Thieves, the Masked Mage Guild, and the Amn Council feel fearful, should obviously be an out-and-out "evil leader".

"Hahaha! Don't show such a face. I didn't say that I was a good person."

Zuo Si was obviously amused by the reaction of the demon elf assassin, and then he pursed his lips and explained: "Let's try to put ourselves in someone else's shoes.

Suppose there is a handsome, handsome, smart and talented young man who suddenly expresses crazy love to you.

And said that he is willing to do anything for you, even if it means giving his own life.

How would you react? "

"Well... I guess I'll probably give him a chance."

Feide pondered for a moment and then gave the answer with obvious lack of confidence.

After all, lust is not a male's exclusive domain, and women are not bad at all in this regard either.

If you look at the number of places in Ascatra that provide services specifically for women, as well as the ladies, businesswomen, adventurers, and mercenaries who frequently come in and out, you will know that their needs in this regard are even greater than those of men. and.

“See, that’s the problem.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, as long as his or her sexual orientation is normal, he or she will often be particularly tolerant when faced with the active pursuit of beautiful members of the opposite sex.

Even if you know that the other person's emotions are somewhat distorted and abnormal, you will usually not use harsh words towards them.

But if it were an ugly person, the situation would be exactly the opposite.

This is determined by the body's instinct to reproduce.

So most of my feelings for Isadora come from this.

Coupled with the close relationship generated by long-term relationship, it finally formed the current state.

Although occasionally I would be very angry at some of the crazy things she did, I would always choose to forgive as long as the bottom line was not touched. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si inadvertently showed a maturity and rationality that was far out of proportion to his apparent age.

"Okay, I think I understand what you mean."

Feide nodded thoughtfully, and at the same time kept looking at the loyal new master in front of him with the corner of his eye.

"By the way, what did you say about the fire that broke out at the Shadow Thieves Guild headquarters?"

Zuo Si decisively ended the previous topic and suddenly asked.

"Damn it!

If you don’t remind me, I will forget it!

It was said that Maiwa, with a group of men hired from unknown places, used the last moment before dawn to launch a surprise attack.

At that time, many subordinate guild leaders who were still loyal to the headquarters were meeting.

As a result, the other party took the blame.

At least seven guild leaders and their lieutenants died, along with a large entourage of bodyguards and goons.

Renoir Bloodhead was completely angry and vowed to catch all the murderers and kill them with a thousand knives.

He offered more than 100,000 gold coins as a reward.

Now adventurers, bounty hunters, and mercenaries across Ascaltra are starting to take action to make this money. "

Fede quickly shook out all the information he knew.

Since Zuo Si had previously acquired many taverns, hotels and other service venues in the city, and had also sent shapeshifters to infiltrate, he had his own intelligence network.

Whenever there is any disturbance, various rumors and news will be quickly passed back.

In the past, the little devil who was a demon pet was responsible for collecting and organizing these.

But now he has been promoted to the Hell Fiend and went to Sembia to focus on the food war.

Feide was obviously very interested in these, so Zuo Si left the situation to him.

"Now that Maiwa has been confirmed to be the mastermind, why didn't Renoir Bloodhead directly launch a counterattack, but use this roundabout method?" Zuo Si asked casually.

“Because Raynor Bloodhead, who has suffered huge losses, does not dare to fight head-on now.

He needed time to gather his men and wait for reinforcements.

What's more, there are clear regulations within the Shadow Thieves that the headquarters cannot arbitrarily purge subordinate guilds without obtaining concrete evidence of betrayal.

I think it's time to get in touch with the red mage named Edwin.

Otherwise, if he dies in this turmoil, we will lose the most critical clue. "

Fede analyzed with a serious face.

She obviously hasn't forgotten that she wants to take revenge on her last employer and benefactor, Ellen Linville.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you and go meet the red-robed mage Edwin."

Zuo Si stood up from the chair and shook out the clothes that were wrinkled by Isadora.

Kozif, who transformed into a puppy, followed closely behind his master like a pet.

Soon, the two of them and the dog left the Mage Tower through the secret door in the sewer and headed straight to the Bronze Crown Hotel in the slums.

Almost at the same time, an underground guild war began in the streets of Ascaltra.

A large number of thieves, assassins and thugs belonging to different camps are fighting each other in places invisible to ordinary people.

Every ten minutes and half an hour, several masked corpses will be found in dark alleys or rivers...

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