A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 462 The Secret of the Will of the Abyss (A 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Why are you locked up here?"

Zuo Si observed for a moment and then suddenly asked.

If the original memory in his mind was correct, the full name of the drow in front of him should be Viconia Deaver.

Yes, you heard it right.

It was the fourth-ranked family in Menzoberranzan in the past, but on the day Drizzt was born, they were attacked by the Do'Urden family led by his mother Malice, and were eventually wiped out overnight.

It can even be said that Viconia's defection was the most direct reason why the Deaver family lost Rose's favor.

That's why other dark elf families think this is a perfect hunting moment.

What's even more interesting is that decades later, the Do'Urden family that launched the attack also ushered in a betrayer, the legendary ranger Drizzt.

The latter's defection also led to the demise of his family.

It has to be said that the Spider Goddess Rose obviously has very bad taste in this regard.

It felt like she had an indescribable obsession and fascination with betrayal.

He even deliberately created some troubles to make some dark elves turn against him.

Look at the dark elves who abandoned her, whether it was Drizzt or Viconia. Although they were wanted and hunted according to tradition, in the end they were always able to avert danger at critical moments.

But the families behind them will be destroyed as a result.

In addition, Rose seems to have a cuckold complex.

He doesn't care about those devout believers, but he is very fond of those drow who choose to betray and join other gods.

He tried every possible means to get these "rebellious children" back into his arms.

It seems that only those who have been bullied are the best...

Viconia obviously didn't know that just by stating her name, all the secrets hidden in her heart had been exposed to Zuo Si's sight. She answered carefully: "I was captured in a jackal camp. That one is called The mage of Irenekas suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then killed all one hundred and fifty-three gnolls, and without saying a word, he used the immobilization technique to bring me back."

"He didn't ask about your origin and purpose?" Zuo Si continued to ask calmly.

Viconia quickly shook her head: "No. I have been detained here for more than half a month, and he has been indifferent to me, and even completely forgot about my existence."

"Then why is Irenicas arresting you? As far as I know, he is not the kind of person who would just waste time and energy on a meaningless stranger." Zuo Si stared at the other person's face. Eyes questioned.

As a suspicious and overweight person, he did not think that this woman's appearance in front of him was purely a coincidence. Behind it was most likely a conspiracy hatched by the Night Goddess Shar or the Spider Goddess Rose.

Of course, Shar, who likes to cause trouble, needless to say. It would be strange if he didn't get involved in the Sons of Baal's fight for the Blood Throne.

As for Rose, even though Viconia has abandoned her past beliefs, she actually has the priesthood of Dark Elf, so the spider goddess can ignore the other party's beliefs anytime and anywhere, forcibly deprive any drow of their spirit and will, and He becomes his own puppet.

In the original history of Faerûn, Lirael Baenre was forcibly controlled by Rose after taking refuge in Eilistraee, and then destroyed the largest temple of the Dark Maiden.

Even Drizzt, who was so resistant to Lolth's faith, could not escape her clutches in the end, and was even forced to become a chosen one.

"I swear! Everything I just said is true!"

Viconia became visibly nervous and anxious.

There is no doubt that she doesn't want to die at all, let alone be transformed into an undead creature by the terrifying vampire behind her.

"I believe you are telling the truth.

But the problem is that there are many conspiracies in this world that are completed without the executors being completely unaware.

Dear Viconia, haven’t you noticed that you have become a pawn being manipulated without knowing it?

The reason why you appear here and in front of me is that everything is arranged.

Great Queen of the Pit Demon Web and Queen of the Spider Goddess, do you think I am right? "

As he spoke, Zuo Si turned his attention to the entrance to the deeper underground tunnel next to him.

The next second...

A breathtakingly beautiful female dark elf slowly walked out of it. She was none other than Rose, the supreme ruler of the 66th floor of the Abyss.

And her appearance immediately made the betrayer Viconia collapse on the ground with a frightened voice, her whole body shaking violently uncontrollably, and sweat soaked through all her clothes in just a few seconds. .




No dark elf could remain calm when seeing this god-queen, let alone a traitor who was being hunted.

"Haha, you are still as sharp and smart as ever."

