A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 472 Puppet and Tools (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)



Shortness of breath!

Heart rate increases!

The most important thing is that the whole body is itching all over, even if the skin is scratched until it turns red or even blood marks appear, it cannot stop at all.

Especially the large and gruesome red rash, as well as the red and swollen eyes, swollen blood vessels under the skin, uncontrollable drool flowing from the corners of the mouth, the same unbearable itching of the nasal cavity and respiratory tract, and the constant violent snoring. sneeze……

Various symptoms are enough to prove how serious this acute allergy symptom is.

The swelling of blood vessels all over the body caused the blood pressure to drop sharply. Imoen and Sal, whose physical attributes were not high enough, even turned pale, had cold limbs, and were slightly confused.

If it continues for more than half an hour, it is likely to lead to a series of serious consequences such as suffocation and blood circulation failure.

After all, Zuo Si is a chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and has never stopped researching bacteria, viruses, fungi, microorganisms, toxins, magical plagues, and various necromancy magics in private.

Some research results he labeled as "non-lethal" can already be regarded as extremely dangerous to most people.

For example, in Zuo Si's eyes, the alchemy powder that Sancho was spreading was only used to harass and create "little trouble" for the other party, but it had already put Aberdare and his party into a huge crisis.

Especially Jasila, who is the only one in the team with healing ability, has tried to cast magical spells several times to dispel this unknown "disease" or "toxin", but she has never been able to enter the state of concentration for spell casting.

Twice in a row it ended in failure.

As for the antidote that others drank, it also had no effect.

In addition, in a world where information transmission is very slow and knowledge is an out-and-out luxury for civilians, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the difference between adverse reactions caused by allergies and real diseases and poisonings.

Only Atio, the king of beasts, didn't react at all. He stood there and blinked, as if he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Because it is a bear, and it is also a magically transformed creature that is very close to the "abnormal" type. It has long been a completely different species from ordinary beasts in terms of genes and physiological structure.

The powder that Sancho used to induce allergic reactions was specially designed for humanoid creatures. Most of the powder was blocked by thick white hair, so it was strange that it had an effect.

Most importantly, Atio smelled the residual scent of his master from the boy's body.

So it doesn't know at all that it should launch an attack now?

Or just stay where you are and do nothing?

What if you accidentally ruin the master's plan?

For a young bear cub, the twists and turns here are so complicated that it almost burns out its CPU.

After thinking hard for a long time, Atio finally decided to pretend to be dead and lay down on the ground, simply turning his head out of sight.

Anyway, the omnipotent master can definitely see everything through his own eyes, and will naturally come out to clean up the mess later.

"Cough cough cough cough - you...what did you do to us?"

After a violent cough, Jasila finally struggled to raise her head and questioned with her two red and swollen eyes that were still weeping.

As an experienced harpist, she could tell that the human boy did not have murderous intentions towards her, but more of a subconscious self-protection after being attacked.

Otherwise, you can now stand far away and use the fireball magic wand hanging on your waist to kill everyone.

"don’t worry.

It's just a relatively severe allergic reaction. It's neither a disease nor poisoning, and it won't leave any sequelae.

This situation won't last long and will end in about ten minutes at most.

But before that happens, your brain will fall into a temporary coma due to lack of oxygen.

If nothing else happens, he will wake up in about two to three hours.

People with good physical fitness wake up faster, while those with poor physical fitness wake up later.

In fact, it's all your fault that this happened.

I've obviously been hiding, but you just want to force me out. "

When he said these words, there was obviously a trace of resentment in Sancho's tone, and he even shivered involuntarily. He was obviously frightened by the spiders that had poured into the cracks in the stone.

Many adults can’t help but get goosebumps after seeing fist-sized colorful hairy spiders.

Not to mention that he was surrounded by a group of spiders just now and almost got stuck in his face.

"But why are you hiding from us?"

Hearing that there was no danger to his life, Aberdare, who was still exuding a dangerous aura one second, became visibly relaxed the next second.

Although it was still itchy and uncomfortable, it no longer revealed any strong killing intent.

