A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 461: Irenekas has only one life left (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

"Where did this information come from?"

Owo put down several yellowed books in his hands, his slightly swollen face showing great disbelief.

As a Grand Arcanist in the era of Netheril, he originally thought that after witnessing Karthus's stupidity and madness, nothing in this world could shock him.

But now, the fat house lich suddenly discovered that his ally, Zuo Si, who was cooperating in depth, actually had some kind of madness hidden under his calm and rational appearance.

This kind of madness is different from the chaotic camp demons who do whatever they want and come up with whatever they want.

Instead, by taking advantage of human greed, selfishness, desires, and even lofty ideals, obsessions, and other weaknesses, we first throw out a bait that no one can refuse.

Then, through a series of careful plans and calculations, both allies and enemies can act according to their own will, and finally achieve one or several jaw-dropping subversive results.

“The source of this information was released by Xi Manmeng, the controller of the Zhentarim’s dark intelligence network.

As far as I know, this guy who recently transformed himself into a vampire lord is currently serving both Soth and Fuzor Chamberry.

So I speculate that Soth should have asked him to do this on purpose.

As for the purpose, it may be to trick Sazastan, or it may be to try to provoke a civil war among the red-robed mages of Cyre, or it may be to divert the attention of Elminster and the Harper Alliance.

In short, I tend to think that Soth personally created this crisis.

After all, those are the eyes of Talos, the God of Storms, which contain powerful divine power that can control natural disasters.

Anyone who gets it can master the power to destroy a country in an instant.

Not to mention that it can promote mortals to gods.

But what exactly he wants to achieve is still unknown.

Because with the rapid spread of news, there are too many variables that may arise. "

Morissa said everything she could think of.

As the eldest grandniece of the "Immortal", and also the person with the highest level and the strongest ability to cast spells in public among her descendants, she is undoubtedly very aware of the value of the Eye of the Storm.

This thing might bring out some old monsters that have lived for thousands of years.

For example, Larok, the wizard king who lives in the Warlock's Tomb in the Troll Mountains north of Baldur's Gate and the Wandering River, may be interested in this.

"So you think that eye was a decoy deliberately released by Soth?"

Owo touched his plump chin with a thoughtful expression.

Morissa nodded slightly: "This is an obvious thing.

Soth is a very special man.

He has never set the goal of becoming an immortal god, but has a higher pursuit.

His unique identity as a planeswalker gives him a huge advantage that even the gods cannot match.

In the world of Toril, this guy is probably the only one who is willing to throw out an artifact like the Eye of the Storm, and then sit by and watch countless people fight for it like a mad dog.

If you are interested in this, we will start the layout in advance.

Otherwise, as more and more people join in, I'm afraid there won't be any chance to take action. "

"Ha ha ha ha!

No, my dear child, your understanding of Soth is still too superficial.

Believe me, from the moment the Eye of God was thrown to Sazastan as bait, he must have made countless preparations.

No matter whether it is Sazastan, Velshalon, or anyone else who is interested, they will never have the opportunity to complete the so-called god-conferring ceremony.

Soth will reclaim that eye at the right time in a way that leaves everyone speechless.

So don't waste your efforts.

I don't want to waste my time and energy on this boring fight. "

Owo laughed and shook his head, even with a little sarcasm in his tone.

There is no doubt that his way of thinking is the most unique among all existing great arcane masters. Even in the era of Netheril where the stars shine, he can be called "maverick".

This fat house lich never even built a magnificent floating city in order to show his power, wealth and authority like other great arcanists. Instead, he chose to build a magic castle made of basalt in the lonely wasteland.

Perhaps it was this crucial choice that made him one of the few Grand Arcanists who did not foresee the destruction of Netheril but survived in the end.

In addition, Ovo maintained his human form for a long time because he absorbed life force through necromancy magic.

Therefore, unlike other lonely lichs, he has a large number of children and descendants, and it is said that the number reaches an astonishing tens of thousands.

Many of them are soulless "living zombies" created through special necromancy magic, and many of them are his or other family members' descendants.