Rose ignored Viconia, who was frightened and incontinent, and walked directly in front of Zuo Si, with the same playful and cunning smile on her face as always.

However, this expression instantly solidified on his face when he saw a black and white puppy.

Her eyes were filled with shock and disbelief, and she exclaimed: "Chaos Demon Dog? You actually tamed it!"

"Ah! That's right. After all, I'm just a little planeswalker. I'm still too weak in front of powerful gods like you. I need to keep a ferocious dog just in case, right?"

Zuo Si reached out and touched Kozif's furry head, which looked very cute.

Since it was redesigned according to the appearance of a border collie, the appearance of this ancient evil creature can be said to be quite high today.

As long as it is not in a fighting state, its evil and crazy nature will basically not be revealed.

And since it cannot be too far away from the container that seals the brain and consciousness, it always follows its owner and listens to orders.

But now, Kozev smelled the scent of divine power, and immediately became excited under the control of instinct. At the same time, he opened his mouth to reveal sharp fangs and acidic saliva.

"Damn it! Watch your dog! Don't let it come near me!"

Rose subconsciously took two steps back.

Because the Chaos Demon Dog has the first attack characteristic against all gods, she doesn't want to be bitten hard for no reason, otherwise she will become a laughing stock like Musk, the god of thieves.

What's more, what's coming now is not a fighting avatar, but an ordinary avatar. In real terms, it may not be able to beat Kozev.

"Don't worry, it won't attack any target until it gets my order." Zuo Si comforted with a smile.

Obviously, it is not difficult to see from the reaction of the Spider Goddess that the transformed Kozev can be used to scare those gods with ill intentions.

Seeing that the Chaos Demonic Dog only watched her vigilantly and did not rush towards her, Rose was visibly relieved and said bluntly: "Thos, I think we need to talk."

"What to talk about?"

Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"Talk about the three monsters called Eldrazi Titans you summoned, and the evolving descendants they created.

The appearance of these guys made the will of the abyss become extremely crazy, and the casualties of the war were so high that even many gods and demon lords could not bear it.

The most important thing is that the opponent's power is growing every day, while the power of the abyss is constantly being weakened.

If this continues, maybe in hundreds of years, maybe in thousands of years, the entire bottomless abyss will be swallowed up alive by the Eldrazi.

When the time comes, they will become unstoppable after gaining all the power of the Abyss, and then launch a war that devours the entire universe.

Neither mortals nor gods are immune.

So stop it, otherwise the situation will get completely out of control if you continue. "

Rose tried her best to portray a horrific scene.

She was undoubtedly very aware that only Zuo Si had the method to seal these three terrible monsters, so she wanted to persuade him to take the initiative to end this disaster.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and responded: "Since there are still hundreds or even thousands of years left, what's the hurry?

Consuming more power from the abyss and demons is a good thing for the entire universe.

When the Will of the Abyss really can't hold it anymore and begins to suffer a large-scale rout, I will naturally take action to take care of everything.

And as a chaotic evil god and demon lord, it's a profound irony that this comes from you.

After all, aren’t you pursuing the ultimate killing, destruction, madness, betrayal and distortion at will?

Why are you scared now when you encounter a force that is more powerful and terrifying than yourself from the dark void?

Sorry, I don't have the idea of ​​sealing the Eldrazi in a short period of time.

What's more, I haven't forgotten the last time you used me to deal with Shar, the goddess of the night. "

"Are you making it clear that you want to be an enemy to me and all the gods who live in the abyss?"

Rose, who was ridiculed in person, instantly showed an angry expression.

Judging from her irritable mood, she had obviously been squeezed by the will of the abyss recently, causing her to be in a rather bad mood.

"Haha, so what?

Do you still dare to start a war with me?

Please don't forget that I am the one who holds the power to summon the Eldrazi Titans, and I am also the plane lord of Baator Hell.

If they annoy me, I will summon them directly to the level you rule to cause destruction, and then lead the demon army to launch an invasion, making what happened to Cyric happen again.

Remember, you are the one asking me for help now.

