A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 608 The Battle of Stranglethorn Valley (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Nervous and busy days always fly by.

Seven or eight days passed in the blink of an eye as the first batch of human refugees landed in the north of Stranglethorn Valley near the mouth of the river that was later named "Grom Plateau" by the tribe.

The originally simple wooden city became larger and larger due to the logging and construction of tens of thousands of young and strong laborers day after day. It gradually became the size of a small city, and patrols and hunters were organized to hunt. Kill the velociraptors, tigers, crocodiles and other beasts moving around.

Their meat will become food, and their leather will be processed into a roof to protect them from wind and rain, or it will be tanned and made into leather armor, leather shields, leather boots, belts, leather bags, and leather clothing.

Since Stranglethorn Valley is located in a tropical area, rainfall can be said to be quite frequent.

I often go up and down three or four times a day.

In order to prevent your feet from being soaked in water and mud all day long, waterproof boots are in great demand. Whether you are working outside the fence or working inside the fence, everyone basically needs a pair.

Leather raincoats can prevent hunters hiding in trees from becoming drowned rats after a rain.

In addition, the colorful fur of jungle tigers is deeply loved by nobles and wealthy businessmen in various northern human kingdoms. It can be sold for very high prices and is an out-and-out luxury product. Black leopard skin without any trace of hair is also Also good stuff.

Some more daring guys even brought back big cat cubs and velociraptor eggs, intending to domesticate them and turn them into good helpers for humans.

Velociraptors, in particular, can completely replace horses as a flexible means of transportation in this rainforest, and even form a dragoon unit.

Others became interested in the large number of different species of parrots in Stranglethorn Vale and began to capture, feed and train these intelligent ornithological birds to learn to speak like humans.

As for the purpose, most people just find it interesting and can relieve themselves from boring work.

But there is also a small group of people who believe that parrots can fly, have particularly good eyesight, and can learn human language, making them the ideal scouts.

As long as enough talking parrots are tamed, they alone can establish an effective cordon around the camp.

When someone with evil intentions approaches, the parrot can immediately fly back to alert the person standing guard, and then the entire camp will sound the alarm and enter a state of war readiness.

As a result, hundreds of parrots became a beautiful scenery in the camp after being fed for several days.

Especially those who learn to speak awkwardly at the beginning often make people around them laugh, filling the air with joy.

When the time came to the tenth day, the second batch of fleet finally arrived safely, causing the number of residents in the camp to instantly expand to 20,000.

This is definitely a first-class force in the wild rainforest of Stranglethorn Valley.

It is estimated that except for the Gurubashi trolls in Zul'Gurub and several large clans affiliated with them, there is no second force that can compare with the size of this group of refugees from the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Moreover, human tools, weapons and equipment are also more sophisticated.

Whether it is sharp steel arrows, or metal armor and swords that gleam in the sun after being greased and maintained, they all have a crushing advantage over the local area.

A group of fishmen living near the coastline once wanted to launch a sneak attack at night.

As a result, more than 1,500 elite veterans who had been baptized by the Stratholme Undead Scourge led more than 3,000 novice militiamen to kill them all.

You must know that in order to gain a foothold in Stranglethorn Valley, the first two fleets that set off were basically all young adults who had undergone certain training and had combat experience.

Once in danger, he can transform into a qualified soldier in minutes.

With advance warning and outflanking, not a single one of the two thousand murlocs managed to escape alive.

With the crude primitive weapons in their hands and the sharp teeth they are proud of, they cannot threaten the fully armed humans who have formed a formation with spears exceeding four meters in length.

Often a round of arrows and long-handled weapons would pierce them and they would fall down in pieces.

Even if you are lucky enough to rush forward, you will be knocked to the ground by the heavily armored warrior holding a shield to complete the last hit.

Facts have proven that fishmen cannot pose a threat to any race that has established civilization in Azeroth.

They are basically useless except that they reproduce at the same rate as mice and cockroaches.

After this battle, the entire coastline around the camp suddenly became much quieter. Even the small fishing boats that went out to sea no longer had to worry about being attacked or harassed.

Moreover, the corpses of the fishmen were not wasted, and were all left open to the domesticated velociraptor, tiger and leopard cubs to eat.

When cleaning the battlefield, people also found many blue pearls, a specialty of Stranglethorn Valley, on the corpses.

