A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 607: Transforming Trolls (Please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

As a typical kind and lawful paladin, Uther would definitely not do anything like massacre prisoners.

Not only would he not do it himself, he would never allow those around him to do it.

So after a brief discussion, the cavalry took out the remaining holy water they carried and gave it to this group of trolls who were more like refugees than robbers to drink.

Soon, some of them began to experience severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and general fever.

You don't need to ask to know that this is an inevitable reaction caused by physical weakness caused by long-term hunger and malnutrition.

If it were a human being, generally speaking, a similar situation would mean that there was no way to save the person, and they could only lie in bed and wait in pain for death to come.

Unless someone uses divine magic or holy light magic to continuously replenish the lost vitality, the body will be completely destroyed in the constant battle between the holy water and the plague.

When the corpse is dissected afterwards, it can be found that the organs of the deceased's body will have suffered extensive failure or even complete ulceration.

But the trolls in Azeroth are obviously not an ordinary race.

Although they are completely different species from the trolls of Faerûn at the genetic level, appearance, and physiological structure, they have one thing in common, and that is their powerful regeneration ability.

As long as there is enough food, no injured troll will die easily.

What's more, Uther, possibly the most powerful first-generation paladin, can release Holy Light to the dying troll to extend his life.

The result was that after more than half an hour of tossing, this troll tribe, which included more than 60 women and children, was collectively out of danger and was no longer an infected person carrying natural disasters and plagues.

Of course, the price was that a whole cart of baked bread, meat, and cheese was eaten.

The originally lifeless trolls gradually regained their vitality.

However, they did not show resistance after recovering from health, but chose to obey the orders issued by the group of humans in front of them, as the leading female troll promised.

First, the young trolls were put down on the carriage, and the others had their hands tied and followed the convoy slowly towards Stratholme.

When it was almost completely dark, the mighty motorcade passed through the city gate that was about to close.

Since we had finished our meal just in time, the aroma of food and hot soup was everywhere in the port area.

People who had worked hard all day were gathering together in twos and threes to eat and chat, enjoying the rare leisure time. From time to time, they would also think about how to start a new life after arriving in Stranglethorn Valley.

But it didn't take long for everyone's attention to be attracted by the troll captives who came back with the convoy.

Because since the Kingdom of Lordaeron ended its expansion in its heyday, there have been basically no signs of large-scale troll activities in the entire north, and if there are any, they are on the territory of the elves, their northern allies.

Therefore, the residents of the East Weald region have not seen living trolls for a long time, and have even forgotten that trolls were once the biggest enemies of the human race.

Many children and teenagers who were more curious even boldly approached and pointed. It was not until the cavalry rushed over, yelling and waving their whips, as if they were going to beat someone, that they dispersed laughing and cursing.

The arrival of the troll captives undoubtedly aroused the curiosity of everyone in Stratholme.

Although everyone knows that there are a certain number of forest trolls living in the East Wilder area, due to the large virgin forest that separates them from each other, daily cross-contact is very rare.

Even if a hunter occasionally encounters a troll in the wild, the two sides often just look at each other warily, then retreat and quickly break away from contact without either party launching an attack.

Although during the two Orc Wars, the Amani trolls in the north joined the tribe under the leadership of Zuljin, which briefly made many troll tribes think that there was an opportunity to regain their own territory, and they began to move towards humans and elves. The area of ​​influence advanced and started a battle with the Alliance in the Alterac Mountains.

But before the trolls in East Wilde had time to respond, Zul'jin suddenly disappeared (captured by the high elves).

Coupled with the complete defeat of the orcs, the troll tribe that was about to move naturally stopped.

What's more, in this land, humans have established absolute rule, and it is simply impossible to defeat them with a small number of trolls.

So this fragile peace has continued like this and has never been broken.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron only treats sporadic troll attacks as ordinary security incidents, and does not choose to go to war, let alone any hatred.

no way.

As the saying goes.

As long as you are weak enough, even anger and resistance will appear particularly cute in the eyes of others.

This is pretty much what the trolls of the East Weald look like to humans.