Since you're asking for help, it's best to keep your attitude low and offer a price that's exciting enough. "

Zuo Si unceremoniously exposed the other party's pretense of being strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

It is true that there are many gods and demon lords in the Abyss, and they are a force that cannot be underestimated.

But the problem is that in the current fierce battle with Eldraq, the other party cannot muster any decent strength at all.

The most important thing is that most of the demon lords are quite strong in their home field of leaving the abyss, and their threat level is really quite limited.

As for a chaotic and evil god like Lolth, it is completely possible to form an alliance with the hostile gods to check and balance it.

So no matter what angle he was considering, Zuo Si didn't care much about Rose's verbal threats.

"Very good! Very good! I didn't expect that you grew up so fast, and it didn't take long for you to reach the same level as the gods." Rose said through gritted teeth.

The spider goddess was obviously extremely angry. Not only did her pupils reveal a vicious light, but her chest was also rising and falling.

It seems that at any time, he may transform into a human upper body and a spider lower body, and rush forward to tear into pieces any enemy who dares to offend him.

But in the end, Rose did not choose to put the thoughts and impulses in her mind into actual actions.

Because she knew that with the power of her current incarnation, let alone hurting Zuo Si as a planeswalker, even the Chaos Demonic Dog next to her might not be able to defeat him.

In addition, Zuo Si is now different from what he used to be.

Just the title of Prince of Hell, second only to Asmodeus, is enough to show that he has become the only form of great devil that can confront gods head-on, and he is also a god-like power.

So the Spider Goddess finally chose to be patient.

Zuo Si did not continue to stimulate the other party, but bowed politely: "Thank you for the compliment.

After all, there are too many dangerous things in this world.

For example, a goddess like you who is powerful, evil, and good at intrigue and betrayal.

The weak me must become stronger as soon as possible to protect myself. "

When Rose heard these words, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and then she asked tentatively: "Then what do you want to get before you are willing to seal the Eldrazi Titan and end this war that should never have happened in the first place?"

"Isn't this something you should consider?"

Zuo Si raised his head meaningfully, admiring with interest the reaction of this petty goddess suppressing her anger.

"Your consciousness is...as long as we prepare enough chips, you will immediately seal the three Eldrazi Titans?"

Rose once again tried to confirm.

Although she knew that Zuo Si, as a great devil, would not treat deals and contracts like paper towels and tear them up as soon as he told her to, like she and other devils, she still felt a little uneasy.

After all, devils are masters at lying, deceiving, and misleading others.

Zuo Si nodded without thinking: "That's right!

As long as you can offer me a price that makes my heart beat, I will be responsible for sealing the three Eldrazi Titans and their descendants together.

But I won't be responsible for taking care of it after it's sealed.

If it is broken by someone, you will bear the consequences yourself.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to ask.

The fact that you have gone to great lengths to avoid the eyes and ears of other gods and come to see me this time should represent not only yourself, but also other evil gods, demon lords, and even the will of the abyss itself that live in the abyss, right? "

"how do you know?"

Rose was stunned for a moment.

Especially the last one, not even other evil gods and demon lords know about it.

"Because I know better than you what the Will of the Abyss is.

My message to it is, if you want to get out of being cannibalized by three Eldrazi Titans, show some sincerity.

You must know that my appetite is very big and it is not easily satisfied. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si showed an inscrutable smile.

What exactly is the will of the abyss?

I'm afraid even the gods and demons themselves don't know it very well.

There are rumors that the will of the abyss is a powerful ancient evil god who promoted the birth of the bottomless abyss. He has been controlling everything behind the scenes.

There are also rumors that the Will of the Abyss is the most chaotic and evil ancient monster in the universe, and its name has long been forgotten by people over the long years.

But there is one thing in common, that is, the will of the abyss is completely different from the consciousness of other planes.

The former has very obvious independent consciousness and thinking, and even extremely high wisdom, unlike the latter, who does not even have self-awareness and only operates according to set rules.

While talking to Asmodeus not long ago, Zuo Si accidentally learned the biggest secret about the Abyss.

In fact, the Will of the Abyss is an independent creature.

It is still unknown whether it is a god, an ancient evil, or something else.