According to the judgment of a businessman who has traveled far and wide, this thing will definitely fetch a very high price in the capital of Lordaeron or the territory of the elves.

In the future, you may consider getting some gnome or goblin diving equipment and engage in pearl farming on the long coastline, which is sure to make a fortune.

This discovery, coupled with the rich natural resources, undoubtedly completely confirmed the statement that Stranglethorn Valley is full of gold, and also made people believe that life in the future will be better than in the past.

In particular, the businessmen, nobles and officials in the church began to look forward to how they and their families would become rich quickly after completing the migration and become the upper ruling class of this new human kingdom.

After all, the current rationing system, which is designed to maximize survival, cannot be maintained for a long time. Sooner or later, the currency and market will have to be opened.

At that time, abundant natural resources can be continuously transformed into wealth.

In contrast, ordinary people, because of their limited knowledge, can only imagine getting their own land and living a good life with no worries about food and clothing.

However, no one noticed that while they were fighting the fish-men, several pairs of eyes in the jungle were taking the opportunity to hide in the dark and observe the battle.

When humans began to celebrate their victory, these tall and thin figures quickly disappeared into the vast night.

About a few hours later, near the huge bonfire in the ancient jungle ruins in the north of Stranglethorn Valley.

A troll with short red hair slowly walked out of the darkness and said in a tone full of disgust and hatred: "I have personally confirmed it.

There are many of those humans, and they are still increasing.

They have many sophisticated metal weapons and armors, and they clearly want to settle here and seize the land that belongs to us trolls.

Can't wait any longer.

We must summon all members of the Bloodscalp tribe to launch an attack to kill or drive all these damn human invaders into the sea.

Stranglethorn Vale is the territory of trolls!

Whoever tries to challenge this will surely face killing and destruction! "

"I totally agree! Kill all those humans! Steal all the materials! Throw them into the pot, cook them and eat them!"

Another troll warrior, also with red hair, raised his hands and let out a bloodthirsty roar.

Under his leadership, other trolls around the bonfire soon started shouting that they would launch a war to kill all the humans coming across the sea, eat each other's flesh, drink each other's blood, and pile their skulls together to make witches. Poison pile.

Don’t think this is just an exaggeration!

As the most powerful troll tribe in the northern region of Stranglethorn Vale, the Bloodscalp Trolls are notoriously bloodthirsty and cruel.

Many explorers and scouts from the Northern Kingdom of Stormwind were captured by them more than once, dismembered alive and thrown into pots to be eaten as food.

Because in the tradition of trolls, killing and eating powerful enemies can gain the power possessed by the opponent. Even in disputes within the troll tribe, killing and eating captives is common.

Therefore, the primitive and barbaric custom of cannibalism can be said to be quite common among the Trolls of Stranglethorn Valley.

This can be seen from the piles of humanoid skulls piled around the troll camp.

Even the Darkspear tribe, which later surrendered to the orcs, retained similar customs before they were officially confirmed to join the tribe.

In addition, because Stranglethorn Valley has a typical tropical rainforest climate, metal objects will easily rust in a humid environment no matter how carefully maintained, so it is very difficult to preserve them.

This means that for local trolls who lack metal smelting capabilities, bones are actually a more accessible and durable weapon material.

They also believed that weapons crafted from the bones of powerful enemies they had slain with their own hands would give them extra strength while standing in battle.

The front ends of many weapons such as bows, arrows, spears, and javelins are often sharpened ribs of humanoids. Weapons such as axes and hammers are also tied to a polished stone with a leg bone.

Only the elite trolls living in Zul'Gurub can actually use weapons and equipment made by mithril and thorium plus voodoo magic.

Therefore, the metal products brought by the refugees from Lordaeron are extremely attractive to the Bloodcap Trolls.

Combining the above elements, a war between humans and trolls is inevitable.

In just a few days, the Bloodscalp Trolls had already gathered tens of thousands of people, including a group of swift dragon cavalry and elite hunters who had tamed Stranglethorn Tigers as helpers.

Since they usually disperse into small tribes of about one or two hundred people and live a primitive life of fishing, hunting and gathering, large-scale gatherings will inevitably take a certain amount of time.

Naturally, such large-scale gatherings and migrations cannot be trivial, and it is impossible to hide them from the humans who have already controlled the largest river in Stranglethorn Valley with their strong ships and cannons.