Before being attacked by plague and undead natural disasters, any garrison troops from Tyr's Hand, Darrow County, Stratholme, and Cowling Crossing could easily grind the local troll tribes who lacked weapons and equipment to the ground.

Unless the Amani trolls from the north move south on a large scale, even if they gather together, they may not be able to gather tens of thousands of people.

Obviously, the onlookers' reaction of neither fear nor hatred made the trolls in the captive team feel very strange.

Because in their eyes, humans who are allied with high elves have always been life-and-death enemies, and the other party should naturally be hostile and hateful to them, just like they are hostile and hateful to the other party.

But now, instead of feeling this, even the human cubs are no longer afraid of the tall troll warriors.

However, because they were prisoners, the trolls did not react excessively. They just lowered their heads silently and were escorted by cavalry to the door of the church's temporary headquarters.

Jaina and Calia, who had been alarmed for a long time, had already appeared at the gate. The former widened his eyes and asked in surprise: "Uther, what is going on with these trolls?"

“They were caught attacking a grain convoy.

I needed to know the situation in the forest from these trolls, so I brought everyone back.

The most important thing is that these guys are all infected with the plague.

Therefore, I am very worried that the undead scourge is still rapidly expanding their sphere of influence and strength in invisible places. "

Uther got off his horse and quickly expressed what he was worried about.

After all, the East Weald area is simply too large.

Although the number of humans has multiplied to one million, the actual control area only accounts for less than 20 to 30% of the flat land suitable for farming. The rest are all endless forests and mountains.

"I see. I happen to understand troll language, so let me interrogate you."

Gianna took the initiative to take over this job that ordinary people were simply not qualified for.

As a top student in Dalaran, she taught herself many languages, including High Elf, Orc, Troll, Gnoll, and Murloc.

Under the guidance of his mentor Anthony Das, he even wrote highly professional papers such as a social and ecological survey of the orc tribe, the underlying thinking logic of the murlocs, and the origin of the troll's cannibalism custom.

Has extraordinary knowledge of non-human races.

This is also the reason why Jaina can represent Dalaran in the joint investigation team, and the premise that she can have empathy with Thrall and the orcs in the future.

Relying on her familiarity with the troll culture and living habits, she quickly let Uther know through effective communication the terrifying scene in the forest that was like the end of the world.

Where these trolls live, large tracts of woods and grass have become withered and twisted due to the erosion of the plague.

As a result, animals in hunting grounds and fish in rivers became sick and died in droves, and then resurrected and turned into stinking zombies.

Even harmless bats suddenly become extremely aggressive, and predators such as bears and wolves attack like crazy anything in sight.

What's even more frightening is that after eating the flesh of these sick prey, even the trolls who never get sick begin to feel pain and weakness.

Some even crawled out of their graves within days of being buried and attacked their fellow humans.

It didn't take long for the tribe, which originally numbered several hundred people, to decline rapidly. They had no choice but to flee their traditional territory and come to the territory controlled by humans to grab some food to maintain their survival.

It is precisely because trolls are much stronger than humans that they can drag their plague-infected bodies so far.

Moreover, these trolls are not entirely from the same tribe, but are a temporary alliance formed by two or three fleeing tribes.

The troll woman who knew a little bit of human common language was a priest and the inheritor of knowledge and beliefs in the tribe, so she had a relatively high status and prestige in the fleeing team.

After the armed chieftain was hit in the head by Uther, she became the nominal supreme leader of the rest.

"Polluted land, withered and twisted trees, sick and dead animals resurrected in undead form...

Damn it! The Scourge of the Undead is killing the land in places we can't reach!

They want to turn the East Weald area into a land of death! "

After understanding the situation, Uther raised his fist and slammed the table, his eyes showing a mixture of panic and anger.

Because this approach clearly aims to permanently change the environment, making it unsuitable for human beings or even any living creature to survive.

Jaina nodded solemnly: "You are right.

It seems the situation is more serious than we expected.

Uther, I think it would be best for you to return to the capital of Lordaeron immediately and report this situation to King Terenas.

I must also return to Dalaran to warn the Kirin Tor Council.

