A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 610 The last calm before the storm (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Immigration, transformation, pioneering, construction...

With the huge Kul Tiran fleet led by Dailin, as well as mages sent from Dalaran and Quel'Thalas, as well as dwarf blacksmiths and dwarf engineers supported by Ironforge, the entire northern part of Strangle Vale was originally wild. The tropical rainforest has been transformed into a habitable new home in just two or three months.

Especially after mechanical fellers and mechanical puppets capable of automatic farming and harvesting were manufactured and put into use on a large scale, it became extremely easy to cultivate farmland and plant on it.

In addition, Zuo Si personally used "Marvin's World Weaving Technique" to transform the originally rainy tropical climate into a subtropical climate that is most suitable for farming. In less than three months, the first batch of grain was planted. An unprecedented harvest has been achieved.

Poultry and livestock transported by ship also thrived in an abundance of food.

The entire peninsula divided by rivers in the northwest of Stranglethorn Valley is basically full of large and small farms, orchards and breeding farms.

Whether you are a human or a forest elf, you can get a piece of land of your own if you want, build a house nearby and live a peaceful life.

Rich reserves of various mineral veins have also been discovered in the mountainous areas adjacent to the Western Wilderness in the north, completely solving the last weakness and worries.

Under the organization of the church, some humans plus dwarves and gnomes from Ironforge established a town here focusing on mining and forging.

In particular, the stable mining of gold and silver means that you can start to mint your own currency.

The emergence of currency quickly caused the original rationing system to collapse and disintegrate, and was replaced by a market economy with free circulation of wealth.

Whether it was the greedy goblins in Booty Bay in the south or the human traders in the Kingdom of Stormwind in the north, they all immediately dispatched ships to carry out trade.

It didn't take long for ships from various eastern kingdoms to appear in the port of the "Contract City", and the market became extremely prosperous and lively.

Of course, the price was that the population of the East Wilder region of the Kingdom of Lordaeron was depleted, more than half of the villages were abandoned, and hundreds of thousands of people came to the south through ships and later through portals that high elf mages helped open and maintain.

After all, no one in this world is a real fool.

After learning that there are still countless undead armies hidden in the area, the terrible plague continues to spread in invisible places, and even the land in some areas close to the forest shows signs of withering and death. If you don't run away quickly, why don't you wait? Die?

In the original timeline, the main reason why all these civilians were killed and became part of the undead of natural disasters was because they had nowhere to run.

But now, except for some nobles and wealthy people who own large amounts of land and real estate, as well as residents who live in large towns and are protected by strong walls, basically everyone who can escape has escaped.

Even nobles and wealthy people will try their best to send their sons and daughters to the relatively safe Stranglethorn Valley, allowing them to open a hotel, tavern, or do some business that can make money to support themselves in the "Contract City".

Since Calia has been officially confirmed as the queen of this new human kingdom, in the eyes of King Terenas, this is a good thing. Instead of obstructing it, he deliberately kept the lord of Stratholme, Baron Rivendell, in the royal capital. a period of time.

In addition, the largest troll force in the north of Stranglethorn Vale, the Bloodcap Trolls, has completely become history, and they have all become about 100,000 forest elves.

Most of them mixed with humans, and even began to intermarry with each other and get pregnant, and it would not take long before they would give birth to a large number of mixed-race offspring.

Only a small number followed Calesia across the river and headed south to continue converting the Skullsplitter trolls.

As for the murlocs on the long coastline who couldn't be killed no matter how hard they tried, Zuo Si dropped two targeted viruses without any hesitation.

One is to cause lesions in the fishmen's gills, causing them to be unable to breathe underwater at all. They can only climb ashore and be repeatedly strangled by the Velociraptor Dragoons patrolling along the coastline.

The other is a terrible skin disease that causes their strong and smooth scales to fester and no longer have any defensive effect. They can be easily killed by piercing weapons such as arrows and spears.

With this two-pronged approach, the coast north of Stranglethorn Valley soon became very safe.

Some bold and business-minded guys even spent a lot of money to buy diving equipment and began to collect artificially cultivated pearls from giant clams on the seabed.