It was this creature that was stuck in the universe when it was born. Then as the abyss continued to grow and expand, it was finally imprisoned in the deepest core, and gradually gained the power to control the entire abyss plane.

This is also the reason why the will of the bottomless abyss is far more active than the will of other planes.

And because of the relationship between independent will and thinking, the will of the abyss is the only will of the plane that can communicate and even make transactions.

Asmodeus had made some exchanges of interests with this mortal enemy in private on more than one occasion.

So Zuo Si also wanted to try to see if he could figure out the true identity of the will of the abyss and what happened at the beginning of the universe.

"You seem to know a lot of secrets..."

Rose's pupils shone slightly, obviously full of curiosity and interest in this topic.

"Don't forget, I am the new lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell, and I also maintain a good relationship with Asmodeus. Knowing some secrets of the abyss is not something to make a fuss about.

If you don't have anything else to do, let's stop here for today.

Otherwise, Viconia would have been frightened out of her wits.

I hope you can bring some exciting news next time we meet. "

After saying that, Zuo Si made a greeting gesture and showed off his guests.

Rose glanced at Viconia, who was huddled in the corner and shivering, then quickly turned around and disappeared into the darkness, and left after a while.

As soon as she walked away, Viconia screamed like crazy on her back: "Don't... don't kill me! Please! I didn't hear anything! I didn't see anything!"

The words have not yet been spoken!

She jerked a dagger out of her boot and tried to blind her eyes and cut out her tongue to save her life.

Because the conversation between Zuo Si and the Spider Goddess was obviously a bit too scary for mortals.

Viconnia, who has long been accustomed to the cruel society of the dark elves, feels that if she doesn't do something, she will become a plaything in the hands of the other party in any minute.

But unfortunately, before she could stab the dagger into her eyeball, Vampire Queen Badi pinned her to the ground unable to move.

Zuo Si used magic to create a handkerchief out of thin air, bent down and wiped the tears and snot from the face of the female drow, and comforted her softly: "Okay, don't make it so scary and bloody.

I'm not an unreasonable devil. How could I kill you or even imprison and torture your soul because of something like this?

Compared to this cruel behavior, I actually prefer a more civilized approach.

How about this, let us sign a contract, and then you give up your belief in Shar and worship me?

I believe you have just seen that the Spider Goddess Rose is very afraid of me.

So as long as you choose to believe in me, you don't have to worry about being hunted by her from now on.

I can give you the same power that Shar can give you, and I can also give you more..."

While he was talking, a piece of parchment exuding the smell of sulfur suddenly appeared out of thin air, filled with densely written small characters.

Devil's contract!

Viconia recognized the infernal power contained in the parchment scroll almost immediately.

She is a high-level priest who also received orthodox training from dark elves in Menzoberranzan. When she graduated from the Spider Academy, she had close contact with demons more than once.

Therefore, he naturally has a deep understanding of the devil's mortal enemy, the devil.

If possible, Viconia 100% does not want to sign such a devil's contract of selling her soul.

But the problem is that she has no choice now.

Especially the kind smile on Zuo Si's face in front of him, as well as the gentle movements to help him wipe away his tears and nose, gave Pastor Zhuoer a chill and fear from the bottom of his heart.

Through the content of the conversation just now, Viconnia already knew that the seemingly harmless young human in front of her was actually a hell lord, a great devil with a unique form.

So she can guarantee that if she shows any resistance at all, the consequences will be very serious.

In comparison, belief in Shar, the goddess of the night, becomes irrelevant.

After all, Viconia originally chose to believe in Shar, and she just happened to learn the name of this dark goddess, which could just replace the blank faith left after betraying Rose, and then obtain the corresponding priest abilities.

Otherwise, in the dangerous dark area, escaping to the surface alive is tantamount to wishful thinking.

No hesitation!

Don’t dare to have any hesitation!

Viconia endured the pain, bit her finger with her teeth, and signed her name on the devil's contract.


The parchment exuding the smell of blood was instantly ignited, and in the blink of an eye it turned into ashes flying all over the sky.

"Wise choice! From now on, you are mine."

Zuo Si leaned down and lovingly kissed the drow priest's forehead, leaving a mark on it.