It is not difficult to see from the situation that the land in the forest is dying under the raging plague, which has far exceeded the damage caused by the orc war.

At least the orcs only want to live on it when they seize the land. In essence, they are still living people.

But the undead are completely different. They are the mortal enemies of all life.

And...I'm worried about Arthas on his expedition to Northrend.

After all, that is the headquarters of the Undead Scourge. "

"Except for praying, we can't spare any manpower to help Arthas. I hope King Terenas's envoy can find him in time and recall him."

After saying that, Uther got up directly without even bothering to eat dinner, so he took several members of the Knights of the Silver Hand and once again rode fast horses overnight to the capital of Lordaeron.

Jaina followed closely and immediately used teleportation magic to return to Dalaran.

With the revelation that the Undead Scourge was killing the lands in the East Wilder region, an uproar immediately arose within the entire alliance.

Although after experiencing two orc wars, the leaders of each kingdom felt that they had seen the world and would not be easily intimidated by any enemy.

But after learning that the magical plague actually had the ability to pollute the water and soil, I immediately felt suffocated.

Terenas even strongly demanded that the Kirin Tor Council immediately start researching the antidote to the plague at all costs, and at the same time officially announced that it recognized the legitimacy of the Faith of the God of Contract in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Not only him, the Kingdom of Gilneas, the Kingdom of Stromgard, Kul Tiras, the Kingdom of Stormwind and other alliance human countries, as well as the high elves and dwarves have also issued similar announcements.

As for the purpose, it is very simple. It is simply to feel that the natural disaster of the undead poses a far more terrifying threat than the orcs, and urgently needs the only force that can create an antidote to be on its side.

At least when fighting against the overwhelming undead, the soldiers don't have to worry about being infected with the plague and eventually becoming part of the enemy.

After Lanni learned the news, he immediately arranged for some priests to go to the local area to preach, and in exchange, he sold large quantities of the holy water produced every day to various countries.

Suddenly, these colorless and transparent liquids transformed from water, herbs and magic became the most sought-after goods surpassing all luxury goods.

The high elves, who have accumulated wealth for thousands of years with the unlimited energy of the Sunwell, are not stingy in providing various magic weapons, armors, arcane constructs and other things in exchange.

It was even proposed to directly build several portals to connect Quel'Thalas, Stranglethorn Vale and Stratholme.

At that time, no matter where they are attacked, they can support each other and watch each other.

The dwarves took the most advanced muskets, artillery, engineering tanks, and helicopter designs jointly developed with their dwarf allies, and sent a group of master blacksmiths and engineering experts.

Dalaran also provided dozens of mages and hundreds of apprentices as support to the Church of the God of Contract.

It is completely different from the situation in the original timeline where the alliance was like a piece of scattered sand before the Lich King launched an all-out attack.

Under Zuo Si's conscious guidance and spoilers, all forces in the entire eastern continent became aware of the danger hidden under the calm surface, and once again began to become more united than ever before.

Especially the dwarves who have experienced the War of Three Hammers are particularly aware of how terrifying the change and destruction of the environment can be.

The appearance of Ragnaros, the Firelord, turned the originally pleasant and livable land into the Burning Steppes and the Searing Gorge.

After all, no matter what differences and conflicts they have internally, they have all been allies who have fought side by side more than once.

As the nominal leader of the refugees, Princess Calia was busy almost every day, constantly receiving envoys from other kingdoms.

At this moment, she finally realized why her father, King Terenas, wanted to send her here despite coercion and inducement.

Because in the process of fighting against the undead natural disaster, the God of Contract and the church under him are the most important backbone, and they are also the link that can reunite the alliance.

And with the help obtained through exchange, as long as the refugees can gain a foothold in Stranglethorn Valley, establishing a new human kingdom is almost a certainty.

So after being busy for several days, Caliya finally made up her mind to become a believer of the God of Contract and fully integrate into this group, instead of just being an outsider with noble blood and status as Jaina said.

Only in this way can we ask for help from the church to rescue the controlled husband and daughter when the crisis comes.