While Zuo Si was enjoying the fun of farming and construction, teasing Princess Calia, now a married woman, from time to time, and occasionally exchanging magic tips with Jaina and Kael'thas, the sudden appearance of an uninvited guest broke the news. calm.

He was none other than Mal'Ganis, the man who lured Prince Arthas to Northrend.

However, the current condition of the Dread Lord was obviously not good. Not only was there a huge wound on his chest that was pierced by a sharp sword, but the flesh and blood near the wound was also pale, festered and dead.

"My dear friend, things don't look good for you, don't they?"

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a playful and teasing smile.

Although he had not seen the famous artifact - Frostmourne, he could tell from what he saw at this moment that this wound was definitely caused by Frostmourne.

Because even though the Dread Lords often use shadow magic, in fact their real power comes from death, soul and psychic energy.

Therefore, to be able to inflict such horrific wounds on a Dreadlord, there is absolutely no second weapon in Azeroth at this stage except Frostmourne.

"Your warning is indeed right!

Lich King Ner'zhul, that bastard, actually has evil intentions and plans to get rid of us, the Dread Lords, who are spying on him.

He is obviously not as completely surrendered to the Burning Legion as he appears to be.

If I hadn't been prepared in advance and escaped by pretending to be dead, my body would have been destroyed and my soul would have returned to the Twisting Nether to wait for rebirth. "

When he said these words, Mal'Ganis looked particularly angry, both in his tone and in his eyes.

After all, he who was the best at playing tricks in his direct line was actually bitten by an old orc who was completely exposed to the control of the Dreadlords. It was really embarrassing.

If he had not been warned in advance and prepared out of caution, he would definitely become the laughing stock of the entire Dread Lord circle.

"Haha, it seems you don't know enough about Ner'zhul, let alone his despicableness and forbearance.

If you carefully understand and analyze this guy's life trajectory, it will be easy to find that he rarely resists beings more powerful than himself.

Instead, they will choose to grovel and pretend to cater to them, and then secretly accumulate strength.

When the time comes, he will choose to betray without hesitation.

What's more, in Ner'zhul's eyes, you are a minion of the Burning Legion, an informant sent by Kil'jaeden to monitor him.

He didn't know that all the Dread Lords were actually spies inserted into the legion by the mysterious master behind them.

So based on the above points, it is completely normal for the Lich King to take advantage of the perfect opportunity when Arthas has just obtained Frostmourne and is full of strong hatred to kill you.

Anyway, when the time comes, all we have to do is explain it to the other Dread Lords that the prince was not yet completely under control at that time and guarantee that a similar situation will not happen again. "

Zuo Si analyzed the causes and consequences of the whole matter straightforwardly.

It has to be said that as spies, the Dread Lords are definitely qualified.

Because except for the creator and master behind it, all other forces believe that they were born from the twisted void like other demons.

Even Sargeras, the founder of the Burning Legion and the most powerful Titan in the Pantheon, is no exception.

But the problem is that these fear lords don't know whether it is because they have done a good job of keeping secrets, or they have been undercover for too long and have become a habit of hiding themselves, even in Ner'zhul, a lich that has completely turned to the death camp. Wang didn't say anything.

So much so that Ner'zhul mistakenly believed that the Dreadlord was a minion sent by Kil'jaeden to monitor him, and he was always trying his best to get rid of him.

Didn't realize at all that these were actually friendly forces.

Both parties are essentially serving the same master.

And this kind of mistake continued after Arthas became the Lich King.

I don't know if this is a deliberate arrangement, or if the Dread Lords still want to stay undercover with the Burning Legion, so they must appear to be incompatible with the Lich King who betrayed the Legion.

Anyway, in Zuo Si's eyes, the whole thing was quite outrageous from beginning to end.

"So you think we are to blame for this happening?" Mal'Ganis asked with wide eyes.

Zuo Si shook his head meaningfully: "No, I just want to express that you don't need to be so angry at all. Instead, you should consider how to use this opportunity when everyone thinks you have been killed to do something. You need to know this But it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because no one would guard against a dead man.”