After all, under Gallian's long-term teachings, he is actually not from the evil camp, but from chaotic neutrality.

That is to say, the kind of character that "I can do whatever I want, and money can't make me happy."

Perhaps for those drunkards and mercenaries who took the initiative to provoke, Aberdare would not hesitate to raise his fists and beat them until they could not take care of themselves, or he would kill them directly on impulse.

But facing a seven or eight-year-old child, he is obviously not that aggressive.

Moreover, it was his adventure team that provoked the other party first.

Looking at this brother who was as big as an ogre and almost as tall as an ogre, Sancho rolled his eyes angrily, pointed at the two sides about to start a decisive battle down the mountain and asked: "The armies of Baldur's Gate and Zhentil Keep." We have all gathered here, and a decisive battle will soon begin to determine the fate of this area. If you were me, and you suddenly saw a group of adventurers and guys dressed as mercenaries coming up from the bottom of the mountain, what would you do?"

"A sneeze! A sneeze! A sneeze!"

Aberdare sneezed three loudly in one breath, and quickly nodded with a wry smile: "Okay. I admit, you are right to hide. If it is not us who come up, but those orcs, hobgoblins, and food Monsters and trolls, you will most likely become their snack.”

Jasira on the side finally realized how much she had gone too far by summoning spiders to chase people away. She suppressed her physical discomfort and said, "I'm sorry, kid, this misunderstanding is my fault. I apologize to you. If If possible, can you give us some antidote? I swear in the name of nature, we have absolutely no ill intentions towards you."

"Excuse me.

As I said just now, allergic reactions are neither diseases nor poisonings, so there is no way to cure them with magic potions or magic, and there is no so-called antidote.

Of course, maybe the instructor had it, but I definitely didn’t have it with me.

After all, it is used to deal with enemies, and it will basically not cause real death.

Hmm - probably..."

While saying this, the boy noticed that the mage Thrall had fainted due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

He had heard Zuo Si say that if a person's brain is deprived of oxygen for a long time, it will definitely lead to permanent decline in memory and intelligence.

Unless a wish or miracle is used, it is basically impossible to recover.

Especially for mages who rely on memory and intelligence, it is simply equivalent to being hit by a mental retardation spell that cannot be lifted.

Fortunately, for the two spies Thrall and Montaro placed in the team by the Zhentarim, it was obvious that no one really cared about their lives.

To be precise, the reason why Aberdare and Jasila still brought the two of them was because they hoped to let the two of them serve as cannon fodder when they launched the final battle against Sarevok.

After being brutally slaughtered by Xi Manmeng, the former's feelings towards the Zhentarim could be said to be extremely bad, and he also began to hate Thrall and Montaro.

"Mentor? Who is your mentor?"

Although Jasira's consciousness began to become less clear, she still grasped the key with her strong willpower and keen intuition.

Sancho obviously hesitated, but in the end he answered truthfully: "My mentor is Soth, the one from Ascatella. I believe you have heard of his name."

"What! You...you are actually Soth's apprentice?"

Khalid instantly became stunned.

Jasila was also taken aback and quickly asked: "Why are you here? Where are Soth and others?"

“The tutor said he had some things to deal with and had been away for almost two days and nights.

As for my appearance here, of course it is to witness the decisive battle between the two sons of Baal.

After all, I was also a Son of Baal, and I was even captured by Sarevok and his men and taken to the secret temple beneath Baldur's Gate for sacrifice.

Believe me, that feeling is not pleasant at all.

In particular, the heart was pierced and the aorta in the neck was opened, allowing the blood to flow into the holy symbol symbolizing Baal, the God of Murder, on the ground.

This is why I avoid you.

According to the mentor, when two sons of Baal meet, the divine power and divinity in their bodies will attract each other, and then they will have the urge to kill each other.

I have grown out of it, but not sure if my other siblings have. "

As he spoke, Sancho turned his attention to Aberdare, who had mysterious marks and patterns on his face.

When the latter heard that the boy in front of him was the son of Baal like himself, his eyes widened in surprise, and he struggled to stand up despite his physical discomfort.