After a busy day, she specifically refused to be followed by her personal maids and guards. She came alone to the door of the house on a hill next to the port area and expressed her intention to the soldiers guarding here.

About a few minutes later, after the soldier reported the situation through the door, the originally closed door was finally opened a crack, and then a voice came from inside.

"come in.

Just now you were thinking about when you would make a decision.

I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

It seems that King Terenas did not realize that his daughter was far more politically intelligent than he thought.

Perhaps compared to Prince Alsace, who has serious character flaws, you are the most suitable candidate in the royal family to succeed to the throne. "

After hearing this, Caliya didn't dare to neglect, and immediately got in through the crack of the door at the soldier's signal.

Before she had time to adjust to the dim light in the room, there was the sound of the door closing behind her.

After three or four seconds, when her eyes finally recovered, the princess of Lordaeron immediately covered her mouth in shock to prevent herself from screaming.

Because in the corner of the room, there was a naked woman lying naked from head to toe.

Moreover, she looked in extreme pain, curled up into a ball and twitching slightly, and her bones and appearance were undergoing drastic changes.

It is easy to tell from the sharp ears, shrinking fangs, two thick toes and three torn fingers that this should be the previously captured troll.

But the problem is that her face is no longer as ferocious as an ordinary troll, her facial features have become as delicate and delicate as an elf, and even the bones that maintain her height are shrinking.

It is completely normal to feel pain after such a drastic change.

But the female troll gritted her teeth and didn't make a sound.


A certain transformation was first completed in her body, shrinking it from more than two meters to about 1.7 meters. The muscle structure also changed from the previous thick to a slender but streamlined shape with beautiful textures. The entire face was even more... As perfect as a high elf and without any flaws.

Even the slightly green and rough skin has become as delicate and white as a baby after molting.

In particular, the troll's iconic fangs have completely disappeared, and the long nose has shrunk to a petite and cute size.

As for the slightly wide pointed ears, they have also successfully lost weight and become thinner and pointed.

The most important thing is that the fingers and toes have all become five fingers like humans and high elves.

Transform a troll into a high elf through the power of magic?

Is this the power of God?

Caliya stared at the woman in front of her who was sweating and panting, and her race could no longer be determined, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

No need to ask, she knew that she had long known Zuo Si's true identity through her best friend Gianna.

"How do you feel now?"

Zuo Si asked without looking back while fiddling with the potion in his hand.

"I...I feel like my strength and physique have declined, but my reaction speed, coordination and magic affinity have improved. It feels like I have been given a new life."

The woman who had transformed from a troll to an elf struggled to get up from the ground, feeling this new body, and expressed her truest feelings in a slightly excited tone.

Although she didn't quite understand why the other party would do such a thing.

But after such a change, one's own tribe no longer has to worry about becoming slaves, let alone being discriminated against or even executed by humans.

As for the trolls' hatred towards humans and elves, it is nothing in the face of the pressure of survival.

Otherwise, these prisoners would not have chosen to surrender in the first place, but should have fought desperately with the human cavalry until the entire army was annihilated.

But in fact, in the two Orc Wars, it was the Alliance, not the Horde, that really fought until the last moment.

Of course, this is not to say that humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves are braver than orcs, trolls, and ogres.

But they know that even if they lay down their weapons and surrender, they will still die, or even die worse.

Because the orc values ​​regard surrender and defeat as a form of cowardice and shame, when dealing with captives they often choose to slaughter and sacrifice them, or use slaves as consumables to squeeze them to death;

It would be even worse if it fell into the hands of trolls and ogres, as they would most likely be eaten as food.

So in this situation where death is inevitable both inside and outside, even the most cowardly person knows that fighting to the death bravely is the best option.

On the contrary, the tribe knew that the alliance had a certain moral bottom line and would not kill prisoners who put down their weapons and voluntarily surrendered. Therefore, a large number of orcs entered the shelter after the war.

There may also be a side effect of mental depression caused by the demon blood fading in their bodies.