Hearing these words, Malganis suddenly realized something, touched her chin and considered it carefully for a moment, and quickly responded: "What you said makes sense.

This is indeed a rare opportunity for me.

If you use it well, you can do a lot of things without Kil'jaeden's sight.

Here you go, here's the Legion tech, magic, and some info on the Expedition's Vanguard that you wanted.

Archimonde the Defiler is ready to lead senior commanders such as Abyss Lord Mannoroth and Doom Lord Kazzak who have participated in the War of the Ancients to enter Azeroth at any time through the portal opened by the Scourge.

Although I don’t know exactly what you want to do, I can guarantee that this country established in the Thorn Valley in the south will never be able to withstand the full-scale invasion launched by the Burning Legion.

Not to mention the Legion, even the Lich King's undead army can easily destroy it. "

"I never thought about relying on these mortals to resist demons or undead. I just used faith to ensure my connection with this world."

Zuo Si put on a nonchalant look and took a stack of something that looked like special metal plates from the Dread Lord.

This is an encrypted information storage method that combines magic and technology. It can be interpreted through special instruments and special spells. Each piece can record the contents of more than thousands of professional books.

If you have to find something that is relatively similar, it should be the famous Netherese Scroll.

You must know that even with Zuo Si's own intelligence level and photographic memory, it would take at least ten days or even a month to read one of the scrolls. The amount of knowledge stored in it can be imagined.

In comparison, although these metal plates are not so exaggerated, the storage capacity cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, the material and the evil energy and shadow magic attached to it fully prove that it is most likely the knowledge and technology taught to the Eredar by the Dark Titan Sargeras, and its source is the impressive creation technology of the Titan Pantheon.

As for the magic of reading information, Zuo Si has already obtained it from Mal'Ganis' memory, and reading the content is as easy as eating and drinking.

In just a few seconds, he roughly figured out the contents stored in the metal plate. At the same time, he secretly lamented that these Dread Lords had really infiltrated the Burning Legion into a sieve, and could even infiltrate a whole set of evil technology trees. Copy it.

Although without the help of Sargeras to twist the planet that gave birth to the Titan soul like Argus as an energy source, ordinary forces would not be able to play with high-end gadgets like fel technology.

But there are things like space battleships, flying fortresses, and some technologies for building ultra-long-distance portal networks, as well as the design drawings of evil cannons, super-large constructs, etc., which can still serve as a lot of reference. of.

What's more, once you understand these, you can easily discover the weaknesses exposed in the Burning Legion's troop formation.

Therefore, during the countless thousands of years of serving the legion, the Dread Lord basically took off the other party's underwear.

It is estimated that the strength of Sargeras himself cannot be determined. Whether it is Kil'jaeden or Archimonde, his mastery of magic, abilities, personality and behavior have been clearly understood.

So much knowledge, technology and magic was enough for Zuo Si to digest for a while.

"Maintain connection?"

Mal'Ganis keenly grasped a key word.

You don't need to ask to know that he has never given up investigating what the powerful consciousness that has descended into the human body in front of him is and where it comes from.

Zuo Si undoubtedly knew very well what the fear devil in front of him was thinking. He had no intention of explaining at all, and just kept a mysterious smile.

About ten seconds later, when Mal'Ganis realized that it was impossible to obtain any useful information, he quickly opened the portal and left without looking back.

After all, he was actually stabbed by the artifact Frostmourne, and he urgently needed to find a place to recover from his injuries.

After the Fear Lord left, Zuo Si put away the metal piece in his hand, looked out the window at the prosperous port market in the distance, and murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "It seems that there will be about another month at most." , Arthas will return as a death knight and stage a wonderful drama of patricide in the capital of Lordaeron.

The rise of the undead scourge also means that the Legion's invasion is inevitable.

The world will soon start to burn.

Should I wait here patiently for the next step, or form an army to participate, or even appear on the battlefield at Mount Hyjal?

By the way, why hasn’t the bronze dragon who manages this timeline appeared yet?

Normally, actions like mine that have begun to significantly affect the direction of history should have attracted the other party's attention long ago.

Could it be that the bronze dragon that manages this timeline died in the battle with the Eternal Dragon Army?