"Thank you for your gift. Lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell, great prince of hell. It is my honor to be your disciple."

Viconia hurriedly knelt on the ground and kissed her new master's boots.

As a genius priest, she undoubtedly possesses extremely high perception attributes (eighteen points), so she instantly gained a large amount of knowledge and information from the imprint.

In just a few minutes, he established a stable connection with his faith and obtained the priest level. Even the originally evil-neutral camp began to sway in the direction of law.

Since I have already gone through the mental journey from chaotic evil to neutral evil, it is not a big deal to move a little closer to the direction of law.

Anyway, as long as she can gain power, Viconia doesn't care whether she believes in God, the devil, or demons.

What's more, since she signed the devil's contract, she has no way out.

I can only serve the big devil in front of me wholeheartedly.

So that after death, the soul can go to hell to suffer less pain, and strive to be directly transformed into a slightly more advanced form.

"Get up, I'm looking forward to your performance. In addition, remember to call me Soth when I'm in the material plane, and try not to mention my identity as a devil, let alone take the initiative to preach." Zuo Si casually warned.

Because the previous fallen paladin, Serul Anji, actually went to Sambia after leaving Zhentil Castle, and also established a church with the funding of some businessmen. He is actively exporting ideas about governance and has obtained Approved by many people.

Nowadays, the number of believers who have stable connections has reached thousands. Among them, there are as many as 50 people whose perception attributes have reached the minimum standard of priests and have been gifted with divine magic.

This is obviously contrary to Zuo Si's idea of ​​​​avoiding the development of faith in Faerûn as much as possible.

Fortunately, Sambia's collapse is imminent.

At that time, it is not certain whether this church can survive the huge chaos and turmoil.

"As you wish!"

Viconia put one hand on her chest and bowed gracefully.

After receiving the gift of divine magic, her originally nervous, uneasy and fearful heart finally relaxed.

After all, being given divine magic means being recognized, and you can continue on this path and gain powerful power.

There is no doubt that Viconia was acquired largely out of a collecting habit.

Just like Zuo Si had accepted Feid and the dwarf berserker Korgan before.

In the future, a series of names may be added to this list.

As the Sons of Baal Chicken Eating Contest officially begins, many characters he was once familiar with will appear one after another.

What Zuo Si has to do is to select those whom he likes as his subordinates.

Either as a helpful helper or as a like-minded friend.

But just when he took Sancho and Viconia back to the Mage Tower, an earth-shattering event happened in Ser in the far east.

The majestic red-robed wizard, the chief of the Necromancer faction and the most powerful arcane caster in the organization, Sazastan, was actually attacked in his lair.

And the person who did this was none other than his mortal enemy Vesharon.

At this moment, the necromancer who had transformed himself into a lich was standing on a huge ruin created by legendary magic, roaring in an extremely cold and hateful tone: "Sazastan! Put it away! Hand over what belongs to me!"

"Things that belong to you? Hahahaha!"

Sazastan laughed disdainfully, raised the Eye of the Storm in his hand and retorted: "No! This is not something that belongs to you!

I exchanged two artifacts for it!

Originally, I was still hesitating about how to catch you and obtain the necessary knowledge for the God-Conferment Ceremony from your mouth.

But what I didn't expect was that you idiot actually delivered it to your door yourself.

If you are wise, hand over everything I want.

Otherwise, after I catch you, what awaits you will be a result ten thousand times more terrifying than death.

Don't think that I can't do anything to you if you become a lich!

In fact, I have already planted spies among your cronies and followers. "


so what!

Do you think I would tell anyone where the phylactery is hidden?

Admit it, we are all equally selfish, callous and cruel, and never truly trust anyone except ourselves.

Want to find my phylactery?

You can try it!

But now, you should consider whether you can win the spell duel in front of you. "

As he spoke, Veshalon began to raise his hands and chant a spell loudly, with dazzling magical energy flashing in his hands.

Just when the spell was about to be completed, Sazastan took decisive action to counterattack.

Two legendary lichs launched a wonderful magic duel in full view of the public.

However, it is different from the gorgeous magic attack and defense battle that laymen imagine.

Since they are very good at countering magic, most of the spells other than instantaneous spells cannot be released at all.