Through the detection of psychic magic, Zuo Si could easily see through the mind of the female troll with the appearance of an elf in front of him. He handed over a large amount of transformation potion and said straightforwardly: "I think you should know this kind of thing." What transformation means.

Now, take the potion and convince your people.

Tell them that as long as they are willing to accept a new identity, I will grant everyone freedom and enjoy the same treatment as humans.

But if you refuse, you will have to live as a prisoner for the rest of your life, and you may have to do heavy manual labor without any pay for the rest of your life in exchange for three meals a day.

Of course, as a price you must pay, you will become the most hated enemy in the eyes of your former troll compatriots. "

"Great God of Contract, thank you for your generous gift. I swear that I will convince every tribesman to bask in your glory and become your most devout believer."

The female troll took the potion with both hands and knelt on the ground and bowed humbly.

Oh, no, it should be called a female elf now.

As a priest who once believed in Loa, she obviously knew more about gods than most humans, and she understood that the power displayed inadvertently by the person in front of her was definitely not comparable to those weak wilderness demigods.

What's more, with so much human faith, even the weakest gods will quickly become powerful.

Coupled with the potion that can transform trolls into elves, anyone who is not a fool can think of something.

So the newly reborn female elf realized this was an opportunity.

As long as you perform well enough and are pious enough, you can become the spokesperson of God, and then lead the tribe to capture more trolls for transformation, creating a new elven race from scratch.

At that time, she will be able to become a queen with both divine and secular power combined into one, and establish a kingdom or even an empire as powerful and wealthy as Quel'Thalas.

With strong ambition, the priestess soon left the dim laboratory and walked towards the tent where the tribesmen lived temporarily.

For about seven or eight minutes, painful screams and wails came from inside.

No one knows what happened inside.

The only thing that is known is that after the screams, all the troll captives disappeared, replaced by a small group of high elves who behaved very strangely and joined the church.

Even many human men were fascinated by the priestess with her beautiful appearance and sexy figure. Similarly, many women were attracted by the handsome male elf warrior and took the initiative to embrace her.

Trolls, who were previously considered ugly, primitive and barbaric, immediately received unprecedented popularity after becoming elves.

Facts have once again proved how important appearance is in the process of communication between people.

Etiquette, demeanor, knowledge, temperament, and spiritual beauty are all inferior to beautiful appearance when you first meet someone.

After all, if the other person is not interested in you at first sight and is not even willing to communicate in depth, no matter how much you have in mind, you will not have a chance to show it.

As Caliya, who had witnessed the entire process of transforming trolls into elves, her heart was beating fast and her mouth was dry. She clearly sensed what Zuo Sisi was trying to do.

After struggling for a long time, she finally couldn't help but test it out: "Are you planning to turn all the trolls in Stranglethorn Valley into elf believers?"

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "Yes, it's interesting, isn't it?

Completing the transformation of Stranglethorn Valley in a way that does not require large-scale bloodshed is the most gentle way I can think of at this stage.

After all, trolls are the earliest ancient intelligent race born in Azeroth.

Although they were hostile to the later rising humans, dwarves, dwarves and high elves because of some customs such as voodoo and cannibalism.

In particular, humans and elves have also snatched large tracts of land from the trolls, causing them to gradually decline from being the hegemons of the continent to now only surviving in jungles and rainforests.

I think it's time to give them a chance to reintegrate into mainstream civilization.

What's more, Stranglethorn Valley is the seat of Zul'Gurub, the capital of the Gurubashi Empire, and is home to a large number of troll tribes.

If you want to resolve conflicts through war and killing, you must pay an extremely heavy price.

But if I use my method, these transformed elves can be used to deal with their former compatriots.

Maybe it won’t be obvious at first.

But as the number of transformation elves increases, it will inevitably grow like a snowball.

The most important thing is that all transformed elves can only join this group whether they are willing or not.

Because their fellow trolls will regard them as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and will use all methods to drive them out.

In order to survive, these new elves can only be forced to unite under their belief in me to transform more of their kind until all the trolls in Stranglethorn Valley disappear.

Humans only need to provide them with necessary food and weapon support, and they can use this time to develop and build with peace of mind, and carve out their own new home in the dense tropical rain forest.