Or was this timeline originally abandoned, or controlled by the Eternal Dragon Legion? "

Since the Bronze Dragonflight and the Eternal Dragonflight were originally two sides of the same coin, and were scattered across countless timelines at war with each other, the time and history of Azeroth has always been filled with chaos and all kinds of unexplainable events. Time paradox.

Zuo Si was also unsure whether the Azeroth he was in was the main timeline or a branched timeline that had undergone major changes but had not yet been shown.

You must know that in one of the known timelines, there were outrageous things like fishmen accidentally traveling back to the ancient past and successfully defeating other races to become the ultimate winner.

Even the name of Azeroth was changed to Aiyuras, the guardian dragon became the guardian fish, and humans, trolls, elves, orcs, etc. ceased to exist.

This also means that there are countless possibilities in countless timelines.

For example, in a certain timeline, after the Dark Portal was opened, the orcs overwhelmingly defeated the coalition of humans, elves, gnomes, and dwarves, successfully conquered the entire eastern continent, and then joined forces with the night elves, tauren, etc. in Kalimdor on the other side of the sea. The local races started a struggle for hegemony between the East and the West.

For another example, in a certain timeline, Arthas failed to reach Stratholme in time by some strange combination of circumstances. When he arrived, he found that all the residents there had turned into zombies and ghouls.

As a result, he was not abandoned by Jaina and Uther for launching a massacre of civilians. Instead, he led the people of Lordaeron to rise up and resist the attack of the undead army. Finally, after the war, he was replaced by King Terenas. He took the crown in his hand and became a true king.

But the problem is that now the entire Eastern Kingdom is developing in the direction of the main timeline, and there is no sign of any problems at all.

Could it be that the problem lies with the continent of Kalimdor and the night elves?

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si feels very strange that the bronze dragon hasn't appeared after so many things.

But what he didn't know was that a certain bronze dragon lady was currently transforming into the form of a high elf, standing in a daze in the magnificent square where her statue stood in the "City of Contract", with expressions of shock and disbelief on her face. He kept muttering: "It's over! It's completely over now!

I obviously just took a nap, less than a few months had passed, how could such a big city suddenly appear in Stranglethorn Vale?

And what happened to this God of Contract who appeared out of nowhere?

Why can't I correct the entire timeline by traveling back in time?

Why does the repair fail due to inexplicable accidents every time we travel?

Oh my gosh!

How do I report to Cronom?

Could it be that telling her that I missed some important information because I slept caused the entire time to go out of control?

No, no, I have to figure out a way to do it myself quickly. "

As we all know, dragons, powerful and intelligent creatures with long lives, have the habit of sleeping in.

Especially the bronze dragon that controls the power of time. Because it has the ability to travel at will in the torrent of time, it can always sleep safely and boldly for months, years, even decades, or hundreds of years.

Anyway, even if there is a problem with the timeline they manage, they can directly reach the corresponding node to correct the problem.

But now, the young bronze dragon suddenly found that his tried-and-tested method had failed.

It was as if the entire timeline had been infused with some more powerful force that was completely beyond her control.

Obviously, Zuo Si's strategy of crazily developing faith and maintaining contact with Azeroth worked.

As the number of mortals who believe in him increases and the coverage becomes more and more scattered, it is simply impossible to eliminate them all with the ability of one or a few bronze dragons.

This also means that unless there is an inhumane cleansing of many races in the entire eastern continent, including humans, it is impossible to completely eliminate them.

But even if the bronze dragon can really be ruthless, this behavior itself will seriously damage the timeline, making it unable to resist the invasion of the Burning Legion.

By then, the entire Azeroth will either be occupied by the Burning Legion or turned into a land of death under the Scourge of the Undead.

As for solving Zuo Si from the source...

It’s not like Miss Bronze Dragon hasn’t tried it before.

But when the former performed the miracle, she was instantly frightened by the terrifying power released across the distant space. She did not dare to stay for even a second and ran away quickly.

Because she was very sure that if she dared to have any wrong thoughts, the end would be very, very miserable.