Often a sudden inspiration comes and is suppressed instantly.

Except for the original legendary spell that was used to launch sneak attacks and destroy the protective magic in Sazastan's lair, the rest of the spells were basically consumed in constant counterattacks.

Surrounding the two lichs are their respective followers, as well as a large number of legions made of undead creatures.

In terms of scale, this has gone far beyond the scope of a battle. It is an out-and-out war.

Countless undead creature cannon fodder are like ants, rushing towards the opponent's position under the command of higher-level undead creatures.

In addition, constructs, elemental creatures, and alien creatures were constantly summoned, and some mercenaries such as hobgoblins, orcs, ogres, and jackals were also fighting together.

The most frightening thing is that quite a few arcane spellcasters from both sides got together and started performing magic rituals.

After a while, meteorites, hailstones, and meteor showers falling from the sky arrived as expected, constantly bombarding the troops on the ground.

Centered on the lair of Sazastan, a hellish scene appeared within a radius of several kilometers.

Obviously, in order to get back the Eye of the Storm, Vesalun can be said to have gone all out this time, taking out all the wealth he had saved over the years.

He is not a fool, and he knows very well what kind of chain reaction it will cause when the news about the Eye of God is leaked.

The safest way is to make a desperate move to get the thing back before others react, then quickly complete the entire ritual, and finally become a high-ranking god.

Otherwise, the longer the delay, the greater the possibility of changes.

As for cooperating with those red-robed chiefs who are against Sazastan...

Do not make jokes!

Velsalun was originally a member of the Red Robe Mage Organization, and he was almost the leader of the Necromancer Faction. How could he not be aware of the greed and selfishness in his heart?

Joining forces with them may indeed be able to gain a great advantage initially, and defeat Sazastan in one go.

But the problem is, once the Eye of the Storm is recaptured, these former allies will inevitably turn against each other and become enemies in an instant.

At that time, they might have to fight against these red-robed chiefs while letting Sazastan hide in the dark for a sneak attack. The gain would not be worth the loss at all.

It's better to rely on your own strength to fight. At least the other red-robed chiefs will spend more energy on how to completely solve Sazastan.

"Where is the three-wish ring on your hand?"

Velsalun was typing and suddenly noticed that a very important magic item was missing from his old opponent's withered fingers.

You must know that the Three Wish Ring is not an ordinary item, but a powerful piece of equipment that can turn the situation around at a critical moment.

He had known from a long time ago that Sazastan had one on his hand.

But now the sudden disappearance of this ring made him involuntarily feel doubtful and vigilant, fearing that there was some conspiracy hidden in it.

"Hmph! Why should I tell you the answer?"

Sazastan sneered.

But hidden beneath this sneer was overwhelming anger and resentment that couldn't be described in words.

Although he had long known that Zuo Si took out the Eye of the Storm to make a deal, there must be a trap.

But I never expected that the pit here would be so big.

Especially after the news that the Eye of God was in his hands spread wildly, Sazastan immediately realized that the situation was not good, and immediately wanted to summon his men to discuss countermeasures with his allies.

But before he could take any actual action, this guy Velsalun hit him directly.

And the starting point is a legendary spell with huge destructive power.

Not only did it destroy the strong magic fortress, but it also killed a large number of armies and undead creatures.

When he thought that Zuo Si might be sitting in an unknown corner at this moment, playing with the two artifacts and the Three Wish Rings he had given him, while watching himself and Vesalun play for their lives, Sazastan's heart could not calm down for a long time. Come down.


Being tricked so badly, not to mention a legendary lich with a strong vengeance, even a dog would not be able to sleep at night.

In fact, instead of being able to think of killing his former mortal enemy, Sazastan longed to strangle Zuo Si with his own hands, then cut off the skull and make it into a magic item, extracting the opponent's soul and torturing him for a thousand or ten thousand years.

Similarly, he also firmly believed that "all the chosen people of the Magic Goddess are not good things".

It's a pity that Vesalun doesn't know what Sazastan is thinking at this moment, otherwise he might show an empathic expression.

After all, the Eye of God that originally belonged to him fell into the hands of others due to Zuo Si's intervention.