But now, Ovo has abandoned the castle originally located in the lonely wasteland and gave it to Morissa as a gift, and instead built a residence in the cave under the High Forest.

Since the High Forest is filled with dense forests, rivers, brushwood, and swamps, finding the magically obscured entrance is no easy task.

Not to mention, anyone approaching the cave entrance would have to successfully cross the freezing cold water without being able to reach the air.

This is absolutely impossible for most living people.

Therefore, only undead creatures, constructs, elemental creatures, alien creatures, and beings with extraordinary characteristics are qualified to approach the entrance.

In addition, Ovo also has a very bad reputation, that is, like the emperors of the Shane Empire, they like to capture unicorns that symbolize kindness and purity to conduct evil necromancy experiments.

His attainments in this area are even far above those of Xia En VII.

"Are you sure?" Morissa asked in an uncertain tone. "You must know that even obtaining the knowledge of mortals becoming gods from Velsharon is still very valuable."

"I'm pretty sure.

If the so-called god-conferring ceremony comes at the cost of consuming an eye of god, then it is essentially a process of transformation of divine power and divinity.

The former is the most important, while the latter is just a means and has no universality or reference value.

Besides, I don’t think that an evil and chaotic god like the Storm God would be so kind as to let mortals take advantage of him for free.

Even if someone succeeds in becoming a god through this method in the end, they will probably only be exploited by Talos. "

After saying these words, Owo ignored his eldest grandson and niece and continued to sort out the magic knowledge and materials and classify them according to the difficulty of learning.

As a senior who has had the experience of founding several magic academies and personally taught many well-known archmages, he obviously knows that magic learning must be done step by step, and he cannot give those young apprentices too dangerous and exciting knowledge right from the start.

Otherwise, it will trigger a series of disasters, tragedies, and unimaginable serious consequences.

Many magic academies will eventually fail, decline, and be destroyed. This is largely due to the mages' pride, arrogance, stubbornness, and endless thirst for knowledge and power.

Seeing that Ovo was once again immersed in his own world and unable to extricate himself, Morissa could only sigh slightly, put one hand on her chest and bowed, then turned around and left the dark underground on foot.

Because the walls of the underground cave are covered with the blood of a creature called a petrified cow.

This thing looks like a naturally formed texture at first glance, but its effect can prevent all teleportation magic from taking effect.

So Morissa needs to walk out first, and then use teleportation magic to return to her place.

Almost at the same time, Elminster, who was active in the Northland, was also in a small wooden house provided by the Harper, with a solemn expression and Lila, Kelben, Storm Silverhand, Simbu, Dove... The Eagle Hands, as well as some senior Harpers who also reached or were close to the legendary level, intensely discussed the news that Sazastan had obtained the Eye of the Storm.

"Soth really gave that thing to Sazastan? Is he crazy?"

The impulsive Xinbu was the first to lose his composure. He slammed the table with his staff and asked angrily.

Because there was no one present who hated the red-robed mage of Ser more than she did, and the country he ruled, Aglalon, was invaded again and again.

If Sazastan really becomes a god and completes the integration of Cyre, which is suffering from internal strife, then Aglalon will undoubtedly be the first victim.

"No, it wasn't handed over, but they made a deal." Storm Silverhand corrected.

Xinbu rolled his eyes angrily: "Is there any difference?"

"Of course there is a difference.

Judging from Zuo Si's character, he likes to collect artifacts, high-level magic items and knowledge.

When Sazastan got the eye, he must have paid the same price or even several times more.

This means that he must have lost a lot of trump cards and is in a very fragile and vulnerable state.

In addition, the red-robed chief who is opposed to Sazhastan within Serge will definitely try his best to sabotage it when he learns the news.

The most important thing is that the Eye of God and the method of conferring gods are now in the hands of Sazastan and Vesalun respectively.

Moreover, the two of them are mortal enemies, and there is definitely no possibility of reconciliation and cooperation.

So it's not as bad as you think, at least we have enough time. "

Storm Silverhand patiently explained to this irritable sister.