In desperation, this bronze dragon could only wander around in the timeline, then aimlessly came to this city that should not have appeared, trying to force itself to calm down, and then carefully think about the solution.

In particular, it is absolutely urgent to investigate the God of Contract and his church who appeared out of thin air.

In this way, this unknown bronze dragon lady joined the church as a high elf mage, and pretended to be pious and fanatical, hoping to find out the true face of the God of Contract by contacting high-level officials.

As a result, the bronze dragon that Zuo Si had always been thinking about actually became a member of the church. At the same time, he was quickly promoted due to his good performance and rich magic knowledge, and it didn't take long for him to sit in the core position.

However, because he himself does not like to participate in the internal affairs management of the church, the two have not met yet.

At the same time, in the magical kingdom of Dalaran in the far north.

After months of whispers, temptations and mental torture, Antoni Das finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Because the voice in his mind calling himself the Lich King began to unabashedly claim a few days ago that the warrior he had chosen was about to set foot on the land of the Eastern Kingdom and set off an unprecedented death storm. Surrender now was his last chance.

As the leader and archmage of Dalaran, Antony Das instantly realized that this might be a sign that some undead natural disaster was about to attack, and his heart was filled with torment.

On the one hand, his energy was getting weaker and weaker, and he did have a strong desire for the immortality provided by the Lich King. On the other hand, he could not let go of his feelings for Dalaran for so many years, and he could not just throw it away like Kel'Thuzad.

After struggling for two or three days, he finally found a disciple that he was proud of.

As soon as they met, the skinny, sunken-eyed and haggard archmage said straight to the point: "Jaina, after a period of consideration and investigation, and the recent signs that have emerged, I think the person in the contract... God is right.

Medivh, the last guardian, has made a prophecy that the world is facing an unprecedented disaster.

Therefore, I hope you can lead some soldiers, mages and civilians to leave the Eastern Kingdom and cross the Endless Sea to the distant continent of Kalimdor.

According to the records of the high elves, the night elves living on the continent of Kalimdor defeated the Burning Legion and defended Azeroth 10,000 years ago. "

"Mentor, what's wrong with you? Why have your reactions been so strange in recent months?"

Jaina stared at Anton Das's withered and thin appearance, which was almost skin and bones, with a look of horror that could not be concealed on her face.

She simply couldn't imagine what happened to this powerful, confident, and wise archmage.

"Don't ask too many questions, just do as I tell you."

Antony Das obviously didn't want to explain too much, so he gave the order to his disciple in a very stiff tone.

Because the Archmage has made a certain decision in his heart and just wants to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.

"But I need an explanation. Your recent behavior has been so unusual that even members of the Kirin Tor Council thought you were crazy."

Jaina was obviously not a person who would give up easily. She immediately stood up and tried to force her mentor to answer her questions head-on by asking questions.

In fact, this matter had troubled her for a long time, and she still couldn't figure out why Antony Das's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees when Zuo Si came to Dalaran.

"I have nothing to explain, and even if I explain it, you won't understand it at all..."

After glancing at the still young and beautiful face of his disciple, Anthony Das said these words and immediately got up and returned to the room on the upper floor of the tower to completely isolate himself from the outside world.

Young people have never experienced the terrible feeling of aging bodies, let alone the fact that death is approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye, so they can never truly understand the pain and despair of the elderly.

That desire for health and life, and the deep attachment to this living world, can even make a person become extremely twisted and crazy.

A few hours later, when Jaina led a group of mages, soldiers and civilians to leave Dalaran with her mentor's orders, heading towards the nearest port, Antony Das stood on the tower with a complicated expression. Whispered: "Sorry, my most outstanding disciple, this is the last thing I can do for you, for Dalaran, and for the entire alliance."

The words have not yet been spoken!

The voice of Lich King Ner'zhul sounded in his mind again.

"So you've made up your mind, haven't you?"

"Yes. I have done so much for others, and it is time to think about myself in the last moments of my life. Tell me, who is the natural disaster warrior you selected? How can I cooperate with his actions?"

When he said these words, there was no longer any kindness or compassion in Antonidas's eyes, only a cold and biting coldness.