When the transformation is completed, this new elven race will be integrated with humans through mutual intermarriage and the reproduction of mixed-blood offspring. "


After hearing this description, Caliya swallowed involuntarily, raised her head and stared at the god who had descended into a mortal body with eyes full of awe and even fear.

Although on the surface this behavior can minimize the casualties and destruction caused by war, it can even be described as benevolent.

After all, in the history of Azeroth, there has never been a race that entered the territory of another race on a large scale without the outbreak of war and killing.

Sometimes, in order to seize land and living space, they will even drive away or even kill thousands of enemies.

This is basically the case whether it is the war between the human-elven coalition and the trolls, or the war with the Alliance after the invasion of the orcs.

But for the troll race and the culture they inherited, it was an out-and-out disaster and destruction.

Caliya can guarantee that the transformed new elven race will never believe in the Loa god, let alone retain the primitive and barbaric voodoo tradition. Instead, they will collectively fall into the embrace of the God of Contract and gradually become no different from humans.

In essence, this is another form of natural disaster and plague, which can continuously turn enemies into one of our own.

So now she is confused whether this transformation is good or bad in the eyes of the trolls, whether she will be grateful that she survived in the form of an elf, or whether she will miss the glorious past.

But for the humans who are about to settle in Stranglethorn Valley, this is undoubtedly good news.

After all, they no longer need to fight thousands of trolls who are familiar with the terrain of the tropical rainforest and are good at ambushes and sneak attacks.

Thinking of this, the princess of the Lordaeron royal family immediately put one hand on her chest and bowed deeply: "Thank you for your kindness.

Apart from you, I am afraid no one else can resolve the war and hatred between the two races in a bloodless way.

In addition, I came today mainly to express my intention to become your disciple.

After observing these days, I very much agree with what the church is doing and feel that they perfectly embody the character of kindness, kindness, fairness, and justice. "

"Kindness, mercy, fairness, justice? Are you sure you really understand the teachings I advocate?" Zuo Si turned around and stared into the princess's eyes and asked with a half-smile.

"Isn't it?"

Caliya's eyes widened in surprise.

Zuo Si shook his head gently: "No, of course not.

What you just mentioned are just the moral concepts inherited by church leader Lanny from his previous faith in the Holy Light.

My teachings are actually very simple, just lawfulness.

Including complying with rules, laws, contracts, etc.

Strictly speaking, I am not a good god in the traditional sense.

As long as I can be lawful, it doesn't matter to me whether I lean towards good or evil.

In other words, my followers can be absolute tyrants.

So good and evil depend on each person's own choice.

Now, are you still willing to be my believer? "


Caliya fell into a brief silence, and it took a full minute before she raised her head and mustered up the courage to say: "I do!"

From those eyes that were the same color as Alsace, Zuo Si saw the unparalleled firmness and determination. He immediately stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on the forehead of the Lordaeron princess, and then whispered into her ear. : "Since you have such awareness, then come and be my chosen one."

As the last word came out of his mouth, intense burning and stinging instantly shot through his forehead.

Jialiya only felt a force injected into her body, and then she began to feel hot all over her skin, as if something had been suddenly awakened.

At the same time, he vaguely saw the shadow of a young man with black hair and black eyes floating in front of him.

Almost instantly, she understood that this was the true face of Soth, the God of Contract, hidden in the mortal body. She immediately opened her upper arms to embrace her faith, feeling the sacred essence emanating from him.




Wrapped in this power, Caliya felt unprecedentedly safe and had an unparalleled sense of happiness in her heart.

She forgot about time and worries, and was immersed in this beauty, unable to extricate herself. Finally, she lost consciousness with satisfaction and a smile on her face.

"Sleep, sleep, reinvent yourself in your dreams, and fully tap the potential in your heart. After all, you are Arthas's sister, and you should inherit the crown of Lordaeron after the death of King Terenas... …”

Zuo Si had a joking smile on his face, holding the princess with one hand to prevent her from falling to the ground, and stroking her delicate cheek with the other hand.