In addition, there were one hundred and fifty goblin musketeers left behind by the rich man of Booty Bay, Levigaz, who were very familiar with the local situation. They soon noticed the unusual movements of the bloodcap trolls.

There is no doubt that anyone who knows something about the primitive and backward lifestyle of the trolls knows that they have absolutely no ability to gather thousands or even tens of thousands of people together to build a city.

Because cities mean abundant food and large surpluses, which in turn give rise to complex social divisions of labor.

Although the climate environment of the Stranglethorn Valley tropical rainforest makes it easier to obtain food, fishing, hunting and gathering alone cannot meet the daily consumption of a city.

What's more, in addition to bringing abundant food, the hot and humid climate also has a huge disadvantage, that is, it is difficult to safely preserve food for a long time.

It doesn’t even take a day or two for fresh meat and fish to start to smell bad in just about six or seven hours, and it will become completely rotten and inedible in a day at most.

Fruit can be stored for a few days if it is not fully ripe, but only a few days.

So when thousands of trolls gather together, just filling their stomachs is a big problem. It may cause all the animals in a certain jungle hunting ground to be over-hunted and become uninhabitable.

This means that when they converge in the same direction on a large scale, it often means one thing, and that is to start a war.

Combined with the fact that humans have established settlements in the northern part of Stranglethorn Valley, the answer is naturally obvious.

"Damn it! The Bloodscalp Troll is coming for us!"

The middle-aged pastor who was responsible for leading the church looked at the scattered information that had been collected and finally couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

Although he had long known from the "god"'s warning that there were many trolls in Stranglethorn Valley, and that sooner or later there would be conflicts or even wars with humans, he never expected that it would come so quickly.

The most important thing is that these trolls are much smarter and cunning than expected.

Seeing that we had a large number of people and were assisted by the Booty Bay Goblin Musketeers, we did not adopt the tactics of small-scale infiltration, harassment and attack, but decided to directly choose a large wave.

According to the information provided by the Blackwater Pirates, the number of Bloodcap Trolls living in the north of Stranglethorn Valley ranges from at least tens to hundreds of thousands.

Coupled with the troll's powerful recovery and regeneration abilities, it is simply the most terrifying enemy in terrains such as the Stranglethorn Rainforest.

No wonder the goblins have built a city in Booty Bay for so long and have never dared to expand their influence.

Because once they leave the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain and go deep inland, their proud guns and gunboats will become useless, and they will soon be killed by the tide of trolls.

Based on the experience that humans have gained from several previous battles with trolls, the best way to deal with these guys is actually magic.

Whether it is a blizzard that can slow down the opponent's charge speed or a flame storm that can prevent the regeneration of wounds, it can inflict heavy damage to the troll to the maximum extent.

It's a pity that there are no mages in the camp now, only about thirty to forty priests who use divine magic and holy light magic.

"Master Bishop, what should we do now?"

A male soldier who narrowly escaped death in the Stratholme Massacre, once held the rank of captain in the Alliance, and participated in the Second Orc War asked with a solemn expression.

Since the holy water of the Church of the God of Contract saved his parents, wife and children, this very high-level warrior decisively gave up everything he originally owned in the Kingdom of Lordaeron and chose to join the church. Now he is an army member in the Stranglethorn Valley camp. and the top commander of the militia.

"what to do?

Of course, build a good defense line to resist the troll's attack!

On behalf of the church, I now grant you temporary supreme command authority and can mobilize any personnel and materials.

Remember, this is the test of the Great God of the Covenant for us as believers, and victory must be won no matter what the cost.

Only in this way can we be qualified to live and build a new home in this rich land. "

When he said these words, the pastor did not hesitate or hesitate at all, and his eyes were full of determination.

With the support of his devout faith, he was not afraid of difficulties and death at all.

After all, compared to the plague and undead disasters that broke out in the north, the trolls were really not worth mentioning.

What's more, humans are not soft persimmons, otherwise it would be impossible to occupy almost all the richest land in the eastern continent.

In terms of potential, not only are humans no worse than trolls, but they can become extremely powerful through training.

In fact, in the history of the birth of various races in Azeroth, the source of mankind is the Titan creation Vrykul.

The source of the trolls is the new life cultivated from the ecological garden by the Titan Guardian Freya.