"The Scourge Champion I have chosen is Prince Arthas Menethil.

He has now left Northrend by ship, and it won't be long before he returns in triumph into Lordaeron and kills King Terenas with his own hands.

Then set off a massacre that swept across the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron.

All you have to do is wait patiently in Dalaran for Arthas to arrive with his Scourge army, then collapse Dalaran's defenses from the inside and help him get the Book of Medivh.

In return, I can allow you, like Kel'Thuzad, to be reborn as the most advanced archlich in the Sunwell with infinite magical energy.

By then you will have magical power ten times more powerful than now, and eternal life that will never age or die. "

There is no doubt that although the first generation Lich King Ner'zhul was just a despicable, cowardly, timid bug in the eyes of the truly strong, he was indeed very good at exploring the weaknesses in human nature.

It was true for Arthas, it was true for Kel'Thuzad, and now it's true for Antonin Dath.

After getting the promise he wanted, the supreme leader of Dalaran finally ended his isolation from the world for many months and once again appeared at regular meetings, pretending to start fulfilling his duties seriously again. look like.

As everyone knows, Antony Das has secretly surrendered to the Lich King, intending to sacrifice the lives of everyone else in Dalaran in exchange for his own immortality.

Because he knew that Dalaran's magical defense could not withstand the invasion of the Scourge, let alone defeat the Burning Legion demons that invaded Azeroth 10,000 years ago.

Since it is destined to fail, what is the point of continuing to resist?

It was precisely because he was smart enough and had enough information that he felt such pessimism and despair, which led the Archmage to eventually embark on a road of no return.

As Antonidas returned to "normal" and began to lead the team to research the antidote to the plague, the originally turbulent hearts of the alliance countries quickly became calm, and no one realized that this was the last calm of the storm.

In this slightly tense atmosphere, another half month passed.

Just when everyone was speculating on when the undead army hidden in the East Wilder region would launch an attack, Prince Arthas, who had been on an expedition to Northrend, finally led his fleet back in triumph and once again docked in the already empty ghost town. Stratholme Pier.

Baron Rivendell, who had been waiting here for a long time, immediately knelt down on one knee and greeted in a cold tone: "Welcome back, Your Royal Highness."

From his pale face and the rune sword he wore, it was easy to tell that he had actively embraced the plague and transformed himself into a powerful death knight.

As a friend of Kel'Thuzad, Baron Rivendell had already secretly defected to the Lich King when the Cult of the Damned rose.

It was also with his help that the plague-infected food in the entire East Wilder region could enter one town after another unimpeded, and eventually even infected all the tens of thousands of residents in Stratholme.

So if Kel'Thuzad caused the plague in northern Lordaeron, then Baron Rivendell was the biggest accomplice, providing funds and shelter for the development and growth of the entire Cursed Sect.

"Why is this place so empty? I remember there should be many survivors in Stratholme."

Alsace asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Although he has been completely controlled by Ner'zhul and turned into a soulless and extremely cold walking zombie, his memory has not been lost at all.

Just the opposite!

The prince clearly remembered how the Church of the God of Contract tried its best to treat every citizen infected with the plague, and eventually tens of thousands of people gathered in the city.

"They all followed the Church of the God of Contract to go to sea and open a new settlement in Stranglethorn Valley in the south. Not only Stratholme, but hundreds of thousands of people fled across the entire East Wilder region."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Baron Rivendell immediately became itchy with hatred.

Because King Terenas deliberately cut off the news, he had no idea what happened in Stratholme when he stayed in the capital.

As a result, when I returned, I discovered that not only had all the wealth and supplies in the city been removed, but even the population had completely disappeared.

This undoubtedly made his idea of ​​recruiting an undead army after he became a death knight completely come to naught.

At present, in addition to dozens of curse cultists, there are only a few hundred ghouls, zombies and skeletons. Most of the corpses were burned before being buried, and there was no way to use psychic magic to pull them out. stand up.

If possible, Baron Rivendell would like to return to the capital of Lordaeron immediately and cut King Terenas into pieces with his own hands.

"Migrate? Why?"

Alsace continued to ask, obviously not knowing what happened during his absence.