There is no doubt that he cast a Dread Lord's sleep magic on Calia and weaved a dream.

The princess didn't know whether she sensed something or dreamed something. A faint blush suddenly appeared on her fair face, and the hands holding Zuo Si's neck became harder, and the two were almost close to each other. .

This overly intimate and ambiguous posture remained for several minutes before Caliya finally became quiet and was placed on a small bed nearby for rest and nap.

On the other side, far to the south is the Stranglethorn Valley sea area.

Under the cover of the Blackwater Pirates of Booty Bay, the first batch of fleets to set off had successfully used artillery to carry out a fierce fire coverage attack on the Sancha River Estuary area.

Whether it was the troll tribe living nearby, or tigers, raptors, crocodiles, leopards and other beasts, they were all frightened and fled in all directions by the loud rumbling noises.

The resulting bushfire burned continuously for two or three days, and was extinguished only by heavy rains.

At first glance, trees and weeds are everywhere now in a grayish-white color, charred.

Although there were not many casualties, a large area of ​​flat land was cleared for construction.

As a goblin with business ethics and a spirit of contract, Levigaz, the rich man of Booty Bay, personally led the Blackwater pirates to land first and cleaned up the potentially dangerous areas.

Then he used a sharp voice to say to the leader of the fleet, a middle-aged priest in his forties who had also defected from the Holy Light Church: "Okay, I have completed my work according to the contract.

Next, one hundred and fifty goblin musketeers will be stationed here to protect the safety of the camp.

The rest of the construction work is up to you.

Also, please feel free to contact me if you need anything.

In particular, I can give you a 20% discount on tools necessary for cutting down trees, such as the goblin woodcutter, and the explosives used to obtain stone.

Finally, I wish us happy cooperation.

You must know that big customers like you are rare in this wild land of Stranglethorn Vale.

When you build the city, we can do more business.

Believe me, I am your only trustworthy friend in the entire Stranglethorn Vale. "

When saying these words, Rivergaz's tone was full of excitement and excitement.

After all, although Booty Bay's geographical location is good and Stranglethorn Valley is rich in various resources, there is not even a decent trading partner around.

The latest one has to cross the entire Stranglethorn Valley to go to the Kingdom of Stormwind in the north.

But the problem is that the Kingdom of Stormwind was destroyed by the orcs, and it was rebuilt with great difficulty recently, so it can't squeeze much money out of it.

As for the trolls in Stranglethorn Vale...

Sorry, compared to doing business, they prefer to rob directly by force.

After trying several times, Rivergaz had basically given up on the idea of ​​doing business with the trolls.

Therefore, instead of rejecting this group of humans from the northern Kingdom of Lordaeron, he was eager for them to establish a new human kingdom here.

In that case, he can also make a lot of money from the prosperous trade, and even form a monopoly to surpass other goblins and become the most powerful chaebol.

What's more, the goblins of Azeroth have long since evolved to the capitalist stage and don't care about countries, races, and territories at all.

As long as they can make money and make a lot of money, they don't mind selling anything, even the freedom of themselves and their families.

This is why Levigaz, who never leaves Booty Bay easily, will lead the team himself.

In addition to the fact that Zuo Si had paid enough remuneration, he was even more eager to get someone with whom he could do business stably.

After the greedy goblin left with the fleet, the refugees began to come ashore one after another. Under the protection of the militia, they began to cut down trees and build simple walls, towers and camps.

Those experienced hunters with bows and crossbows were waiting in nearby trees to prevent beasts and trolls from sneaking in.

With enough manpower, a temporary wooden camp was built within a few hours.

The refugees who came from afar finally had a place to rest and cook in peace.

And many of them discovered that in the warm and humid Stranglethorn Valley in the south, there was plenty of food to eat.

Whether it's fish, shrimp, crabs in the sea, shells on the beach, or specialties in the river, just two nets can haul up enough to feed hundreds of people.

In addition, they also feasted on the wide variety of fruits in the jungle, and they could even pick some more to make wine.

In terms of survival resources, this place is undoubtedly a paradise.

At least that's what they thought until they encountered the troll...

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