Maybe it's because she has lived with Elminster for a long time, or maybe it's because she has been training newcomers for the Harper Alliance for a long time and serving as a technical and psychological mentor. Anyway, she has the calmest character and patience among the seven sisters in the North. He rarely shows arrogance, anger and impulsiveness.

"I don't quite understand why Soth did this? I remember that when the conflict broke out in Luskan, he and the red-robed mage were in a hostile relationship."

Dove Hawkhand couldn't help but butt in.

"According to the information we gathered from within the Zhentarim, Soth seems to have exchanged the Eye of God for two artifacts, the [Death Moon Orb] and the [Seat of Sakothil], as well as a Three Wishes Ring."

Seleria, another senior leader of the Harpers and also a legendary bard, gave the answer.

Due to the long-standing fine tradition of mutual penetration between the two intelligence organizations, she sent people to confirm the rumors as soon as they were first revealed.

So compared to other organizations that he had only heard about in general, Harper now had a better grasp of the information that Zuo Si had deliberately leaked.

"A deal? This really looks like his style."

Kelben stroked the thick black beard on his chin with a thoughtful expression.

Laila frowned and asked: "So the Harper has now concluded that Soth and Sazastan have not formed an alliance. Their relationship is just two parties to the transaction, or is it a bit of mutual use?"

Celelia nodded without hesitation: "That's right!

The Zhentarim executives made no secret of this transaction.

It can even be said that he is deliberately spreading the news to let more people know.

This behavior is undoubtedly putting Sazastan on the fire to roast, and it also makes his situation extremely difficult and dangerous.

Velsharon, the former mortal enemy;

against the Red Chief of Sazastan;

Hidden in the shadows are legendary mages and dangerous undead creatures who aspire to become gods;

Several great arcanists left over from the days of Netheril;

Powerful dragon kings who aspire to become gods, such as the divine dragon Tchazzar and the doomsday reptile Dogothos;

There are also our old friends, Sammaster, who suffered a great loss in front of the Lord of the Morning, and those crazy believers of the Storm God Talos...

There are too many powerful evil forces willing to fight over this eye.

From this point alone, it can be seen that Soth and Sazastan are not the same.

Just the opposite!

He was using that eye as bait to provoke a fierce conflict, and then he would sit aside and watch the show.

There is no doubt that this is a typical lawful evil approach, and it is also very consistent with his current status as a great devil. "

"Damn it!

Can't this guy just stop for a few years?

From the moment he came to this world, he was almost either doing something or preparing to do something. There was never a moment of leisure.

I really don’t understand where Soth comes from with such strong energy and a fighting spirit that is different from ordinary people and doesn’t feel tired at all.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he be immersed in the fascination with beautiful love and adventurous life at his age? "

Another young human warrior with a goatee couldn't help but complain crazily.

Spraying out two clouds of white smoke that he had just inhaled from his nose, Elminster fiddled with the pipe in his hand and explained: "Thos is a planeswalker with the ability to travel through different time and space, so don't follow common sense. measure.

The things he may have seen in some time and space, the ideas he has been exposed to, the knowledge, magic and technology he has learned are all unheard of and unseen by us.

In addition, his mental and spiritual state is obviously much more mature than he appears on the outside.

Unless Soth himself is willing to make changes, nothing can affect him, not even the gods. "

"Then what should we do now? Join this extremely dangerous conflict?" Storm Silverhand asked.

"I think we should first ask South in person to find out what his plan is and what he wants to do."

Xinbu went crazy and took a handful of his messy hair, which he hadn't taken care of for who knows how long.

“If it were before, it would be no problem.

But since I decided to start working against him, it’s certainly impossible to reveal much given his character.

And even if he reveals his plan and purpose, how can we be sure that it is not a trap, lie or trap?

Don't forget, Soth has always been very cold, ruthless and cruel when dealing with enemies. "

Elminster gave a helpless smile.

Because after the disastrous defeats in the previous battles, he had deeply realized how terrible Zuo Si's methods were in playing with people's hearts and human nature.

Laila also sighed and comforted softly: "Please don't worry about this, I have asked Kui Lu and Alustriel to test out the tone of Thomas.