When it comes to hatred towards Zuo Si, Vesalun is not much lower than Sazhastan.

But the interesting part is that no matter how much they hate Zuo Si, they must now fall in love and kill each other according to the script created by the latter.

Because becoming gods is their common desire and obsession, there is no room for any retreat.

You don’t need to ask to know that this is the control and manipulation of people’s hearts and human nature.

It's not some shady conspiracy.

Instead, put it openly and openly in front of everyone.

Let you know that you are being used, full of unwillingness and anger, but you still have to grit your teeth and do it.

"Ah! I know! The Three Wishes Ring in your hand must have been used as a bargaining chip in exchange for the Eye of the Storm!"

Velshalon quickly guessed the truth, and at the same time a sinister and evil smile appeared on his face.

"Even without the Three Wish Rings, I can defeat you as easily as I did back then."

Sazastan forced himself to look calm and composed.

He obviously knew very well that there must be countless pairs of eyes watching this battle in the darkness at this moment.

If you show any signs of weakness or are not strong enough, more terrifying dangers will follow.

After all, the Eye of the Storm is a treasure that can make mortals become gods. Any strong person who is interested in it will never give up this opportunity easily.

Vesalun was obviously not offended by such talk, but continued to ask with great interest: "Tell me, dear Sazastan, what price did you pay in exchange for that eye?

If I guess correctly, you probably handed over all the artifacts you have, right?

That is, you are now weaker than ever.

The most important thing is that you were tricked by the guy named Soth!

Ha ha ha ha!

How interesting!

How ironic!

Sazastan, the majestic leader of the undead faction and the best at playing tricks and intrigues, was actually fooled around by a young boy who was only a fraction of his age, and even fell into an unprecedented dilemma.

No wonder information about transactions that should have been top secret is now being spread everywhere.

I'm so ashamed and sad for you!

I'm afraid your reputation will plummet in Sale from now on.

Those chiefs who once respected you and feared you will no longer obey your leadership. "

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

Sazhastan was obviously hit in a sore spot, and without any hesitation, he used a spell slot beyond the ninth level to instantly stop time.

Immediately afterwards, he aimed at Vesalun at an extremely fast speed and released several restraint spells against undead creatures. At the same time, he also used advanced dispelling magic to strip away the opponent's protection, hoping to quickly and powerfully defeat this extremely threatening creature. Big enemy.

But at the moment when time stopped, another figure suddenly fell from the sky.

Along with it came a huge and translucent force field hand - Bigby's Shattering Palm.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Without any accident, Sazastan was severely beaten to the ground by this big hand on the spot.

The accidental spells and other triggering spells on his body had already been exhausted in the spell confrontation just now, so he was completely defeated.

Fortunately, a lot of protective magic was in effect, so the injury was not serious. It was just a few broken bones, and the lower body and upper body were directly divided into two sections from the crotch.

If it were an ordinary person, the injury would be at least half paralyzed.

But for the undead lich, it can only be regarded as a superficial wound at best.

When the magical effect of the Shattering Palm disappeared, Sazastan immediately activated the magic item he carried to teleport hundreds of meters away, directing a negative energy ray at himself.

In the blink of an eye, the broken spine and hip bones were reattached.

To the undead, all negative energy effects are equivalent to healing spells.

Therefore, many lichs like to memorize a few more similar magics, which can not only cause enough terrible damage to creatures, but also "milk" themselves at critical moments.

After his body returned to normal, Sazastan raised his head and saw that the attacking enemy was a tall mage with strong muscles on his upper body and a very strange human skin mask on his face.

He is none other than Irenicas, who has a strong obsession with becoming a god.

With the addition of the third party, the atmosphere on the field suddenly became weird.

Whether it was Sazastan who had just been beaten, or Veshalon who was determined to win the Eye of the Storm, they all chose to stop.

Because they felt the threat and amazing magical power from Irenicas.

With the scheming personalities of these two people, they would definitely not allow a third party to take advantage of them, so they both secretly increased their vigilance.

Similarly, Irenekas also noticed that the two legendary lichs were eyeing him, so he did not dare to act rashly.

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