"Are you telling the truth? Are you also the son of Baal? But... why are you so young?"

Sancho shrugged his shoulders and replied: "Because I was created in the Year of Troubles when the gods were brought down to earth.

I don't even know who my mother is.

Perhaps she was a worshiper of the god of murder and died in a battle between the gods.

But what is certain is that I should be the last batch and the youngest son of Baal.

But I was lucky. I first awakened my divinity and divine power, and then stole another thing, successfully erasing the mark Baal left in the depths of my soul.

Finally, I met my mentor, who taught me a lot of valuable knowledge and fighting skills, giving me the ability to not become a source of nourishment for other brothers and sisters in this life-and-death fight.

Nice to meet you, dear brother, I sincerely hope that one day we will not become enemies. "

With the last word blurted out, Sancho decisively ended the conversation and began to cast the three-ring magic [Deep Sleep].

The effect of this spell is to make people within LV10 fall into deep sleep immediately.

It will never wake up until it is attacked and damaged.

Aberdare's current professional level is LV7. At the same time, he cannot actively control his divine power and divinity, and cannot resist the effects of spells.

When the spell was completed, he fell to the ground and snored loudly.

On the other side, Jasila and Khalid soon lost consciousness due to the lack of oxygen in their brains, and lay motionless on the top of a mountain surrounded by weeds and rocks.

At this point, the entire team was basically wiped out.

Although this was not his first time in actual combat, Sancho was obviously very satisfied with his performance just now. A proud expression appeared on his immature face, he pursed his lips and muttered to himself: "Deceive, mislead, poison...

Taking advantage of the enemy's character flaws and loopholes caused by paralysis to launch a surprise attack is the most correct way for low-level spellcasters to launch a surprise attack.

The instructor was indeed right.

What makes a mage truly powerful is his excellent resourcefulness, sufficient preparation, endless cards and methods, and his always calm and rational mind.

Only idiots and fools would risk their lives and insist on using powerful evocation spells to fight head-on.

In comparison, the control effects of the enchantment and conjuration systems are obviously better.

Of course, the necromancy and illusion systems are also good.

The change system is still mainly auxiliary at this stage, and it is not worth investing too much time and energy. "

Pah pah pah pah——

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of applause behind the boy.

He immediately turned around to check the situation, only to find that it was none other than Zuo Si, who had left him here for two days and ignored him. He immediately couldn't help complaining: "Dear mentor, have you already put it?" Did I forget?

You know, I haven't eaten anything in this shabby place for fifty hours.

And there are threats from trolls, beasts, and others.

Just a few minutes ago, I had nearly become the prisoner of another Son of Baal. "

"Ha ha ha ha!

Don't describe yourself so miserable.

After all, the person lying unconscious on the ground right now is not you, but them.

As a novice, you did a pretty good job, quite a bit like me back then, and you deserve praise and praise. "

Zuo Si laughed and kicked Atio, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead. To be precise, he kicked his meaty butt.

The latter quickly jumped up and used his "unique skill" to hug his thigh and rub it in a flattering manner.

"Huh? It's not affected?"

Sancho was visibly taken aback.

In his opinion, this weak-looking white bear should have lost its ability to move long ago, but now it suddenly became alive and kicking again.

While stroking the thick hair of his animal companion that felt great, Zuo Si explained casually: "You are too careless and don't even realize that this little guy is the most terrifying member of the team.

Let me introduce, his name is Atio, he is my animal partner and the beast king of the bear.

With the power Atio possesses, even if you use up all your spells and magic items, you may not be able to pose any threat.

But you ignored it from the beginning, which was a fatal omission.

If it hadn't smelled my scent on you, the situation would have been the other way around. "

"What! Do you still have the professional level of Druid or Ranger?"

Sancho's voice suddenly rose an octave.

Because as far as he knew, his mentor already had a mage professional level of LV30 or above, a natural spellcasting ability exceeding that of a warlock of LV35 or above, and a priest professional level of at least LV25.

These alone are enough to make most enemies feel fear and despair, not to mention the silver fire that the goddess of magic bestows on the elect, which is almost like cheating.