In half a month, the Trade Federation will hold a plenary meeting in Ascaltra.

They have a pretty good cooperative relationship, so they should be able to ask something.

But before that, we must ensure that neither Sazastan nor Veshalon can get the part of the things the other holds. "

"I'll make a trip to Serre myself."

Xinbu was obviously a man of action. Without saying a word, he stood up and used teleportation magic to disappear.

After another hour-long discussion, the remaining people formulated two emergency backup plans and began to allocate manpower to the easternmost part of the Faerûn continent.

There is no doubt that becoming a god is an irresistible temptation for most ambitious mortals.

In particular, arcane spellcasters who have a rich reserve of knowledge and understand the huge gap between gods and mortals are the best among them.

Just when many powerful beings such as archmages, legendary mages, lichs, dracolichs, and vampires got the news and started gearing up, Erinikas, who was far away in the Tower of Dulag, was also ready to join in. preparation.

The person who brought him the news was none other than Vampire Queen Badi.

As an old friend, how could Zuo Si forget Irenicas, who also had a strong obsession with becoming a god.

He also wanted to see which legendary caster was more skilled in this melee and could win the ultimate victory in this chicken-eating contest.

But the champion's prize is not the eye of the storm, but a spell duel with Zuo Si himself.

With the acquisition of a complete set of Netheril scrolls, his total arcane spellcasting level has reached LV33.

These include Mage LV6, Mystic LV10, Archmage LV5, Rainbow Apprentice LV7, and Arcane King LV5.

There is a lack of a suitable opponent for actual combat testing.

Of course, as a person who values ​​"martial ethics", Zuo Si will not use any planeswalkers or powers from other worlds in this spell duel, let alone use those artifacts casually.

He wanted to find out where the arcane spellcasting ability extended from his mage profession would rank in Faerûn, a land filled with powerful people.

But Irenicas obviously didn't know about this, and was still immersed in ecstasy, constantly using prophecy crystal balls and various spells to try to obtain more information.

After about a few hours, he slowly calmed down, raised his head and asked, "I plan to leave for Serre, could you please help me look after this place?"

"no problem."

Badi agreed without hesitation.

“Remember, you can ignore everyone else, but you must keep an eye on Sarevok.

The concentration of divinity and divine power in the blood he sent before has become quite high.

If I fail to successfully capture the Eye of God this time, then this guy will be my last hope. "

Having said this, Irenicas paused, turned around and stared at the humanoid creatures that were soaked in the jar, with their bodies and brains separated.

You don't need to ask to know that every one of these poor people who have been brutally dissected and endured inhuman torture and abuse is the son of Baal.

Through in-depth study of these sons of gods, combined with previous experiments on the saints of Amaunata, Erinikas has gained a very comprehensive understanding of divine power and divinity.

Even Zuo Si is using Badi as a spy to steal his research results.

Therefore, Erinikas is one of the very few legendary mages who can directly try to become a god without the knowledge in Velshalun's hands.

But before heading to Sale, he still needs a little insurance.

Thinking of this, the high elf mage walked straight to a man who looked about thirty years old and read a short but powerful spell to him.

The next second...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Heart-rending screams came from the man's mouth, and the blood vessels all over his body bulged, presenting an extremely ferocious and terrifying appearance.

But the other living people in the jars around him were even worse than him!

The moment the spell took effect, the whole person's body suddenly exploded with a bang. Blood, bones, internal organs and minced meat were directly covered in the translucent glass cover, and finally slowly fell down to form a puddle of sticky meat. Sauce.

Their souls were absorbed by the magic device located above, and poured into the screaming man's body along the pipe.

In about three to five minutes, a large number of bone spurs grew out of thin air on the man's body, and some foul-smelling black blood slowly flowed out of his body until it was captured and absorbed by Irenicas.

There is no doubt that this guy is squeezing the divine power and divinity from the son of Baal, and then integrating it into his own soul.

Such a heart-rending evil magic made even Badi, the vampire queen, feel numb when she saw it.