Baron Rivendell quickly suppressed the boiling anger in his heart and patiently explained: “Because they discovered a large number of hollowed-out graves in the entire East Wilder region, including Stratholme.

Confirmation that the Scourge were merely hiding and not actually defeated.

Civilians are very nervous and scared about this.

Coupled with the huge prestige established by the Church of the God of Contract in the process of treating the plague, there was a scene of people fleeing with their families.

Now these people have established cities and farms in the southernmost Stranglethorn Valley.

Additionally, your sister, Princess Calia, has become the leader of this group of refugees. "

"Sister? Is it father's calculation and arrangement?"

A sarcastic sneer appeared on Alsace's face.

From the moment he landed ashore, this filial son had already begun to think about how to pay filial piety to his father, the king.

"Yes. At this moment, King Terenas has prepared a triumphal ceremony for you in the capital. If you want to do something, this is the best opportunity."

Baron Rivendell gave straightforward advice.

Arthas nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. In that case, let me give him a huge surprise.

These undead armies brought back from Northrend will be placed with you first.

After receiving my notice, immediately move toward the southwest and kill all the towns and villages along the way.

Remember, don't leave anyone alive. I need to gather a large enough army to serve the Lich King's next plan. "


Baron Rivendell lowered his head again to express his surrender to the most powerful death knight.

After a brief conversation, Arthas took his two most trusted lieutenants during his lifetime, Maven and Farric, and quickly approached the royal capital of Lordaeron along the road.

Since the three of them were already undead and had no idea what fatigue was, nor did they need to eat or rest, it only took them a short time to enter Tirisfal Woods.

Looking at the quiet and peaceful scene around him, as well as the endless stream of businessmen, nobles, and farmers on the road, Arthas subconsciously grasped the hilt of the Frostmourne sword at his waist, and his heart was full of love for this living and beautiful thing. of hatred.

There is no doubt that this is an almost instinctive reaction of undead creatures, and it is also the best embodiment of the opposition between death and life in this universe.

After several minutes, the prince got rid of the strong urge to kill, turned around and asked the adjutant next to him: "Farrick, now that you see these things that you once swore to protect even if you sacrifice your life, how do you feel in your heart?" ?”

"I feel nothing, Your Highness."

Farric immediately responded without hesitation.

As a person with an extreme and paranoid personality like Arthas, although he resisted desperately before being killed and transformed by Frostmourne, now there is only the voice of the Lich King Ner'zhul in his mind, and his self-consciousness has been completely destroyed. suppress.

"What about you, Maven?"

Alsace asked another of his lieutenants.

Maween also replied in a tone without any emotion: "I don't feel anything either, Your Highness. As long as you give the order, I can immediately pull out my sword and kill all living people within sight, even mine." Relatives are no exception.”

"Awesome! This is exactly what I want. Let's go, let us end my father's life in the cheers of these stupid living people, and completely destroy the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron."

Having said that, Alsace tightened his black hood to cover his long hair that had turned from golden to white, and his eyes that exuded a biting chill, and lined up directly towards the gate of the royal capital in the distance. The royal guard of honor walked in the welcoming formation.

Although he has been a death knight for a relatively short time and his body still looks similar to when he was alive, he still inevitably has some undead characteristics.

For example, the skin has no trace of blood at all, and the blue light flashes in the eyes from time to time.

In contrast, Farric and Maven, who were wearing fully enclosed helmets, did not need to worry about being recognized.

When Alsace passed through the city gate amid loud praises from the honor guard, the bell tower above immediately began to make a low and penetrating sound.

Citizens who had been waiting for a long time poured into the streets.

Some of them cheered loudly, some clapped and waved desperately, and many beautiful unmarried girls stood on the second floor of the building and scattered colorful fresh flower petals below.

Perhaps because of some feeling in his heart, or perhaps because he was preparing to say goodbye to the past, Alsace suddenly stopped, caught a falling red rose petal, raised his head and glanced at the man in white. The girl in the long skirt crushed the delicate petals and threw them on the ground, then strode into the palace under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

Father...I have come back to inherit your crown and throne...

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