Including night elves and high elves, tauren, yak people, pandaren, furbolgs, harpies, and quilboars all fall into this category.

Some of these humanoid creatures with obvious animal characteristics are generally considered to be descendants of wild demigods.

The centaurs born later can also be included in this list because they are also the product of the combination of wilderness demigods and elemental lords.

Therefore, except for the elements that took refuge in the ancient gods, there is no so-called native life in Azeroth today. All races have continuously evolved from Titan creations, including the five guardian dragons.

As for the native life on the planet, it has long been completely wiped out by the dark empire established by the ancient gods after their arrival.

Therefore, humans, trolls, elves, dwarves, dwarfs, tauren, etc. can all be regarded as native races. At least tracing back to the source, they were all created on this planet.

It's just that some of them were born from the Creator Engine of Northrend. They were originally inorganic life forms such as steel and rock, and later became what they are now under the influence of the curse of flesh and blood;

Others were born from the seeds of life sown in the Emerald Dream, gaining wisdom and creativity through natural evolution.

This also means that the war between humans, high elves and trolls is essentially a civil war between intelligent creatures in Azeroth.

The orcs and ogres who emerged from Draenor through the Dark Portal to launch a war of aggression were of two completely different natures.

"Understood! I know what to do."

The commander, who had just turned thirty, clenched his fists and knocked on his chest, then quickly turned around and left.

Soon under his order, the people who had been scattered around the camp to collect fruits, open up farmland, cut down trees, hunt wild animals, and catch fish and shrimps were quickly called back.

Immediately afterwards, more than 20,000 people quickly began to build fortifications under emergency mobilization.

As a tropical rainforest that has never been developed on a large scale, the most indispensable thing in Stranglethorn Valley is trees and vines.

Therefore, building wooden rafts and building high walls naturally became the simplest and cheapest way to strengthen defense.

At the same time, arrow towers more than four or five meters high surrounding the city wall were also erected, and incredibly powerful crossbows, ballistae, catapults and artillery carried from ships were placed on them.

In order to increase long-range firepower, the church also spent a lot of money to purchase a batch of gunpowder, grenades and muskets from the goblins in Booty Bay.

Experienced hunters dug many hidden traps around the camp and put spikes or captured venomous snakes at the bottom.

In other places, trenches were dug and filled with boiled fat.

The combined fleet formed with the Blackwater Pirates was even divided into two teams.

One team drove directly into the river and aimed the black holes on the side of the guns at the shore;

The second team formed crossfire from the other direction at any time near the coastline.

No matter which direction the trolls attack from, they are bound to be fired upon by a terrifyingly powerful gunboat salvo.

This is also the reason why Zuo Si chose to set up a camp here.

Because of the river, this place is actually closer to a divided peninsula.

If you have a powerful fleet, you can take advantage of the range of artillery to bombard indiscriminate enemies on land.

Since the Trolls of Stranglethorn Vale had no shipbuilding skills at all, they had no other option but to be beaten passively.

And if they charge against the warships in the river, they must first pass the crocodiles and piranhas in the river.

The battleship can also be launched at any time to take the troll back and forth in the river like a dog, thereby successfully sharing the pressure on the camp.

Just as the human side was preparing to huddle up and defend, the assembled Bloodcap trolls finally roared from the north and appeared within the sight of the watchtower.

As a race that has pioneered farming and agricultural technology, the human refugees have been reclaiming wasteland since arriving in Stranglethorn Valley. The trees and weeds within a few kilometers of radius were basically either burned or cut down, and there was not a single trace at all. of obstruction.

Some of the cultivated land seeds have even sprouted, showing a lush green color.

Therefore, the trolls could not take advantage of their advantage in sneak attacks and fighting in the jungle. They could only leave the cover of dense plants and be completely exposed to the sun.

With the help of watchtowers and single-channel telescopes necessary for navigation, humans can easily observe the number and equipment of their opponents.

A few minutes later, under the command of officers, thousands of militiamen armed with muskets and crossbows stood on the wooden wall three to four meters high, nervously waiting for the order to shoot.

The marksman on the tower was already prepared, squinting his eyes to measure the distance with his sight.

Once the trolls are within range, they immediately take the lead in firing poison-coated arrows and projectiles at high-value targets.