Now there is a druid or ranger professional level?

The boy really wanted to know how many trump cards Zuo Si had hidden.

"Yes! This is an additional ability that comes with an artifact given to me by Talona. It is a Druid profession that has probably just passed the legendary level. It's not a big deal."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

To be precise, the LV22 druid professional level given by Angel Poison Core Soul Gem is the weakest among all his current professions.

In addition to a small amount of divine spells for protection and natural manipulation, most of the divine spell slots given by the druid level are filled with recovery and treatment-related spells. They are mainly used to make some potions, items and equipment, and are basically used for making some potions, items and equipment. How was it used in combat.

As for the magical spells such as transformation and summoning, they are too weak and there is no need to remember them at all.

Upon hearing these words, Sancho's young face suddenly became extremely painful and distorted. He wanted to open his mouth to say something several times, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

At this moment, he deeply understood what is meant by "no comparison, no harm" and "comparison between people is better than comparison between goods".

But soon, the boy whose self-confidence was severely hit quickly cheered up, cleared all the messy thoughts from his mind, quickly raised his head and asked: "In other words, you have already arranged for Aberdare. Eyeliner, have been paying attention to their every move?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. After Gillian was killed, I threw Atio next to Aberdare and secretly observed his adventures and growth.

I have to say that this son of Baal is really special. He and you are two completely opposite extremes.

You abandon the influence of the God of Murder and begin to forge your own path.

But he chose to embrace all of Baal and put his consciousness and soul into the hanging Blood Throne.

Any idea what this means? "

"It means that he may be affected, controlled, and swallowed by his father's will at any time."

Sancho's eyes and tone suddenly became solemn and nervous.

After all, he is the only officially recognized apprentice of Zuo Si now. It is completely different from the children from the Askatra slum who are only allowed to study and use some resources in the Mage Tower for free. They can directly borrow all the books in the library. , research notes and materials.

Among them are many research reports and conjectures about divine power, divinity, and the nature of gods.

Zuo Si undoubtedly admired the boy's intelligence and immediately nodded with satisfaction: "You are right.

Aberdare could even be seen to some extent as the mortal incarnation of the late murder god.

The power he possesses is not as simple as it appears today.

As long as Baal is willing to continue to increase his chips, Gillian's adopted son can even become a saint or even a demigod in a short period of time.

I have observed many Sons of Baal, including those who are rising rapidly on the border between Tethyr and Kalimshan in the south, and are becoming more and more powerful.

But there has never been a second son of Baal with such strange characteristics. "

Hearing these words, Sancho suddenly gasped and asked with a trembling voice: "So Aberdare was actually chosen by Baal to kill and end the lives of Baal's sons to harvest their divine power and divinity? Are all the choices he made controlled by the will of the God of Murder?"

"Bingo! Congratulations on your guess.

Behind the empty blood throne is the game from the gods, which is also a microcosm of the essence of the entire world full of struggle.

Regardless of whether you want to inherit your father's legacy and take everything away from him, it's best to follow Aberdare from now on, win his trust, and become his friend.

In the process, you can gain divine power and divinity from his harvest of other Sons of Baal, slowly accumulating power and becoming more and more powerful.

After all other competitors have been eliminated, the final winner will be chosen between you two.

As for whether you will turn against each other and kill each other, or whether one of you will voluntarily give up the power of becoming a god, or even the divinity and power in your body, it depends on your choice and wisdom.

Because Aberdare actually has no right to choose at all.

He's strictly a pathetic tool destined to end tragically.

Unless divine power intervenes, no one can change this outcome. "

Zuo Si used the most straightforward way to show his apprentice the truth behind all the fog.

Looking at the adventures of the Son of Baal after he left Candlekeep, you will know that he was always led by some invisible force, and no matter where he went, he would be accompanied by war, killing, betrayal and death.

No matter what choice you make, the outcome will not change at all.

Unable to hide or escape, the only way to ensure that you and your companions survive is to fight your way out.

When he finally stood in front of the Throne of Blood to decide his fate, Aberdare was directly controlled by Baal, who was lying dead in the star world, and expressed his rejection very simply.