As time went by, she found more and more that she could no longer understand the extremely dark and crazy thoughts in Irenekas's mind.

"Ah-this feels great!"

Irenekas took a deep breath, with an expression of great enjoyment on his face.

Divine power and divinity!

Even though it was only a little bit, it had already made him realize the huge gap between gods and humans.

After all this was done, Erinikas gave up control of the tower to Badi, and then used teleportation magic to go to Sere, a country ruled by a red-robed mage.

However, he probably would never have dreamed that as soon as his front foot left, Zuo Si's back foot appeared out of thin air, glanced around with interest, and then asked with a smile: "Your brother has already set off?"

"Yes Master.

Just like you'd expect.

After Irenekas learned that the eye could make mortals become gods, he chose to join it without hesitation.

In addition, before leaving, he also killed all the captured sons of Baal and absorbed the divinity and divine power squeezed from their souls.

If nothing else, he must have gained some extra strength. "

Badi hurriedly knelt down on one knee and reported the report respectfully.

"Haha, have you finally embarked on this path?"

Zuo Si pursed his lips with a meaningful expression, and at the same time glanced at the unrecognizable corpses in the jars with the corner of his eyes, and finally turned around and said to Sancho who was following behind him: "Did you see it?

This unparalleled bloodshed, cruelty and death is the fate that the Sons of Baal need to face.

After your death, you will not even have the opportunity to go to the kingdom of gods and outer planes for reincarnation.

If you don't want to end up like this, you need to seize the time to gain great power.

In this world, only the strong are qualified to dominate and control their own destiny. "

"Understood! Please rest assured, I will never allow myself to end up like this."

The boy clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in response.

Due to the experience of being sacrificed more than once, he had long realized what his identity as the son of Baal meant, and even developed a strong hatred for his biological father.

Because if he wasn't carrying the bloodline of the God of Murder, he could have lived an ordinary and comfortable life like an ordinary person.

Zuo Si nodded with satisfaction: "I appreciate your rebellious spirit.

Because those who dare to resist fate are worthy of respect no matter what the final result is.

Now let me test your recent learning progress.

See those pâté-like corpses in those jars?

Tell me what Irenicas did to make them like this. "

Sancho resisted his nausea and psychological resistance and walked straight forward. He raised his hand and quickly cast a zero-level [Detection Magic]. He quickly said in an uncertain tone: "That one is called Irenikas." The mage used some unknown necromancy spell.

The reason why these corpses become like this is because of the resistance between divinity and divine power during the process of extracting souls.

To be precise, the corpse was forcibly torn into pieces by the reaction force of the moment the divine power was withdrawn.

He used the souls of the weaker Sons of Baal to maximize the potential of a powerful Son of Baal.

Then sacrifice it as a sacrifice to gain the divine power and divinity you want. "

"Not bad! It seems that you have carefully read those books about divine power and divinity."

Zuo Si happily praised the boy, and then suddenly changed the topic and continued to ask: "Then do you know what the consequences of Irenekas's forceful seizure of the divine power and divinity of the son of Baal mean?"

"as a result of?"

Sancho blinked in confusion.

Because he was completely unaware of the consequences that Irenekas would bear.

"Haha, it seems that you still have a superficial understanding of the knowledge and opinions stated in that book, and do not have a deep understanding.

Remember, the Sons of Baal are essentially fragments of the divinity, power, and ministry of Baal, the God of Murder.

Through this method of scattered preservation, he has only one goal to achieve, and that is to return from the star realm.

Therefore, once the Son of Baal awakens, he will immediately cause killings under the influence of his essence, making Baal's name once again the object of fear for countless people.

Especially among your brothers and sisters, only one will survive to the end.

The purpose of the former is to gain followers and influence, while the latter is to reassemble divine power and divinity, and finally ignite the spark of divinity so that Barr can have a body that can carry his own consciousness, and finally bypass all obstacles and successfully resurrect.

This also means that when someone tries to seize the divine power and divinity of Baal's son, he himself becomes one of the sacrifices for Baal's resurrection.