You must know that in Stranglethorn Valley, there are quite a lot of poisonous snakes, poisonous frogs, poisonous spiders, and highly poisonous plants.

Therefore it is very easy to obtain toxins.

Hunters like to paint their arrows and spears in order to hunt those big beasts.

Now they take out these highly toxic substances and prepare to greet the trolls to see if these enemies with strong recovery capabilities can withstand the erosion of the poison.

Even if you can't kill it, it is still good to weaken its strength and physique to a certain extent.

"All priests listen to the order! Release the magic immediately! Let us bathe in the glory of the great God of Contract together!"

Church leaders spread their arms and shouted.

In an instant, the priests scattered in various locations in the camp began to chant incantations while holding their holy emblems high.

After about a few seconds, dazzling lights shrouded all the surrounding soldiers with the priest as the center.

[Blessing Technique]!

[Anti-Chaos Array]!

[Prayer Technique]!

Under the influence of these group magics, the originally uneasy recruits quickly became calm, and their eyes no longer showed fear.

Some experienced and powerful veterans and officers can even enjoy the blessings of [Assistance], [Bear's Tenacity], [Ox's Strength], [Demonized Weapon], and [Demonized Armor].

Almost everyone can clearly feel that their power has become stronger than before under the influence of divine magic.

In particular, the arrows of senior hunters and marksmen have begun to flicker with a creepy light under the influence of [Advanced Demonized Weapons].

The sharp arrow points can easily penetrate even the strongest steel armor, not to mention the simple leather armor worn by trolls.

Seeing this situation, the barbarians, gnolls, hobgoblins, orcs and half-orcs of Faerûn would have probably given up their plans to attack and temporarily retreated.

After all, with such a large number of priests and well-equipped human soldiers, even if they could capture it, they would suffer heavy losses.

But unfortunately, the Bloodscalp Trolls don't know the magic from another universe at all.

Moreover, their stubborn character also determines that they will not easily back down from the battle, at least not until they suffer a decisive defeat.

Just as the magical blessing on the human side was completed, the mighty troll army finally entered the range of 500 meters.

The next second...

They suddenly began to speed up, from a slow advance to a long stride.

Especially the Velociraptor Dragoons rushing up from both sides, as well as the domesticated Stranglethorn Tigers, were so fast that they were like afterimages.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by the thunderous sound of war drums, the battle between humans and trolls finally began.


The fleet commanders floating on the rivers and coastlines were the first to react and issued orders at the top of their lungs to the gunners who were waiting.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

I saw the black hole of the muzzle suddenly ejecting bright fire, shooting the heavy metal shells at extremely high speeds towards the charging trolls on the shore.

An unlucky troll warrior with bright oil paint on his body was just hit by a flying projectile. His whole body exploded with a bang and turned into a shower of blood and minced meat.

Even the velociraptor mount under his crotch had its spine broken, and fell to the ground wailing and screaming.

If you think that's the end of it, you're totally wrong.

The power of the heavy iron ball did not diminish at all after killing a troll cavalry, and then penetrated and shattered six or seven troll warriors on the trajectory. Only then did it finally lose its inertia and fall to the ground, splashing a large amount of soft soil.

The salvos of several ships' naval guns were like cutting wheat, instantly making the enemy's intensive charge become sparse and even broken.

However, except for those unlucky ones whose heads or hearts were smashed, most of the trolls who were missing arms and legs were not actually dead, but just temporarily lost their ability to move.

Instead of retreating, they struggled to crawl forward, their eyes flashing with bloodthirsty light.

After a round of firing, the gunners immediately began to clean the barrel, fill the gunpowder, and insert projectiles in preparation for the next round of firing.

Since Azeroth's artillery is now typically loaded with muzzleloaders, the firing speed and efficiency are not high, and it will take several minutes for even a skilled gunner to complete the loading.

Taking advantage of the gap in the shelling, the trolls had already rushed through the gunboat blockade and reached the wooden wall of the camp.

Just when they were about to get closer and throw deadly javelins at the humans on the wall, muskets and crossbows with longer ranges finally took the lead.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Bang bang bang bang——

In the blink of an eye, the troll that finally rushed up fell down in large pieces.

But they just fell down. Just like when they were bombarded, they were not dead at all. They quickly got up with arrows and projectiles fired into their bodies, and started climbing the wall covered in blood.