"Do you think I should take the path of becoming a god?"

Sancho asked in an uncertain tone after a long silence.

There is no doubt that Aberdare's tragic fate had a huge impact on his precocious mind, so that he began to feel confused and pessimistic about the future.

Zuo Si smiled and spread his hands: "Ask me? I have never been a god, how can I know what it feels like to be a god.

But I can tell you clearly that in this matter, my goal is to obtain the priesthood of death and all the divine power stored in the Throne of Blood.

In other words, no matter who inherits the legacy of the God of Murder, he will end up with only an empty kingdom and the priesthood of murder itself.

As for the rest of the things, I don't want to care about it, and I'm too lazy to care about it.

But if you are willing to become the new God of Slaughter, then I can introduce you to some powerful allies to help you get through the difficult period after becoming a god.

Okay, don't look so sad.

Compared with Aberdare, you are much luckier.

Now let’s have something to change your mood…”

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si quickly cast [Hero's Banquet] and summoned a pile of rich and delicious food and drinks in the open space on the top of the mountain.

As the saying goes, the world is big and the food is the biggest.

After being hungry for two days and barely eating anything, Sancho's stomach suddenly made a growling sound after smelling the aroma. Without saying a word, he rushed forward, grabbed a piece of lamb chop and took a vicious bite, feeling the freshness. The texture and taste of the juicy mutton made you involuntarily show your enjoyment.

Zuo Si then used magic to eliminate the severe allergic symptoms of those who fell on the ground, and then used teleportation magic again to leave.

He just walked off with his front foot. Imoen, Jasira, Aberdare and others woke up from their slumber.

When he saw a table full of dishes not far ahead, and Sancho who was crazily stuffing food into his mouth, the youngest Imon immediately felt the secretion of saliva in his mouth accelerate, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva and asked: " Guess what I saw? The boy was eating a big meal on a deserted mountaintop. Could this be just me hallucinating? "

"No! I saw the same scene."

Aberdare followed suit and licked his lips.

As an action person who lacks the ability to think, he didn't even hesitate. He walked directly to the table and grabbed a honey-glazed roast chicken and took a bite. He was instantly conquered by the indescribable deliciousness and his eyes popped out. A light full of surprises.

The next second...

The 2.13 meter tall man grabbed the wine from the amphora next to him, raised his head and took two sips. He quickly shouted to other members of the team: "These foods are real! And they are delicious." Great! Come here quickly!"

For adventurers, having a hot meal in a harsh environment like the wild can be considered a pleasure.

Not to mention the delicious feast summoned with [Hero’s Feast], which has magical effects.

However, as a cautious harpist, Jasila still used the detection toxin very carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, she picked up a candied berry and put it into her mouth, feeling the sweetness and satisfaction coming from the tip of her tongue. , as well as the accompanying magic effects.

After eating a few fruits, she raised her head and asked the boy sitting across from her: "Soss came here just now? Is this the hero's banquet he summoned with high-level magic?"


Sancho nodded without thinking while chewing the mutton chops.

There is no need to hide things like this, anyone who is not a fool can guess it.

"Ah? Soth has come? Where are the others?"

Imoen quickly swallowed the food in her mouth and began to look around.

"Save it, don't look for it. After summoning the hero banquet, the instructor used teleportation magic to leave. He didn't stay long at all."

Sancho casually threw the leftover bones far down the cliff, hitting a fox that was looking for food on the head, frightening the fox to jump more than half a meter high, and then squirmed into the bushes and threw his rebellious fox into the bushes. The character is shown vividly.

no doubt!

He is a typical person who leans towards the chaos camp.

Although this tendency is not very obvious yet.

"Why is Soth leaving in such a hurry? I still have many questions about magic that I want to ask him."

Hearing that Zuo Si had left, Edmon suddenly became a little depressed.

After all, among everyone present, she had the best relationship with Zuo Si, and they were particularly happy to get along with each other.

Especially those years at the Candlekeep Inn were the happiest times in a girl's life.