Under that kind of strong instinct and impulse, no mortal can resist it unless he can obtain the same strength to fight against it.

So now Irenekas's soul is closely connected to the Throne of Blood.

If he dies one day, his soul will be devoured instead of being reborn as a clone or going to the outer plane for reincarnation. "

Zuo Si did not hide anything and bluntly stated the huge hidden dangers.

From the moment he absorbed the power and divinity of the Son of Baal, Irenicas degenerated from a legendary mage with countless lives and opportunities to start over, to a special Son of Baal with only one life.

Because he is different from Zuo Si, who also absorbed Baal's divine power.

The latter is a planeswalker, and only absorbs divine power without divinity, so after the transformation is completed, it basically has no impact.

But Irenicus had to bear huge risks.

He must not fail, let alone die, otherwise the divinity and divine power in his body will instantly backfire and turn him into an irrational killer.

For a mage, there is nothing more tragic than losing self-awareness and sanity.


After hearing this, Sancho was so frightened that he swallowed his saliva. The eyeball constructed with magic and magic kept moving wildly, trying to find more useful information around him.

Similarly, he also realized that his mentor's intention in bringing him to this place was to let him understand what would happen to the Son of Baal if he gave up the fight.

Suddenly, the nerves in the boy's mind that had begun to relax and slackened again became tense.

"Stand here and stare at these tragic corpses! If you don't fully tap into your potential, you will end up like them in the future."

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the boy and began to visit the Tower of Dulag that had been transformed by Erinikas.

It must be said that elves do have many unique features in art and architecture.

The rough style originally designed by the dwarves has been reshaped by Erinikas into a refined, delicate and elegant atmosphere.

And this guy's lust hasn't changed at all. Not only did he capture several tree spirits and water fairies as tools to vent his desires, but he also summoned three succubi to serve him.

In addition, there are also some young, beautiful, and curvy elf women imprisoned in the dungeon.

To be precise, it is the clone of the Elf Queen of Sodanisla.

Some of them are even fixed on large wooden frames, with various special tools placed next to them, which is a completely strange scene.

They usually only wear a small amount of translucent gauze like sexy clothing, and some are completely naked.

"I'm curious, how does your brother always maintain such a strong and exuberant desire? If I remember correctly, aren't surface elves relatively indifferent in this regard after reaching a certain age?"

After wandering around for a while, Zuo Si finally couldn't help but ask the question that had been bothering him.

You must know that the biggest difference between elves and humans is that their personalities are relatively calm. They may show emotions such as happiness and joy, but they are rarely overly excited.

They prefer to pursue spiritual satisfaction than material and physical enjoyment.

Even the dark elves with the highest fertility rate rarely give birth to more than double digits of children in their hundreds of years of life, and some are simply single offspring.

This is completely incomparable to the fact that humans can give birth to more than a dozen offspring in just twenty to thirty years.

Old Matron Baenre of Menzoberranzan had given birth to more than twenty children in her lifetime, which was considered a miracle, and she was believed to have been blessed by the spider goddess Lolth.

Therefore, it is common knowledge in Faerûn that elves generally tend to be indifferent.

Many elves would rather spend a hundred and eighty years falling in love than spend a few minutes to contribute to the continuation of the race.

It was precisely because of this that Zuo Sicai was confused about Irenicas, an old pervert who was obviously a different kind.

Badi hurriedly explained: "Arenikas was not like this before.

While maintaining a relationship with Ali Xing, he has always been very reserved, elegant and polite.

But then after we were banished, Irenicas became a different person almost overnight.





As far as I know, unless he is conducting long-term concentrated research, he has to do it with those concubines and clones at least thirty times a day in order to calm his crazy brain a little bit. "

"So... Irenekas is using this method to vent his pent-up emotions in order to keep himself calm and rational?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

As for thirty times a day, it is nothing to a legendary mage who possesses powerful magical power.

Especially after getting the "Pink Book" filled with all kinds of erotic magic from the Succubus Queen, let alone thirty times, it would be no problem even three hundred, three thousand or thirty thousand times.