Others were pierced by the thick arrows of the bed crossbow, and they were nailed to the ground and struggling wildly, even if their intestines were spilled out, they were still alive and well.

Such a horrifying sight undoubtedly deeply shocked the recruits who had never fought a troll before.

In order to prevent too many trolls from rushing up and causing huge casualties, the supreme commander immediately gave orders to the sharpshooters on the arrow tower to let their rockets ignite the grease filled in the outer gullies.

In less than half a minute, a blazing flame isolation belt appeared out of thin air, successfully blocking the continuous impact of the troll's follow-up troops.

But even so, the soldiers on the wall still had to engage in hand-to-hand combat with an enemy who had an overwhelming advantage in both height and strength.

"Steady! Steady! Don't be afraid! Use the spears in your hands to stab me hard! It's best not to let the troll climb up!"

Amid the hoarse roars of the officers, the soldiers holding spears tried to stab down the enemies climbing the wall.

If you are dealing with orcs, this attack is obviously very effective.

Because once pierced by a sharp spear point, even a strong orc will be injured or even die.

But the problem is that this trick obviously doesn't work well against trolls.

Unless the head or heart can be stabbed accurately, even a very scary-looking wound will quickly stop bleeding and heal in half a minute or even a few seconds.

Some crazy trolls would even use their own bodies as bait to let the spears pass through them, then tighten their muscles so that the human soldiers could not pull out the weapons, then grab the spear handles with their backhand and forcefully pull the latter off the city wall. The companion behind him kills him with a last hit.

The Velociraptor Dragoons and the domesticated Stranglethorn Tigers, who have the advantage of speed, can even jump over a four-meter-high wooden wall with a single leap and rush into the ranks of long-range shooters to cause damage.

Although most of them were just injured, the bleeding was quickly stopped under the treatment of the priest, but they successfully created chaos and made the long-range attacks less intensive than before.

With the help of witchcraft, the trolls opened a channel from the flame isolation zone, and continuously transported brave warriors who were not afraid of death, forming one impact after another like a wave.

Although they do not have siege weapons like siege towers and battering rams, at most they only have some one-handed shields made of wood. Each charge has to withstand the attacks of arrows, muskets and naval guns, which poses a huge threat. But not small at all.

Especially a certain kind of bloodthirsty spell blessed by the witch doctor, which makes it completely unable to feel pain and completely transforms into a beast that only knows how to kill.

Some witch doctors will also take risks and rush to the blind spot at the base of the city wall to release healing totems under the protection of warriors.

In this way, the injured troll warrior can become extremely difficult to kill with the dual blessing of its own recovery ability and magical healing.

The mystics hid behind and shot out incredibly powerful dazzling lightning magic. If they were accidentally hit, they would be seriously injured immediately.

As for humans, although the number of deaths is not high, the number of injured is rising rapidly.

If enough holy water and healing potions had not been stored before, relying solely on priests for treatment would obviously not be enough.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, the bishop, who was the leader of the local church, immediately stood up and unleashed the only seven-ring magic he had.

As a large amount of magic power was drained from his body, he slowly stretched out his hand and pointed lightly at the place with the largest number of trolls in the distance.


A huge shining rune fell from the sky and appeared on the ground out of thin air.

Since a large number of trolls were charging intensively, they had no time to dodge or escape from the area, and instantly stepped on it to trigger the talisman.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Before anyone had time to react, the flashing talisman exploded instantly, forming an area with a huge area of ​​influence.

All trolls within this range were immediately unable to move as if they had been immobilized.

If you observe carefully, you will find that their pupils are greatly dilated, as if they have experienced something shocking to the soul, so that the guys rushing behind them don't even react at all when they bump into them.

As a result, the trolls fell down one after another under the series of impacts, and the scene became very chaotic for a time.

The loaded naval guns also quickly seized the opportunity and plowed through the group of troll warriors who had fallen to the ground and could not move.

The scattered limbs, broken arms, internal organs, and flesh and blood flying all over the sky directly dyed the surrounding land dark red.

I believe that the food and vegetables grown on this land will be particularly delicious in the next few years.

Obviously, this spell is the famous [Shock Emblem] among the seven-ring magic.

Unless the level of the affected creature is high enough, it will become a lamb to be slaughtered in minutes.

Such a powerful magic obviously frightened the troll and slowed down its attack momentum.