Sancho raised his head and glanced at his half-sister who had not yet awakened, and said like a young adult: "No one knows what the mentor is thinking, and no one can figure out what he is going to do. . But regarding magic issues, I can provide some help."


Imoen raised his head, obviously not trusting that a boy of this age could answer complex magic questions for him, even if he had successfully cast more than one spell.

"Even though I'm young, I'm actually a seventh-level mage. I'm definitely qualified to be your magic teacher."

Sancho took the initiative with a proud face, obviously planning to integrate into the team.

He was eager to take a closer look at Aberdare and how the latter would perform in the upcoming decisive battle.

You must know that the boy has already met Sarevok and understands how powerful this son of Baal who has become the Duke of Baldur's Gate really is.

To put it bluntly, with Aberdare's current strength, let alone defeat Sarevok, he is not even worthy of carrying his opponent's shoes.

"Do you want to join us?"

Jasira undoubtedly sensed Sancho's intentions.

"Well, the premise is that you are willing to accept my words. Because I also have some grudges with Sarevok. His men once cut my neck with a sword and stabbed into my heart."

Sancho clutched his chest and clearly expressed his strong hatred for Sarevok.

"You mean...he killed you?"

Aberdare, who was eating Haese, suddenly stopped all movements and opened his mouth in disbelief.

Although the boy had mentioned this incident before, he had no time to ask about the specific situation due to the strong allergic reaction.

"You should have had a dream and gained some special powers from it, right?

Like you, I gained some strength from it.

It’s just that my strength is more focused on saving my life than fighting, so I’ve managed to survive until now.

By the way, as a reminder, Sarevok has actually been secretly collecting brothers and sisters, and then taking them to the temple beneath Baldur's Gate for sacrifice.

This is why he is so powerful. "

Sancho took a sip of the sweet and sour juice and explained.

"Damn it! This guy doesn't even let go of seven or eight-year-old children! He's so crazy!"

Jasila angrily raised her fist and slammed the table.

Whether it was her identity as a harpist or her belief in the forest goddess Melikai, she could not tolerate such extremely evil behavior.

"Don't worry, little guy, I will personally chop off Sarevok's head to avenge you!"

Aberdare reached out and patted the boy on the shoulder.

Maybe it was because he learned that the other party was the son of Baal like himself, or maybe it was out of the same hatred for Sarevok.

In short, he selectively forgot the little misunderstanding and conflict with Sancho just now, and thought it would be good to have a half-brother and mage in the team.

At least in terms of spellcasting ability, Sancho was much better than Thrall, another Zhentarim spy who was knocked down instantly.

In this way, with his age advantage and precocious personality, Sancho quickly won the acceptance of half of the team members.

In particular, Imon, who is also a bit rebellious and freewheeling, has become a friend who talks about everything.

On the one hand, both of them are interested in arcane magic, and on the other hand, their mental ages are relatively close.

While everyone was enjoying the feast and discussing how to deal with Sarevok, Zuo Si was looking at an "old friend" on the peak of another mountain on the other side of the Wanning River.

After about half a minute, he smiled and asked: "Why, after failing to seize the Eye of the Storm, did you target the Son of Baal again? Dear Irenicas!"

"I think we should talk and put an end to those misunderstandings."

Irenekas took a deep breath and forced himself to stay calm.

After several attempts, he gradually realized that he seemed to have made a mistake, that is, he tried to get what he wanted from the young man in front of him through violent means.

This resulted in a cooperative relationship that had been pleasant at the beginning between the two parties gradually turning into hostility.

Zuo Si couldn't help but sneered: "Ha! Misunderstanding?

No, I don't think that was a misunderstanding.

You must know that you use the treasures obtained from the efreet to summon powerful heroic spirits and a fire elemental prince sealed in the scroll.

If it were someone else with this level of power, the grass on the grave would probably be three feet high.

But you're in luck.

Because I am an open-minded and generous person who is willing to accept apology and reconciliation.

But the premise is that you have to come up with enough gifts as compensation.

I believe you should already know what I like and need, right?

Before that, no matter what you want to do to these sons of Baal, I will choose to stop it without hesitation.