In contrast, Zuo Si was more concerned about Irenicas's mental state and mental condition.

"Absolutely. In the eyes of Irenekas, it was Elf Queen Elixing who betrayed him, so he is so eager to become a god and eager to take revenge on the enemies who have left a mark of humiliation on us."

As she spoke, Vampire Queen Badi reached out and touched her cheeks and ears.

In her banishment, she, like Irenicus, was stripped of all elven qualities, both inner and outer.

"What about you? Don't you have any desire in this area?"

Zuo Si continued to ask with interest.

Badi obviously hesitated for a moment, but soon shook his head gently: "Maybe at the beginning, I still had anger, unwillingness and hatred in my heart.

But it wasn't long before these emotions were replaced by bloodlust and the joy of lust and indulgence.

Now I no longer have much hatred for Sonnisla's former compatriots. I just simply want to suck their blood and enjoy the process of transforming them into vampires.

I think I should have been swallowed up by the evil nature of the undead, and I am no longer the same person as before.

After all, I have never been a strong-willed person. Instead, I am keen on indulgence and enjoyment. "

“A very accurate description.

I didn’t expect you to have such a profound understanding of the changes that have happened to you.

This is good!

Because it is very important to understand yourself, it allows you to understand what you really want and what you desire.

It is because many people have no self-awareness that they become arrogant and arrogant, and eventually fall into the abyss of failure. "

While speaking, Zuo Si reached out and gently stroked the vampire queen's pale and cold cheek, staring at the other person's eyes and the sharp fangs hidden under the blood-red lips.

Badi stretched out his neck very obediently, showing a nervous look.

But before she could say anything, a black figure suddenly rushed out from the prison behind her, swung the mace in his hand and slammed it down.


Without any accident, the hammer was directly blocked by Badi with his arm. Not even a drop of blood came out, it just left a red mark on the skin.

The next second...

She directly grabbed the opponent's weapon with her backhand.

It can be seen that in front of the Vampire Queen, the strength of this sneak attacker is really not worth mentioning. It is basically the same as that of an ordinary adult male.

"A dark elf?"

After seeing the other party's true face clearly, Zuo Si showed an expression of surprise.

He couldn't believe that Irenekas, who was so picky about women, was okay with this.

The female Drow in front of me is about 1.45 meters tall, with a slender and well-proportioned figure. Although it can be seen that she has received combat training and has certain muscles in her arms and legs, she is not strong at all, but is slightly thin. .

"Master, she must have heard our conversation just now, why not just let me suck her blood dry."

Badi suddenly opened his mouth, revealing two sharp canine teeth, and held down the struggling dark elf woman with one hand.

The latter was obviously very frightened, his eyes were full of fear and despair, and he was clutching something like an amulet in his hand.

Out of curiosity, Zuo Si gave the Vampire Queen a calming gesture, then snatched the amulet from the other's hand, raised it high and asked in a slightly playful tone: "A man who believes in the goddess of the night, Shar." A dark elf? This is really uncommon. If you don’t mind, can you tell me your name?”

"Viconia! My name is Viconia! If you are willing to let me go, I am willing to be your slave and do anything and provide you with all services."

The dark elf woman raised her head to reveal her delicate face hidden under her long white hair.

Although she is not very proficient in the surface language, she still has some communication skills.


Zuo Si's DNA moved instantly, and he began to carefully look at this woman who was still very beautiful even by the standards of dark elves.

A worn cloak, underneath was a chainmail that was almost ruined by the sun, and dirty boots with exposed toes. The skin on the cheeks and arms had also undergone some changes due to long-term exposure to the sun.

There is no doubt that this is a drow who has just escaped from the Underdark to the surface.

Most of its equipment is the same as it was after Drizzt came to the surface, and is rapidly being destroyed as the number of times it is exposed to sunlight increases.

If nothing else goes wrong, in three to five days, this woman may have to make a choice between stealing clothes or running around naked.

Moreover, she did not seem to be a tool used by Erinikas to vent his desires. There was also no sign of being violated. She was simply captured and imprisoned in the dungeon.

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