The humans can finally take a breath after clearing away the trolls near the wall.

However, church leaders are well aware that the crisis has not been resolved.

Although the Bloodscalp Trolls lost many warriors in the attack, it was obviously far from the level of damage to the huge number gathered.

Once the visibility range becomes lower at night, they can immediately exert a power ten times more terrifying than now.

Just imagining thousands of trolls suddenly pouring out of the darkness, climbing over the city wall and entering the camp at lightning speed, the church leaders felt shuddering.

There is no doubt that it is very difficult for humans with their current strength to withstand the siege of the Bloodcap Trolls.

Even if we can barely hold on in the end, I am afraid that more than 70% of the population of more than 20,000 will be killed or injured.

Now there are only two choices before them.

One is to ask the gods for help, and the other is to abandon the camp, supplies and cultivated farmland, and everyone board the ship to take shelter at sea first.

However, before the church's senior leaders could discuss anything, a portal suddenly appeared out of thin air in the small square in the center of the camp.

Followed by a group of high elves with either handsome or beautiful appearance, surrounded by Zuo Si and Caliya, came out from the other side.

"Sir...sir, why are you here?"

The leader of the bishop hurriedly ran over, put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply, expressing his respect to this young man who appeared to be the "chosen son of God" but was actually the descendant of God himself.

"Because I know that you and this camp need help. How about the casualties after fighting the Trolls of Stranglethorn Vale?"

Zuo Si asked, while looking around at the wounded lying on the ground groaning in pain, as well as the nervous militiamen.

You don't need to ask to know that, except for a small number of veterans who participated in the Second World War, the rest of the civilians were frightened by the troll's powerful regeneration ability and fearless fighting style.

Don't look at it in the game. Players eat, sleep and fight trolls every day. They even joke that expansion packs without fighting trolls are not fun.

But in reality, trolls are definitely one of the most terrifying enemies. Even the violent orcs who drink the blood of demons cannot compare with them.

Its amazing regenerative capabilities are a nightmare for any melee combatant.

If there are not enough mages to unleash large-scale destructive magic, trolls can easily overwhelm an equal number of human infantry on the battlefield.

And the troll's disabilities are all temporary.

As long as you eat and drink enough after the war, it won't take long for even the severed limbs to grow back.

But it is not that easy to cure human disabilities.

"About 160 of us died, but the number of people who were injured and could not recover for the time being exceeded 1,780. I'm extremely sorry that I failed to fulfill my duty and let you down."

The bishop lowered his head with an expression of pain and self-reproach.

But Zuo Si smiled and shook his head and comforted: "No, this is not your fault, and I think you and these believers who fought bravely have done a good enough job. As for the next thing, let them do it."

"Leave it to...them?"

The bishop was obviously stunned and quickly raised his head to look at the high elves who were behaving very strangely.

Although the high elves are rich in powerful mages, he obviously does not think that such a small number of people can deal with the menacing bloodcap troll army outside.

"Haha, you don't have to worry, because the pattern of war has changed from now on."

After saying that, Zuo Sichong nodded slightly to the elves.

The latter understood it instantly, quickly drank the invisibility potion, jumped off the wooden fence with a backpack full of potion, and ran straight towards the release where the bloodcap trolls were camping in the distance.

In just half an hour, they mixed a large amount of transformation potion into the water jar.

When the thirsty troll warrior drank the water, he immediately fell to the ground and started rolling in pain.

When they began to undergo significant size changes on a large scale, panic quickly spread among the remaining bloodscalp trolls.

No one could figure out what happened. They thought it was some kind of disease or curse, and asked witch doctors to come forward to treat it.

Others simply kill these compatriots who are becoming more and more strange with their swords and mercilessly to prevent the terrible curse and disease from continuing to spread.

Facing the butcher's knife raised high, those elves who had completed the transformation dared to stay and wait for disposal. At the call of a certain leader, they launched a rebellion and fought their way out.

But no one knew that this so-called leader was actually a spy that Zuo Si deliberately inserted.

Since the appearance and appearance of the trolls turned into elves are completely different from before, no one can recognize each other now.

In addition, the sudden situation caused their minds to be confused and they could not calm down and think. In the end, they were unknowingly coerced by people with ulterior motives and broke away from the troll race and began to move towards independence...

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