This is the price you have to pay for offending me. "

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why the two met here was actually that Irenekas wanted to reconnect with Sarevok after returning from Ser, but he happened to be intercepted by Zuo Si who sensed it.

"Is there anything else on me worth your prying eyes?" Irenekas narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Of course! That's your soul.

Anyway, being deprived of your elf identity and characteristics, you can no longer go to Avandor after death like your compatriots.

So I suggest you take it out for a trade while it still has extraordinary value.

If your plan succeeds in the end and you achieve the title of God, you will naturally be able to save your soul.

Because there is no being in the universe that can take away the soul of God.

But if you fail, then your soul after death belongs to me.

In return, not only will I not interfere with you in the affairs of the Sons of Baal, but I will also provide you with some help within my power.

Of course, the premise is that you must follow my rules. "

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth turned up slightly, and he made the conditions calmly.

A madman like Irenicus who has long lost his humanity will inevitably fall into the bottomless abyss or be reincarnated as a petitioner if he fails to become a god.

This is too wasteful.

Zuo Si felt that instead of doing that, it would be better to fall into his own hands. At least he could transform another spell-breaking demon, just like Vesalun.


Irenekas's eyes burst out with monstrous anger, and his hands clenched into fists.

If the brain is the body of a creature, then the soul is the essence of the creature.

Especially in the concept of elves, the soul is a sacred thing that is supreme and cannot be blasphemed.

So when he heard that the other party wanted his soul, the man who was a high elf mage instantly became extremely angry, and even wanted to take action immediately to make the arrogant person in front of him pay the price.

But when he thought of Zuo Si's terrifying strength and trump cards, he quickly calmed down and asked in a chilling tone: "What if I refuse?"

Zuo Si threatened meaningfully: "If you refuse, your ambition and desire to become a god will come to an end.

Whether it's Sarevok or the other Sons of Baal, you can't get anything from them in the end.

Because I will personally crush your plans and destroy your experiments, making it impossible for you to continue.

Of course, it's not impossible if you can come up with other things that can interest me in exchange.

But I highly doubt that you, who owes a huge debt to the efreeti sultan of Brass City, are still able to obtain the artifact. "

"I need a moment to think about it."

Irenekas, who fell into silence for five minutes, was obviously unable to make up his mind immediately.

After all, after seeing the power of the silver fire of the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic, he knew very well how powerless ordinary magic was to these "cheating players".

You definitely can't win a head-on battle.

And the powerful elven high magic ritual cannot be completed by one person.

So the hands-on option was eliminated from the start.

There are only two options left, one is to sign a contract to sell one's soul and gamble, the other is to find a way to get two artifacts to satisfy the other party's appetite.

Both the former and the latter carry huge risks.

"No problem! Anyway, it will still be some time before the turmoil caused by the Sons of Baal ends. Before that, you can think about it slowly.

In addition, I suggest you stay here to watch the upcoming fateful battle between Aberdare and Sarevok.

After reading it, you will have a clearer understanding of the nature of gods.

You must know that God is not as simple as you think, nor is it a mere accumulation of energy and power.

They are a sublimation, a philosophical thought, an abstract concept that mortals can never truly understand.

If you do not understand this and extract divine power and divinity from the sons of Baal, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Dear Irenicus, you may not realize that you are on the wrong path, right? "

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the other party's vigilant and wary eyes, took out a Netherese scroll and started reading it on the spot.

As a time management master, he is best at using his leisure time to study and continuously increase his knowledge reserve and strength.

What's more, it may still be ten or twenty hours before the official start of the fight.

Instead of standing here with Irenikas staring at each other, it would be better to read the scrolls of Netheril for a while and draw strength from the wisdom of the creator race.

Especially after the goddess of magic Midnight gave him the authority to use the deep magic network, Zuo Si has been able to memorize and cast ten-ring and eleven-ring spells.

He couldn't wait to restore several very important magics in the Netheril era, including Marvin's World Weaving, Lefeb's Weaving Mystique, the advanced spells needed to create the Mythra Core, and so on.

And these require drawing knowledge and inspiration from the Netherese scrolls...

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